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Everything posted by Morpheus
DS is $150. ACDS will be no more than $40. Do your homework for once, Inu.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Morpheus replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
Let me rephrase that. It is taught as a moral, like not killing people is. -
Pokemon still exists?
A few things: 1. XBOX has influenced the industry, but not as much as Nintendo or atari or sega. Also, it is not a COMPANY. 2. Super Mario Bros. 3 has sold 13 million copies worldwide-more than any other. 3. When did anyone start caring about graphics? I have played Halo, and it is good. But it is no goldeneye. 4. Since when did one game make a system "kiddie"? Nintendo Makes games that are fun and entertaining, and that's all that matters. 5. Gamecube game discs are hard to scratch, much less break. How would you know how breakable they are? You have said you don't go near the cube. 6. Every company changes the world forever by existing. 7. Well? Is last place and losing $1 billion a year well? 8. Everyone is going for the "everyone" appeal. Sony is so wanabe it has one of the best selling series of all time. Nintendo is so wanabe it got exclusive rights to 4 resident evil games and had silicon knights make Eternal darkness and the remake of metal gear solid. 9. How would you know about adults, Inu500? You're only 15.
I never cut down trees unless I want to make an orchard. I just used a code to get the golden items(except shovel. 4 and counting)
[quote name='ZeroAnime']Morpheus, i wish i could but i wouldnt be true to my self. and i am young i'm 14. i did not mean to offend anyone. also do u know what happens when u have to much of one thing it implodes. mankind would run out of food faster and oxygen would be consumed to fast. i kno im very cold hearted and sick(and i like it that way :smirk: )[/quote] I'm not sending money either, but you could at least not be a jerk about it.
I have a standing of a group of my friends: I simply don't care. I don't think god exists, but I don't care. I don't see a reason for religion.
That was sick and uncalled for, ZeroAnime. Even though it is obvious to me you are lying, some younger souls may not understand that you are being a complete b*****d. You disgust me. Edit that out so that others need not read that awful post.
A homosexual can't become "cured" as you can't become gay. You don't control hormones, so you can't become strait with any kind of therapy.
I agree with a lot of people here. Digimon and zoids tried to be new spinoffs of themselves after the first season and really sucked. Yu-Gi-Oh is a great Anime and manga, If the sensors didn't butcher it. I hate DBGT even though I love DB/Z. They took the story out of Toriyama's hands and screwed it. What good is action with a pitiful reason? Inu500, there is a plot. DBZ is about living in a screwed up world and making it along. It's a metaphor for life. The characters in DBZ(for the most part at least) Have no jobs and no monetary worries. And yet they still face problems that beat the crap out of them. They just feel it on the outside.
Gizmundo is a handheld that is only in Europe right now, but plans to hit the US in march. And it is backed by microsoft. Suprise suprise. And it's pretty powerful, but nothing like DS or PSP.
The original was on a 64 meg 64 cart, so we shouldn't worry. also, They only design handheld graphics to look good on the handheld. I know that the gamecubes resolution is a few thousand by a few thousand, but the ds is only 360x360, so it should all fit.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Morpheus replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE=Zeta]I don't many places dislike America. I think they disagree with some of our choices, but there isn't dislike. But yes, there are places that do not like American, even then it is groups of people, not the country as a whole (at least I', not aware of a [i]whole[/i] country disliking us). I personally think we are doing the best we can at the moment. Some things we could have done different in the past, but otherwise I think we are doing all right. We've helped set up a democracy going in Afghanistan. And even though overall things look bad in Iraq, we have done quite a few good things nontheless.[/QUOTE] In North Korea, it is TAUGHT to hate capitalism. -
[quote name='Xander Harris']Hmm. I don't think that is necessarily true. Is it insulting a murderer to tell him killing people is wrong?[/quote] Yes, but you don't have to be a murderer. It is not engrained inside of you, you do it for a reason. He has said he tolerates but he does not accept. I am saying no matter how he says it, it insults them. He's not trying to, he just is. A gossip can change his/her ways. Homosexuality is related to what hormones your body likes. Could you just become Homosexual right now and like it? The answer is no. Why do you consider one type of sex natural, and the other simply a "behavior"? [quote name='Chabichou']Afterall, one of an organisms goals in life (intentional or not) is to reproduce is it not? Homosexuality is an obvious barrier when it comes to reproduction.[/quote] No. The goal of the species is to reproduce. If one does not reproduce, the species survives. [quote name='Chabichou'] For instance, public washrooms are seperate for males and females because of our sexual differences [/quote] No they are not. We are seperated because of PHYSICAL differences. I don't want to go into detail. Lesbians physically cannot use urinals because of their physical makeup.
[quote name='Chabichou']I personally think that homosexuality and bisexuality is wrong, but it's not like I insult these people or anything.[/quote] Yes, you do. With that very statement, you have insulted them. You are a Palestinian, Chabichou. I am of european descent. I was born European, you were born Palestinian. I cannot change myself, and neither can you. What if I said that being a Palestinian is wrong? How would you feel? These people are born how they are, so you ARE judging them and you ARE insulting them.
See what you can do with this. You have 3 days. Even jails try to give stars the VIP treatment.
-A before and after of the Dark Side Diet. We told them all you lose is waterweight! -This is you after one hit of "Dark Side". -Fusion gone Wrong.
[quote name='Inu500']I think that the Nitendo DS and PSP will fall. I already know that the DS is out but Look at the peace of crap. That thing is not worth $150's! I tryed using my hands to play that thing buyt after 30 minutes I decided to use that pen thing! I think that the concept of The DS was a good Idea But I'm not going to buy it. It's not worth the price. I Think that the PSP may fall because of the lack of graphics. I think that the PSP's graphics so far remind me of playing a psone game. If I'm goinning to pay $200's for a portabale Psone then forget about it. I do like the fact that you can watch DvD's on there, But If that's the only thing I can do, than again forget about it. I also know that it play's Music Video's but it's not worth $200's for the system. I'm not rich people! I cant just go buy system after system. :flaming:[/quote] What were you playing? The "pen thing" is called a stylus, and it's not the only input. You have to understand. Your hand produces this liquid called oil, which has a tendency to stick to surfaces. You see that D-pad? It's there for a reason. Both handhelds won't fall, It doesn't work like that. The PSP can rival PS2, so I haven't the slightest idea where you got PS1. Have you seen Ridge Racers? Who said you would buy "system after system"? As far as I know, only 3 handhelds will arrive in the US: PSP, DS, and Gizmundo. All 3 won't survive. one has to be inferior. As for the XBOX 2, how do you see it surviving? Halo was fun, but no one really cares anymore. [QUOTE=James][color=#811C3A]Who on earth have you been listening to, Morpheus? lol The PSP screen doesn't scratch particularly easily. In fact, you pretty much need to knife the thing to get some decent scratches in it. The biggest problem with PSP is finger marks. In addition, Microsoft's loss of money on Xbox is no real indication of whether they'll lose money on Xbox 2. You have to remember a couple of things. Firstly, Xbox 2 uses new hardware -- chances are, Microsoft might be able to incur a smaller percentage loss on Xbox 2 as a result of new hardware partners. Additionally, much of Microsoft's Xbox losses relate to Xbox Live. Xbox Live isn't exactly a massive success, but it's in a better position now than it was when it began. So, Microsoft will obviously continue it for Xbox 2. By default (due to the number of Xbox Live subscribers already in place), Microsoft will be losing less money on that service. So, I think they will be in a better position, but that's not to say that they'll suddenly become hugely profitable.[/color][/QUOTE] Do you know what Microsoft's Dev kit for XBOX 2 is? A high power, $1,500 Mac G5. I don't see them cutting losses with that kind of money.
How good is America doing in their foreign affairs?
Morpheus replied to Morpheus's topic in General Discussion
[quote name='Baron Samedi'] Not too many people like America, [/quote] I don't Think so. Afghanis seem to be the most grateful, but there are many places that nearly worship America. Many places hit with multiple disasters, Such as bangladesh, see America as a way to recover. Few places have a strong concentration of haters. -
Oh dear god yes! I have been looking forward to this since '97 when I was done with 64. I like nintendos new partnership with Namco. They are really filling the place of Rare well. I can't wait for multiplayer. The multiplayer on 64 was terribly off balance.
I agree with Desbreko. What can H3 do that 1+2 have not already accomplished? Also, Microsoft losing $1 Billion ($1,000,000,000) a year on XBOX Doesn't look good for what they will lose on a more expensive system. I've heard that large batches of Japanese PSPs have had dead pixels or a host of other random problems. Doesn't sound good for sony. I am still wondering, though, how durable the PSP is. I know the screen scratches easily, but I would like to know what happens when you drop it. I could probably throw my DS(or ANY other nintendo console) through a window and not damage it, so I'd like to know how the PSP stands up.
The PSP will drop dead. 4 dead pixels a day sounds...bad. Power never made a system live. I mean, look at the nomad. It competed against the original game boy. Not color, not pocket. The giant ORIGINAL. And got it's a** handed to it. because, even though it played genesis games on the go(and I want one) it failed because it was nothing we hadn't seen before. The games were available on a much more powerful, cheaper system(genesis). The PSP has a host of problems, which include, but are not limited to: -Dead pixels -Load times -bad multimedia setups -Analog "dead spots" -heavy -it is possible to shoot out a umd like a disc gun -Lack of originality - You talked of visuals and sound, which are good, but they aren't the game. By todays standards, Super Mario Bros. 3 is horrible, yet it is one of the best games of all time. By contrast, The audio and visuals in NFS: U 2 are wonderful. Yet the game barely fights past mediocrity for it's lackluster sense of speed. A game is about gameplay, which you didn't even mention. P.S. Is ANYONE willing to truely defend XBox2?
Let me specify a little more. I'd like a more zoomed out crash. A nice escape on top of that would be great. No words, please.
On the previously posted: Great: Family guy Simpsons seinfeld Chappelles show Okay: Friends ELR Bad: Sesame St. Mr. Rogers Seinfeld is a great show because everyone can relate to it, as is ELR. Those of you that have said you don't like them are thinking about it too much. They make fun of everyday life. Ray's brother is whiney to be funny.
I am going to get this game the day it comes out. I have AC for gamecube and like it a lot(2 years running). I can't wait to visit my friend's towns during lunch at school and see what they are up to. If they make it online, I already have a wireless hotspot in my house so I can visit towns from around the world! Post some of your thoughts on this outstanding addition to the DS library(out 3rd Q 2005.)