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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. [quote name='visualkei']The majority of Americans voted to wage war in Iraq[/quote] When, when, when did this ever happen? The American people have no say in war declaration or troop movement. [quote name='visualkei']we've barely cleaned up our mess, and I'm in disbelief that so many want to withdraw at a time like this. I can see why Bush is opening up a can of veto over this. We've got to find a way to best end something we've started, and I don't think walking away sounds right.[/quote] That's exactly what everyone is talking about. We don't have any way to clean this up. Bush is vetoing the bill because it doesn't fall into suit with his ideas which, considering this is his second term and seventh year in office, he should be at least attempting to criticize. But the war in Iraq was his dream and aspiration for his presidency, he wanted to go there and like magic take the entire country. What he doesn't realize is that his name isn't Eisenhower, MacArthur, or Grant, and he is not a brilliant military strategist. he didn't count on the on the intensity of the religious conflict in Asia, nor that war could possibly be hard to win for such a great nation. But when you send a combined force of 200,000 into such a large, unfamiliar place things don't always go as planned or as assumed. Bush has the mindset of Dr. Evil, where the weakest of his force is so ridiculously superior to the enemy that it will just be a ****ing walk in the park. Well, it's not. War is hell, war is not easy, and war needs a much better strategy than "Well, uhhhhh, GO GET 'EM!". It doesn't work that way, and hasn't since the dawn of civilization.
  2. [QUOTE=2007DigitalBoy][COLOR=DarkOrange]There's already a 10-page thread (debate) about this over on Megatokyo... it's disgusting. As usual, everything's been politicized, dragged out of focus... we've got the pro-gun and anti-guns, the people sifting through blame cards trying to figure out who to yell at, the whole 9-yards. i'm not one to get into this sort of mess. I don't really have strong opinions on these issues -- nothing I feel passionate about enough to back up with any substance. I will say this, though. As one who lives in Virginia, where VA Tech is the most popular college choice, it's a sort of surprise hearing about this in my own backyard. I can't claim to have been frightened -- the world was already scary enough as it was... this is just more fuel on the fire. My only thing is that the minute I hear 'video games' or 'music' on the news, I'll be the next one on a rampage.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] Fox had Jack Thompson on for 20 minutes yesterday. Why, in the midst of a tragedy, must we listen to someone without any sort of qualifications to analyze the situation? He just got on, said his usual blasphemous speech on how video games are corrupting our youth, and left. That's not helping. He belittled the massacre by putting his own agenda behind it. It's been 8 years since Paducah, and no one believed him then, and they certainly don't listen to him now that he latches onto every single one of these tragedies. It is disgusting in every way imaginable. Here's a thought: They all take place at schools. Maybe analyze that aspect sometime, Mr. Thompson. School is very stressful, and people can be horrible sometimes. Saying that they play video games is like saying that they killed because they eat at McDonald's, drive cars, or have access to the internet. It's ludicrous at best.
  3. The charges against them should be dropped immediately, because the police incited this whole thing, not the guys that put them up.
  4. Morpheus


    Sometimes covers are even better than the original songs. Case and point: All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix.
  5. Morpheus


    Well, I have a myspace and am on it often, and believe me, it did not win worst coded website for nothing. It is done horrendously, and obviously the original team did not make it possible for any sort of update or upgrade to the site.
  6. One thing the PS3 has on the 360 is that it is extremely loud. It sounded like a car's engine at Gamestop.
  7. This is an issue that tends to really get on my nerves. I've heard many girls say that they would never ask a guy out because they are afraid of rejection. Well guess what? Rejection is a two way street. If a guy asks you out and isn't hurt by the rejection, chances are he didn't give a rats *** about you. Guys have feelings too, and ours are as easily thrown to the wolves as girls' feeling are. Girls tend to think that asking a girl out is nothing to a guy, and that's about as far away from the truth as you can possibly get. Guys get intimidated a lot easier than girls do.
  8. [QUOTE=Veritas] [size=1][color=dimgray]Would you rather,[/color][/size] [size=1][color=dimgray][/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=dimgray]Be unable to speak?[/color][/size][/b] [size=1][color=dimgray][/color][/size] [size=1][color=dimgray]Or.[/color][/size] [size=1][color=dimgray][/color][/size] [b][size=1][color=dimgray]Be unable to hear?[/color][/size][/b][/QUOTE] Unable to speak. If I can't hear, I'll barely be able to speak anyway. Would you rather live the rest of your life walking around naked or while wearing 10 winter coats?
  9. [quote name='The13thMan][COLOR=DarkOrange][FONT=Century Gothic]You're starving on a desert island with another person you've never met before in your life. You know that there is going to be a rescue team to come in 4 days but you also know there is no way either of you will survive that long without food. Unfortunately that means one of you will have to resort to cannibalism. Soooo...would you rather eat the guy or let the guy eat you?[/FONT'][/COLOR][/quote] The guy would die so that I can live. No dispute needed. Would you rather fall in love with your best friend and be rejected or watch your best friend fall in love with you and know that you cannot reciprocate the feelings?
  10. Morpheus

    Last Movie

    [quote name='Bombu][color=darkred]But hands down, the funniest part was when he was [spoiler]wrestling with his colleague Azamat naked because he caught him masturbating over Pamela Anderson, and then they start running around the hotel the were staying at chasing each other[/spoiler]. [/color'] :D[/quote] That was definitely the best part of the movie, disturbing as it was. [spoiler]The part where they were running around the convention hall was amazing.[/spoiler] Borat was amazing. From [spoiler]He and Azamat staying at a Jewish Bed and Breakfast[/spoiler] to [spoiler]"In my country, they would go crazy for these two. Not so much her."[/spoiler], it was amazing. Best film of the year.
  11. [QUOTE=HedonismBot][COLOR=Sienna] You should see two athiests discussing it... we may not bring it up around religious-types as much, but that's because we know that nothing we say will have any effect on their opinion... when two athiests get together (and I mean serious athiests, not just people who are areligious) we'll ramble on for hours about the holes that poxmark religion. It's quite entertaining, really, so long as you're into tedious and endless debates... [/COLOR][/QUOTE] I find it hard to debate with most religious people, so having a best friend that shares my basic beliefs is great. EWTN is the funniest, most absurd network ever by the way. On to the questions: 1. What religion are you CURRENTLY following? If you don't have one, then why? I don't follow one because I was thankfully not brought up in a strong religious background. 2. Why do you follow that religion? Parents, personal reasons, etc? Definitely personal reasons. What most religious people seem to fail to realize is that people like me exist because we can't really prove anything. And with thousands of religions claiming that they are right, there is no real way to determine that one is right and the rest are wrong. 3. Do you ever feel that people often criticize you because of these beliefs? Not that often, but there are always those that do. I'm lucky in the fact that I have one highly religious friend that I can truly no holds barred debate with and actually accepts my beliefs. 4. This one may spark a little bit of arguing: Do you believe that your religion is the one true religion? If so provide evidence. I believe that we will never know what is the one true religion, if such a thing exists, until the day we die, and there really is no point in attempting to find proof. One mans leftover toast is another mans proof that the Virgin Mary is attempting to contact Catholics via food.
  12. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I think we need to elect another sexually active Democrat to office so we can go back to learning about the DO'S and don'ts of sex instead of just the don'ts.[/color'][/font][/quote] Agreed. And from what we've seen of this administration, the course will go kind of like this: "Don't ****. Everyone understand don't ****? Great."
  13. It's more of a collectible than anything else. Linux's default browser is Firefox. [B]Myspace Instant Messenger[/B] I haven't encountered a soul that uses this, and why don't people just email or use AIM? The client is bad. The service is shoddy. NO ONE KNOWS IT EXISTS. No point whatsoever.
  14. Another large issue with splitting the genders relates directly to the point of those who support the segregation: Children having their hands held through school and being taught only the way that they learn best will cripple them even more. There is no "I'm going to explain this twice" in the real world. You have to get used to thinking of things several ways. If you're, say, good at learning through hands on activities and this is the only way you have ever learned to do things, what are you going to do in a large college class or seminar? You can't survive in the real world without the ability to take in information in a multitude of ways and just as easily adapt it to fit solutions.
  15. Oversized Gameboy Pocket model circa 1992. Meg already knows about it. [IMG]http://img250.imageshack.us/img250/345/dsc003162um7.jpg[/IMG]
  16. I just thought that I would put this out there: [SIZE=4]The problem with being a pacifist is for your beliefs to work in practice, everyone must be a pacifist. This is obviously not the case.[/SIZE]
  17. [quote name='Dodeca][SIZE=1]I believe that it was to point out that the only country to ever use nuclear weapons outside of testing is the United States, regardless of the situation. And whatever you might say, I personally believe there [i]must[/i] have been a more humane option than nuking two cities, but that might just be me.[/SIZE'][/SIZE][/quote] The plan was to invade Japan from the South. They dropped the nukes so that there would be no need for the invasion, which would have cost more lives. The fact of the matter is, The United States dropped the bombs to end a war. North Korea has been trying to start a war for over fifty years, and now that they have or are near the technology, they are threatening to use them. Any attempts to allude to the US using the Bomb during war against a country that attacked and waged war against them is evading the point of this discussion.
  18. I've seen plenty knockoffs, but none that cost an easy hundred to do anything with. Thirty dollars is something that people might take a chance on(and I have), but one hundred? I doubt it.
  19. [URL]http://www.shareholder.com/mattel/news/20060928-212559.cfm[/URL] My initial reaction really hasn't changed on this: It's going to flop. Priced at $30 less than a Gamecube (and the same as a used Gamecube), it can't possibly compete. "Advanced 32-bit processor with excellent graphics, speed and sound - for sophisticated, quality play" sounds like a Playstation motto. And now, eleven years later, it just sounds sad.
  20. We need more of this. It would be an amazingly powerful deterent.
  21. [QUOTE=Boo][size=1]I'm now studying Digital Communication. All the school computers in our building have FireFox as the standard browser, so I'm stuck with it. On my own computer I still automatically use Internet Explorer, but that might change due time. I need to use them both anyway. Whenever I need to browse or test a webpage, I'll need to check the page on both of them.[/size][/QUOTE] You do know about [URL=https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/1419/][COLOR=Blue]IE Tab,[/COLOR][/URL] don't you?
  22. [QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE=1]While I agree with you Duo that limiting one group's, say the KKK for instance, freedom of speech may lead to the curtailing of another, say Neo-Nazis, aren't we all mature enough to admit neither of these groups deserve the right to express themselves and be protected by a liberty ? What I'm talking about is censoring groups who are extreme and hostile in their beliefs, I have no problem with someone calmly debating any issue so long as there's serious thought put behind it, and they're willing to be debated on the issue. But simply screaming "Heil Hitler" and parading around like an idiot is not the same thing. For instance, as a Catholic I found myself rather disturbed by certain extremists calling for the execution of the Pope for what he said about Islam and Mohammad. There are plenty of people who insult Catholics and the Pope himself, "Does the Pope **** in the woods ?" for instance and I don't go calling for that person to be beheaded. If we all acted like reasonable adults with our beliefs, there'd be no need to censor people, but so long as people are going to be juvenile about it, then I'm afraid I wholehearted support limiting people's right to say anything and everything. [/SIZE][/QUOTE] I think the problem here is exactly what Shin was talking about. It is not possible to put any sort of limit on it, and no matter how much we don't want to hear about certain views, it would conpromise what the Founding Fathers had intended: for everyone to be free from oppression. We don't want to become the Soviet Union. Gavin, could you enlighten us as to the basic principles of Irish law? I think that that would help us get further into this.
  23. Morpheus


    [QUOTE=Tatsubei Yagyu][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Comic Sans MS]November 19!?!?! That's over a month over than I expected! :animestun Nowadays, whenever I hear an estimate of when something's coming out, I try and pick the latest date that makes sense, and I thought the Wii would come out really close to Christmas... But now! I may actually get to play it before freaking Thanksgiving!!! All is well in the world... :rolleyes: [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] If they had to release here in late December, they may as well not release at all. Releasing right before christmas is retail suicide. The japanese market is the only place that they could get away with that, as their market peaks near new years instead of Thanksgiving.
  24. Not only are conspiracy theories silly, but to believe that a potential security breach would contact his friends or family in person is absurd. [QUOTE]Noreen Gosch, in her book Why Johnny Can't Come Home and on her website johnnygosch.com, continues to assert that her son is alive and in hiding, and to publicize the notion that an [B]international government conspiracy of Satanists, pedophiles, and pornographers[/B] is behind the disappearance of the young paperboy from West Des Moines.[/QUOTE]
  25. While I do like other celebrities, I'll focus on the ones that have, for some reason, not been posted yet: [B]Kristen Bell[/B] [IMG]http://www.hellyeahbitch.com/images/kristen-bell-gm_l8.jpg[/IMG] Not only is Veronica Mars a great show, but Kristen Bell is pretty and charismatic enough to carry a show on her own. Seriously. I'd watch a show called "Kristin Bell Talks to the Paparazi" every day. [B]January Jones[/B] [IMG]http://www.starfool.com/images/January_Jones/January_Jones_main.jpg[/IMG] Dear god, just look at her! More to come...
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