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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos
[color=deeppink][size=1]Super Mario 64 was one of my favorite mario games ever (outdone only by Paper Mario, lol), so I'm really excited about the DS and both SM64 DS and Paper Mario 2 coming out. Definitely going to be on my Christmas list. I agree with Des though...here's hoping the camera's not gonna be a pain in the ***. God knows it was on the original (at least for me.) I always used to get stuck facing a corner and my little brother would have to get it unstuck. I'm so excited! -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]My ideal anime is the one that makes me laugh hysterically for hours on end, makes absolutely no sense, and involves a great deal sexual innuedo. The consummate FLCL and Excel Saga kind of girl. ;) -Karma[/size][/color]
[quote name='maladjusted][color=firebrick'] Perhaps because Korean and Japanese are two different languages, lol.[/color][/quote] [color=deeppink][size=1]Indeed. Lol, but yea, I read Kill Me Kiss Me and really enjoyed it. The plot isn't anything terribly new, gender benders have seen a major popularity boost in recent manga/manwha releases. However, the characters are interesting, I'm actually rooting for Kun. I don't know why, it's just that the other guy (will anyone ever remember his name?) seems kind of stupid to me. Oh well. I'll definitely be following this manwha. ^.^ -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]Well, I read xXxHolic volumes one and two, and the only things that truly appealed to me was CLAMP's ever-gorgeous art work and costume design and the character of Yuko. The whole Tsubasa-crossover idea is interesting, but in this case I don't like it because I dislike CCS and didn't really enjoy Tsubasa volume one, but when I think about just going through xXxHolic and not reading Tsubasa, I feel as if I'm missing parts of the plot. It's like Tsubasa is taunting me. With a stick. So for now, I think I'll leave xXxHolic alone in light of other, more appealing mangas such as Gravitation and Hana Yori Dango. But hey, if you dig CCS or are just a big CLAMP fan in general, check it out, yo. ^.~ -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]I'd have to say no. Just like any other book in the book store, I want to be able to fully examine what I'm buying before I buy it. If you're antsy about other people touching something before you buy it, then you might as well stop buying all your books, clothing, food, etc, from stores right now because just about everything you buy has probably been touched by somebody else first. I understand the argument that it's not fair to the companies making it that people just sit there and read through the whole series and then not purchase a thing, but in my opinion, when you just read something in a book store and don't own it, you don't really get all the pleasure out of actually having it at your disposal 24/7, unless you spend your entire life at the book store. So, in the end, a manga that someone reads through at the book store and truly enjoys, they will end up buying because they want to be able to have it for themselves. I think if mangas were shrink-wrapped sales might actually go down, because people wouldn't know what they were buying and subsequently wouldn't buy it, or, they might impulsively buy something they thought was good but it wasn't. Therefore wouldn't be able to invest in another manga that they actually would have liked had they seen it beforehand. As for learning all about a series on the internet - no thank you. I have way too many series ruined by spoilers that way, plus, I just don't have the time to research every interesting anime or manga that I happen upon. It's much easier for me to go to the store, read through the first volume to decide if I like it or not and then go from there. Plus, shrink-wrap just turns me off. ;) -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1] OOC: Sorry for disappearing! Donning Bazooka Joe pajama bottoms and a male undershirt, and wielding a mighty stick, Daisy began poking the ground where the aliens had departed. In the past 24 hours, a renegade alien prince had landed, followed in close pursuit by German-speaking Emu-aliens hailing from the dairy planet. They had been driven out by earth shattering decibels coming from Emilio's disturbingly huge DDR speakers, after which there had been a proposal and subsequent almost-acceptance. "I love weddings," Daisy giggled to herself, continuing to poke the spot and completely oblivious to the pink goo now oozing out of the ground, "Emilio will look so beautiful in a wedding gown, and I'm sure Prince Ribbon will look gorgeous too," the goo was now beginning to make unpleasant squelching noises, "Oh and the cake! I must tell Emilio and Ribbon to let me be in charge of the cake. I could make it with marzipan icing and-" her gleeful fantasies were cut short by the now human sized blob of pink goo, which was making very menaching squelching noises. "OH MY GOD!!" she screamed, waking the entire apartment up once again, "IT'S SO CUTE!!" and with a squeal that challenged Emilio's speakers, she leapt onto the blob and began petting it furiously. The blob began to swallow Daisy, and then knocked her unconscious. - On the dairy planet (translated): "Fuhrer, Commander Kase has returned! He was badly injured, the weapons on Earth are much more dangerous than we had predicted! He is in the ICU, sir, and requests your audience!" A dark silhoutte turned his head and nodded, "Very well, I will go to him immediately. You are dismissed." Stepping out of the shadows, a humongous Emu with multi-colored feathers was revealed, walking awkwardly toward the hospital unit of their headquarters. - Back On Earth George Washington and Protiva, both mounted on Smarty Jones and followed by Simon came bursting forth from the hole in the wall where the back door used to be, with squirrel-hunting gun in hand, armed to attack the aliens. However, they came upon a very different, although no less strange, sight - Daisy being molested by a gigantic blob of pink goo. "Unhand her, fiend!" Washington exclaimed, and aimed his gun. The blob showed no signs of complying, or even of comprehension, and continued suffocating Daisy. He shot the blob several times in various places, but it had no effect. "This is just like Buu from Dragon Ball Z! Oh my God, this is like, so cool!" Simon yelped, earning a stare of disbelief from Protiva and one of confusion from Washington. "What is 'Dragon Ball Z?' Is it some sort of threatening device used to inspire fear?" Washington inquired, temporarily forgetting about Daisy, who was turning blue. "You could put it that way." Protiva muttered, remembering long hours of watching repeat after repeat because there was nothing else on T.V. Simon mindlessly gushed over Dragon Ball Z to an attentive Washington, who assumed what Simon was talking about actually existed. Protiva, growing ever impatient, slid off the horse and pulled out Mr. Fuzzy, stabbing the blob violently. The blob shuddered, and fell, releasing a half-dead Daisy into a puddle of pink goo. -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]"Subs are great...blah blah blah...they're the original...blah blah blah...better voice actors...blah blah-" Okay, I'll stop now, no offense to anyone. But I strongly support [I][B]dubbing.[/B][/I] * crowd steps back in shock * To me, one of the most important things in an anime besides well developed character's and plots is the visuals. I immerse myself in them, and try to pick out tiny details which have been drawn in order to enhance the mood, significance, etc, of the scene. Therefore, seeing ugly, pixelated script at the bottom of the screen is very painful for my eyes. To me, while most VA lack some skill, it's not like they're completely inept at conveying emotion. True, you do have the occasional deep voiced monotone actor who makes your ears bleed, but that's usually not the case. I find it much easier to ignore some quirks in the voice and put my imagination to work with reading into what he or she is actually saying, and letting my mind mold the voice to fit the character, even if it only is slightly. If you come into watching a show with the view that most dubs suck, then yea, you're going to notice all the annoying little things that don't add up. But, for the sake of the animation, I don't mind not-incredible VA skills. -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]I got into Furuba through the anime series (the promo DVD was on sale for, literally, one penny at my local FYE) and I quickly purchased the whole series, falling in love with it. The manga promises even more goodness. Since the script writers stayed pretty loyal to the original manga, there haven't been many surprises in the first three volumes, except for a few changes with [spoiler]how Tohru found out Hatori's zodiac animal[/spoiler](that was a mini spoiler, nothing big), so that led to a tiny bit of confusion when I rewatched the anime. However, with more volumes, there promises to be pleanty revealed [spoiler]Including Rin, who is the horse, and whoever is the rooster[/spoiler] since the anime was started and completed while the manga was still running. Another very appealing thing is a different ending, with, hopefully, some more closure on the whole series. Right now, I really can't say whether or not I prefer the manga to the anime. The anime definitely had a lot more comedy (or maybe it's just because I had heard the jokes before), and that's understanable because there's just so much more potential with anime. However, I'm really getting into the story of the manga, and the [i]gorgeous[/i] artwork, and I'm hoping for a good ending, because the one in the anime kind of left you hanging. So, that's all I have to say on that. More updates as new volumes are released! -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]Kenneth appeared through the creaking back door of the apartment building, with a glorious light shining behind him (where the hell did that come from?) and he posed accordingly as hero music played. The young man stopped dead in his tracks and Daisy sank, liquid-like, to the ground, still attached to him by her mouth. "Daisy...er...I think you should put him down..." Kenneth fumbled, wondering exactly how one addressed to topic of a young girl in men's pajamas eating a glowing ribbon-clad man. Daisy spat him out, and he fell to the ground, whimpering and clutching his arm. "Who are you?" she asked suspiciously, eyeing him up and down and putting her hands on her hips. "What do you mean, 'who am I?'" Kenneth asked, raising an eyebrow, "I'm Kenneth, remember?" he looked at her incredulously. Daisy looked at him hard, as if trying to get back something from her memory. Ken suddenly remembered her amnesiac condition, and wondered if this had something to do with it. A single tear trickled down her cheek. "Daisy..." he touched her arm, and looked concerned. Suddenly, the background turned a lovely shade of pink and bubbles and sparklies appeared everywhere. "Uhm, excuse me, I hate to interrupt this most TOUCHING and HEART-WRENDING MOMENT, but I am kind of BLEEDING here, so do you think I could at least get a BAND AID OR SOMETHING?!?!" the young man yelled, seemingly angry and slightly psychotic, as he waved his arm around, which had a perfect imprint of Daisy teeth structure etched into it. The pink background and sparklies disappeared. ;-; Daisy snapped her head up, as if triggered by something. "I have lots of bandaids!" she squealed, and pulled out a handful of grade-A Hello Kitty bandaging, and some Hello Kitty antibiotic ointment to boot. With the skill of a school nurse, she had wrapped his wounds in 5 seconds flat. They both stared at her, and the awkward silence would probably have continued for a lot longer, except for one thing- "Ich bin für den Prinzen gekommen!" the German-speaking alien emu announed, its feathers flying. Protiva wasn't far behind, followed by Charlie. "Where in the name of the 9 muses did that thing come from?!" Kenneth sputtered, as the emu had seemingly appeared from nowhere. Daisy, however, was preoccupied with other things. "You come for the prince? What prince?" Daisy addressed the Emu. The Emu, realizing the strange girl with what seemed to be overdone barely clad Earth females printed all over her clothing understood his language, pulled her aside and they had a brief conversation. Daisy they turned around and climbed the podium (where the hell did THAT come from?!) and spoke to the group of people which had assembled outside. "This is Commander Käse. He has come from planet Molkerei in search of Prince Ribbon (she pointed to the glowing alien man). His people intend on using the Prince as the power source for their Ultimate Weapon, die Moo Moo Kuh. With their ultimate weapon, they shall abduct all the humans in this apartment building for many experimental tests which will probably result in physical and emotinal scarring for the rest of our lives. Any questions?" Daisy smiled brightly and looked around. The audience stared, most of them with twitching eyes and mouths agape. - - - Cultural Notes: Kase means cheese, and Molkerei means dairy. Die Moo Moo Kuh means The Moo Moo Cow. This is all in parody of DBZ. -Karma[/size][/color]
[COLOR=deeppink][SIZE=1]Ooh, intrigue, lots and lots of intrigue. A little bit of romance too! Thus, Shinmaru wraps his fingers a little tighter around the audience's attention. Who exactly is Mr. Smith? What do all these experiments have to do with Jacob? And damnit all, will Jacob and Julia ever get down and dirty?! Lol, j/k. The way it looks now, Jacob and Smith are weapons of some sort, Smith being the prototype, of course. But much of it still remains a mystery. ;-; We all eagerly a n t i c i p a t e your next chapter, Shin. -Karma[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[color=deeppink][size=1]Daisy wandered around the halls, carefully avoiding the quicksand, which was being cleaned up by professional quick sand removers on Friday. (How they were found or where they came from remains a mystery). This place was completely strange to her...she couldn't remember anything before being in a stairway and knocking a bunch of people down. Then there had been a war involving a lot of furry creatures and somebody had been screaming somewhere for a long time, but everything still felt kind of fuzzy. "...where the fuck am I?" she muttered, running her fingers against the forgein, blue floral print. Suddenly, she saw a bright flash of light from outside. Daisy, retaining no real logic or common sense (much like most everyone in horror films), went outside to investigate. A large, shiny object was on the ground behind some scraggly, half-dead watermelon vines, and two creatures with riduclously large heads and minscule bodies were crawling around, squealing. "Um. Well, this doesn't really seem normal, but what do I know. Maybe I can eat them!" she grinned and picked one up by its obtuse head, and proceeded to lift it towards her mouth. The alien squealed in terror and she was almost about to bite down, before a door on the shiny thing opened, and a most glorious creature stepped out. Angels sang in the heavens and rainbows (in the middle of the night, too!) appeared, and light burst forth from the heavens in a blaze of glory. "Put him down!" he yelled, running towards her. The young man (or so it seemed) had light blonde hair and glowing blue eyes (literally, glowing) and he was clad in poofy white pants and a lot of blue striped ribbons, although shirtless. He was muscular, yet lean, and oh-so-gorgeous. Daisy quickled abandoned the small, bizzarre thing for the man, sinking her teeth into his flesh. The young alien man shreiked in terror and ran around the yard, Daisy still firmly gripping his arm with her teeth as she was dragged behind him. This resulted in a great deal of noise, and one by one the lights came on in the apartment rooms... -Karma [/size][/color]
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Surprise, surprise, I'm all natural. I've had my ears pierced three times, and each time they closed up (once the skin actually grew onto the earrings...man taking those things out was a *****.) So right now there is absolutely nothing not-natural on my body except red hair dye. I'm planning on getting a couple ear piercings when I get back from vacation, and [i]maybe[/i] an eyebrow piercing once I turn 18, as a little graduation present for myself. No tatoos though. I don't like the idea of something that can't be removed. -Karma[/color] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, I learned the basics of sex and pregnancy at age 8, from my mother. She, being a nurse, isn't embarassed about it all. I suppose that's how I got my attitude towards it, I'm not embarrassed in the slightest. I learned all the dirty terms, positions, blah blah blah, over the years from various sources. I got my period in 5th grade (sucks to be me), and pretty much used pads from then on. I tried a tampon once, and I really didn't have any trouble figuring out how it got in or anything * o_O; *, but it felt strange so I don't use them often. Midol is a Woman's God. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
Writing Short Story (Some foul language) Looking for Critiscism!
KarmaOfChaos replied to Flashlight's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink] The spacing makes the story look MUCH cleaner and it is a lot easier to read. This is a good short little piece all by itself, if you don't decide to continue it. One thing I would try to stay away from in future stories though is too many "one-liners", or stories full of single lines of description followed by speech or a thought. While it is sometimes necessary, it generally doesn't look very good, and can lead the author into a trap of having shallow or confusing stories. Keep Writing! -Karma[/color][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Des, that's fine if graphics and storyline aren't a big deal for you. You play the game soley for the game. However, some people (like myself) get into the games simply because of the aforementioned qualities. To me, a game's just not worth playing if it's not fun for me to look at, and inspires me intellectually with a good story. This is probably why most people don't label me as a 'gamer' and probably never will--because I don't play the game just for the game. (This is also a big reason why most puzzle and racing games don't appeal to me. Most of the time there's no real story or goal.) There are many different kinds of people who play video games, and for many different reasons. Just picking one (like gameplay) and saying that's the only quality you should focus on as whether or not it makes the game worth it isn't fair to the people who have other tastes. I would never tell someone they were wrong for judging a game with beautiful graphics and storyline badly because they didn't like the gameplay, so the same goes vice versa. -Karma PS: I hope I didn't come off as snobby. I was just trying to defend my point of view on why I didn't like TWW. [/color][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]"Daisy? Daaiiissyyyyy..." Candy called from the third floor. Daisy pricked her ears and then shouted back, "Candy! I'm down here and I found the neatest thing! I don't know what it is, but it's just so cool!" She pushed the slinky back and forth, then squealed with delight. The sounds of someone trying to figure out where they were going were heard, and finally, many resounding 'thump thump thumps' as Candy tumbled down the stairs. Fortunatly, for the blonde, brain damage was not an issue. She stumbled around a bit, and Daisy ran to support her. They both sat down on the floor and Daisy pulled out the slinky. Gasps of wonder from both girls filled the air. "It's so pretty Daisy!" Candy whispered, in awe. "I know...and look, look, watch this!" Daisy whispered back, and poked the slinky. It vibrated back and forth. Their eyes got humongous and they sat entranced. Kenneth walked up behind them, took one look at the both of them, and another large sweatdrop formed at the back of his head. Clearing his throat, he began to speak, making both girls jump into each others arms and scream at the top of their lungs. He quickly plugged both his ears (to prevent damage), and waited until they were done. "Daisy...Candy...it's just me. Jesus." he muttered, and then began to speak again, "We need to find out what that THUMP was, it sounds like someone may have gotten injured. Plus, I believe the circut breaker may be up there, allowing us to get the power back. So...are you coming or not?" Daisy and Candy blinked simultaneously, still hugging each other. "Sure!" The both spoke, in unison. "But um...wait...what about Emilio?" Daisy questioned, looking back at her apartment room. As if on cue, he/she appeared in the doorway. "Hello everyone," he stated, and stared at them all. There was a few moments of silence, then Kenneth simply began marching up the stairs. Daisy and Candy followed suit, holding the slinky between them, and Emilio trailed behind the whole party, looking like something straight out of a French modern art class. When they finally reached the 2nd floor, they found Protiva, sprawled out and unconscious, with blood seeping out of a suspicious looking bite mark on her left palm. "Crap," Kenneth uttered eloquently. Daisy pulled a Hello Kitty bandaid out from seemingly nowhere, and applied it to Protiva's hand. Smiling happily with her handy work, she looked up, only to see a dark figure looming in the stairway to the third floor.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
Writing Short Story (Some foul language) Looking for Critiscism!
KarmaOfChaos replied to Flashlight's topic in Creative Works
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]I really liked the premise of this story, and the feel of it. However, the way it was put together made it rather hard to read. You could definitely clean this up with quotation marks and more attention to grammar and form. Try giving clear and defined paragraphs when necessary,and using quotations for speech, and having spaces between them. For example: "This is how speech should go," she said. 'This is a thought,' he thought to himself. The way you have it now, it is very difficult to tell flashback apart from speech, and to tell speech apart from just descriptive paragraph. Even if you choose against the way I've shown to seperate speech and flashback/thoughts, you should find some way of discerning the two. If you decide to continue on with this story, maybe give some history for the characters and how they arrived at the point in time where the original tale takes place, it would make for a good read. :) -Karma[/color][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink] Everything I have to say, DeathBug has already said. * salutes him * Michael Moore is an self-serving idiot who simply leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I can't believe he used the title to one of my favorite books for his movie. Farenheit 451 is about the government hiding information by giving them false knowledge instead. His movie is basically just a bunch of twisted lies and made up facts to make the government look bad. So basically, he's doing the same exact thing he's trying to implicate the government of doing. Giving out biased, false knowledge to change a point of view. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
Anime Which manga/manwha do you want to be animated?
KarmaOfChaos replied to Dagger's topic in Otaku Central
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]I don't know if Paradise Kiss has yet been turned into an anime, but I definitely think it would be worth it, if they could find some really spectacular animators to work on the outfits. The manga is complete eye candy, and the anime could take that even farther. The plot is substantial enough to make 26 episodes out of it, if the writers added some of their own flair. Also, Kill Me Kiss Me and Boys Over Flowers would be interesting in anime form. Especially Kill Me Kiss Me, if done with a FLCL state of mind, would make for some crazy good humour. Nice thread, Dag. ^-^ -Karma[/color][/SIZE] -
[SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, I'd like to start this off by saying that I really wasn't too fond of Wind Waker. * dodges people throwing rocks * It wasn't just the graphics though, I actually could have dealt with those, as they definitely had their good points. It was the fact that I really didn't enjoy the storyline either. The killing point for me was when I saw the Deku Tree and Kokiri children. At that point, I was just said, "You've got to be kidding me," and laid that game down to rest. Between the strange new graphics and the weird storyline, I just thought they had tried to do too many different things in too little time. Yes Shin, I know you think I'm lame. To the topic at hand, I really love the way this new game looks. I always prefered the traditional, more serious graphics, and I'm hoping the storyline won't disappoint. I'm glad that they seem to be decided against giving Link a real voice actor, because I simply just have gotten used to our silent and sexy warrior. ;) But you never know what they'll decide on adding in at the last minute. I definitely agree with Des on the bigger world though...this game has a lot of potential to be very long but still very interesting if they design the world and enviroment to be both extensive and graphically pleasing. Long story short, I can't really say good or bad at this point. We won't know until we play the game, right? ^.~ -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
[color=deeppink][size=1]Daisy was in the midst of retriving what was left of her cooking, which wasn't really going successfully because it was pitch black and she kept running into things, when she heard several loud crashes up stairs, some eerie spurts of talking, and then a loud string of cursing. Stepping from behind the fride with a giant bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup cradled in her arms, she saw a tall man with goggles and ruffled hair who was running around, screaming curses and holding his hand tightly. Now, this sight was rather amusing, so she started to laugh, but then realized he was acutally hurt, and quickly went in the freezer and got an ice pack. She tapped him on the back to get his attention, and he jumped about five feet in the air and screamed a high pitch scream that almost matched her own, "WHAT THE HELL?!" Daisy blinked, and shyly handed him the ice pack. He looked at, then realized what it was for. "Oh. Thank you! Is there another one of those in there? There's a guy...ehm...girl, er..someone in the hall who's knocked out cold, and he...she...it may need help." She nodded and went in the freezer, pulling out another ice pack. She was about to close the freezer door again when she thought better of it, and grabbed several more just in case. "It's this way," he pointed, and Daisy followed him. Emilio lay there, his left leg occasionally twitching, and mumbling something unintelligable. She ran over, and to Kenneth's surprise, simply picked him up and began up the stairs. "Where are you going?!" Kenneth shouted. "To put him in bed! He's not hurt, he's just sleeping!" She replied cheerfully, and continued up to her room, where she deposited him upon her king-size bed. A sweatdrop appeared behind Kenneth's head, as he followed the oblivous amnesiac. Little did they know, a small contingent of rabid squirrels had gathered in the basement. And these weren't your average, everyday, run of the mill rabid squirrels.These were genetically inhanced rabid squirrels. The new leader squirrel stood on top of a cardboard box, giving a speech to his squirrel minions. It was decided among them that the humans must be erradicated, and that the squirrels could then take over. They spread out, and began setting booby traps all over the basement. Meanwhile, Kenneth was, fruitlessly, trying to get the power back on by flipping switches. Daisy sat in the middle of the hallway, staring at a slinky, when a large thump was heard... -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]There's a lot to be said for the sleep inducing powers of anime music. I'd have to say that the tune that puts me to sleep the best is the opening theme from Fruits Basket. (The name fails me at the moment.) There are also a couple from Cowboy Bebop that are very soft and light and airy, and make me want to curl up in ball on the rug and fall asleep in the sunshine. Favorite music from an anime would probably have to be Cowboy Bebop, because they just did so much original stuff with that. A close second is FLCL, I just adore The Pillows. Favorite music from a video game has to go Legend of Zelda: Ocaraina of Time, just because all the tunes were so catchy, and music has always played a big part in Zelda games. Again a close second is the music from Kingdom Hearts. Gotta love it. -Karma[/size][/color]
[color=deeppink][size=1]Daisy was currently dancing around the kitchen, with several pots of delicious somethings cooking on the stove. She completeled ignored the thumping, stepping, and other noises, including one that sounded like something large tumbling down the stairs, in favor of continuing her cooking. Such sounds she had come to learn were quite normal in this apartment. While in the middle of dancing, she noticed several small furry rodents (known to most of the world as squirrels), scratching at the window. Being Daisy, she did not know that it was not normal for squirrels to be scratching at the window. Grinning happily, she danced over to where they were. "Awwww such cute little furrie-kins! Would you like to help me cook, hm?" they scratched harder, and she squealed, "AWWWW SO ADORABLE!!!" And with that, she opened the window and let them in. Those squirrels...well. It turned out they were rabid squirrels. The leader of the group had rather blood shot eyes, and immedieatly attacked the unwitting Daisy. As it clenched its teeth firmly onto her finger and drew blood, she screamed a high pitched scream that would wake even the most comatose of avid gamers glued to their T.V. screens, and swung it forcefully against a wall, killing it instantly and splattering little squirrel brains all over the lovely, peeling floral print. Another squirrel, enraged by the loss of his comrade, scurried up the wall and got ready to spring at her. But this was not before she could grab a pot of boiling aspargus and slam it into him, thus adding more squirrel brain art to Charlie's wall. This time however, she also smashed a huge hole in the wall, knocking the penny out of its socket and sending the electricity once again on the fritz while the house shook violently against her the force of her pot. For a minute it looked as if the whole house might come down, but fortunatly it remained upright. The apartment settled into complete darkness, and the only sounds that could be heard were the scurrying of several other rabid squirrels, and the indignant activites of the tenants above. Daisy stepped back into the hallway, running into several things in the process. Seeing that the rest of the house was in darkness, she promptly put her finger on her lower lip and went, "Oopsie daisy..." -Karma[/color][/size]
Gaming What was the first game console you ever used?
KarmaOfChaos replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in Noosphere
[color=deeppink]The first game I ever played was A Link To The Past for SNES. And thus began a sick, twisted, and slightly unhealthy obsession with a certain blonde haired fairy boy. The first console that I actually owned was Nintendo 64. =p -Karma[/color] -
[color=deeppink]God that was depressing. I really like how you overlap stories so something happens, but then you have to backtrack to get all the characters up to speed. It makes the story so much more interesting. Only two minor complaints: Once, you used the word inside twice right next to each other (it was in the beginning of the chapter, I think) and it read awkwardly. The other is that when Jacob is in the crowd of people, there are two sentences that seem to conflict about where he's going and they're both worded strangely, so it's hard to make sense of. Neither of these things really impeded me, and both things you can fix pretty quick. I'd still like to know more about your characters...you're keeping us in the dark. ;-; -Karma[/color]