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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I like to look at pretty things, but the fact that a game is pretty won't hold my attention(sp?) very long. Halo was pretty, but when I really played it, it was mediocre at best. Timesplitters 2 hands Halo it's a** on a silver platter. Actually, the PS2 had a one year head start on GC and XBOX. DC had a one year head start on PS2, but was dead before GC or XBOX came along. I can't say which will satisfy you, as not a single game has been completed. I personally will buy NR in '06 and a PS3 in '07 or '08. The 360 has shown little to interest me thus far. This holiday is looking like an xbox to round out my collection.
  2. Use a free host such as [URL]http://www.Imageshack.com[/URL]. If you have any trouble tonight I'll be on until about 12 midnight EDT(an hour and a half).
  3. Xy GGu, you've got to realize that not all of us live in an area that has public transportation. I for one live in a city of 20,000 and I'm lucky if I see one taxi a month, and we have no buses period. It's not that we don't want public transportation, but it simply isn't available.
  4. This woman needs to get on with her life. [B]We are at war.[/B] In war, people ******* die, and there's nothing you can do about it. Her son probably didn't deserve to die, but he made a choice that he would die for his country should the necessity arise when he joined the armed forces.
  5. First and foremost, the comic was wonderful. Secondly, I'm suprissed in this situation that one company doesn't up production and sell oil for less than the $66 a barrel psychos. Maybe it's my logical mind, but these kinds of things have always confused me. It's not like ExxonMobil's profit margins would be dried up at $60. We've payed $53 for years and they have amassed [B]25 billion dollars[/B] which is, for those that don't live here in the U.S., a sh*tload of money. A lot of the blame actually lies elsewhere in a very outdated source: [B]Minimum Wage.[/B] I don't know what Mr. 150,000 dollar-a-year Polititian thinks, but you simply cannot stay afloat on [B]$5.15[/B] an hour. According to inflation rates, Minimum Wage should be right at $7. And it should be increased at the current inflation rate. Minimum wage is considered to be the minimum standard. Yet, at the current rate, that is 60 hour weeks for 47 years (18-65). No one can do that.
  6. I've been writing stand-up for years, and it's not until recently really dissecting Futurama and Family Guy that I realized that I'm much better suited to that sort of comedic writing. I still write stand-up, but I find ways to really incorporate it into my scripts. Scriptwriting feels like more of an extension of stand-up. I have many things that can't be acted out by one or two people with a microphone. "Human Hunter Magazine" isn't funny unless I went into deep detail on the homicidal robot. My dreams would include working on an existing series(I would prefer the) But that's just my story up until today. You must really familiarize yourself with the proffession. Could you take the months away from home? The failure after failure? Extremely low pay? You really need to analyze what you want to do.
  7. [quote name='Generic NPC #3']I honestly have no idea what people enjoyed so much about the original KH [/quote] I'd agree. Kingdom Hearts was outright boring. I'm looking forward to: 1) Dragon Quest VII- Oh how I have waited for this one. I still like the original the most (I play through it a lot) but I have high hopes for this one. And, if all else fails, I can have the one thing everyone wants: their own Slime Controller! [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:5nFlkimxyGoJ:www.moogle.net/games/images/slime-1.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:MLJHuqH_2F4J:www.satori.org/blog/archives/images/01.jpg[/IMG] 2) Animal Crossing DS- To play AC wherever I want is simply amazing. To play Animal Crossing sitting on my couch is a lot of fun, but being able to play with a dozen different people while I burn Pokemon cards in my friends backyard is awesome. 3) We Love Katamari- I was lucky enough to pick up a first-run copy of Katamari Damacy and I was blown away. Instead of investing in graphics, the designers worked where it matters most: Gameplay. Even the thought of a simple mission pack excites me.
  8. Is it really that hard to buy a song for 99 cents? I know some artists make large amounts of money, but what if you went to get your paycheck and found out that a large chunk was missing? Just missing. Never to return. Can't pay for rent or food? Who cares? I've downloaded about 2 dozen songs ilegally in my life, and they were all deleted 2 years ago. I decided it was worthless. Why not just support a band and pay a frickin dollar for the song that cost them a lot of money to record? Just because you will buy the DVD doesn't make it right. The box office is the main source of income for the motion picture industry. Saying you can't live without a movie for a few months is rediculous.
  9. [quote name='Killer7]The fact is that anime is so much more advanced then a regular cartoon it is hard to mix them up. more blood, deeper themes, complex stories, and extensive character development. For example, Avatar's story is cliched, has no blood, no themes, and from what I have seen, no character development. The big-eyed style may be able to be co[COLOR=Silver]m[/COLOR']pied, but the complexity can not.[/quote] Storytelling and Complexity can be big parts of anime, but not necessarily. The Excel Saga's story could barely be described as a story and FLCL doesn't really have one at all. Blood? Since when does blood even matter? Sure, Avatar's story isn't the thickest in the world, but I don't see anything cliched about it. Even if those that watch anime more than I do can find something cliched about it, is that really a reason to not watch?
  10. I'd say most of the hate for $kids spurs from hijacking different series and manipulating the plot. A prime example is Yu-Gi-Oh. If you don't know what I mean, then by all means pick up a copy of the manga and read a chapter. 4kids changed a series about death into a series about friendship. Friendship is important and all, but imagine the The Terminator being translated and made into a story about Happy bunnies.
  11. Maybe it's just my logical mind, but I have rejected religion as a whole. I am looked down upon sometimes because I am different. Would anyone want me to be just like them? This is my honest opinion, take it as you will: Religion is a load of ****. I'm not trying to bash anyone that follows religion, but this is how I feel. I don't feel the need to believe what anyone else believes. Religion has killed so many, just to give some hope that there is something better than our miserable little lives.
  12. The best Simpsons so far is Season 5. I enjoyed it almost as much as when I first saw Family Guy Seasons 1+2.
  13. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][COLOR=blue]Yeah, but I just thought he meant yen, and since the yen sign isn't readily available, he used dollars instead. 125000 yen would make a lot more sense. ;)[/COLOR][/QUOTE] 125000 yen is only ~$1250.00. That would be more a monthly salary.
  14. [QUOTE=animebitch01]:( This is been on my mind lately, before i thought nothing but to make my animation come to life. and this is been concerning me, how much do the average anime/manga get paid? i'm wanting to be an anime artist ever since i found out it was called anime. but to become rich to do so is been worrying me that, is this the right route to take? i've been searching in the internet for this answer, so far the average anime/manga artist get paid less than the average japanese labour worker?/ but what about clamp? and other major artist? what do you guys think? :catgirl: what do you think is important, money or to be able to do what you like as an occupation? :animedepr[/QUOTE] Do what you like, as long as you get paid enough. I'd rather write for TV for $30,000 as opposed to being a chef for $100,000. If this is what you really want, flesh out on your own at the start. Write a manga or do an anime(you may need to collaborate) and show it to a company. Every company. If they say no, ask what they thought was wrong and take detailed notes. If you really try, you will make it. [quote name='Otaku America][COLOR=Navy']Unless you work at Gonzo or Production I.G., the average salary should be around $125,000 a year. [/COLOR][/quote] There is no way that's accurate. A company can't afford to pay every artist they employ six figures.
  15. I agree with Retri on all counts minus "the people are the problem, not the religion." The people are a problem, but without the religion, they aren't as much a threat. Most without the promise of Eternal life(and sex) in heaven would not do such things.
  16. [spoiler]But he knew Harry was the one that was supposed to destroy him. He wanted to kill Harry, but he knew that the prophecy said otherwise.[/spoiler]
  17. [spoiler] Now that I think about it, Peter Pettigrew is the 6th horcrux. JKR hinted that someone else was there the night Lily and James died. Pettigrew was only supposed to be a temporary horcrux. Voldemort thought ahead enough to realize that he might not kill Harry, so he needed a backup plan. When Voldemort went into hiding Pettigrew came up with a plan to dissapear and take out Sirius with him. There he waited as the Weasleys rat until Voldemort rose again. [/spoiler]
  18. How exactly are you reaching us here? If the computer you're on now (I.E. the one that works) has the same OS as the messed up one, make a list of the two computers processes and look for a difference. Post the differences and the two lists.
  19. I agree with takuya. Religion only leads to hate. I think it's funny to point out that crime is on the fall. This coincided with the release of Doom: [IMG]http://www.pointlesswasteoftime.com/games/halocrime.gif[/IMG] All I can say is LOL...
  20. I don't go to many arcades, but I am one kickass crane game player. I won a Homer, a bear, and a frog on $2(4 tries) yesterday at Wal-Mart. I won 9 things on about $20 at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom in May.
  21. [QUOTE=Ailes de Velour][font=arial][size=1][color=darkorchid]I read an article in Reader's Digest about a boy who was caught with a stolen car. The police cuffed him and took him to the station, and when he was freed he grabbed one of the officer's gun and shot him down, then encountered two more officer's and killed both of them, too. He was replicating a scene from Grand Theft Auto. In that same article, it said a man was suing multiple companies for $600 each: Take Two Entertainment and Rockstar Games for manufacturing GTA, and Walmart and Gamestop for distributing it. I don't think he's being completely unreasonable: violent, controversial video games have been proven to, in few cases, lead to violent reactions and attempted (and achieved) murder. It listed a few massacres, including the Colombine shooting, and said that the kids who started it were very much into violent games. Now then, how could ANYONE get insane over Galaga? That's probably my favorite game right now. xÞ;;[/font][/color][/size][/QUOTE] Ahh, but we have no connection. I find that the games have a very positive effect. I can't kill people in real life, so I do it in a fictional world. I jump bikes and run from the cops. There is no proof that violent games are more than stress relievers. $600? Rockstar and Take Two will settle for $20,000 for the guy to shut up. It's like me suing you for a penny. The kid was replicating a scene from Grand Theft Auto to get out of murder. If I went and shot someone like someone did in GTA, does that make me any less guilty of the crime? The Colombine kids were bullied and neglected to insanity. Just because they [I]play [/I] the games doesn't mean that there is a connection. They were just really pissed off and had no self control.
  22. It depends on who you care about being accepted by. A nice guy will see you as a much more acheivable goal, whereas a horndog will see you as easy prey. A virgin at an older age is seen as a recluse, but we're talking 40-50 here. Me sort of fitting the nice guy thing, I would be much more comfortable hearing "still a virgin" over "A few times".
  23. I refuse to date smokers period. What I meant is, if she really likes the guy, that trying to get him to stop should be the last thing to ask him to stop doing, when he is a lot more secure with her than he is now.
  24. [quote name='Syk3][spoiler]Trelawny that said that there would be a boy born who would have the power to destroy him, and obviously Voldemort saw this as a threat [/spoiler'] [/quote] [spoiler]Maybe the boy was to be born of a griffindor. I'd say either James or Lily are #6. With Harry alive, he had to act fast as his power drained.[/spoiler]
  25. Sign of the apocalypse #43: CHW creates a not-so-useless thread. It's good that you're over Lincoln after what a jerk he was. On the Dave side, try to convince him to stop smoking [I]later.[/I] The last thing a shy guy wants is someone that seems like a control freak. Not that you are or anything, but his lack of social interaction would make you feel like the reason he is shy.
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