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Everything posted by wilder.schwein

  1. Ed Gein, that was in the 50s... Whoa!! I am very shocked to hear about your interest in Gein, because in middle school through high school I based most of my studies on that man... Very strange guy, but he did not only inspire TCM, he also inspired the creation of PYSCHO... Y'know, guy talks to his mother after she's already dead... All and all, he was very great in terms of study. I can tell you what I know, but lord knows that it would take up the whole thread if I do... And in terms of Murder, I never have, and hope that I never do...
  2. Yeah man... 18 is a b*tch, and when I had turned 18, I got nothing from family, and friends... Well, you can do better. Stay happy, and continue to keep a positive outlook, and I know that you will be in a better mood... Happy Birthday, and I hope and wish the very best for you...
  3. Very funny. I am from Frankfurt, and over here we pride ourselves in teaching not to say bad words. There are times when, yes, the teacher will say things out of line, but I have never heard a teacher say the "S" word out loud to a class. Maybe as others stated earlier, it is just a normal habit. I take it, that in America it is normal as it is in every part of the world for someone to get upset and say rude things. We all are, in the long run, human... I suppose.
  4. Very interesting to hear that from you. German is my favorite language, and of course, English was no easy language to learn. It took me eight yeras, but I did it... I will be arriving in New York City on December 12, and heading to Santa Monica, CA on December 18. Of course I know Der Rammstein. They are not the best thing in music to me, but if you wish to download music, take it from me, these are the bands to listen to... Megaherz Schmerz OOMPH! Eisbrecher Stahlhammer Die Ärzte Knorkator Those are just a few... Listen to them, and I know that you will enjoy their originality. I must go on and study now for my Physics Test tomorrow. Have a great night, and speak to you soon!
  5. Simply an amazing film, full of what I had wanted to see. Tarantino does an outstanding job, as usual. I was overcome with utter joy for a film of such high standards...
  6. Not an interesting movie...
  7. Arch speaks the truth, but Flame is also correct. I believe highly what the two of you have stated.
  8. No, no, no. Please feel not unwelcomed at all. I welcome your kind words with an open heart... I speak several languages: English (Just finished mastering the language), German (Of course), Spanish (Of Course), French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Bulgarian, Finnish, and Greek. It was my major at Goethe University (Language Studies). Yes, in fact, the songs I posted were translated by me, but originally done in German. And, in the new group, I will be singing in English, for the first time that is. I am a bit nervous, but I know my English sounds as if I were a native of the American country, so no truly hard feelings on my part. You envy me? How nice to hear. But do not envy, just be happy with what you've got. I am. You made a friend in me. So, feel free to email me, or just to plainly: Keep In Touch... Thanks, again...
  9. Thank you kindly. Nope. Sorry to say, since our group broke up, all mp3 sites have just faded... I have joined together with DJ Kazu Kazu of Saitama, Japan. We will be joining together to create a new group named: OVERMIND... We will release very soon, and I will be sure to let you know. Again, thanks for the truly kind words...
  10. C'mon know Mark. Nice name by the way... (Putting you over.) I've got crap up my hole as well, bud. I've got bills to pay, bad checks to finish paying off, getting through the rest of my semester in College, and putting up with arguments not only with my girlfriend, but my parents as well. Mark, there are tons more people whove got it worse than you, and trust me, it's true. Listen up bud, just sit, relax and try and focus on the goods, but not the bads. The more you stress, the more it hurts, and I know, it ******** hurts, dude. I care about this problem with you bud, so just stay calm, and do your business with ease. Don't push yourself, because it hurts, too. Remember, thousand upson thousand of people have worse problems than you do, alright bud? Just stick through it, You'll manage. Post a reply, because I want to know how this truns out... Take care...
  11. PhoenixFlame: Very will said. Truly, well said. As always, I am always delighted to read so many point of views...
  12. Very interesting story. Gripping, yet a bit fierce. I love the words, and the expressions. Way to go out and glorify the darkness. It's a bit lagging in some areas, yet the way you wrote this kept me clicking... A perfect five out of five for you, and it would be nice of you to continue this for the rest of us. You have already made a fan out of me... Thank you for allowing me to read your work.
  13. I like to go with... Glay (Just Great Music) Spitz (For Relaxation) I also listen to various others, but then again, you'd say that it's useless to listen to something where the words are far from English. My two picks are just an opinion. But if you want, I suggest trying them out. I saw other posts containing great J Rock. All J Rock is great...
  14. I am of racial sweetness, meaning I have much in me that makes me alive and breathing this very day. My Father: Half German/Austrian. In His Background: German and Austrian of course, Irish, Polish, Swedish, Danish, Scottish, and lastly Finnish. My Mother: Mexican. In Her Background: Mexican of course, Korean, Spanish (From Spain that is), Brazilian, and Japanese (Circa 1958). So many races, so beautiful in time. I have come to love them all... My girlfriend now, is Full Japanese... Love them Japs!!
  15. This is from the last album my band had shared together. Our band was Die Totenskopf, and the track here is written by me, and it is called Loving You. This was released in Russia, Germany, France, Italy, and Greece. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Loving You (Markerein Melerö) See me walking down the street. I make my way up to your feet. I smell the darkness in the air. I only see your cold stare. I wanted to see you after eight. But the time was getting late. And only falling to the floor. Outside your house, not through the door. I saw you smiling up at me. I wept inside as you set me free. It was you all along. You whom made me love you. Loving you. It's what I can only do. I have no feeling other than this. I know you have to go back to your room. At least, can I have one last kiss. Giving you all of my love. Sharing with you, all of my deep feelings for you. Loving you. It's what I can only do. I have no feeling other than this. I know you have to go back to your room. At least, can I have one last kiss. I hate to say Good Bye tonight. But there is nothing I can do that's right. So down the street and to my home, I go. I will see your face in one more day. I know that I have many things to say. But I will wait for you until Sunday. That is when I won't stop loving you. ------------------------------------------------- This was from my band's very first album in 1997, and the album was titled: Nothing Left. This track, Falling, has been and continues to be very popular in my home country of Germany, and cool enough, it was the very first song I had ever written. --------------------------------------------------------------- Falling (Markerein Melero) I seem to fall to the floor. Everything in my life begins to fade from me. The lies became a sport to you. I tried so hard to be true. True to you. I loved you with all my heart. I loved you right from the start. Stealing this love and killing it made you smile. It was all part of your style. True to you. I only wanted you. Only you. You slept with others while I wept for you. When you were in pain, I cared. When you were naked, I stared. True to you. No more. My love has faded. Now you call to me. I don't want to hear your name. This hatred is what set me free. Your lies make me feel love of hate. True to you. No more. You crept into my bed at night. As you bled, I laughed. I smiled. It was your throat I slit. I smiled. I am finally free. Free from your lies. True to you. I love you no more. ------------------------------------------------------ Another track from our last album, and this is called Forgive Me, and we had a bit of a problem when this song went to the radio, but all in all, it had great reviews in Croatia, Germany, and France... ----------------------------------------------------------------- Forgive Me (Markerein Melero) I saw a naked figure that was you. In the bathtub one year ago tonight. I saw you smiling and laughing. In the bathtub one year ago tonight. Forever, I love you I want you to know. Forgive me. I walked in and saw you wink at me. I wanted to set myself free. I threw in the lamp that set you aflame. You were killed and I had laughed. Forever, I love you I want you to know. Forgive me. Jesus Christ, what have I done to you? Jesus Christ, why have I killed you? The police, the find me in my room at night. They handcuff me and everything is alright. People stare as I am forced into the car. Looking up, I could see you in the stars. Forever, I love you I want you to know. Forgive me. In the courtroon I am tried. So much pain, and so much stryfe. I only wanted to be with you for all time. I killed you, so forgive me. Remember that I love you. Forever. [size=1][color=red]Threads merged-Mitch[/size][/color]
  16. I love the use of words that you gave us all, and the descriptions are very well used as well. As far as us being monsters, you must look at it from several point of views: 1. Are we truly here, and for what reason? 2. May we truly be the judges of ourselves? 3. What world are we currently living in to make us those so-called monsters? And the list goes on and on... I love what you wrote, though. Power to you... In my opinion, there are monsters, and there are those whom care for the rest of the world. The problem is, is that 95% of the world is filled with monsters...
  17. Thoughts, anyone? This is something that moved me down to the very core of my being. It had everything from comedy, to action and drama. The stroyline was a hit, and I cannot wait for part two being released in Feb. of 2004. Love it to death...
  18. My Yanks pulled through, although I am not a rabid Yankees fan. I love Baseball, but I still have my team. Good World Series coming up, too.
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