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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. Yeah, the Simpsons seems to be the only thing fox has done right. Has anyone seen the episode that was banned from TV,"When you wish upon a Weinstein"?
  2. Dang; here goes All 50 masks Sail Grappling hook Fish food Pear Waker Many items from enemies I'm too tired to type more; there are TOO MANY!!!!!!!
  3. According to many articles in big mags like NP and GI, AO is Simulated sex. All AO games are, as you said, are illegal retail-wise.
  4. -You start running around town doing errands on foot -You start speaking Animalese
  5. I like both. "My E-mail is 'loismustdie@aol.com'"-Stewie "Surely something will miraculassly save the simpson kids"-Bart from Treehouse of Horror V
  6. I was truly hoping for a animatrix on the 2nd DVD.
  7. I eat Kitkats dipped in water. Also lays chips on a subway chicken sub is good. So are ruffles dipped in bean with bacon soup. Chicken with mac and cheese and seasoned salt also comes to mind.
  8. Mine is when everyone thinks goku died in Dragonball; I knew he would live(I had seen DBZ) but it was still so sad.
  9. My highscore is in the 11,000 range. You have to play on the hard difficulty to get there.
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