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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. I Thoroughly enjoy turn based RPGs such as Dragon Warrior, Dragon warrior monsters, Super mario RPG series, Pokemon, and the like. I just thought that in final fantasy there were too many menial tasks, find him, talk to her, use this, It felt like I was doing something for no reward at all. The combat system is solid, but nothing sticks out or feels right.
  2. Before I say anything, If you post, please say more than "FF rulez" or "FF suckz" and don't flame anyone with different views. It makes this repetitive. I personally have never had fun with this series at all. I don't care if it has a gripping storyline, that's not what games are about. they are about FUN. I see no fun in doing some press this button and then this one and someone might die. It's a chore to play.
  3. It's a tie between Naruto, DBZ, and Yu-Gi-Oh. Naruto and DBZ are excelent fighting series like any other. But what makes them great is how down to earth they are. People die. Main characters die. Lost to never return. The main characters don't always make it through a conflict like magic. Near the end of DBZ, Only 4 of the 150 odd characters are alive, only one earthling, a dog and 2 warriors. Earth has been destroyed, and everyone died. As for Yu-Gi-Oh, the anime was totally butchered by censors but the manga kept the original feel of the characters and life or death situations.
  4. What is your favorite Guncon 2(not guncon) game for PS2. And what games can you think of that are for it? My favorite is Vampire night. You go around and shoot vampires and fight very innovative bosses. And it even has *gasp* a story!!! You go through and fight the different characters that have their own little backstory. It's just a great experience. Guncon 2 games: Time crisis 2* Time crisis 3 Time crisis: crisis zone vampire night* ninja assault* *[I]I own these[/I]
  5. I've been watching a lot of LCS lately, and I'm partial to Dat Phan and Alonzo Boden(should have won)
  6. I once went on a spree and read 5 shonen jums in a row. When I thought back, I really had to tell myself hard that I didn't watch it. It's that engrossing. Also, Yu-Gi-Oh's anime sucks but the manga rocks, It has a better story, Mokuba and Seto are bloodthirsty, they never play cards(laugh), etc. also, you never say that you missed something.
  7. No. I am halfway between power and nothing- I am halfway between dollar and nothing Some say washington is worth more than me, some say not Washington is on the dollar and the quarter. depending on who you ask, they might come up with one or the other first but franklin and I are one and the same Franklin and JFK are on their own half dollars. Thus, a JFK half dollar is worth the same as franklin Another one: A simple sign of attraction that sings about rock and roll
  8. Programmer designer Coder storyline Graphic artist Virtually every aspect of the game has it's own special job to work on it. this is just a few.
  9. Yep. Will someone please guess?
  10. Not when someone else has on going. the answer to yours is he lives in a lighthouse. Here's mine again: I am halfway between power and nothing Some say washington is worth more than me, some say not but franklin and I are one and the same [I]HINT[/I] ~ Think about money.
  11. GBA Mario ana Luigi: Superstar Saga. It showed me(like Dragon warrior monsters in '99) That rpg's don't have to have final fantasy's horrible gameplay. PS2 I actually haven't bought any this year. I'm saving up for Q4. Gamecube HM: a wonderful life brought the expansion of HM's gameplay I've always wanted since playing back to nature.
  12. you're close, but not right. One more guess and then I'll reveal the answer. The answer to yours is there are only 3 people. a grandfather, a father, and a son. the grandfather and the father are the fathers, and the father and the son are the sons.
  13. More loopholes: Suing mcdonalds for making you fat Suing mcdonalds for not warning you enough about the coffee being hot(and winning) Political camPAINs: spending hundreds of millions of dollars just to sway the 5 people that don't know who to vote for but still care what idiot runs the country
  14. You're supposedto post a riddle. I've got one: I am halfway between power and nothing Some say washington is worth more than me, some say not but franklin and I are one and the same
  15. Morpheus

    Game Wars!

    You haven't spent much time with AW2 have you? the game gets good about halfway through orange star.
  16. If you're 20 then get your own place and let them visit you. If they come into your home and mouth and whatnot to you then confront them. If you pay the rent/morgage then you can tell them to leave and stop doing this. The fruit doesn't fall far from the tree but you need to get out of the tree first.
  17. Morpheus

    Game Wars!

    My favorite is Gamecube because of exclusivity. Gamecube has SSBM, luigi's mansion, pikmin 2, SMS, MKDD, Wind waker, animal crossing, eternal darkness, harvest moon a wonderful life, wario world, The list goes on and on. PS2 hits second, with ape escape, GTA: san andreas, time crisis, vampire night, and tekken. What good exclusives does xbox have? Project gotham and... that's about it. I buy a system to get stuff that I can't get anywhere else. And you can get the project gotham experience on DC with MSR. So XBOX doesn't even have that.
  18. Okay, a few things to clarify: Eyetoy: play is $50 new with the camera. It contains all of the aformentioned games(ninja, wishy washy). Eyetoy: groove is a collection of Lots of songs that play to musical minigames. It is basically a less chalenging DDR with unique gameplay. It is $50 with camera and $30 without. Eyetoy is like mario party: It really sucks by yourself and only has about 30 minute shots at multiplayer fun. But you miss the point of eyetoy entirely. it's not about having a deep, gratifying, or otherwise interesting experience. Sony is saying,"we have this game that you control with your body. No buttons to memorize, and no learning curve." Their trying to get people that think gaming is hard or takes hours to get into it. My little brother is 3 and I'm in high school, but he always wants to play a game with me and tries to help me with one of my guncons. But when I get eyetoy in a couple of months, he will be able to really help me and actually play and see himself on the screen doing something. That is what eyetoy is all about.
  19. Well excuse me! I forgot to mention how far my jaw dropped(this being the first time I beat SF64) watching that on my cousins 35-inch. I thought anyone that has played the game would understand.
  20. I beat andross robot mode in SF64 before the skin was done exploding with a bomb between the eyes. I beat dragon warrior 1 GbC without using anything but the in package map and a guide to dracolords castle(and beat dracolord and Dracolord Dragon in under 1 minute to boot).
  21. [quote name='Takuya']First, I'd like to say that the storyline is probably the least important part of a game. If you want a good story, find a good book or see the right kind of movie (nothing action or comedy, because those almost never have deep stories). [/quote] I see someone hasn't seen Spiderman 2. But, on topic, I think story strengthens, does nothing to help, or even hurts a game. In final fantasy VII, the story strengthens the game my making you care about what happens. Yet in kingdom hearts, the story backfires by telling you to do things that you don't do([spoiler]find alice comes to mind[/spoiler]) and FF:CC story is just there to move the action along. So a story can really affect a game.
  22. I agree with most of you. At their core, men are sexcrazed beasts. But the ones who show it and can't control it are the old steriotype. Guys are insane at home, but those who can't control themselves in front of others are the pigs.
  23. I call this move,"Ordering Another."
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