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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. What exactly do you need help with?
  2. You can still get Ipod minis. Here is a silver one for $159.99: [URL]http://cgi.ebay.com/Apple-iPod-Mini-HP-Silver-4-Gigabyte-PW753AA-silver_W0QQitemZ5825356152QQcategoryZ84084QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem[/URL]
  3. My main reason for getting an Ipod is finally having a stable portable video device with decent battery life. I already have about 5 GB of music and video with about 2 GB downloading and about 1 GB that needs to be downloaded (By the Way, does anyone here have all or most (or even some) of the episodes of red vs blue downloaded? My computer is tied down by podcasts, and I would appreciate it if anyone could burn me a disk or two). [quote name='Sean']when my sound quality is usually 320KBPS then I doubt as much as that on it.[/quote] 320Kbps? What is that, 2.5-3MB per minute? Audiophile Alert!
  4. [QUOTE=Lafleur][COLOR=DarkRed]I must ask: whatever happened to a discman? Are we all to lazy to take a disc out and put another in? Seriously. The MP3 game is rediculous. They break. They're complicated. They're expensive. Discmen don't break! I've had my Sony for 5 years and it still works great! I've thrown it againts concrete walls, stepped on, ran over it with a tractor, this thing is so banged up its incredible. But it still works fine! People are all caught up in the hype of MP3s but, right now at least, they're just not worth it. LONG LIVE OLDSCHOOL CDS! But if you really want an MP3 player... don't get an iPod, iStoleit, or a Zen. Get a Sony. I tell ya, the Japanese make a durable machine.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I thought about just using my cd player first, but within a minute I had enough cons to make it pretty useless: [list] [*]Too big for a pocket (or just a really uncomfortable fit) [*]You have to carry the cds seperate (also too big for pocket) [*]Bad Music/Bulk ratio (1 CD in thin case is 2 oz. Player is 4-8 oz.) [*]No photos or video [*]Skipping [/list] Cost is about the only pro I can think of, and by the time you add up the cost of batteries and CDs over the course of a few years that part is pretty much negated, even with a $30 low-end Diskman compared to a $300-400 video ipod.
  5. Looks: Of course looks do matter, but having a nice rack does not equal a successful relationship. Casual dress is a must. Personality: Must know when to laugh and when not to. Must not be stuck up or a ***** (I know a few people like that). Must be talkative: Shyness drives me crazy. Dos: Fun, Smart, Attractive, and basically just a great person to be around. Don'ts: Smoking. I can't stand smoking. If you smoke, you are a weak idiot. Stop buying cigarettes!
  6. I'm going to get a 5th Generation Ipod (60GB Black Video to be exact) and this is really the frist time I have been interested in Ipod. I'm going to at least carry around lots of [URL=http://redvsblue.com]RvB[/URL] and about a gig and a half of music, and about 300 megs of photos. This player is right up my alley, and there really isn't much to add by now. iPod Shuffle is a terrible choice for a flash player. Not only is it more expensive than other models, it has no screen. I've spent $80 on my current 128mb RCA Lyra (with a 512mb card) and it beats ipod shuffle no contest.
  7. I have my B-day 3 weeks before christmas, so I have a double holiday season. My only big thing is a Black 60GB iPod video. I've always wanted a media player and this one is right up my alley. Other than that, a few DS games, a few PS2 games, another N64 (#3), a few movies. [IMG]http://us.news1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/p/rids/20051012/i/r4055382359.jpg[/IMG]
  8. [quote name='Killer7']OK, it is your own fault EA got this power. You bought thier badly made American games, and crappy movie translations. I hate American games, 95% are terrible, so obviously I don't like EA. [/quote] I think that is rediculously judgemental. America makes such wonderful series as GTA, Ratchet and Clank, Lord of the Rings (Two Towers and ROTK only), Star Wars: Battlefront, and Burnout in this generation alone. Many other games aren't great, but they'll keep you for a day.
  9. [quote name='Lan][size=1']I'm against Bush's nomination. Not only she is not qualified for the position but she has no experience what so ever at being a judge.[/size][/quote] A lawyer is well versed in law (espicially it's loopholes). A judge is used to interpret the laws. As a lawyer, she has seen how laws are to be interpreted. Just my $.02. On her nomination, I think she would be a good addition as long as she puts her own beliefs aside (i.e. not a Jesus Freak).
  10. The thing is that the Big Bang [B]Theory[/B] is a scientific theory: A theory of something happening in our physical world. Intelligent design is based on thought while the big bang is based on sciencentific evidence.
  11. The reasoning applied to "Religion should not be taught in science classes" is the same as not learning about trigonometry in Language Arts or Spanish Culture in French. It simply belongs somewhere else.
  12. [quote name='Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed']It's because he's a Puritan. If your not familiar with the term, these are uber-extremist Christians (Although I don't think the term is soley a Christian one, but for the sake of arguement...) who's one and only mission in life is to rain on everyones good time. These are the guys who, in the Shakespearian era, wanted to outlaw Shakespear, the Globe, acting in general, all forms of what they considered 'sin' (e.g fun stuff). And they damn nearly succeeded too. [/COLOR][/quote] The horrible, sad truth is that Ilium has not exagerated at all. To a puritan/calvinist/Huguenot pleasure of any kind is a sin. Thankfully James I drove them out.
  13. Morpheus


    [quote name='joshdude89']Even though I am a fan of Nintendo I am worried how the new controller will work with new Zelda Games and other games I think it will work a little strange. It makes me wonder if Nintendo will come out with a second controller that works more like normal controllers for certain games[/quote] As said earlier, you will most likely use a gamecube controller to play older games.
  14. [quote name='djehutys song']Two thousand dollars is not aid, its a joke.[/quote] It's not meant to replace income or property. It's meant to get you on your feet. A family could live for a month or two on that (we're talking basics here: Food-Clothing-Shelter). That is plenty of time to go get a newspaper and start applying for jobs.
  15. [quote name='tasu22889']just more crap the higher ups want you to think,we all know theres a problem in the world,like famine and stuff,so why do they insist on telling lies?? [/quote] Where do I begin here? For one, Red is Irish. Even if I stop there, your arguement fails. No one from higher up is testing global warming. They don't know enough about it to get past step one. Scientists actually care about the planet, and (big shocker) they are the ones testing Global Warming. If we weren't so incompetent about everything many deaths could have been avoided. I f the government tells me to get out, I'm out. For the ones that can't get out, would contracting busing services to go down and get people really be that difficult? Seriously, use the authority you have to take what is needed.
  16. Come on Meg, could you think of a better way for our government to spend borrowed money than fighting something that is completely legal? I sure can't. Seriously, I can't think of a more ironic thing than men that aren't getting any period biting the hand (no pun intended) that keeps them going day after day. [SIZE=3] *********************************Edit*********************************[/SIZE] [QUOTE][QUOTE]Congress began funding the obscenity initiative in fiscal 2005 and specified that the FBI must devote 10 agents to adult pornography.[/QUOTE] Dare I say it?... Those lucky dogs.[/QUOTE] I can see it now: Agent 1: I've got five playboys under the bed. We'll have to confiscate them. Agent 2: By the way, do you have a bathroom? Agent 1: Do you have 2 bathrooms? Kid: Just one down the hall. Agent 2: This is going to be very awkward.
  17. I'm not exactly sure how the online will work, but we will have to organize a place for OBer's. Make sure to use your Username when you start and this could get very interesting (side note: the same should be done for Mario Kart).
  18. ID science? Absolutely not. If you don't believe me, then please, by all means, go out and test it. Science is well rooted in proof and fact, and by no means is answering "God made it" to every question anything aproaching prooven.
  19. This is your custom title. Click on Edit Profile and it is the first blank in Section 3: Additional info.
  20. Morpheus


    I can see it now. Every year miyamoto comes out playing Zelda or playing Mario. Imagine him coming out and showing himself and Iwata on 2 revolution systems hooked up on LAN having a Zelda-esque 3D swordfight in real time using the gyroscopes. No more Tapping B.
  21. [quote name='Ilium]The US hasn't really [I]made[/I'] any money from the Tariffs, they've only made it near impossible for Canada's Lumber industry to sell to the states. By doing this, they've already cost 5 Billion to Canada, as well as thousands of jobs, and many communities have dried up and blown away without their Lumber Mills. It was done because the US Lumber industry isn't going to be able to outcompete Canada's anymore due to various reasons. To me, it seems like a vengful cop out to make up for the shortcommings of the Corporatism. [/quote] Well excuse me. Now the US needs to protect its hundreds of thousands of jobs in the lumber industry. Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, Canada losing thousands was a better trade off than the US losing Hundreds of thousands? Your whole "let's fight fire with fire" idea won't work. Taxing and tariffing here and there will just make the US cut off things you need. People just need to find other jobs. As mean as it sounds, that's as sugarcoated as I can make it.
  22. Trying to convince people to buy from their own country. That's just horrible. Seriously, if the US has made 5 billion in tariffs alone, that means that despite the tariff, people are still buying. Our government is in the hole and now is spending 50 billion on a disaster. We lost hundreds of thousands of jobs and 2 major cities were decimated. Don't come in here complaining about a huge industry being slightly downsized when there are bigger problems to worry about. We most definately wouldn't threaten Canada with such petty matters if Toronto was destroyed.
  23. [quote name='M-A-S-H']eh suicide is pointless, but from a scientific point of view, i think it could very useful in cutting down the already overpopulated earth.[/quote] The thing is, the people that want to commit suicide are the people in the richer and less populated countries, like the US. People in overcrowded slums are thinking about how they'll survive literally, not killing themselves because the guy they were dating for 3 weeks turned out to be cheating. It's the people with easy lives that can't take anything without imploding. I lost my Grandfather when I was seven. He was my best friend. We went everywhere together. I'm holding back the tears as I write this. I lost my Great Grandmother when I was 10. One of my friends moved 2000 miles away last month. My Grandmother has cancer. My Grandfather is recovering from cancer. My Great Grandmother has had 3 strokes. She is lucky to have most of her mental capacities intact. But I move on, because there are so many things I want to do. I live on for the people that surround me.
  24. I'd say you need to really consider the art form. Are you good at math? Are you willing to work for weeks to get that grass to blow in the wind?
  25. Living things are most certainly evolving. We as a people have gotten taller over the past 300 years. From a personal standpoint, while NS is more valid than ID, I don't bother myself to believe in either. In the end, does it really matter? Life's too short to fight a stalemate between two ideas.
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