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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Morpheus


    It really helps to post YOUR opinion to get a topic rolling. But I'll gladly start it: Pokemon Red and Blue were really fun. The first day that I got them and my GBC, I was up until 3 AM playing (and I was 8). Then yellow came out, and it was really fun, and the fact that you couldn't use cheats made it harder to beat. Once I did, Gold and silver came out, and I got them both. They were both fun, but they were more of the same. The last I got was Crystal, and I didn't even bother beating the second Boss. I realized that they were the same thing again and again and again, and I got bored. Now pokemon is an entry game that you only buy once and enjoy, much like bomberman. That is the sole reason why Nintendo makes them. They attract buyers to a system, and as they mature they will buy Nintendo again because of how much fun they had when they fisrt played Pokemon.
  2. Tongue. I'll repeat my other one: How often can you *correctly* predict the score of a football game before it starts?
  3. I would give a million to see someone hand me a trillion dollar check. I would do that again, and again, and again. Getting rich was never so easy. Then I could buy lamborghini and have some awesome cars.
  4. I'd say a .2 inch difference in thickness won't make much difference. Also, another thing I look for in a handheld is structural integrity. I have had GBC, GBA, GBASP, and DS, and I have dropped them all at least once. I've always liked the fact that I could accidently throw my Nintendo handheld through a closed window and it would still work. My friend slammed his DS in a car door and it broke the inside lining of the top screen and the crystal leaked around, but A) The liquid never got out B) The outside was unharmed and C) He could still use it. It powered on like nothing had happened. Sony systems have always been easy to break, but we'll wait and see if this has changed with the psp.
  5. China's too indiscriminating. For the most part, there is only one ethnic group in china, So there is no discussion of race. He probably thought someone reffering to him as an asian was discriminating just because you don't hear that in china. Everyone's asian. There is no, "That's an asian thing" there because it's a steriotype that would apply to 100% of the people.
  6. SM: Wrong Baron: It would be at the same height. Trees grow at their tops.
  7. 100 How often can you predict the score of a football game before it starts?
  8. That's what we like to call an Unconstitutional ban. You can't just ban all Japanese animation. In lamence terms, He can't do that.
  9. I'm defending the DS since you are righting it off over a few technological specs. Yes, My DS fits in my pocket. A little tight, but yes.
  10. Is the PSP more powerful? Yes. Does that matter? Not really. Do you known how many well know titles have been announced for DS? More than 30. Does that affect the quality of the games? No. You have played the DS wireless, but not the PSP's. That makes no sense. Is kool-aid better than off-brand? You don't know if you've only had one. I understand that the PSP is more powerful. But that doesn't matter. No matter how good a game looks, it can still suck. How can you argue that PSP is better because of music and movies if DS can do it better? The specs you gave still make the psp bulky. You can put both in your pocket, but it's still bulky. PSP: 6.7 in x 2.91 in x 0.91 in DS: 5.85 in x 3.33 in x 1.13 in They are about the same size: Bulky.
  11. Baron: Your name. There is a certain crime, that if it is attempted, is punishable, but if it is committed, is not punishable. What is the crime?
  12. As good as this sounds, it's never going to happen. People can't run themselves. The thought that people will have common sense is, well, stupid. Just as we can't eliminate all stupid and/or evil people, we can't stop people from being stupid or evil.
  13. [b]The PSP has graphics that are much better than the DS. [/b] If Graphics were more important, Microsoft wouldn't be dead last. [b]The PSP has a much better lineup[/b] That means nothing. You can make a good army men game and a bad GTA game. Until we can play more than a few titles for each, we won't really know which has better software. [b]the Wireless & LAN will be much better than the DS.[/b] Yet again, we don't know yet. Games will dictate how good the wireless is. [b]The PSP will also play and store MP3 and Movies that you can watch.[/b] DS will have an adapter with cheaper media. [b]The DS is very bulky and is noticable to carry around. The PSP is much thinner and is not bulky at all.[/b] They are both very bulky and not meant for a pocket. [b]Another huge factor is that the PSP is backed by many more developers and has much more support than the DS. Over 99 developers and production companies have already signed up for PSP development.[/b] Here you are flat out wrong. Not only does DS have more support, it has created real excitement in the gaming world. That has only been done twice: 2600 and NES.
  14. I pretty much only drink coca cola and pepsi, and I like coke a lot better. Pepsi seems watered down. That's also the reason I always order my soft drinks without ice... I like to drink sloooowly.
  15. Wouldn't it be plausible to delete all threads that have been inactive for a year in The prefecture and Hardwired? If someone posts in them they immediatly get closed.
  16. I would say drop him like a brick. If you haven't done anything to upset him, then he has some serious issues. If he doesn't want to spend time with you now, what will happen when you start living together 24/7? He's not worth it.
  17. Billy: They rode each other's camel.
  18. 16 and 9 months. Trying to confuse me, ehh?
  19. Put it in a box diagonally.
  20. Waxing. You burn the hair and rip it off. I can sizzle like bacon, I am made with an egg, I have plenty of backbone, but lack a good leg, I peel layers like onions, but still remain whole, I can be long, like a flagpole, yet fit in a hole, What am I?
  21. TOOD: Nope. It is about your body, though. Panda: Good job! Baron: Parachute.
  22. TOOD:Eyes. That was the easiest one that I actually didn't know before. Baron: t-h-e-a-l-p-h-a-b-e-t. 11. Baron: Wrong. Think smaller...
  23. Baron: Show's how much I know about farm work, lol. Panda: Chess. Thousands of us all around you. We protect you all the time, Yet you treat us badly... You burn us in public buildings to make you seem better; You try to make us straight, but most of us refuse usually; When we are dead, you are pleased. Yet, when we are gone, you are sad. What are we?
  24. @Morpheus: You only get to ask one question, lol. And only at one guardian. I made this abundantly clear. It is at one guardian. I explained the response from each, depending on which one you ask. And that is one question. Also @Morpheus: The only part of your riddle I got was the fact that a 'Marvellous One Man Show' could not survive the loss of 'one' of it's actors. At least someone got that Again @Morpheus: This is maths, not a riddle, lol. All you have to work out is how many eggs they'd be laying on days 65 and 70, and times it by 20. I may as well answer this for you. The man has 20 hens and feed, but not another vital part, [B][I]a rooster.[/I][/B]
  25. You're right to an extent, Panda. John can drive it in two days. But since there is only one actor in a one-man show and Jon was an actor, he is dead. I created that one to first stump, then make them think Jon can't because he's dead, then realize that there are two different people. I obviously should've made it a little clearer, lol. The grandson is 5, the son is 35, and the father is 60. The grandson is 1/12 the father and 1/7 the son. Here's another: A man leaves home and decides to buy 20 hens and some feed to start a farm. Each hen can lay 5 eggs the first time they lay eggs, 6 the second, 8 the third, 11 the fourth, 15 the fifth, and so on. Each hen lays eggs every 5 days, and the man takes the eggs to the market every week. How many eggs will the man take to the market at the end of week ten week 10?
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