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Everything posted by Morpheus
I would be on Boiling Points. I'm not very patient but I know when something's fishy. I might go crazy, though. What show would you want to be on?
I don't often say this, but gizmondo will drop dead. It makes N-Gage look like the NES. The price is outrageous: $459.99 US. For that, I could buy a PS2, XBOX, GC, AND GBA. It's got a lot of functionality, like a digital camera and a GPS, but everyone that wants those and has $460 to blow already has them. Is Tiger insane?
[QUOTE=Chaos]My biggest disappointment would have to be XBOX. The system is great, don't get me wrong, and the graphics are by far the best in the world outside of a major motion picture, but Microsoft just went so wrong with so many things. First of all, the size. That's just a giant "duh". A pile of bricks the size of an XBOX probably weighs less. Same thing with the controller, although the S-controller was a huge improvement. XBOX Live makes me mad. Here Sony is, offering free first- and third-party online play, and XBOX makes you do a monthly or yearly subscription? Sure, there are some great titles, but most can and were ported to the PS2. And the DVD adapter is a poor idea, as well. I'd rather have a weak DVD player installed on my console rather than buy an activator that plugs in the damn controller port.[/QUOTE] I knew XBOX was going to be bad from the start. First off, Hardware made by a software company. Yuck. Secondly, the games all seem to be crap. I'd get a few(Crimson Skies, Halo, etc.) but most just try to copy other games on the same system. PS2 also has this problem, but the number of good games overshadows the clones. Gamecube is the system that I wanted the most, and is still my favorite. Nintendo just seems to be unlike all the others. They offer different experiences from others. Anyone that calls them "kiddy" or "lame" is just trying to be cool. I thought we had grown out of that by now.
[quote name='Cyke][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]I understand that perfectly, but companies like Capcom can still make games were age-old, recognizable characters like Mega Man show up, and at the same time create new franchises like Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Onimusha and Shadow of Rome. Why can't Nintendo do the same? Other than Pikmin, can you name any significant, brand new franchise created by Nintendo in this generation? It would certainly be refreshing if they took the risk.[/color'][/font][/quote] Eternal Darkness and animal crossing. But do they really need more franchises? With Super Mario, mario golf, mario baseball, mario kart, f-zero, star fox, zelda, metroid, super smash bros., and Donkey kong, do they really need any more?
Actually, it does. The World beyond the americas is almost reversed. We are fine with violence but uptight about sex. They have nudity and sex on cable television. It's a completely different society.
[quote name='Cyke']Capcom has made in a chronologically ordered list, you can easily spot the evolution of gaming since the company's existence. From Mega Man to Street Fighter to Resident Evil to Devil May Cry, Capcom goes against the norm and doesn't rely solely on franchises it created generations ago (Like Nintendo), it continues to create new characters and new franchises that will live on next to their more classic mascots, that are even reinvented themselves and never forgotten.[/quote] Nintendo puts franchises on the front because it makes the product recognizable and easy to get into. Do you know why there is a Sony emblem on everything Sony makes? If you have had good experiences with a product, then you are more likely to buy another from them.
You just made my day.
Do you consider yourself a pacifist or a warrior?
Morpheus replied to elfpirate's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Lore']And that makes you a warrior?[/quote] I'm just saying that I'm more likely to fight, in one way or another, if provoked. I'm usually peaceful, but some people...errrrr... -
I'm not being mean to you. Here at Otakuboards, we have a rather strict [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/rules.php?]Rules set[/URL] that is enforced. If you don't like it, then by all means, leave. The Mods will only get anywhere near mean if you purposely break the rules. Dagger IX1 is one of the nicest, and I haven't seen her mad yet. You're not helping things.
[quote name='Grunt Salesman']My favorite gaming company of all time would have to be Bungie. They gave me the golden paradise called Halo, (even if Halo 2 wasn't as good) which I still play all of the time, even though I got it in 2001. Then Lucas Arts. I'm a sucker for Star Wars games, although not all are good. I love KOTOR and KOTOR2, and I just got Mercenaries. That is an exellent game. Last but not least, Valve. Counter Strike is almost as addictive as Halo, but its all multiplayer goodness. Who knows how many hours I've logged in on Counter Strike Source. And Half Life 2 is the most realistic game I've ever seen. Its fun to just kick boxes and spin merry-go-rounds because everything acts realistically. :)[/quote] A few things: I don't see how a company can be the best over 1 game. Everything in halo has been done better in the unreal games. Also, Lucasarts didn't make KOTOR. Bioware did.
I was really sad when Dreamcast died. I'd played with it more than playstation and was really looking forward to a lot. It just couldn't keep up in quantity. But it had quality.
I think my biggest Disapointment in the software area was Need for Speed Underground. I LOVED NFS:HP2 and was really hoping for another along that line. Now that Underground outsold all of the previous Need For Speeds, we'll probably never see another like it. At least we have Burnout 3.
I got Futurama last Thursday($17) and Family guy Vol.2 ($25) yesterday. I think I'm addicted.
This belongs in the Anthology. Also, Mr Dagger IX1 is a girl.
Do you consider yourself a pacifist or a warrior?
Morpheus replied to elfpirate's topic in General Discussion
I'm a warrior. A few years ago, I was about to get into an arguement with someone and one of my friends told him to not even try. I literally always win arguements that I get myself into. Also, if someone is an *** to me they'll get it back in their face. Adahn, I would have thrown the food in on her clothes and flicked her off. I can take things pretty well as far as insults go, but I have to draw the line somewhere. I would tip with an obviuosly fake $1,000,000 bill. -
Can someone find me a good picture of a Mortal Kombat fatality that has a character holding the enemy's spine?
Send Charles or James a PM with the username you want and they will change it.
I'm a freshman in highschool, and I don't really see myself going to colllege. I'm going to work in the field of comedy. I have great ideas for comedic media, but starting out I see myself doing stand-up. It's what I love to do, and judging from my friends reactions I'm good, too. I just hope my mom doesn't freak out.
I agree, Steph. Mouse was really cool, and had the best death in the movies. Too bad the wachowskis killed [I]everyone[/I] off in the first movie.
[QUOTE=Chabichou]As for history, ancient Arab tribes lived there thousands of years before. they hurt palestinians on purpose.[/QUOTE] As for history, I believe it was the french, spanish, british, mexicans, and texans in the US before we were there. But now it is ours. And a suicide bomber does it on accident?
I'm just [I]implying[/I] that you shouldn't label artists.
[quote name='Onikage']:laugh: I don't consider her punk. I actually consider her Pop. She sounds like one anywayz. Call it as you must, there ain't no hell she's be considered a punk rocker. The only true punk rock band out their is Greenday, and I don't even like them :D[/quote] And I don't care. Some say she's "pop". Some say she's "rock". Some Say she's "punk". I usually don't label artists, but I put her under the "good" music.
I want to be a comedian. It's because it's so much fun. I can come up with something and work on it for hours just for that one laugh, and it's worth it. It also helps that I know I can do it. I'm only 15 and I already have about 80% of my first act done. Also, my work would include walking around and really taking in my world, and making it funny. And I work when I want, and while on tour, I visit all sorts of different places I just dream about now.
[quote name='Attimus331']I'm gonna watch final fantasy advent childeren![/quote] As will I. The difference is, of course, that I will watch it on a 30 inch screen with surround sound. You will watch it on a 5 inch screen with mono. [quote name='Attimus331']I personally think the DS is awesome. I like the pictochat. I draw naughty pictures! HEHE. But it's just not enough. [/quote] Awww...I thought DS had more than one game. Oh yeah, it has [B]TEN[/B] . [quote name='Attimus331']As for the battery life, i personally think Sony will fix that problem. But it's not based on anything, i'm just being hopeful. But really though, i don't play handhelds too long, 2 hours will be enough for one sitting....for me anyways.[/quote] It's not so much how much you use in one sitting as remembering to recharge. Besides, I've gone on trips where I'm not at an outlet for 10-12 hours, so having it always there is helpful. As for fixing it, it really doesn't work that way without buying another and/or extention Lithium-ion battery, which could be $50-$100. Sony can't just make ridge racer or any other game that accesses the UMD frequently last longer. They already have the highest capacity battery they have.
I was reffered by a friend at a birthday party. I was really looking for a board like this. I had been on G4's Boards and they were way too crazy. I joined and found that, while the rules are stricter than other boards, you can pretty much do whatever you want. It was also a plus that most people here aren't idiots. Why did you come?