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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. What Chabichou has said is the reason I am non-religious. I simply am sick of things being forced upon me. I will marry whomever the hell I want, and no one will stop me from marrying her. I don't care if she's christian. Or muslim. She could be a frickin satanist for all I care. I will eat whatever the hell I want, whenever I want. I am not going to let a book rule my life. On arranged marrieges, if someone tried to force me to marry someone, I would tell them to go screw themselves. Even if they were my parents, I would never marry someone if I didn't know them on a strong, personal, [B]PRIVATE[/B] basis. If you don't know how they are when the two of you are alone they could just put on an act for you and your parents, and be abusive and dangerous with you. Why would you take that kind of risk? This was [B]NOT[/B] aimed at or intended to offend [b]ANYONE[/b]. These are my beliefs.
  2. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']Side note: I guess I'll get stranded with Charles too since he's seen every episode of Gilligan's Island. Hey, it could work in our advantage. I'll also pick Rhian because she could get the weather to work in our favor.[/color][/quote] I'd probably take Steph, but I don't think Charles' straw radio would help much. [quote name='Dragon Warrior]As for a chick... I'd get a frickin' hott one, so we can have hot island [spoiler']coconut-eating contests.[/spoiler][/quote] I assume you would judge the contests, but then it wouldn't be a contest. She would be the only contestant(unless of course you are triple-jointed, be we won't get into that). She wouldn't actually eat them, would she? Fear Factor contestants seem to have a hard time. How about we all get stranded on an island? We can be one big happy family...until Charles kills us all.
  3. Virgin Mobile- It sounds like a 16-year-old that just got her drivers license.
  4. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']This may sound unrealistic, but I think marijuana should remain an illegal drug and tabacco be made illegal too. They're disgusting, awful smelling and they hurt everyone. I don't want a single wiff of that crap coming into my body. I hate going downtown, there are so many smokers and it's not fair to those non-smokers who have to wait for buses. People shouldn't have the right to smoke because the rest of us breathe that crap in too. Even if there were non-smokers around, it still pollutes the air we breathe.[/COLOR][/quote] I agree with Chabichou(Who thought that would ever happen?). Tabacco is nasty and I'm sick of breathing it. The people that are addicted to nicotine can just suck it up. You can quit cold turkey if you want to (My Grandfathers sister shows that). You've got to put down the pack and not buy again.
  5. [QUOTE=tiffanyxii]1.Do you think anime influences you as a person? 2.Why is it that more and more western viewers are interested in anime?[/QUOTE] 1.As Azure said, I wouldn't be in this forum lol. 2. Because more and more anime are being licensed and Dubbed/Subbed. If people can't understand what's going on, they really don't care(with the possible exception of coming up with words for Spanish Soap Operas:laugh:)
  6. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f']That's a bit harsh considering the fact that many immigrants have skills and a decent education, and they don't get decent jobs because they didn't get their degree in the U.S or Canada. One of my mom's friends was and Aerospace Engineer before he came to canada with his family as refugees. Now, he works in pizza delivery. If the government doesn't think immigrant's degrees are good enough, at least give them a test or additional training to improve their degree, rather than putting them in a hopless finiancial situation and blaming them for the country's waste of tax dollars.[/COLOR][/quote] That's not the government's fault. The blame falls wherever he wanted to work. Is he applying for the jobs available? Are any even availible? You can't just blame the government for everything that happens. They don't own everything.
  7. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]Interesting, but I thought getting stranded with me would add incentive to get [i]off[/i'] the island. Du uh![/color][/quote] But I'd like to leave the Island and feel good. I have a heavy concience(sp) and wouldn't feel right knowing I had just killed you.
  8. Morpheus


    [quote name='Shinmaru'] Of the side games in the series, I've only enjoyed Pokemon Snap and Pokemon Pinball, both of which are pretty good. Pokemon Pinball moreso than Pokemon Snap. The Stadium games never really hooked me too much.[/quote] I agree with that. I still own my old copy of pinball and I need to get snap(EB has it for $3.99). I liked the minigames in Stadium 1 so I might get it for only a few dollars.
  9. I don't think that a dbz movie could do the hair. It looks corny no matter what, and that would destroy the movie.
  10. K-5 Librarian-Mrs. Lynch She was so much fun to be with and on the last day she gave us seashells from the carribean. 9- Mr. Peterson/Mrs. Black/Mrs. Conway Mr. Peterson teaches the best elective ever. We learn a lot in such a short amount of time that we can use the computers and play some games to break up the day. We will build rockets and gliders only because he realized that the book work is really repetitive. We also help him with concession stand work and get candy or drinkd as rewards. Mrs. Black is memorable for dancing around the question like a politition. She will also not listen to one of the kids in the class so he flicks her of with both hands as soon as she turns around. Mrs. Conway is crazy. She suffers from a newly discovered disease called Conwaysia(pun alert) and forgets everything. The class brings out the best in her. She is clueless to so many things. We changed seating arrangements about a week ago and she put all 3 people in the class named Charles in the same row(3 seat rows). We now simply refer to it as "Charles Row".
  11. [quote name='Zeta']Seeing the effects are different than actually doing it first hand. I wonder how many people who claim their problems are from marijuana had some underlying problem to begin with. [/quote] The underlying problems were why they started smoking, and the smoking caused loss on their part.
  12. I definately wouldn't get stranded with you because I would get weird questions all the time lol. Heaven's Cloud wouldn't stop talking about his idol, so that's not happening. Seriously, I don't really know anyone here that I would like to be stranded with. I know a few in real life that would kill me if they wouldn't be caught so they're not an option. Based on posts here, I really don't think I can say anyone. You never know what someone is like based on how they discuss things.
  13. Let me just say that I'm not really trying to convince anyone to stop smoking(at least not until I get my handy dandy over the internet stun gun :modrod: ). I'm taking the same point as James: You can't say it's safe or good for you. Other than that, it's obvious the Siren and I(and to a lesser extent CHW) are never going to convince Zeta to stop smoking, so this is where my story ends. I'll still chime in if I see a stupid comment, but for the most part I'm sick of telling Zeta what's what. Farewell.
  14. [quote name='M.Ali']Well if that's the case, the same should be said about alcohol and cigarettes. [/quote] On that particular point, I agree with you 100%. I'm all for suing the *** off of RJ Renolds, Miller, and every other company. We don't need to make them illegal, though (another prohibition would be disastrous).
  15. This is a thread devoted to games that you should avoid. Please keep within the time frame of this generation, because no one really cares that ET sucks, 'cause we don't buy it. Also, please do not put dissapointments here. Put games that were bad and really have no redeaming qualities. No "Hlo 2 sckz cuz et wuznt az gud az hlo" crap. [b][u]Playstation 2[/b][/u] Dynasty/Samurai Warriors: Oh My God. All you do is run around and try to kill soldiers that are as powerful a you, and there's a hundred. When tactics become run like a sissy, I put down the controller. Ninja Assault: I actually thought that doing a bad game for the GC2 was impossible. Boy was I wrong. Horrible camera angles and all, this game is just crap. [b][u]Gamecube[/u][/b] Batman: Dark Tomorrow/Rise of Sin Tsu: This game made Superman 64 seem like Super Mario 64. I really don't remember much about my experience with Batman: Dark Tomorrow for the same reason I don't remember the last TV commercial I saw: It was so damn short I didn't really care. [b][u]PC[/b][/u] Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing: Are you ready for a game so atrocious that you must own a copy? That's right, this game has so much suckage that you must show it to all of your friends! Are walls a problem? Drive right through them! Are Trucks too slow? Accelerate indefinately! Is this game getting boring? Why not climb a mountain and leave the game world! Sound fun? [b][u]Game Boy Advance[/b][/u] Star X: When your game has pop-up when showing only 1 texture at a time, it is a recipe for disaster. If I could hit something with the aiming system, I would tell you what an explosion looks like. But it's impossible, so all I have to show is this: :blowup:
  16. [quote name='Zeta']Why put chips into your body? Coffee? Milky Way?s? Snickers? Nothing is positive about those. You can even become addicted to caffeine, which as you know is completely legal and present in coffee as well as many soda's. You can't become addicted to marijuana.[/quote] Those are all food. They have this thing about them that keeps you alive. [quote name='Zeta']The government could tax marijuana, making money on it that can be used to combat cocaine dealers, heroin dealers, etc.. They can regulate it to the best of their ability. But what we can be sure of is that the marijuana won't be laced. [/quote] Let's tax one thing that hurts you to fight another. That is simply retarded. We have all seen "the best of their ability". Haven't you seen the adds for medications linked to death? They were studied for years and determined comepletely safe. And then people died. Let's make some thing that hurts you legal so that people won't try to make it hurt you more? It still hurts you no matter what. If you buy it and it's laced, it's your own damn fault for buying a harmful drug.
  17. [quote name='Zeta'] I know it is hurting me.[/quote] So why in hell do you smoke it? You aren't making any sense here. "I know I'm hurting myself" has to be the stupidest thing I've seen someone say in a good while. Let's do a comparison. Let's say you are cutting yourself as a stress reliever, because MJ seems to be your stress reliever. Is stabbing yourself with a 1/2 inch blade safe and acceptable because it's not as dangerous as a 1 inch blade?
  18. I think it would help to at least say who james is, I've seriously had someone pm me asking if i ran the site. [quote name='khurram89']Hey Do you own Otaku Forums?[/quote]
  19. [QUOTE=Zeta] 1.Try it out, and you will see for yourself. 2.Morpheous. Which would you prefer. A drug that can kill you first time use, such as ecstacy? Or a drug that will never kill you first time use, and cannot overdose on? Even if you are sitting at home and being responsible with ecstasy, you have a higher chance of dieing from it first use. I prefer the marijuana, no matter how responsible I am with ecstasy. 3.Everything you put into your body is basically bad for you in some way.Why add anything that can harm you to your body? Might as well not add half the stuff in the world if you wan't to go with that mind set. Adding marijuana isn't going to dramatically reduce your life. It isn't going to give you lun cancer. It isn't going to be the cause of you going onto harder drugs, as myself and H.C have pointed out. Read my links Morpheous, and educate yourself on the broader issue.[/QUOTE] 1. I'd like to, but there is that whole it hurts you thing and that illegal thing and that looking like a dumb*** thing, so no thanks. 2. I'd prefer no drugs at all, thank you very much. Unless you are sick it's pure stupidity to put a mind altering substance into your body. 3. You obviously don't understand. Everything else has a good side effect that overshadows the bad. Marijuana will hurt you, and for what, a high? Go tell a freaking joke instead of inhaling toxins into your body. Are you really so dense and stupid that you group harmful drugs with everything else?
  20. To help a tad, you could put team leader's names in the bottom of their respective forums with the mods.
  21. [quote name='Epitome']But I have also wanted to know how such things work. For example, Johns parents just picked a random girl without even letthing them meet before hand. Is this how it always happens, or do they normally meet before? And who pays for everything? Or do they split it?[/quote] Normally the Parents will meet the girl/guy beforehand. It is usually a son or daughter of a parents friend. But about half of the time the bride and groom will meet at the altar. The grooms family pays for everything, no questions asked. On a side note, if he likes her and she can't say no, he is what we deem lucky.
  22. I just thought I'd touch on this: [quote name='Syk3']Okay, then tell me this. Do you drink soda? Coffee? Eat potato chips, or even white bread? Have you any concept that things you consume on a regular basis are bad for you? We?re not stupid, we?re being realistic. Pot won?t do any more harm to your body than the crap you put into it every day. Do you wonder why someone would smoke pot? Ask yourself why you like eating unhealthy foods.[/quote] I do those things, and they are bad for you [b][i]IF[/b][/i] you use too much. Fat is good for your body to an extent. Fumes from marijuana are dangerous no matter how much you smoke, so why add it to the mix? [quote name='Syk3']I don't see how you could say that ecstasy, a drug that will kill you if you drink too much or not enough water, is possibly safe.[/quote] If you know how much water to drink, it is safe in small doses. If you don't, you shouldn't take it. If you do take it and you know how much water to drink, you are an idiot for putting your heart at risk.
  23. If the situation is bad enough, I'll eat a person. It's very sickening, but it's that or die.
  24. [QUOTE=Zeta]James: Neither myself nor Syk3 have ever said it is harmless. We have just said it is not as bad as it seems. Which is true. No links to cancer as compared to cigarettes. You don't have to smoke it so you can eliminate the smoke entering you compltely. Thus eliminating respiratory illness.[/QUOTE] Just because something isn't as bad as it seems doesn't mean it's good. Here's a little story: I was in Florida in October, and our waiter said the only thing he lost in the storm was a few windows in his car. He said that it wasn't as bad as it looks on TV. Does that mean he wants another to come through? No. In fact, he said he'll leave Florida for good come next hurricane. Marijuana hurts you. It impairs you. I still don't understand why you do it. In "Falsely Accused" you said you use it to just chill. There is a very simple process to chilling: 1. Go to a room with only one or two doors. 2. Sit your a** down. 3. Turn on said music, movie, etc. 4. Point middle finger(s) at door(s). Problem solved.
  25. I can't believe I'm replying to this... are you trying to be like that CHW chick again? Over 1. Mario-mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm yeah. That is an actual quote from one of his songs. 2.Ludacris- What the hell is he saying in his songs? 3. Destiny's child- Oh god. Just oh god. 4. jesse mccartney- you can either sing or act- not both. 5. Britney-I hate her songs, but if she keeps making videos like Toxic...this could change...not. Mute comes in handy, heh. Under 1.Simple Plan-They really are one of the few young rock bands not saying "daddy didn't hit me" or something stupid like that. 2.Avril- She's 20, and she rights her own god damn music. Nuff said 3. blink 182- They are seriously funny. 4. My chemical romance-Really good songs for such a young steriotypical band. 5. Green Day- Billy Joe just wants to have fun.
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