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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. What is the most awkward experience you've had? Here's mine: In science class awhile ago, a girl came over to our table. Drey, the fat kid, was staring at her chest(not suprising since he associates the word girl with the word pants, or lack thereof). She looked down and said,"They're the same size!" She then proceded to literrally adjust her entire shirt and bra for about 5 minutes to prove it. Very awkward.
  2. Oh, and while I'm thinking about it, to get a golden shovel, plant a shovel in a golden spot. Once the tree(also golden), matures, shake it to get the shovel. I now have 3. The trees also look good. My favorite character is Kiki, the cat. Once, she bought a migratory locust from me for 3,000 bells! CARRY 27 ITEMS-To carry 27 items, carry 12 letters and put excess items into the letters as presents(do this only with letters that were sent to you. You don't want to send away a rare item.)
  3. Underground is okay, but hot pursuit 2 is much better and will save you 30 bucks. Underground doesn't have good courses or hot pursuit mode. boring after 1-2 hrs.
  4. GT is a rehash off the cell and buu sagas with mind control thrown in. Toriyama should have done something besides the character models. The 5 show suspense in major Z battles has shrunk to.... wait, nothing. In GT, stuff just blows up.
  5. Mine would have to be one I've been working on that is still only on paper. It will be a twist on Buffy, but nothing of the like. All I'll reveal is that it is an Action/Adventure-esque that puts you in different Buffy-esque roles, but not in the way most would think. My ultimate game would have to have lots of (good) extra's and play modes like mine, not the 2-3 we see nowadays. For some odd reason, the games with the best(and most) extra's are fighters. Tekken Bowl anyone?
  6. I decided to make a thread devoted to AC for discussing anything related to the topic i.e. what your house is like, the NES games you have, etc. My house is a gameroom. Well, the firstfloor is anyway. I played for a year and finally bought ultimate codes for AC. It not only maxed out my account so I could redecorate, it also maxed out the catolog(giving me about 1/2 of the NES games, which I ordered). It even gave 5 games that can't be gotten in AC, like The Legend of zelda and punchout. I lined the walls with the games and put Arwings in the top corners. I put 2 vending machines in the top middle along with Zelda and super mario brothers. To top it all off, I created a deep space pattern at the Able Sisters and put it on my floor, walls, and clothing. I wish I could start a business. The rest of my house is just storage. to many rare items, so little room. I am currently making an orchard of cherries and pears, the 2 fruits that I have that aren't native. Big moneymaker! Also use this for any questions you have about AC. I'll ask the first. How do you get flying packages?
  7. I personally think that there should never be an Animal Crossing 2. There should be expansion packs to AC. Who want's to start all over?
  8. Animal crossing. Like the sims, without the hassle. Everyone says, "I'm an adult so I can't play that game." Pity on your souls.
  9. It's pretty obvious that Akira only did the character models because the plot is a rehash of the cell and buu sagas:evil genious creates impossibly strong creature.
  10. Yeah, GT sucks. There will never be another DB because Akira said so. It was supposed to end at the frieza saga anyway.
  11. Sega smash pack. It had Streets of rage 2, golden axe, Sega swirl, return of shinobi, Sonic, altered beast, columns, virtua cop 2, Wrestle war, phantasy star 2, shining force, and vectorman on one GDROM. Worth buying a DC at launch price for.
  12. Yeah, but you have to think that animes have been tranlated more than mangas to a ratio of about 8 to 1. Reading manga will be good but taking an insane anime experience and making it into a manga would spark a lot of attention. People would be like,"Is that even possible?"
  13. Watch animes to develop your feel. If you want nonesense and insane, The Excel saga and FLCL are good choices. If action is the premise, DB/Z/GT are good. a very developed and engrossing feel can be found in inuyasha. It just depends on what floats your boat and who will be reading it. If you are successful, show us the finished product.
  14. If you are, where(i.e. city/town, county, etc.) I'm from Elizabethtown, about 50 miles south of Louisville.
  15. I classify a prep as: Someone that will not talk/socialize/be in the same room with a person they think will make them look bad to the populace and make them lose all of their little shallow friends. For some reason the preps at my school aren't that bad around me. I wonder why, because I'm the only one that knows that I could beat their *** with a pole. probably because I could make them look smart, or at least not braindead.
  16. I'm kinda like FirePheonix727, nobody loves me :^(. I've had my eye on this girl for some time(1 1/2 years) but I'm so jumpy in her presence it's scary. I can talk to her without freezing up(by not looking into her eyes, for the most part), though. I'm pretty comfortable talking to girls I like(probably because about half of my friends are girls(Though none of the girls I've been interested in have been my friend except the one I like now that I met at church camp 2 1/2 years ago)) I think that my first kiss will be like.....hell, I don't know. I'm only an Eighth Grader so I have a long way to go. still, I feel no love :^(.
  17. I'll break it down by genre: Platform-Ratchet and clank 1+2. Play the first one first because if you play 2 first it is hard to adjust to 1.$60 RPG-FFX(Is there an echo in here?) or FF7$20 Action adventure-Gauntlet:DL $20 Retro-Midway arcade treasures $20 Fighting-Tekken tag or virtua fighter 4 evo$20 racing-GT3:a-spec or burnout 2$20 shooter-SOCOM or max payne$20 $180 for the best of the genres!!!
  18. I kind of have this situation. One person I know bugs me about all this stupid stuff that I don't even like! I have a good system for it, though. If he says something like, "were you at the Yu-Gi-Oh tournament last night?" I say, "I'm suprised you would know." He gets embarrassed and walks away. Funny as hell.
  19. I'd say that your girlfriend is testing you. You need to ask her why she is acting this way. You should propably be as straitforward as possible as soon as possible. ASAP ASAP.
  20. I wouldn't ask her unless you are sure she will say yes. As mentioned before, added stress won't help. You may want to go the "I'll be here if you need anything" route.
  21. Where the hell is Dragonball? And G-Gundam? Sure GT has been mentioned, but the people made a horrible choice not letting Toriyama do the plot. No other anime went for 600 episodes, and DB/Z pioneered the,"Why the hell did you kill off the main Character style" So many people die that most can litterally say,"I died like this first, this second..."
  22. Mine was San Francisco Rush for N64. I like competition. I somehow have a need to win but don't get depressed if I don't. I had an Intellvision but football on it was as fun as trying to sleep when your wide awake. and I was like 4 and that didn't help.
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