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Everything posted by KarmaOfChaos

  1. [color=deeppink] [b]Name:[/b] Trysta Lovaine [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] Long brown hair with dark red highlights, pulled back in two ponytails. She usually wears long baggy jeans, a black tanktop, oversized black jacket, and dirty old Nike sneakers, among a few other salvaged pieces of clothing. She also has a black leather choker and a necklace with a heart pendant her best friend gave her. [b]Bio:[/b] Trysta was the daughter of a middle class family, which was suffering some emotional problems and financial issues when the scar came ripping through the world and throwing everything into chaos. She was in the basement of her Tennessee home, sulking, when the shattering ripped most of their house apart and both her parents were either devoured or taken. Her best friend was also killed, Trysta found her half-destroyed corpse in the middle of a field outside both of their homes. Through luck and chance she survived, and now runs a half-empty shell of a subway system, taking the few people that are left to and from places all over several cities, etching out a life of the remains. She wants to recreate the transportation system that once was, and has been practicing in secret her flying skills, as she used to fly crop dusters to earn extra money. She swears she'll get revenge for the death of her friend, however much of a fool's errand it might be. She has nothing else to live for. Her personality is hopelessly optomistic. She knows she can't win, but is going to try her hardest anyway. Her determination is often her weakness, as it drives her to do thoughtless things, and she's very impulsive. [b]Weapon:[/b] An odd sort of spear formed of tractor blades and a sanded down wooden pole. She's become quite skilled with it. -Karma [/color]
  2. [color=deeppink] It's Christmas Eve, and I felt a deep need to write a poem like this. Happy Holiday's everone. I love you all. =) Merry Day To everybody on my list I want to wish A very Merry Day I know this hasn't been this best year But now I've got something to say, so please listen dear I know we've suffered some pains we'll never forget But let's not give up just yet Through all the tears we cried upon eachother What matters most is that we actually had another To release our salty memoirs of tragedy upon Someone to listen to our melancholic song So, love, I'll put my Santa hat on for you And smile real big, dressed in a snowy blue I'll light all 8 candles and they'll burn like the hope That held us all here, clinging to such a sweet rope We'll dress in colorful Kwanza costumes And dance until we've forgotten our doom. I hope you have a very Merry Day For whatever you celebrate Even nothing at all And remember that I'm here to catch you Should you slip of the edge and start to fall. Everyone rushes to buy materialistic gifts As if those every meant anything Everyone, I have just one wish That you forget all the silly things And remember the only reason We're here for this holiday season Is because we had eachother all along. I want to wish you a very Merry Day, Hush now, there's nothing left to say For right now, we're all okay And that's all we needed anyway. I want to wish you all a very Merry Day. -Karma [/color]
  3. [color=deeppink] Mitch, you're so lazy :p * bites him * Now, on to the poetry: "Song for a Miner": Interesting poem, with gorgeous imagery, as always. "Rain down and melt this land of mine" Awesome double meaning of the word mine. It was utterly perfect. This poem has a 'rebirth' feel to it, with all the washing away and erasing and such. I'm not sure if you did it on purpose, but you leave it open as to what is washing away, either rain or the liquid metal of the mines. Quite interesting, as I said before. ^-^ It would be fun to see this played to a tune, a miner actually singing it as he pounds away at the earth....you never know, it could happen! ^.~ -Karma [/color]
  4. [color=deeppink] Mitch, you're a freak. But it's...a good kind of freak. The kind that you see walking down the hallway and you go 'hey' and he kind of stares at you for a second, then shakes his head as if in a daze and responds with a quiet murmur of hello. Wow, that was completly off-topic. Anyway... This was, indeed, a very interesting piece. And oh-so-true. The number of times I've seen the F-word etched into bathroom stalls is countless. I don't even [i]use[/i] the school bathrooms if I can avoid it. Although, curious thoughts do come to mind when in a bathroom. Like why anyone would WANT to know what you want to do Michelle...and for that matter, why don't you tell Michelle herself? Also, considering you're in a gender-specific bathroom, you do realize Michelle will never see this? The level of stupidity in high-schoolers is rising. Like high-tide at midnight, washing away the grains of intelligence. O.o -Karma [/color]
  5. [color=deeppink] [b]Jus'[/b] Struttin' down Pandora's street Sexy stalkin' with bare white feet Smirking silent secrets C'mon lady, let's just leave it Winking words, hush your mouth Swimmin' with clothes on, soaked and doused Little red chevy Whoever said we needed to be ready Jus' get in and go Laughin' in the mud As your horse chews his cud Jus' get back up again Mare's only waitin' for you to say when Crumpled notes in the back A tumble in the sack Keep on goin' till you've hit the end The press rewind and start it again Waitin' aint gonna get you nothin' Ignore the doubt and blare rock n' roll din Cherry red lips wish the kiss Jus' lean in and hope you don't miss. [b]Song[/b] Softly singing words of sweet solitude Humming clandestinely to your quiet self A secret song of your own heatbeats A melody made of you Violins made of heartstrings, The rhythmatic pusling of a heart's drum Lyrics etched in salty blood Your eyes spoke the words you sang inside Blissful echoing of a soul's choir Echoed away into silence But you could still hear it in your head The music made of you May it never fade away This song that belongs to you The lyrical, satirical, musical love With an off-beat rhythm played blues A harmonized crescendo The notes written upon your soul. [b]Words[/b] Your superflous, ranting words Keep pounding in my ears Continuing on for all of forever As I try to lose my ability to hear Dejected, beaten down and exhausted Like a patient injected With your accusing, hateful words As slowly my soul is infected. Spilling tears of unwanted fears Effect of your screaming soliloquy My own sorrows suffocate me Blinded by cries, I cannot see. -Karma [/color]
  6. [color=deeppink] What a delightful twist on the story of Mother Nature. The imagery in this little short story was amazing Mitch. You well live-up to your reputation. The eloquence of your words paints a stunning movie inside my head, almost as if you had drawn them in there yourself. [/color][quote][size=1] "Her flowers move up and down as she moves her head around and glares at the butterfly in different views. She looks at its wings, at its beady little dead eyes, at its smallest features. And just as she caught it she lets it fly down on the ground, and she smushes it with her bare feet, her toenails long and bent, wicked as what she is doing seems."[/size][/quote][color=deeppink] This part really stood out. I could see the girl, with her rotted flowers as her head tilts about in sick curiousity. The expression on her face, of interested, and then spitefully happy, letting the butterfly be crushed. Especially the expressions. With very few words, you manage to convey a range of emotion and detail not many can master. The idea of this story is, in and of itself, quite interesting. So many times we hear these happy tales of how Earth was created with loving hands, tender and gentle. But here, it is turned arounded completly, presenting the idea that the world was born not of love but of pain, a terrible aching that was suffered to achieve such beauty. And if truly thought about, this idea seems to make more sense then the happy fairytales we were told as children. With so much pain in the world, it's existance being incorporated into the very soul of our being and fueling our core thoughts, emotions, and desires, would it not make sense that the Earth, where it all started, was also created through pain? Unique train of thought, as always. [/color][quote][size=1]"Pain also escaped from within the Earth in this way, and when she first stepped out into the rapidly developing world, and saw it for the first time, she gazed in glory and awe. She could not believe how beautiful it appeared to be. And even though her form was wasted away, a bleeding wound that ached all over, she managed to smile through raw lips. "[/size][/quote][color=deeppink] This is a forceful, impacting ending. Not only is the imagery harsh and raw, but the thought is powerful as well. Even through all the pain, the suffering she had to endure to create this beautiful world, she was still smiling, if but for the already doomed world. Truly excellent. -Karma PS: I wrote this at like...3 AM on Wordpad two days ago. o.o;; [/color]
  7. [color=deeppink] The Turning: This poem has a [i]wonderful[/i] feel to it. As both Arcadia and Drix said, it told a story, and flowed at a nice pace. The ending was hopeful yet grounded, and you didn't stray from the truth and reality of the story and into the metaphorical oblivion that some writers tend to succumb to. Very nice piece. Salvador: A poem about a poet of paint. I loved this poem. You seem to take the artists' picture and translate it into words. Quite eloquent, Dagger. ^-^ Red Delicious: First of all, that is a [i]great[/i] metaphor, between the apple, the skin, and the blood. This one made you think. "Her knife had cut a little flap of skin, shaped like half the moon. She'd been slicing the reddest apple ever seen since Eden, or earlier." You use beautiful imagery here, of the cut into the skin of both the girl and apple, shaped like the moon. "Try, if you will, to extract her emotions from the empty kitchen, her half-peeled apple. Even the slightest pain stings more deeply in solitude." I'm assuming you're using the kitchen for a metaphor of her soul/body, etc. She is empty and bleeding. You end it succinctly with the message that all pains are greater when you are alone. My only complaint about this poem was that it was hard to follow, and you seemed to jump over strings of thought right into another. But otherwise, a great poem. Overall great work Dagger! I'm glad I finally got around to commenting...^^;; Post more! -Karma [/color]
  8. [color=deeppink] Sweetness You're all sweetness Sugary love deep within my soul Ecastatic, erratic completeness Just being with you makes me whole Born from the quiet, hidden pools of water in your eyes Echoing, rippling, shaking my flesh straight down the bone A beautiful, dripping, aquatic sigh Naked in birth of realization, made of your existance. Sweetly drawn in shades of charcol You sketched my heart out in grays and blacks Outlined in blue hue the deepness of my soul Skilled artist's handicraft Creating belated perfection in the simplicity of a truth The simple sweet truth Is that I love you Raw and bleeding kiss uncouth That is what it is. Sweetness, we're so imperfect And that's the beauty of it all These wonderful defects Are what makes this love real. Reality is honesty and pain But happiness is there too And though this sporadic, spastic world drives us insane Know that this moment, I love you. I can't predict the future I don't pretend to understand forever All that matters is the here and the now Sweetness, we are together, forget the why and how. I am your love's creation Sweetness like Christmas calendar chocolates And that extra sugar square in your tea Sweetness, I love thee. Like Shakespeare's eloquence Your devotion wrote me into existance Sacriligiously divine scripture Kinda like Picasso's pictures The pieces fit toghether weird And the colors are bright and awkward But sweetness, it's a masterpiece all the same. You And Me Falling leaves of amber gold Like glittering tears Of the willow trees They cry every season Yearning for the spring He wrote the melody in pencil On scales of copied black ink He wrote a song A song just for you and me A song for the fall Autumn brings endings and beginnings As things die and things are born Whisperings of fairy dust flakes Flittering through the chilly, bright blue morn The dress she wore was made of off-white Like something not quite pure Touched by the unicorn's horn She threw a wish into the darkened sky A wish for you and me The leaves are changing colors Like the different moods of the oak His roots crawl through my veins Pulsing deep within the Earth Deep within my heart Eyes like brown fudge Soulful and willing Hair like blonde chocolate She grinned the smile of the children The children of the fall A grin for you and me Holding hands Through the changing things And maybe this is different Maybe this is old and maybe's its new But we're still together Holding hands A glove for you and me This autumn was made for you and me. Droplet A droplet of blue on the rim of a cup A daughter's tear on the porcelain cusp A falling star on the crescent's tip The crimson liquid on a lover's lip Drop inside the cracked antique glass Numbing anstesia, this too will pass A breathing sickness, gasping rasp Flittering eyes as the morphine drip holds life in it's grasp. The droplet falls, quietly splashing dead on the ground The tear rolls down, In a sounding silence as the reason remains profoundly unfound The star crashes down to earth in a beautiful suicide Stained, glittering pieces of mass accidental homicide The liquid bleeds from the lip in a tragedy we all must abide. Cracked, then shatted, a frail broken memory As the glass falls to floor and straight out of history The needle slips out of the skin Dripping liquid life, and proclaiming humanity's sin Racking breath slows to a stop A epiphany of quiet horror As realiztion of life's fragility Began to sink in. Shadow The accusing yet cowardly shadow Hiding behind the monster of finality Grinning spiteful, nodding your head As the monster drives me into insanity Everytime I try to move You're the voice in my head Taunting and teasing with questioning sighs You've got me doubting what I've said. Follow the quietest step I make An unwanted shadow, cursing me again Pull the string to make me stumble Stand up once more, as you wait for me to end. Hiding faults behind pathetic excuses And all these made up lies A dark gray liar of hypocricy I'm so lost all I can do is cry. You are my constant shadow This is no psuedo-paranoia You are my morose neurosis Sitting here in a false euphoria You are the shadow of my destruction. -Karma [/color]
  9. [color=deeppink] Elation was based on shooting my mother and then shooting myself. ...no, I am not suicidal. I was just very depressed and angry at the time I wrote it. In a weird, happy way. Charma is Mimmi's most special spelling of my name, and she shall so spell it that way. Leave her be. I love you Mimmi. =D And now for poems: [b]Heaven is Hell[/b] This was a contradiction That became a truth Upon a thinking compulsion A sayer of a sooth. And we never thought The things we feared and the things we sought That pain and bliss might be one What we loved and what we shun They were the same. Because a heavenly bliss Meant forgetting all we once loved And surely we would miss Those forsaken beneath those above. They said to us "All shall be forgiven" Only to try again But then what's the point of holy living? It's like tatooing skin with erasable pen. We're just going to make the same mistakes Humanity won't ever learn Just admit that we're forsaken And forget your fear of being burned. Heaven is Hell And Hell is Heven It's all the same All in pain Nothing's changed So why waste life Being afraid of what you are. So many different religions Overlapping Flapping around like silly pidgeons Slowly sapping All the life and the truth out of you. Like diseases they come Infecting the masses Changing others and making some Wedging into social classes Fussing and whining Like little children Like the little children they hypnotized With their stories of God and Satan They argue over the tiniest thing While underneath all the pretty words There was greed and selfish Blind Belief. Power and Money Sex and Lust Run the world round again Spinning like a crazy top Right out of control Watch the Earth fall out of her eliptical rotation As the crazy people argue Over all the superflous complications Took two lines paralell and made them skew The sky fell And dreamers died While all the time they argued As truth liquified And they bended it to their will. Stars came crashing around us And we finally realized what it was Heaven is Hell And Hell is Heaven Suffering eternal So let's be happy whilst we can. It took so long to realize That the stupid things never mattered Forget the compromise We can see the truth now. [b]Moment[/b] I've stopped here in this moment As the world moves along slowly And it seemed all these added components I didn't need them anymore Like healed skin sheds the dried blood I'm shaking off this dazed depression Washing off all the clinging mud Forsook the deluded obsession And felt freer than I have in months. I woke up rather shocked Like a sleeper from a cruel nightmare As my eyes adjusted to light and beauty fair I was awed by the harmony that had been there All along Right in front of closed eyes Stumbled then stood a little stronger I found I could ignore your words And I guess I'll stay here a little longer Because all for being ready to give it up Maybe there's a reason to stick it through. And the cleared vision is so wonderful I think I'm braver now Now that I can see that this is beautiful I don't have to wonder how I was so lost deep inside myself Crying all the while And I felt so misunderstood Laying there in such a pitiful pile Yet all the sudden it came Like an ocean to the desert man Scary but so relieving Knowing it's not all sand And this moment seems so quiet Even with the music playing And I have a little box of happiness A soft epiphany, silently smiling. [b]Oxymoron of a Lie[/b] A burning match Buring with all the thoughts Inside of me. All the hate and all the love Burning I swear I died today Burned alive From all the things inside I was burned alive Consumned by all the things I tried to hide. And mindlessly hating you Was the only revenge I could do And nothing pulled me through Where's your shoulder now? I couldn't tell dying from being alive Because all it was was pain And the exact thing from which my soul thrived Killed me in the breath of a lie The burning candle that was life Set fire to my soul A heartbreaking compassion And a raging lashing A contradiction A paradoxical truth My life That was an oxymoron of a lie. [b]Die[/b] I need to stay calm I need to forget All the mistakes and all the pain But I swear I'll never regret All the words I said And I'm tired of you Done with your self-righteous stupidity I'm suffocating in all your arrogance Like a cat panting heavy in humidity Exhausted and morose I'll take some Crayola markers And draw funny tattoos all over you So that you can look like the fool That you really are A humourless clown Who doesn't belong. I need to forget you So hurry up and die I never really wanted you So please Hurry up and die I'm an impatient person And I'm impatient with your cockery You're a simple mockery Of something that held value. The impatient person hates to wait And you're annhilation couldn't come too late Just take a gun to your head And die Die Why won't you die? Like a screw in my skull A needle in my finger You're painfully annoying And I'm about to pull the trigger To close the curtains on your stupid little world Dim the lights Harken lady night And watch you die In a must-see comedy film of the year A standing ovation Cheers to your blood, hear hear! Whee. I think 6 bottles of 24 oz soda is a little too much. Maybe I should lie down for a bit... -Karma [/color]
  10. [color=deeppink] Ode To An Ice Cream Truck: Is it just me, or is this poem full of sexual innuedos? Unattainable Magnolia: Also rank of sexual inneudos...at least to me. Then again the level of perversion I have is rather...scary. But really excellent rhyming. Really really. =D It reminds me of a night during the civil war era in the deep South. Most awesome. ^-^ Teen Angst: I love you Drix. The Haiku With No Name: You put so much power into so few words. That is true talent, a gift few possess. As the surfer dudes would say..."Righteous!" I Hope You Like My Poem: Intriguing. This one, like Magnolia, gave me a very strong image of a place. Only this time it was an apartment building in New York, with a bunch of messed up neighbors, and you, watching it all go by. Nice one. =) If I Were A Bumblebee: Heehee! Oh mein Gott, that was the giggle poem of the day. You have a great way of playing with words, putting them together for whatever purpose strikes your fancy. And you did so quite amusingly here. I loved it! Train Of Thought: The best one so far. The incessant flow of thoughts that stream endlessly with no purpose or direction through your mind as the body clangs and whines for sleep. You express it so eloquently, that I am quite in awe. The "stream of conciousness" part of the poem was quite literally, mind blowing. I had to go back and read it again to adjust my mind to thinking like that. It was just like...wow. Just...wow. Versailles: Ooh, a history poem! =D I love you more, Drix. The French Revolution is one of my favorite periods in history. The mockery of high society, yet horrible masacre just contradicts so beautifully. Cutting off people's heads while remaining of the utmost politeness, chatting about recent fashions. It's sickly funny. o.o; Hummingbird: I shall be honest, and say I really did not understand this poem. I got the bird, old guy, bird, old guy, but the correlation between them, for me, is lost. Perhaps an explanation is in order? You know, for the *special* people. o.o; Syrinx Reformed: The wordy wordiness of words is quite wordy. Indeed it is. ^-^ Neat poem. Mitch is Mod # 3: Heh. Heh heh. I am deeply amused once again. Another cute one. Yes, you are a hypocrite, but forgivable so. Which is rare, consdering I normally abhor hypocricy. Ah well. [command]Write More And Thusly Post Thine Words[/command] -Karma [/color]
  11. [color=deeppink] 1st Poem: It was really obscure, and didn't seem to go in any particular direction. Like vague rambling. The rhyming was also really messy. However, some parts, like Hidden... Forbidden... To ever see, What can truly be...me. I feel so ashamed to also be claimed... As a prisoner in my own game... were good, if you took out the excessive use of dots. This poem could probably be salvaged, with some work. ^.~ 2nd poem: I liked this one much better. The one word that says it all is: cute! I love little friendship, happy poems like this. Anyone can write a depressing poem, revolving around themselves like they're the center of the universe. But to write a poem about someone else, because of how much you love and appreciate them, and to truly have your heart dedicated into that poem, that is wonderful poetry. The rhyming itself was done well, and overall the poem was most rightheous. Rock on. .\,,/ Whee surfer dude speak. Gotta love it. -Karma [/color]
  12. [color=deeppink] This poem rocked, because I relate to it so much. You want so bad to let go, you want it to end. But they're still there, holding on to something that shouldn't be, something that you don't want. Making you feel guilty for the mere thought of leaving, of cutting the cord. And you wonder if that's what you really want, because they're still there, maybe you should be too. However...in the end truth is the best way to go, that first gut feeling, especially when dealing with matters of emotion. Say it, end it, be done with it. It would be crueler to both to keep alive something that is already dead. -Karma [/color]
  13. [color=deeppink] Short and sweet. =) Unrequieted love is the subject of many a poem. This one was okay, as they go. As long as you got your feelings down on paper, that's the important thing. ;) As for the girl, the best I can say is that with time you'll get over her. Unless you're really weird and just don't when to let it go, like my stalker. Don't be like my stalker. That'd be real uncool. o.o; -Karma [/color]
  14. [color=deeppink] That was...depressing. First and foremost...please oh please break your paragraphs up, and use spellcheck! It helps the reader muchly. Yes, muchly is a word. Anyway, it was okay...but you can't feel much for the character except annoyed with her. All she does is feel sorry for herself. She's also rather egotiscal and selfish, especially in the first paragraph/section. This character has a hell of a lot of room for growth. Either that, or she needs to die. Soon. Because she is really annoying. As for the writing style itself, it's okay, but also holds room for improvement. Just keep writing, and it gets better as you go along. I promise! =D Large vocabularies make you look smart...* grin * -Karma [/color]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i] Okay, my last poetry thread was full of complete crap. So here's my first decent poem since someone smacked me in the head and [I]made[/I] me realise it was crap. [/quote][color=deeppink] Nothing written, despite the literary talent of the author, is ever crap, if it comes from the heart and soul. =) [/color] [quote] Purple Paint Purple paint is smear?d on a window Clear doorways lead to untold Falling to cinders are soft leaves of sparkling gold, A bird loses flight, and falls to the snow. Of all the days she stepped blindly, she chose this one to leap. Now purple paint that is so intermittent, is so cheap. But it hides it all so kindly, Her intentions wrapped in it Her windows so dark She daren?t leave a single, insolent mark On one she intended to hit [/quote] [color=deeppink] All that shimmers eventually fades away, all that glitters is not gold. Basically what this stanza is about. The mask that hid true intentions at first was so perfect, then slowly realizition came, of how cheap it really was. The purple paint was a poor substitute for the real thing. [/color][quote] Doorways clear are simple Concealing nothing, in an open book. Inviting all to take an uncaring look. Thinking they?re good example, but empty rooms conjoined have whitewashed walls of stale, bitter silk The kind that deceive and bilk, And have endlessly purloined. [/quote] [color=deeppink] The walls are truthful liars...at first appearing to be honest and open, but become a maze of confusion that leaves you not knowing where the reality is. [/color][quote] Tell me what you think, wether you liked it or not. [/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] I liked it. It was pretty good. =) You should try expanding on this, and pointing out messages a little clearer. Also, the last 4 lines, the rhyming seems odd and a little forced. The imagery of the billowing silk walls was very cool though. ^.~ -Karma [/color]
  16. [color=deeppink] Great poem! (And uh, welcome to the OB. lol.) The rhyming was done very well, and it had good rhythm. the only thing I would suggest is perhaps breaking the lines up into a more structured form, rather than glomped together. And perhaps give it a little more focus, you occasionally seem to switch off on tangents randomly. But your expression of the theme was excellent. Wanting something only after it's gone, finding that you gave up your most important dream because you thought it was impossible. All in all, very good! I'd like to see more. ^-^ -Karma [/color]
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sara [/i] [B][size=1]*comments, as per request* It seems tacky to say it, but I really appreciate your spelling and punctuation, heh. That's not what you're looking for, but I thought I'd point it out. Hey, people--Look! You're allowed to spell things correctly and still call it poetry! [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Heh heh. Amen to that Sara. Nice poems Lea, as Sara also said, intense was a great word to use. Powerful. =) -Karma [/color]
  18. [color=deeppink] EVA Thread = Huge, Neverending Debate between Mal, Azure, and Qukey. X_x;; * rubs her tired eyes * That was way too much squinting to read mal's font. (This is worse than the DBD wars...) I'm not even going to get into all of this debate...I shall state my opinion and promptly run like hell. Because this is starting to scare me. The only bit of of NGE I saw was EoE. Yes, I know, that is sad. But from what I've seen, the animation is certainly excellent, and I can see there's a lot more to these characters, and I'm sure there's pleanty of stories behind them that I simply haven't seen yet due to my lack of seeing the actual series. -.-"It's definitely one on the top of my 'to buy/borrow/steal' list. I have a feeling it will end up in my 'top 10' favorites. And that's my useless opinion! =D -Karma [/color]
  19. [color=deeppink] My happiest moment was when I finally got the damn mic to work on AIM. ^^;; Heh, just kidding. Although quite a few people have heard my squeals of joy when I finally get the audio convo to work. My happiest moment was also a heart breaking one. I was going back home to South Carolina, and since my aunt and I had been in a [i]huge[/i] rush to get to the airport, I didn't really get to say goodbye to her before boarding the plane. When I got on, I opened the box she had thrust into my hands just before I left. It was a ring that I had been drooling over in my favorite shop, but then I went and was trying on clothes, and I came back for the ring, they said they had sold it to someone else. I was very disappointed, but wrote it off because I was getting clothes. I then realized that it had been her who bought the ring, and kept it as a surprise. But it wasn't the ring that made me so happy. It was the fact that she cared about me that much, that she truly was thinking about me, that she went through that trouble to do that for me. It hit me hard, how much she loved me. And knowing that, and having just left the ground to be away from her for another school year, that I couldn't even hug her and thank her...that hurt. So my happiest moment was also a heart breaker. But it will always remain very special in my mind. =) -Karma After rereading this...I really don't do the moment justice. But oh well. I guess it's a personal moment, so I can't truly convey it to anyone else. I tried. ^^;; [/color]
  20. [color=deeppink] Life: To be alive. Are we not all, I hope, alive? ; ) Truthfully...as long as you are still breathing, as long as you can still think, there is room for change. Life changes by the seconds. Take it as it comes, and hope that some random hitman doesn't come and shoot you down because you kicked his dog as a small child. =) Seriously. You cannot truly say what life is on a whole, for it is radically different in each passing moment. It is an ongoing process, a play that unfolds as the script is written. It's full of adlibs and amateur actors, but we do our best. Tragedy and comedy appear on and off interchangably, almost faster than we can follow. During the saddest parts, simply look at the actors around you, trying their hardest, and I promise, you'll find a reason not to abandon them. In the end, one can only hope that the audience will clap. -Karma [/color]
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Asphyxia [/i] [B][size=1] I was thinking perhaps to just tell the story in flashback/book sort of thing, where the main character is reading about her past life -- in biography form -- and as she reads each paragraph or sentence there's a flashback which shows what actually happened. However, I'm thinking that might be messy, especially since I need to tell the whole life of this woman. What do you think? [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink] Yes, that does sound rather messy. The best thing I can think of at the moment is simply to write it how it happened from 3rd person, like a fictional story from a narrator's point of view. All of what you want to say is written there so there's not the mess and confusion with the flashbacks AND the book, and although it's not the most interesting solution, considering the fact that you said it's really not all that important, it shouldn't matter too much. I'd focus on the other elements of the story. Don't bother getting caught up in the smaller details, which can always be gone back over and improved. Just worry about getting the main idea written down first. =) -Karma [/color]
  22. [color=deeppink] Mimmi, your poems hold a simple eloquence, and put much meaning behind a few words. That takes true gift. You say what you have to say honestly, with a clear beautiful truth, and do not bother rambling on, as some people tend to get caught up in. The first poem, as I told you before, was quite cute. =^^= The second was also lovely, a sweet dedication to those who shine softly when it seems darkest. The third, however, was my favorite. It can be taken in so many ways. A lover to their beloved, a parent to child, friend to friend, it is endless. You leave it open to intereptation, while still getting the meaning across. The theme of sleeping can also be taken in many ways. Actual sleeping, death, or simply a respite from pain. T'was most wondrous. My favorite so far. =D All in all, good job Mimmi! Aren't you glad you posted? ^.~ -Karma [/color]
  23. [color=deeppink] Rules? What are these 'rules' you speak of...? Heh. Okay, maybe it's not that bad. But our school definitely isn't as fanatical as some of the schools I'm hearing about on this thread. It's pretty easy to cut class, just get out during the time when class changes. Or, simply get a pass to your car during lunch, and then just walk right out. And you could always just stay outside during all 3 lunches instead of going to third period. There's some dress code...I think...no one cares though. As long as you're not decked out with thousands of 5 inch spikes and whipping chains, and you're not wearing something completly transparent, it's okay. And the amount of drug transaction is ridiculous. It's one of the easiest things to do. Of course, that's just my school. There's another thread somewhere around here about Stratford High, which is just down the road from us, which is far more rule crazy. So it really depends on the school. Trying to generalize American schools would be stupid and pointless, lol. -Karma [PS: Banned bookbags...? That's insane. I'd die if I didn't have my bookbag with me. I hate going to lockers.] [/color]
  24. [color=deeppink] Me? Married? Now that's going to be scary...heh. On to the point. If and when I do get married, I do not know what shall become of my surname. I am rather fond of it, and absolutely adore watching people attempt to spell it. XD I know my aunt simply added her husband's last name to hers, with just a space, no hyphens. However, that might get a bit tedious to write out. I suppose I'll take whoever's last name is more unique. It's just more interesting that way. ^-^ -Karma [/color]
  25. [color=deeppink] Deja Vu is pretty creepy. I'll get it once in awhile...I'll be standing somewhere, and I'll have the strangest feeling I've been there before. That I've done this already. But for the life of me I can't remember if I really did, or it was all just a dream. It doesn't happen too often, but enough so that I've been freaked out a fair number of times. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]My mom has had this happen to her, as well. She remembers having a vivid dream and then it coming to pass. Neato, huh? ^_^[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] That has happened to me once. I dreamed about this small, oddly shaped room, with a door in the back that I couldn't open. Then, when we were looking at houses in SC to move into, I actually saw the room, door and all. I tried opening the door...and it was locked! Needless to say, my 5-year-old self thought it was fate. We actually ended up moving into that house, and the room that I dreamed about became mine. It's pretty strange, some of the things in this world. Then again, maybe it's all just some errant program in the matrix. ;) -Karma [/color]
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