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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. What do you think of this game? I really like this game. I've played for about 3 months and have beaten easy and medium, but am stuck on hoth and geonosis on hard. I'm now convinced that they are impossible. Not 5 minutes ago, I fought Geonosis and got 124 kills. That's half the enemy, and I still lost by 9. I always lose Hoth by about 140, so I tried a new strategy: Take all the bases, then take out the AT-AT's. Well, as it turns out, the AT-AT's respawn with men in them, as automatic bases. I'm near giving up, but hopefully geonosis will be more forgiving tomorrow. [size=1][color=blue]Merged the threads. Next time do a quick search of the forums before you make a thread to see if a thread already exists for a game. - Shinmaru[/size][/color]
  2. [quote name='Ozy Jones]Mmm. Elizabethtown Pennsylv[b]a[/b']nia[/quote] Excuse me while I laugh :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Now that I've composed myself, let me explain. My town NARROWLY defeated this town(and surrounding towns) for the filming of the movie Elizabethtown. We now get to have our landmarks put on the silver screen while they cry and see their only chance for anyone to care slip throught there fingers. Elizabethtown, Kentucky so owns Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania.
  3. Answer me this: What is the point of being a Vegan/Vegetarian?
  4. I love meat. Just to feel dominant, a minimum of four animals die each day for my eating pleasure :devil: Seriously, PETA is retarded. Some of the members have worthy opinions, but for the most part, they are fighting a lost cause. I don't care what video they show me, I'll still enjoy a hamburger while I watch. I like meat, and, unless you cut off my tongue and take away my bodies need for protein, I will eat whatever I want. I really should go to a peta convention, ask a good question to the speaker that he/she has to think about, and then start eating a Big Mac. Right there. 'how could you possibly eat another living creature?!' Plants being the lifeless things they are ;) 'Most people try to put the bible into it but before the great flood animals were never eaten!' We have an instinct to eat meat. There never was a great flood. On a side note, I doubt any cows used for meat will be named Besey. They only process MALE cows. I didn't climb to the top of the food chain to eat carrots, Ryan
  5. Since you have internet, I would suggest [URL=http://www.animearigato.com]Anime Arigato[/URL]. Other than that, you could [URL=www.google.com]Google[/URL] it.
  6. The couple fears the nicknames that their rump-headed child will endure.
  7. I really hated Kingdom Hearts. My friend told me that if I talked to everyone enough, I'd eventually get through it. But I'm not patient enough to go from random person to person trying to find something out. I dislike being drug in a straight story path(a la FF), but at least give me a frickin' hint. They told me to find Alice. You don't find Alice. So I'll change the advice to "Give me an real hint".
  8. Oh, I forgot, The entirety of the upcoming movie Elizabethtown was filmed here. Only the opening was filmed in my town, though. You will get to see the town square of this beautiful town. Redone ccompletely for the film, but it's there none the less.
  9. I'd say that they'll include the ones for SNES and PS1. With todays DVD-9's, that should be no problem. I hope that the extras are like activision anthology. Comercials, box shots, full manuals, etc.
  10. [b]Sakura's Deck of Cards[/b]. I'd like to have that kind or power. I'd love to fly. Also, [b]Charizard[/b] to hide behind so that I don't look like a complete idiot when I use one of the cards. [b]The Portal with hands from the Excel Saga[/b]. I could live forever...as long as she doesn't put me in a fire...grrrrr.
  11. [QUOTE=Shy][SIZE=4][b]Newbies[/b][/SIZE] "For making useless threads to report." -Morpheus[/QUOTE] Who would have thought I'd get quoted? All in all, I think this is better than the otaku awards. The Otaku awards were really dominated by Moderators and such and It's nice to see a few not so powerful people make the list. I'm seriously not trying to be like Sara, Morpheus.
  12. Can someone make a sig out of this pic? I'd like one to be a simple resize, and one to be what you think is best.
  13. I live near 3 important places: 1.Fort Knox is the biggest gold vault in the world, and a good military base to boot. Also, if you have never lived by a base, you would probably freak out over all of the bombing noises. 2. They don't call it Mammoth Cave for nothing. That place is huge! There are dozens of different hour-long tours to choose from, and each one takes you through really cool stuff. 3. Abraham Lincoln's Birthplace is mostly about historical significance, but it's still pretty cool to take a tour. Also, one of my town's buildings was destroyed in a civiil war battle. Interesting none the less. One bad thing, though, is that I live near this weird dude that makes accounts on weird message boards using the name of a character from the Matrix. He really creeps me out.
  14. Our justice system is screwed up. Please post your examples of holes in the justice system. My mother was on the jury for a man with 3 death sentences and 5 life sentences. He literally killed to live. Every murder got him 6 months in the court room instead of in the ground. He needed to be executed, but he has to go to every trial and get every verdict before he dies. He'll probably die during a trial, awaiting his 50th death sentence. That's a problem we need to fix. He doesn't need to go to every trial, he needs to be shot. I'm sure the victims families feel the same.
  15. It seems like you want to make more of a "Stupid reasons for suing" thread over one about the girls, so here are a few: Case:Mugger sued taxi driver that pinned him to the wall during a crime Verdict: $24,000 Case:Convenience store worker sues store over injuries to her back involving opening a pickle jar. Verdict: originally 2,999,066, reviewed to 2,200,000.
  16. I know Shy's job is a lot of work. But I would enjoy it. I wouldn't enjoy moderation. It's as simple as that. Also, stop twisting this thread into something it's not. We all know he processes that make someone a staff member. Just explain if you would want to be one or not.
  17. This is kind of a different question depending on your situation: To Moderators and the rest of the staff: If you could drop your current post and have someone just as good as you take over, would you? To Former Staff Members: Would you return to your post? To everyone else: Would you want to become a staff member, and of so, which post would you want? I would only want Shy's position, because all he does is come up with fun events. It would be interesting. I also wouldn't have to deal with the usual crap that the mods face. Modding the lounge must be very difficult. Other than that, I'm content just being a member and not having those added responsibilities.
  18. A nice convenient thread to post all of those awesome games that no one really noticed. Astro Boy: The Omega Factor- This was a marvelous game. The on foot parts are done wonderfully, even with controls you would think were impossible if you've never used them. The shooting segments were done in true Treasure style, and it actually has replay value. Making me care about people with only a dozen lines of speech is another noticeable acheivement.
  19. What gift is given to hold flesh and bone?
  20. [quote name='Lore']Their "Pitch Black" stuff is pretty awful as well.[/quote] I think Pitch Black was okay. All it really was was grape soda. I don't drink it regularly, but it's a nice occasional treat. As for worst soda, I nominate Diet Pepsi. Pepsi itself isn't all that great, but sweeten it artificially...no. It tastes worse than manufactured mineral water. And that's like drinking rocks.
  21. [QUOTE=Jung-Woo]1.Do you really think that there is someone out there for everyone? Like a soul mate, perhaps? 2.And that you have to just open your eyes and see? Like it could be that person living next door, or someone you met on a trip by chance? 3. Do you think that fate and destiny have their roles in it as well?[/QUOTE] 1. I have no idea. 2. That is entirely possible. It could be someone nextdoor you never really noticed. or someone you accidentally bump in to. It's just a matter of chance. 3. No, I don't believe in fate. I don't give up, but I know some that give up when the going gets tough because they think it is "meant to be". I say screw that, I'm not going to just give in.
  22. Having homework does suck, but I can deal. I don't know where you are in school, but you have to keep your friends close in high school, or you [B][u]WILL[/u][/B] go crazy. High school subjects are so boring. I learned all of this stuff in fifth grade, and it seems a waste to pound it into my head. You've got to take a good elective to break up your day. With tests, I could care less about anything they are teaching me. If you looked at my grades you would think I cared, but I just have a good memory. None of this is going to help me ever. You need pre-algebra, but beyond that it's just wasteful. My website and career as a comedic performer/writer don't benefit from genetics. Or Shakespeare. I think High School should be a lot more technical. If you don't like the class by Freshman year, I think it is a safe assumption that you won't have a career in that particular field.
  23. Are there any games that you feel were blown way out of proportion? I would say Halo. It is a great game. It just seems like everyone freaks out when something about Halo is said, and when I tried it, it seemed hollow. Bland if you will. I wondered why someone would pay $50 for this over a nice $10 used copy of Goldeneye. At my grandparents house, we could have any console we wanted. They have the money for a NeoGeo. But there sits, in front of the TV, an N64. With only one cartridge. My cousins and I wil gather in front of the TV, all eleven of us. We would start a match, and play until dawn. I really liked halo. I just liked it better when we called it goldeneye.
  24. It also happens to me. It may be a bandwith issue.
  25. JBK: That's actually really easy. The other half are also boys.
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