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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=deeppink]Charlie continued down the dark, creepy hallway, and had begun to wish he had brought his darling Charles along. Sighing, he came to an about face at the next door, and with effort that seemed almost painful, he reluctantly brought his fist up to knock. However, before he could, the door swung wide open revealing a huge grinning face, several flashes of red and purple plaid, and two hands swinging dangerously close to his face. And, thus, he was enveloped in a giant bear hug from the overtly tall female clad in male pajamas. "HI CHARLIE!" Daisy squealed, "I heard you coming down the hall!" Charlie looked as if he couldn't breathe. In fact, he was turning a lovely shade of indigo. She released him and he sank to the floor, gasping for air. He looked up her and, twitching severly in his right eye, screamed, "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?! YOU ALMOST SUFFOCATED ME!" Daisy blinked. "I saw two people doing it on the street today. They looked awfully happy doing it. Was it wrong Charlie? Am I bad?" She looked as if she were about to cry. Charlie twitched a couple more times and remembered that Daisy had amnesia. Not only did she not know her own strength, she didn't know any social etiqutte. Well, he couldn't really boast over knowing that much about it either, but at least he didn't go around hugging his landlord! He'd be cheating on Charles if he did that! Not to mention, he'd be hugging himself. Sighing, he got up and said, "It's okay Daisy. But, in the future, don't go around hugging people unless they ask you for it. Wait. They could be some creepy weirdo looking for..." he blushed severly, "Uhhhhhjustdon'thuganybodyokay?Okay!" He grinned nervously and was about to run away, but then he remembered his reason for being here. "OH! Daisy, do you have the rent?" She stared at him a few moments, racking her brain. "Ooh! The green papery stuff that they traded me for the pajamas! Yes, I have it." She smiled brightly. Charlie stood there, expectantly waiting. Daisy didn't move. After about five minutes, he was getting slightly annoyed. "Well, are you going to go GET it?" "Oh! OH! Of course, sorry!" She ran into her apartment, pulling out the appropriate bills (Charlie had taught them to her earlier), and returned, dropping them cheerfully into the bucket. "Thank you." Charlie sighed the sigh of relief. Thank God that was over. He continued down the hall, while Daisy went skipping in the other direction, to parts unknown. Presumbly the kitchen.[/color][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, I'm going to college to get a degree in animation and CG, then I'm either going to work for someone (I'll go to Disney and show 'em how it's done! XD) or start my own company. Rough draft of my future, lol. But why should I have to leave OB? If the creator, who is a college student, can find time to actually run the place, why wouldn't I have time to participate? -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  3. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink] and he exclaimed, "Oh my sweet father in heaven, it's my Aunt Mary!" Jumping out of his car, he... -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  4. [QUOTE=Conna_da_fox][size=1][color=darkblue] Ginta and Arimi (Marmalade Boy) - I don't know why, just them together really irritates me. I really liked the pairing of Ginta and Miki, even though I love Miki and Yuu together. I think either one is great. But I just don't like Arimi with Ginta. I can't explain why I don't like them together, I just think Arimi would be better off with someone else.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Yea, I was never fond of this one either. It seemed like the author was just pushing the rejects of Yuu and Miki together because she needed somewhere to put them. They really didn't fit personality wise. Arimi was a noble, but somewhat arrogant person, while Ginta was just this happy-go-lucky whatever person. In my opinion, that would only make Arimi disdain him, not like him. Oh well. I'm not author. ;-; -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  5. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]That's an interesting idea, that you're born with your true name, even though you may not know what it is. I also know of pleanty psychic 'advisors' who would have a hayday with it. Anyway, true names aside, I think there's a lot of power in given names, too. After all, when you hear your name being called, you can't resist looking up or give some sort affirmation that you heard them, right? Names also hold meanings that are tied to the language/culture that they originate from. (For example, Erin, my name, means Eire, or Ireland, which is where the name came from.) So they tie us down to our cultural heritage. Plus, it's something your parents (or whomever takes care of you) gave you, and most of them give it with all the love and affection that occurs between a child and his or her guardian. So it's a bond between families, both blood and non. Alas, I think I kind of went in a different direction than you intended this thread to go in. You're looking for stuff more along the lines of myths and legends that have something to do with the idea that if you know someone's name, you have power over them. I can't say I'm familiar with anything of that sort, but I'll keep my eye open. I'm sure there's pleanty of legends about it. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  6. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, I think this is one of those things that really is different for every person. Things like religious beliefs, physical health, emotional health, and mental health play a very big part chi/ki, and the stronger you are in each of these, the more likely you are to feel comfortable with yourself and be able to find calm and truly get in touch with your chi. I believe that we have some sort of mixture between soul and energy in our bodies and that the more we are in tune with it, the better our state of mind and body will be. I do not, however, think there is a simple process to getting in touch with it, it is an individual journey based on experience and personal feelings. Meditation is one of the best tried-and-true methods for getting in touch with your chi, as are certain forms of martial arts. But again, it's different for each person. As far magical balls of chi...I've got to say that I find that a highly unlikely thing. I definitely wouldn't want any of my chi leaving my body to go blow something up. I'd rather use it for energy to get up at 6 AM, ya know? I really don't see how spontaneous combustion or how much we use our brains relates to chi...(if it does, does that mean if we have more or less chi, we have a higher rate of blowing up randomly? How about if someone is really stupid and only uses 8%...does that mean he can't access his chi?) -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  7. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Stranded, by far, was the best. The rhyme made it flow well, and you illustrate clearly the feeling you are trying to convey. The feeling of helplessness, and watching someone else self-destruct while you stand and watch is indeed a painful feeling, and that comes through with your poetry. I also liked I'm Sorry, because you could tell from the way you wrote it that there was a story, and a lot of emotion, behind it. I especially liked the repetition you used, it made the effect of lingering a powerful message. Crimson Reprive and Nightmare Reality seemed to me more along the lines of just stringing together rhymes to morbid images, there wasn't a clear message or thought, which made the entire poems seem superflous. Try to stay away from poetry that is just angsty and depressing with no real purpose or message. The last two also didn't stand out because they were love poems that were about the same old things that people have been ranting about for centuries. Use caution when writing love poems, because unless you can put a new twist on an old theme, you'll just be repeating somebody else and boring the reader. Your poetry has potential, I'd like to see you flesh out your talent as a writer. :) -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  8. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, there goes my favorite character. ;-; Sorry I've taken so long to start reading this, I only discovered a couple days ago, and I haven't had a good chunk of free time to go through it all. But now that I have, I shall add myself to the list of your loyal followers and reviewers! As Arcadia said, you have a unique matter-of-fact style that is different from a majority of books, and I enjoy reading it. The tints of humour (I loved the part where Dr. Milo pokes him with the stick and then declares him healthy.) are a very nice touch to the creepy, enigmatic feel of story. You do a good job with giving a character a particular 'trademark' quirk. However, this leads me into a bit of constructive criticism. (Don't cringe.) If you develop the habit of simply identifying a character by one singular trait or quirk, you risk having a story full of 2-D characters that are very boring. I saw you making strides to correct that when you began to flesh out the boy from the bakery, turning him into a romantic psycho instead of just a psycho. But then you killed him off. ;-; So much for progress. My advice would be to give Jacob and Julia a bit more umph to their personality. While Jacob may have the obsession of validating his existence, I'm sure he has some other kind of traits that could work themselves into the story. The same applies for Julia. Their past consumes them, but they are still people. I must say Shin, I like reading this story very much. I never was very good a coming up with twists in plots and holding things back so that the reader can find out later, and I admire your ability to do so. The style is very creative. I've never read Catch-22, but another book that this story reminded me of was 1984. But I'm hoping there will be a happier end then there was in 1984, because the ending in 1984 made me want to cry. >.> Good luck with continuing this story, and rest assured I will be following it from here on in. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  9. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]One time when I was 5, my mother, father, and I all went to Blockbuster. About an hour later, I couldn't find them anywhere, so I figured they had just left me there. So what did I do? I did what any normal, logical-minded 5-year old would do. I walked home. Turns out, they were in the back of the video store the whole time. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  10. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]James brought up a good point. Sometimes, we find it necessary to change ourselves so that people, with their neverending bias', won't think us less capable. This applies not only to piercings and the clothes we wear, but out religion, race, and customs. For example, I was reading an article the other day about how a man used his middle name instead of his first name, which was ethnically revealing, on job resumes, and he got a lot more calls than when he used his first name. Which really is depressing, but not surprising. So I suppose when one must fit into society for basic survival reasons (job interviews, dinner parties, and the like :p), it may be necessary to change things about yourself. But when it comes down to 'fitting in' with friends and family, especially during the high school years, often times people change themselves for acceptance on a personal level, rather than professional. Goth, prep, emo, punk, hip hop. We all find a clique, a group to fit into so we can feel accepted. And that's fine. The problem becomes when you are doing things that hurt you, or go against what you believe in, to fit in. Yet, it's also very detrimental to be an outcast, to feel unloved and unwanted. So the question becomes...is it better to fake it, or to be exiled? -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  11. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]"'If you strip down all human beings to their core, you'll find the same stuff,' claims Towle...'You will find fear of rejection, fear of abandoment, fear of being controlled, fear of being unloved and the desire to love and be loved." -Phil Towle, [U]The New York Times Magazine[/U] [I]Band on the Couch [/I] (June 20, 2004) This quote is from an article about the filming of Metallica's "Some Kind of Monster". It really is a basic list of why we do what we do, including a lot of the stupid things. The title of this thread is about how much we 'fake it' in order to fit in, because we fear rejection, being unloved, etc. I don't think I know anyone who hasn't tried to change themself somehow so that they (in their minds) fit the status quo of whatever group they want to belong in. Whether it be from the way you dress, to the way you act, to illegal substances you've done, this thread is for stories about how you've 'faked it' in order to fit in, and what exactly, in your opinion, is the limit (if any), for being someone you're not. I've had a long, involved, and somewhat pitiful history with faking it. I'd lie about myself and things I'd done to make me seem funnier or more appealing. Lying became a part of who I was, until I really couldn't tell where my truths ended and my lies began. I'd try to be talktive and flirtatious when I really didn't want to, and it was against everything I felt. All of this slowed down a lot in the last months of my freshman year, when I realized that doing these things was only attracting people I didn't want in my life. So where is the limit? Personally, I think truth is always the best route, except when telling it would only hurt people's feelings and not benefit you in anyway. But lies are told, they perpetuate more lies, until reality seems to blurr. So, in my opinion, one should avoid 'faking it' at all costs. -Karma [/color][/SIZE]
  12. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]I guess the real question here is "Is it better to get several mangas in a magazine, or buy your own in volumes?" I really prefer buying in volumes, because with a magazine, not only can you not choose which manga you're getting, you can't choose which volume, either. I also tend to shy away from reading several mangas at a time, because I get plotlines easily confused. As far as Viz versus Tokyopop, I guess I buy more from Tokyopop, but I don't think there's much of a difference, quality wise. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  13. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink] [b]Name:[/b] She's not quite sure, but she seems to be under the impression that it's "Daisy" [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Description:[/b] She's 5' 8" with long, dark brown hair, wide blue eyes, and cute, but rather blank features. She hasn't been seen wearing anything other than men's pajamas. Her favorites are a pair with blue stripes, and another with black, brown and pink plaid. [b]Biography:[/b] Poor, sweet Daisy has amnesia. She spent days wandering around town with a suitcase full of money until she came upon a local clothing store specializing in male accutruments. She spent almost every bit of the money on men's pajamas, and only stopped buying pairs until she had completely wiped out the store of it's masculine nightwear supply. Having little to no money, she wandered around, looking for someplace nice and cozy to stay until she could figure out exactly how she got here. This first place she stumbled into was Charlie's apartment. Being completely oblivious to everything, she agreed to staying for as long as she could pay for it. [b]Reason For Moving In:[/b] It was the first place she wandered into. Well. Besides that men's clothing department store. [b]Idiosyncracies:[/b] Daisy will often burst out laughing hysterically for reasons known only to herself. She also has a bad case of road rage...when someone is stupid enough, or crazy enough, to let her drive. She is a rather talented cook, and knows her way around the laundry room, but other than that she has no real talent at anything, unless of course you count getting through 2 hours traffic in 10 minutes through a series of illegal driving moves a talent. And, as is clear from previously said mishaps, Daisy has an obsession with men's pajamas, and is a sleepwalker/talker/dancer/you get the point as well. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  14. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]I have to say, that overall I prefer dubs. Quality is getting a lot better, and quite frankly, many Japanese voices kind of annoy me. That, and my attention is very easily distracted, so sometimes I'll be paying attention to what they're actually saying, and I'll miss the translation and have to go back, or I'll be reading the translation but I won't be able to focus on what's going on otherwise. With English, it's a lot easier for me to understand the emotion they are trying to portray, and I'm not distracted by anything. Of course, I'm not saying that I don't prefer a sub to a dub every now and then, but overall, I like my English. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  15. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink] Well, are you looking for manga, or anime? The two, while irrevocably intertwined, are both very different as well. As far as manga, I'm pretty new to the genre myself, but I can definitely suggest [i]Marmalade Boy[/i] or [i]Kill Me Kiss Me[/i] for romantic comedies. As far as anime...if you're going for serious, Cowboy Bebop is an excellent place to start. If you want a romantic comedy, go for Fruits Basket. And if you want something that's just totally out there...Fooly Cooly is the way to go. -Karma [/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][color=deeppink]Well, I'm relatively new on the manga scene, but most of what I have read, I have enjoyed. [b]Marmalade Boy[/b]: This was the very first manga I ever picked up, mainly because of it's 'underground popularity'. The plotline never fails to amuse and the drama usually isn't overdone. I liked the art style, which is reminiscent of Sailor Moon, and it is overall a cute little manga. Currently, all 8 volumes are here in the U.S. in English (and have been for awhile now), although I have no clue about plans to release the anime. If drama and romance is your cup a' tea, and you get a chance to check this manga out, do so! [b]Wish[/b]: Quite honestly, this manga was disappointing. While the artwork remained beautiful (as CLAMP has a reputation for), the plot line seemed like some one's rough draft or outline of a plot, rather than something finished and complete. The ending seemed rushed, and there were various 'plot holes' most of which were only half-resolved, or completely unresolved and left the reader quite confused. All whopping 4 volumes are here in the U.S. in English. I wouldn't recommend this one. [b]Fake[/b]: My friend actually got me interested in this one. She had Vol. 1, and my other friend had Vol. 2, and from then on I was hooked. This manga is the tale of one unrequited lover and another confused one. With an American backdrop that made for an interesting change and a decent plotline other than the romantic one, with another sub plot, this manga definitely wasn't lacking on the content end. The art style took some getting used to, but it grew on me. The only complaint I have is the fan-service yaoi scene exstension at the end which really wasn't necessary. But c'est la vie. All 7 volumes are in the U.S. in English. [b]Paradise Kiss[/b]: The same one who got me into Fake got me into this one too. I must admit, I completely fell in love with the quirky art style and gorgeous clothing these characters wore. For me, where the plot line lacked or got old, the art style made up for it. If you're a fan of over the top gorgeous, and slightly effeminate artwork, this manga is for you. I know they have up to volume 4 in English, but after that I am not sure. [b]Boys Over Flowers[/b]: Another cute romance one, with it's own interesting twists. One of my favorite things about this manga is the different approach she takes to drawing boys. Sadly, I've only read volume one, so I can't really say either way whether this one is worth it or not, but the beginning is promisisng. [b]Kill Me Kiss Me[/b]: The title attracted me to this manga. So far, I absolutely adore the characters, who have much more depth than your usual high school romance manga. (Especially the look-alike cousins.) It took me awhile to get used to non-Japanese names (I believe this manga has it origins in Korea or Taiwan or something.), but they're okay once you get into the story. Currently there are volumes 1 & 2 in English, and I am avidly awaiting 3. As far as how I start reading a manga...I usually don't go for main-stream mangas like Kenshin or Inu-Yasha. If I happen to hear the name of something one too many times for me to ignore (like Marmalade Boy), I will try to investigate it, but usually the manga suggestions from a friend of mine named Luna. -Karma[/color][/SIZE]
  17. [QUOTE=maladjusted] [color=firebrick] Actually, the creator of Gundam Wing didn't even intend for a big relationship to be in the show. Simply, he doesn't care. Lol. Just wanted to say that.[/color][/QUOTE] [SIZE=1][color=deeppink] Point well-noted. However, taken the subject of this thread, we're assuming there IS a relationship there. And while it may not be a main focus, or even a big sub-plot, it still is part of who the characters are and why they chose to do what they do. Perhaps I overexaggerated their relationship. It certainly isn't a big part of the show. I was just pointing out that the characters act as foils of each other, driving each other to be better, or stronger, or wiser. All I was trying to say is that Relena is not some idiot girl following Heero around like a lost puppy. * bows * Besides, since when did YOU ever care what the creator wanted? ;) -Karma PS: Love you mal.[/color][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink]* Joins Queen Asuka * Why DO all of you hate Relena so much? Unlike half the [i]stupid moronic wimpy[/i] chicks in anime, she's a strong person who holds to her beliefs and morals no matter what. She truly wants peace, and throughout the series, this turns from a naive girl's wish to a determined woman's goal. The relationship between Heero and Relena is a lot deeper than most of you are caring to glance at. She's the one person he couldn't kill, the mission he couldn't complete. She left him questioning everything he ever believed to be true. He, on the other hand, was one of the biggest driving forces in her mind, pushing her constantly to do better, to somehow find a solution. She's searching for him and for answers, but deep down, Relena realizes she's going to have to do this alone. So all of you people who are bashing her for being a crazy psycho stalker *****, I ask you: What kind of ***** wants peace for everyone, and to stop mindless killing? And crazy? Who exactly in that show isn't crazy? I'd love for someone to point them out to me. I understand this thread is for showing which couples you hate the most. But honestly, the reasons some of you Relena haters are giving are pathetic and unfounded. I have no problem with someone who gives reasons that are obviously well-supported and argument that is logical and believable. Just saying you hate Relena because she's a crazy psycho stalker ***** is NOT a good argument. Quite frankly, I'd expect better quality from some of these posts. -Karma[/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink]I am indeed, going as well. Unless for some reason we can't find a way to get there, which is highly unlikely. Anyway, Shinmaru, OtakuSennen, instantramen47 (I think), and myself, are meeting in the Anaheim Convention Center Lobby on the third day of the convention, which will be the 4th of July, at around noon. So, if you're planning on going and want to meet up with us, let us know so we can look for you! I think Sennen is planning on wearing a sign, so it shouldn't be that hard to find us, lol. ^^;; The convention is bound to be a lot of fun, what with the cosplayers, Trade Room goodies, and workshops. So if you think you can be there, do all within your power to get there! -Karma EDIT: I will be there all 4 days of the convention, so if you're not going to be there on the 4th, I can still meet up with you before or after then. Shinmaru, sadly, will only be there on the 4th, and Sennen will be there the 4th and 5th.[/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  20. [FONT=Arial][SIZE=1][color=deeppink]One character that really turned a knife in my stomach was Akito from Fruits Basket. Now, understand, he was a beautifully done character for the purpose he was to serve in the plot, but everything about him was self-centered and weak. He projected his weakness onto others by destroying them and everything they loved. To me, Akito represents a cancer right in the heart of the Sohma family, spreading in every direction, but he cannot be gotten rid of, because as a cancer he has consumed and replaced the core of the family. He suffers, and therefore everyone else must suffer, even the seemingly joyful characters have pain because of him. Akito's character isn't reconciled until the end, and you see a healing of the cancer itself. However, I still hate the character Akito is throughout the series. Makes me want to cry. ;-; -Karma [/color][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink]The character that really and truly stands out in my mind as bloody annoying is Ayeka from the several Tenchi series'. Her dubbed voice made you want rip your ears out to silence her, and her high and mighty "I am better than you all because I'm a princess" attitude made me wish I could just...you know...eradicate her from the face of the Earth. Plus, she was the rival for my favorite Tenchi character, Ryoko. In short, Ayeka deserves to die. I can't really think of any other anime characters that really bugged the piss out of me, except those from Steel Angel Kurumi, but I hated that entire series anyway. Rini/Reeny/Chibi-Usa was pretty annoying, but I never found her intolerable. -Karma[/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink]Dagger dearest, you've really let the cat out of the bag with this one. I must admit, reading this entire thread, half the time I couldn't stop laughing. This was mostly over the Gundam Wing and Final Fantasy XII debates, and the people trying to get straight down to it what the billions of different terms mean. But this really is an interesting thread. I just have one or two points to comment on though. Gay/Lesbian Terminology: There is an infinite number of terms and names used to describe varying levels of relationships between homosexual couples. However, there are very few for straight. Honestly, I could do without a LOT of the terms that they use, and cut it down to two questions: Is the relationship supported by the series, and Do they have sex? However, the world doesn't revolve around me and my opinion, so in light of that, perhaps we could have someone put together a dictionary of terminology for relationships, both homo and hetero? I believe it would be VERY helpful when it comes to debates. Canon VS. Non-Canon and Everything Inbetween: It used to bug me when people pulled relationships out of nowhere, and wrote a fanfiction about it. Then, one must realize that you can't control what pairing people chose to find out of where. I enjoy reading fanfictions on all the crazy and unique relationships people come up with that are entirely absent from the series, simply because it's interesting to see one person's portrayal of how two characters interact where otherwise there would be no interaction of the sort. I of course have my own opinions as to which couples really would work, but that I keep to myself unless asked. Favorite Shounen Ai/Shojo Ai Series': Revolutionary Girl Utena and Fake, respectively, although I am very interested in seeing and reading Gravitation. I would like to end this with a quote: "A mind is like a parachute. It only works when open." -Karma PS: Speaking of debates...I finally replied to your post in the Fruits Basket thread, Dagger. Please go see it! :smooch: [/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  23. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial][color=deeppink]Wow, it's been awhile, Dagger dearest. Sorry I haven't replied to this sooner! First of all, to address the alternate love interests - you definitely caught my attention by bringing up a Yuki X Haru relationship. I must admit, I never really thought of it before, because I was so focused on Tohru and Yuki. But that would indeed be very interesting. However, if that happened, I would have to insist that a Kagura x Kyo would be in the future. As Molleta said, Kyo is a very passionate person, and so is Kagura. A relationship between the two of them would be fiery and full of comedy, but also of deep and powerful love. Hatsuharu and Yuki are much calmer, subdued characters, and their love would be the exact opposite, a gentle kind of caress, but just as powerful. Where does that leave Tohru? With Shigure and Ayame of course! XD I must admit, I've always wanted to see where that one would go. So, to have my final say on what has truly been a good debate: Although any of these relationships would work, and none of them would be disappointing, my choice would be that Tohru end up with Yuki and Kyo with Kagura, because I believe that, overall, they would be happier in those relationships. Yuki would treat Tohru with all the gentleness and respect she deserves, and Kagura wouldn't LET Kyo treat her with anything less. To me, Kyo and Tohru are much better off as friends. -Karma[/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  24. [color=deeppink][size=1] See? I told you I'd reply/review it. :D This story is great Solo! You successfully blend parady and comic relief into a story with an actual plot line of sorts, which in the end makes for a very enjoyable read. Sorry I haven't commented on it in so damn long. ^^;; Heh, I noticed my apperance. * bows * Thank you Solo. ^.~ Anyway, only one suggestion: What has happened to our real selves? I am a firm believer in suspension of disbelief(I do it everyday), but I [i]am[/i] curious. Perphaps a chapter devoted to explaining it? Or a sub chapter? That's my two-cents. -Karma [/color][/size]
  25. [color=deeppink] Point conscended. It is Tohru's positive influence that does indeed make them much better able to deal with emotions and life in the long run, and Yuki most likely recover, although he would be seriously stung. My point is, that Yuki probably would be hurt worse because Tohru was the very first person to love him and open up to him completely, trusting him and in the end allowing him to trust others. Kyo has love, and although there is no doubt that Tohru brings that out and makes him see it, and that she changes his life radically and understands him in ways no one else does, Kazumi and Kagura also share understanding with Kyo that Tohru will never have. Yuki never had that. True, Ayame loves him in his own special way, as does Shigure, but they don't really bond with him in a way that is nuturing and (I want to say healthy, but I think that's crossing the line...XD). Yuki would be hurt worst, Kyo has others to fall back on. I'm also bias against Kyo because I think he's a selfish bastard. (Don't look at me like that Dagger. You did it too.) I guess I'm trying to say that it's really Yuki who would benefit most, and in the end, Tohru as well. Because no one really thinks about what Tohru wants. But I think that having a relationship with Yuki would be much better for HER and her character (development wise), because quite frankly, Yuki treats her better. No no, here come the Kyo fangirls...I'm not trying to put down their relationship, or say it's not as meaningful as Yuki and Tohru's, but Kyo's kind of affection is brash and harsh, and while Yuki does have a hard time showing his affection, when he does, it's in a way that doesn't make Tohru feel threatened or that he might be angry with her. In fact, it makes her feel like the relationship has gone even deeper, because he's sharing his soul with her. It's one of those 'they deserve this, for themselves and for each other' things. Yea, life isn't fair, but this is anime. ^.~ -Karma PS: You know I love you Dagger. :smooch: [/color]
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