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  1. My favorite quote is from trigun: Legato: You and i should have died a very long time ago Vash, the instant we fell upon this sandy land without pain or sorrow. Now the schedule is nearly set back the play is nearly complete, that's why I must end it, end it now. This is the climax vash the Stam (cut off) Are you gonna kill me. I wouldn't blame you, so many sad things have happened to you. Whether they are friend or enemy the people you meet die. It's enough to sap one's tears... Vash: SHUT UP! the scene continues but you get the point. I love it becuase it is my ideal of tragically beautiful. i think of it when i want to feel poetic.
  2. I would wish to live in the world of .hack// because when i think of beauty in anime I always think of this show.
  3. To be honest when i was a kid i was pretty set on conquering the world. Frankely I just thought there was something to the idea. Now I'm a bit more mellow and I just want to major in something with history or literature. Also i want to work as a writer and photographer, even if it's only on the side and not my main source of income.
  4. While I am sympathetic to your plight (believe me I totally feel your pain) I can't say that this change wasn't looming over the horizon. Let's face it, SD Gundam isn't exactly the most advanced piece of work to cross Toonami's path. Plus with the advent of [adult swim] the older group has been covered for their needs. Along with that the saturday night blocks have done a relatively acceptable job of covering the middle ground. So that really only leaves the kiddie stuff for Toonami. Sad to say it, these times they are achanging. And besides, we can all agree Totally Spies is filth, sick degenerate [I]filth...[/I]
  5. I think that when we are introduced to the series Tsukasa has already been playing for a good while. In the first episode he seems pretty familiar with the game concepts and in the next episode I believe he describes the World as place he escapes to so that he can be alone. So here's what I think happened to Tsukasa: [*spoiler] If you notice the treasure box that Tsukasa wakes up in front of you see there's a ring above it. This ring is very similair to the ring of the guardian. I believe that at some point Tsukasa accidentally activated something that binds Aura to him. Whether it was by Morganna's doing or Harold's I can't be sure, but I do believe that this binding is what allows Aura to awaken. If Tsukasa logs out, Aura wakes up, so it makes sense that this might be a program created to allow Aura to awaken. in any case I think the ring deserves more attention than it is given. There is one other theory I have. I think that the tablet Tskuasa recieves to gain the guardian was a tainted version of the original, a version created by Morganna so that she can control Tsukasa. Also did anyone else notice that when Tsukasa first loses hope for reality Aura turns purple? And that when Tsukasa realizes that they're the same she moves a little? And then later she turns green when Tsukasa achieves full despair? Nice touch by the animation department.[*/spoiler]
  6. I think I have found the three fragments of the legendary land that Silver Knight speaks of in the Twilight Eye.(spoliers ahead?) The first must be the castle of the broken man. The second is Morganna's territory where the sky is a giant wave pulse. The third I am not sure of, it may very well be the field with the church in the empty lake. On that note, I also think that the Epitaph of Twilight is not a prophecy, but a history. It speaks of a lake boiling, and on the show they mention that the field may have originally held a lake. Also it mentions a battle at the base of a rainbow and when the Twilight Eye opens a rainbow appears overhead. As for the tree that falls, well I'm also unsure about that. It mabe the tree with the skeleton imbeded in it, or it could simply be another Image on the field that simply goes unnoticed by the general populace. Also I think that the interpretation of light and dark in the text does not refer to good vs. evil, but something else. I think light represents the forces of good that work in the limits of the system and that dark represents hackers that also work for good. This would make sense since Helba is a powerful, but good, hacker which would make her a suitable queen for the hackers. Quick shout and thanks to Azurewolf for providing the text of the Epitaph online. You rock!
  7. After checking up on my sources, turns out you are right Azurewolf. The OVA I found was Intermezzo, I just hadn't remembered all of the details about it. As for Episode 28, well it's all news to me.
  8. My favorite character is the Broken Man inside of the upside down castle. I know he doesn't play too much of a role in the stroyline, but he is the cause for almost all of series when you get right down to it. Besides, there is a sad poetic nature to his words that I find most satisfying.
  9. In response to the meaning of Gestalt, the definition is something which can not be deduced simply by the sum of its parts. It relates to the series becuase the mystery of Tsukasa and the Key of the Twilight cannot be figured out simply through the information the group has. Yeah, that Logout thing Azurewolf was talking about is pretty neat and turns out true. Best conspiracy theory ever.
  10. I was at animenation.com looking at the description for the sixth .hack//sign DVD "Terminus" when I noticed it said contained the bonus episodes 27 and 28. I was just wondering if anyone knew if these were really part of these series or just a way of packaging the OVA that comes after the series, wherein Bear, Mimiru, and BT are in a sponsored event.
  11. Two Weeks Later? Kaiho strutted down the hallway of the dungeon. He felt like a god as he learned to control his new powers and with his ever growing reputation amongst the rumors of The World. He was looking for a monster to fight and when he finally came across one he found more than he bargained for. A silver-haired long arm was struggling with a large scorpion-like monster. Although the battle wasn?t one sided it was obvious she wasn?t having an easy time with it. Kaiho smiled to himself as he raised his arm and pointed it at the beast. His chain bracelet glowed a light green and shot out an energy chain at the scorpion. The chain struck it and branched off into several other chains that encircled and strangled it. The beast quickly succumbed and the chains dissolved along with its dead body. Siaga was dumbfounded. She did not notice Kaiho until after the scorpion was gone and while she had not seen the chains come from him she had no choice but to assume it was his doing. She did however see the metal chains that were on his body; a bracelet on each wrist and anklets to match. While they were not attached and they did not appear to hinder his movement they had distinct not of bondage to them and emitted an aura of enslavement to a power that was unseen but clearly felt. Kaiho smirked and walked away to another corridor, looking for more prey. Siaga had no choice to but to continue her mission for the item at the end of the dungeon, she wasn?t too keen on trying to start a conversation with this strange player. Before Siaga logged off for the day she had the idea to inquire about her encounter. Instead of mentioning Kaiho she posted a question about the bracelets on the message boards that read as follows: Subject: New Item or Power? Does anyone know about a new item/power that can kill monsters with one blow? It looks like chains that emit other chains that kill whatever they bind. Were in the possession of a young blade master. If you know details please respond. Thanks. ------------------------------------------------------------ Yuumei sat at her computer with her legs pressed against her chest. She had not entered The World since the battle at the root town and was not about to do so without a plan. People were still in comas in the real world and some of those were Yuumei?s friends from school. Whether or not she wanted to admit it, she was scared of Morganna. Anything having that much malicious power over the lives of others was not something to be underestimated or taken lightly. But no matter how hard she tried to not think about it, she couldn?t get her mind off of the blade master and his death. ?Why would he just give himself up like that?? she thought to herself. ?Did he know what was happening in the real world? Did she tell him what was happening? And why won?t she leave him alone? Who is he? How are the two connected?? Yuumei sighed and lowered her head a little. She was about to walk away when she heard a slight ping. Ockham had sent her an e-mail. It read: ?The dust has settled on the battlefield He is no longer with our sight. I search amongst the living But fear he is among the dead. But fear has been for nothing He walks with life again. Though I have not yet seen him The signs are in the air. She has stumbled upon him And announced it to The World. Now she will meet with me And I hope so will you. Find me at the feet of a skeleton As clock strikes six tonight. If all goes as I hope with her We have not lost the fight.? Yuumei thought for a moment and smiled when she understood the true scope of the message. Her fear melted off of her as she logged in and set off for a new adventure.
  12. "Alright, I'll do it." Kaiho conceded as he watched the blood bath around him. Monsters and players were dying and being drained at an endless rate. "I'll do it. Just get rid of all the other monsters but one, and I'll give myself to you." "You need not be afraid Kaiho, it will not be permanent, merely a phase. You'll be stronger afterwards and I promise even better things yet to come." Morganna cooed as the Skeiths and barbells dissolved into the air. All that was left was one barbell, hovering above Kaiho. The other players looked around in a mixture of confusion and dissapointment. None of them truly understood the true magnitude of what was happening both within The World and outside it. So many people had become comatose that medical services world wide had been thrown into chaos. Not even the two lone players running towards Kaiho could know how bad things had become. The only ones who could understand were Helba and Lios, neither of who had taken part in the battle. Helba assessed things from a distance and noticed Yuumei and Ockham and the last Guardian. "Who are these players?: she asked Lios. "Who cares? Things are calmning down here, let them run around as much as they want." But things weren't over yet. Yuumei and Ockham could not stop the guardian from piercing Kaiho, nor could they stop it from picking his body up and dissolving him with itself. Yummei and Ockham stopped at the place where Kaiho conceded to Mroganna. "What do you think happens now?" Yuumei asked. "I don't know, I just don't know..." ---------------------------------------------- When Kaiho woke up again he was still in the game. He was in a field he had nevered entered before, but it seemed familiar in an odd way. He hadn't noticed the chains that formed around his wrists or ankles, and it would be several more hours until he did. Back in the church the chains around Calibur had become loose and hung limply on his body. It was finally happening, the beginning of the end.
  13. "So what was going on back there in the church? Something tells me it wasn't fun." Yuumei asked Ockham. He didn't look at her. He merely pulled his legs towards his chest and held himself tightly. "I'm not quite sure. I went there to check out a rumor and when I arrived that blademaster was already there with some monsters. I tried to defend myself against that woman but I've never fought something like her." He paused for a moment and closed his eyes, trying to remember what happened next. "Everything after that was a blur. I woke up with my headset still on with a killer head ache. I think I was a little delirious because I reset my terminal and just typed in whatever coordinates I could think of. Then I found you and now I feel alright." Ockham turned towards Yuumei and stared into her eyes, trying to probe her for answer to the questions he could barely fathom. "What I don't know is why my body is reacting to the game, and why we've found one another again." Yuumei looked down and sighed a little. "I don't think I can answer either of those questions, maybe some things are just meant to be." As she finished her sentence a quiet ping went off. She looked up and read her email. As she read on her face slowely turned pale. "What's wrong?" "Something very wrong is happening in a root town. My friend says there's a massive battle going on against new monsters. Not just a few of them, hundreds of them." Yuumei and Ockham looked at one another. Something told them that their dear blade master was going to be there and maybe some answers to their questions.
  14. But instead of attacking the monsters merely bellowed and groaned. They lowered themselves to the ground and encircled Kaiho. They hovered and bounced in the air and almost seemed gentle and caring to him as they sang their sad song. ?Kaiho?? Morganna gently said, ?It doesn?t have to be this way. I just want to protect you. I merely want your life to be filled with laughter and smiles. And it can be Kaiho, it can be so long as we walk together, apart from the players.? Kaiho looked up towards the ceiling, as if expecting to see her face. ?But why, why did you kill that wave master?? His voice faltered and shook as he spoke these words, he wanted to be indignant and harsh, but he also wanted to believe his sister. He wanted to believe that she was right. ?He was merely a distraction, a road block to happiness. You need not concern yourself with him. And look, he?s already logged back on.? Kaiho looked past the beasts and saw that in fact the wave master?s body was gone, it appeared as though he really was okay. ?See? You have nothing to worry about. Now my brother sit, we have much to discuss?? ?????????????? Yuumei slashed and pierced at the air. She had found a place of serenity and quiet in a field in the woods. ?Lousy overpricing farmer?? she muttered to herself. The day had been filled with setbacks and disappointments. She could have been perfectly happy if she could train in peace, even without the Grunty. But that monster? There was something unsettling about it, something that still shook Yuumei to the core and made training awkward and forced. ?And those players, what were they doing there, and why was that wave master dead?? She was too preoccupied with her thoughts and her technique to notice the approaching figure, it was not until he had reached the edge of the clearing that she stopped to examine and size up her visitor. He was a wave master in a blue cloak with a cross-like staff and silver markings on his forehead. He was badly beaten and had only 1 life point left. He breathed heavily and held his side as if he were trying to stop bleeding. The addition of color made the identification hard, but she knew it was him. Somehow she was face to face with the wave master again. ?You?? she breathed as he fell to his knees and groaned in agony.
  15. On the edge of the sands he stood there, as far out into the level as he could. He stood there motionless staring at the great stone monument jutting out of the water and into the sky. ?What are you? What are you?? he thought to himself, trying to understand the glowing screen at the top of the structure. ?They say you weren?t always like this. They say it started with Tsukasa, all those years ago.? Tsukasa had come and gone before Ockham had entered The World but people still talked about him and the chaos that struck The World while he was there. But Tsukasa was not the last person system errors came with. Kite was surrounded by the unraveling of The World and now? ?Now it seems to have begun again," Ockham said to no one, "the errors and the rumors are popping up all over the servers." Ockham sighed wearily as he raised his staff and left the level. His mind wasn't on the rumors of the unbeatable monsters or the players who for short sretches of time couldn't log out and had to do hard reboots to get back into The World. It was the presence of the boy in the church that troubled him. It sounded too much like the rumors of the girl that the hackers and the old players spoke of. When Ockham arrived at Delta: Hidden, Forbidden, Holy Ground everything seemed in its place. The sea of fog and perpetual loneliness of the building were unaltered and did not warrant concern. When he entered the church doors however, Ockham did not feel so certain. He saw a young blademaster watching a battle between mosters end in a stalemate and a voice that came from nowhere but everywhere. Ockham started making his way back to the door when the voice acknowledged him. "Who are you?" she asked with anger. Ockham didn't answer. He merely raised his staff in a defensive stance and prepared himself for a fight. "It doesn't matter who I am. What I want to know is how can a player exist without having a body." "Don't insult me boy with such dillusions. I am above the players, I am above all. And I shall show you the price of disobidience." The celinig started to shimmer and bend and out of nothingness appeared a monster that Ockham di not know. A coloidial beast in the form of a barbell with a bracelet at its core that spoke like a whale and hovered like a bird. A tentacle shot out of the beast and struck at Ockham, but missed him when it hit his energy shield. "What, what is this thing?!" Ockham cried as it shot out more tentacles and shattered the shield. He screamed out in pain as his body was peirced by the tentacles and his body gave up its energy and turned an ashen shade of gray. He fell down to the floor with a dull thump. Kaiho watched the killing with confused fear. "Why did you do that?"
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