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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Send a PM to the administrators and ask in person. They are James, Charles, and Adam.
  2. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]I overlooked your post, heh. I didn't know birth control pills are used for medical reasons like Viagra is. In fact, I'm still not going to believe it (seriously, I NEVER heard of it!), but "something not being there" and "me just not seeing it" are two different things. I guess I just never heard of it and maybe I'll look into it at some later point in time. But anyway, if that's the situation, then I don't see why it shouldn't be covered by HMO's in those cases. In other cases, for the sheer fun of sex, I don't think it is a valid point to make [U][B]health[/B][/U] companies pay for your pleasure - birth-control, Viagra, or otherwise.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] What you don't realize is they are both used to [B]RESTORE[/B] a function.
  3. The letter E. I have no riddle.
  4. [b]Interesting. So, is that all you really want? Are their not any other motives behind the war? Are their not benefits for America for engaging in this war? No James, we should all realize that oil plays some part in this war. America's economy depends on it. [/b] Why is this all so hard to understand? We get our oil from other countries. The idea of invading for oil is, well, retarded. If we wanted oil, we would invest the billions spent on war on factories in Kuwait. Just because they have an abundance of a resource doesn't mean we wanted it. And yes, Freedom and justice are all that we want.
  5. I lie a lot, but most are directed towards my little brother. He's 3, and we have to lie to keeps his little fantasy land going. The Easter bunny, Santa Claus, you name it. If you live near a young child and are all truthful, you are pretty much ruining the best 3 years that that person will never remember. They have to feel like they are number one, or they'll have a predeveloped inferiortity complex.
  6. [quote name='Manic Webb'] Everyone in this country is descended from an immigrant, except for Native Americans.[/quote] Actually, Native Americans are Asian immigrants. I think that the reason Canadians can come across so easily is because there isn't the size of the problem on that border as to the Mexican one. For example, in The Netherlands, nearly everything that is bad here is legal there, simply because there isn't as much of a problem. People just don't go crazy and kill for drugs or money to buy.
  7. You can rent one for $50-100. Not too bad. Just don't freak out.
  8. [quote name='MistressRoxie']P.S.: He also says that the government only releases reports on things they investigate (Roswell, shooting of JFK, the moon landing) 99 years after they happen. Does anybody know what the hell he's talking about?[/quote] He means it takes 99 years for them to become declassified. Other than that, I really don't have any rock-solid evidence.
  9. [quote name='Sepiroth']Of course they needed to be liberated I am not just going to sit here and say they were fine but american soldiers lives are more important to. And if they were so oppressed than why are their insurgents fighting us? It is not are responsibility for evey third world country. If we could do the same mission with less soldiers and more robots than yea i support it.[/quote] People are naturally afraid of change. What would you do if someone came in and told you that your entire structure of living was wrong and tried to change it?
  10. [quote name='Chabichou'] What do you want?[/quote] Iraqi Democracy.
  11. There are a good number of terrorists in every single country. Have you ever heard of the KKK? On a side note, Bin Laden is from Saudi Arabia, but he was sort of...how do you say...exiled.
  12. [quote name='Harry']It will only be worth it if we use Iraq as a foothold to destroy our true enemy, Saudi Arabia. It doesn't have to be within the next year, or ten, but it will be worth it if Saudi Arabia falls.[/quote] Saudi Arabia is our ally, so I don't really see what you're getting at. The only reason we aren't using our bases there is because they won't help hurt the muslim world.
  13. [QUOTE=Yume Tenshi]ok my brother got her a pillow ($20) and some stuff from bath and body works ($50) then he got her a ring ($100) then he going to this place for dinner which cost like $20 a meal ($40) then he buying her a bear ($25). And i think it would change when i get older.[/QUOTE] The ring and dinner were both to impress her, and if that's what he needs after 9 weeks, the relationship will fail. After 9 weeks getting a ring is also stupid. Most of the time a ring is used for this engagement thing...but oh well. Three cheers for being optimistic! Hip Hip hooray!!!
  14. I'd really like to think that too, but the truth is, there are rules. As much as you don't want that paper giving you rights, it does. Think of it this way: You and your SO are giving each othet those rights.
  15. I've had my fair share of incedents where I was being an idiot and playing mod, but I think a few of the moderators are spinning suggestions into something they're not. In the new [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=633842#post633842]Pokemon thread[/URL], I politely told the person that it helps to post your opinion when starting one of the "do you like ____" threads (more casually, of course), and Desbreko made it out to be playing mod. All I did was give them a suggestion. I didn't do the whole "Welcome to otakuboards" bit. I just gave them a helpful hint. If they were to post another topic before a mod was on, it would really help for them to know what to do. I think some of the mods need to lighten up and let some of the members give a suggestion without having to get flamed every time.
  16. Drix: I have a Friend that is a christian but has no problem with homosexuals. DOB: Marriage is a bout rights. Right to be in thehospital room when your significant other is unconscious, Cheaper insurance, etc. Gravy Train: I've never met nature, and I doubt you have either, so how do we know it's intentions?
  17. One word. Photoshop. You could have at least helped, Annalisse.
  18. I'm not saying the way you treat homosexuals as what you think of the person. I don't see my friend as doing anything that changes my views on his behavior as he discovered his honosexuality. You obviously dislike the fact that someone picks their nose. I don't dislike theat my friend is homosexual. I started this thread to attempt to find a plausible reason for people disliking homosexuality. I don't really care what everyone else thinks, I just want to see a justifiable reason.
  19. We have seen a thread that talks about what you think. I understand why that People think it is fine. What I don't understand is why some people seem to think it is degrading them. I would like to hear their opinions exclusively.
  20. *cough* useless *cough* I would: 1)Get a Portable Media Player, PDA, and Camera...............................$001,000 2)Buy a nice House...................................................................$300,000 3)Outfit that house with good appliances, a theater, and other amenities..$045,000 4)Get a nice car.......................................................................$025,000 5)New Desktop and laptop..........................................................$002,000 6)Movies, Music, and Games........................................................$009,000 7)Hosting and Domain Name registration for my website.......................$001,000 8)Pool..................................................................................$001,000 9)100 acres...........................................................................$100,000 10)New Cell phone and plan........................................................$000,500 11)Pool table..........................................................................$000,500 12)Bumper pool table................................................................$000,200 13)Card Table.........................................................................$000,500 14)2 Bowling lanes...................................................................$005,000 15)Total................................................................................$490,700 I would then put the remaining 509,300 in a bank account and haggle it up to about 10% interest compounded daily, and live off of the $53,997.90 the money will make in interest every year.
  21. I don't see what the problem with homosexuality is. I have a friend that's Homosexual and he thought he was straght two years ago. I don't look at him in a worse light because he's Homosexual. It simply makes no sense. If he got married, I would be happy for him. It wouldn't affect me in the slightest. So I challenge [B][SIZE=4]ANYONE[/SIZE][/B] to give me a good reason as to why Homosexuality is so wrong.
  22. Let me just put it out there that Valentine's day is actually a day of opposition. The original premise was to demote the idea of young love, and people went and did lovey-dovey things just to oppose the new holiday. I think it is a great idea, for guys at least. You can get a girl to be crazy with a $1 bear. One of my friends actually bought a dozen of those bears, and then the entire cheerleading squad was googoo for months. For $12, that's not too bad. Yume Tenshi, what did your brother buy for his girlfriend? $234 is a little too much. Gosh, he could get a $5 stuffed animal and take her out for a $15 dinner. That's $20. $200+ is rediculous. My parents don't give that for their anniversary,
  23. I think it was worth it. I'd say Saddam would have killed and tortured well over 1,400 souls in the year since he was captured. It looks bad, and some would argue that the people wouldn't have been american, but that doesn't matter. People were being starved, thrown in jail, beheaded, tortured, and treated in other inhumane ways. I think it was worth it to liberate millions, even if some didn't want to be liberated. Just as WWII was worth it, we still have to lose men for anything to happen. We can't just sit back and watch these things occur. It's not like other countries would have done anything about it.
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