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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I'd have to agree with you about atari. I watched Icons on G4TECHTV and saw the atari special again, and Bushnell said this of Atari:"The best thing I ever did was start Atari, and the worst was selling it." Warner treated Atari like a business, and Bushnell treated it like a lifestyle. Atari would have crashed anyway with the release of the NES, but warner really screwed with the internal design of the company. But I'm sure The four men that started activision and Steve jobs are very happy that they left atari to start new companies. Jobs is even a Billionare. So I guess something good came out of atari's demise.
  2. I was wondering what everyone thought about this game and how much play time they have gotten out of it.
  3. Could someone make me a burnout 3 Avitar? A nice crash, or something that captures its speed.
  4. [QUOTE=ChibiHorsewoman][color=darkviolet]I have to agree with that. My CD case is a mixture of genres and has been since high school. I have everything from Reba McIntyre to Bella Fleck and the Flecktones to Good Charlotte to Michelle Branch...and some that I'm not quite sure of because I haven't looked through the big cd case in a while. I'm not quite sure what else to say about music choices and how straying from what the rest of your group does can help you in the long run...uh...yeah...and I listen to happy punk music. :D [/color][/QUOTE] Yeah...Lately I have got avril, Good charlotte, matchbox twenty, Simple plan, and Black eyed peas on my mp3. The only thing That's out right now that I can't stand is JoJo. :blowup:
  5. Maybe They are Making it analog and ditch the pad. they could make it only go 4 ways. You have to remember that nintendo always makes their analogs with notches so that you can get directions easily. and SSBM was pretty forgiving on the analog side.
  6. You are a rookie ________ that is trying to advance in the world of _________ing by winning __________.
  7. I think XBox 2 and PSP. The XBox is a commercial failure and the new xbox will cost at least $700. The PSP Is OK but it seems like the N-gage: an all in one that doesn't do the functions as good as other devices. What do you think?
  8. [QUOTE=Kane][font=trebuchet MS][color=#518CBD]My most awkward moment ehh, oh there's so many to choose from it's not funny. OK here it goes, this one took place last summer when I was on holidays in the Turkish resort of Kusidasi [sp?]. When I was over there I was amazed to find out that one of the guys from my year in school was going to the same hotel for the same time period for his vacation. So no problems there, eventually anyway we meet these two very attractive, very fun girls who we were definitely into and thanks be to God we both liked a different girl. So anyway we decided for a few nights that we would go clubbing together at the nightclub in the Hotel and that went fine for the first few nights. Now like all Irishmen I enjoy a good drink and I have to say that the stuff they served there was absolute piss if you will excuse my terminology, the drinks were good value for money so we had plenty to spend on the girls. So we hit the third night and everything is going fine and so we decided to take the girls to a little more private part of the club where we could have some privacy. Low and behold about 5 seconds after we sit down the DJ "Buddy" comes along and sits between the two girls we're trying to have a date with. He then proceeds to ask myself and Val [my buddy from school] about our "track record", now I was in the middle of a vodka and pineapple juice and I coughed but decided not to respond. Now the bastard starts rubbing the girls legs [both girls] and telling them about the different kinds of girls he's slept with and how Finnish Girls are easier to score with than French Girls. The girls decided to make it quite clear that they were having none of it and asked him civally to remove his hand, he did this and continued to detail his sexual exploits until Michelle [my date] says that she's uncomfortable and asks me to make the guy leave. Now I'm 6'3 and I weigh a hefty 15 stone but I'm built like an ox so I calmly say to the guy that he's making the girls uncomfortable and that I would be obliged if he would get back to work as DJ, so the guy is a little taken aback and decided that since I was bigger than him he would go off but I have to say that it was one of the most awkward nights I'll ever remember. The girls were very impressed though so it was kinda worth it.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] I know that this question is kinda late, but what ever happpened to the girls?
  9. Yes, this will be closed. But I will save you by starting an actual discussion. Please Read(or reread) the rules. 2 games I think you should never buy: Spiderman 2 for the DS: No map, a time limit, and a burning building that is impossible to get through. Ick. Dynasty warriors: Too hard and confusing; the soldiers are half as powerful as you! There are hundreds of them!
  10. I believe nintendo. Without them, gaming would have been a fad. Gaming died back in '84, and they had the right amount of voodoo to resurrect it, and bring a whole new platform to work with that had better technology. With more power and memory, they made the industry more flexible to create better works. Then, with the gameboy, they showed that you can apply the same thing to a portable. They create fun games and, despite criticism, have the most loyal fanbase out there. Anyone can call them "kiddy" or "retarded" But I prefer the label "fun". If there was only one software company and one Hardware company, I would make both Nintendo. The DS is the future of handhelds, and revolution is the future of home consoles. Nintendo is the reason gaming is where it is today.
  11. Why does this matter? I don't care if a band is "punk" or "pop" or anything else. If they are good, then I buy their cd. I don't see the issue. It doesn't matter who makes your food, as long as you like it. So why does it matter who makes your music, as long as it sounds good?
  12. [quote name='moonlightshadow][COLOR=Indigo]Ok, i see what your getting at here and i agree on some terms. But not all people judge in that way. But also stepping out of color and race. What about the way a person dresses? What do you think when you see a goth in the lunchroom? Devil worshipper? Everyone does it i'm not blaming or attacking your opinion i'm just stating mine. Race and color does have alot to do with it but in the past we have seen African-Americans rock out in a metal concert, and a white american perform on stage in a rap concert! I'll admit that i have judged by the color of skin rather then the content of there character. Or if they talk funny or dress different. But when it all comes down to it we are all the same on the inside. I wish Everyone could just forget about segregation and join together...cheesy yeah but it makes sense right?[/COLOR'] :([/quote] Impossible. People don't "forget". Most of the generation born before 1950 has some sort of racism in them. Racism is taught, yes taught, in some parts of the world(North Korea, Iran, etc.) We will never forget racism. It is embedded as a steriotype.
  13. [quote name='MistressRoxie']Is this thread about our Foreign Policy in Iraq, our FP in general, or was this thread a means to creatively title: "For or against the war in Iraq?" [/quote] As the Title say, Foreign Affairs/Policy. We were just discussing Iraq.
  14. 1.The Anthem- I'm not going to be on a strait career path or anything like that. 2.Perfect-That's what seems to be expected of me. 3.Way Away-I'm going places and everyone that doubts me will understand once I get somewhere.
  15. As much as I hate to say this, this is not the place to ask. There is a very, very minimal chance that anyone will want to send anything. We're not hateful or anything, but this is a little too much to ask of mostly teenagers. Even if we did want to help, Where would we send funds? How will we now they are not going strait to you? You need to show that this is authentic and provide an address for sending.
  16. Dodgeball Peter:What's our team motto? Player:Aim low?
  17. I think America is doing as good as possible. Someone attacks us, and we take care of it. I don't see the problem with invading Iraq. Wasn't saddam threatening the peace in a place already torn with tension?
  18. Yes!!! The first 2 seasons of all that were the best!!! Kenan and Kel and Josh and deborah... I'd love to have a dvd box set of those. We had Good Burger... Today's kids have to watch sugar & coffee.
  19. I love IZ. It's so weird. I need to go buy the discs w/ my christmas money. But southpark comes first.....
  20. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman']I would definately like to be a daycare teacher. I like kids. I even have one of my own[/quote] That reminds me. How is your baby doing? Back on topic. I've been the babysitter for multiple kids and I don't see much fun in it. I love my brother(he's 3) but staying w/ him for 8 hours at a time by myself is a pain. Add other kids to the mix and I just can't handle it. You must be VERY patient, CHW.
  21. You should try out Burnout 3 or Ratchet and Clank 3. They have each kept my attention for 50+hours. Also, since you seem to be sort of an old school gamer(as I am) You should take a look at Midway arcade treasures 1+2. They showcase what pervious generations have to offer.
  22. Ahh, another useless...errr..."fun" thread by cheebs. I've found my dream job, and she's wonderful: Stand-up comedy. And I'm not one of those people that actively pursues something because it sounds cool, or because I'll get rich. I'm really good at it. I made my grandma(68 years young) Laugh until she cried. Also, I know getting rich is a possibility, but I don't care as long as I can do stand-up. Which is weird because I want to get rich. But when I do comedy, I feel rich, and that's all that matters. Plus, I don't really do anything on a normal day. I just think about things and the comedy comes to me. It's like a gift.
  23. I didn't say MY town was boring, Sara. Here is a very, very interesting thing that happened recently: On July 22, Cameron Crowe(Yes, the director) came to my town to film our former courthouse and town square for the opening sequence of the upcoming movie, Elizabethtown(also the name of my town). That's pretty big for around here. It shut down downtown traffic for an entire day(not fun) Also, one of my friends shot hoops with Cameron and ate lunch with Kirsten Dunst while he was on set as an extra in Louisville. You must all buy tickets now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  24. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][b]Shrek[/b']- I just thought it was so hilarious the first time I saw it and I couldn't wait to see it again. I especially liked how the adult jokes were disquised enough to go over the kids' heads. [/quote] [quote name='Kittychanann][I]The Princess Bride[/I']- I never get tred of this movie. It has evrything in it and i love the characters. I watch this movie evryday and never get tired of it.[/quote] [quote name='Kitty] Matrix- Yes folks, I am a Matrix fan. The two sequels disappointed me after this one, though, but I'm sure I'm not the only one. Anyway, the plot was wonderful, the characters were very interesting, the graphics were stunning, and the thing as a whole was, well.. revolutionary and memorable. I especially liked how it included a bit of comedy. This instantly became a favorite of mine because of the fact that [b]no one[/b'] had done anything like it. Ever. And, unfortunatly, it has yet to be surpassed.[/quote] That was easy.
  25. Which gaming platforms do you have, And how many games do you have for each? Also, Which game is your favorite(for each)? Gameboy color-15 Definately Dragon Warrior monsters. I have 2 copies and have put nearly 500 hours into it. Gameboy advance(SP)-15 Pinball of the dead. Best. Pinball. Game. Ever. Nintendo DS-3 Super Mario 64 DS. I owned it for N64 for several years and it still feels fresh. Gamecube-24 Animal Crossing. Another game to reach 500 hours PS-26 Spyro 2 for having the perfect learnig curve. PS2-42 Burnout 3. My first true adrenaline rush from a game. Dreamcast-9 Chu Chu Rocket. I beat it several times over and loved making my own courses PC-Many Unreal Tournament. Nothing does FPSing better. Genesis-27 Streets of rage. Nothing like a good brawl. N64-23 Goldeneye. I actually stayed up 'till 2 o'clock playing 3 player battle on the 23rd. It has that much staying power.
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