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Everything posted by Morpheus

  1. [QUOTE=Ilium][COLOR=DarkRed] I really don't know, it's very, very odd. In places like California that are earthquake prone, billions a year are spent on defence and evacuation plans; almost nothing like that in New Orleans. I mean the bloody city is two meters below Sea Level [I]on the sea[/I]. Wouldn't you expect some super-detailed evac plan for the eventuallity that the city will sink? Wouldn't you think that they would have a way to evac the city, especially considering they had weeks to prepare for it? [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Maybe it's just me, but I seem to remember a few days prior to landfall a [B]mandatory evacuation order[/B] in which the government opened all southbound lanes in LA and AL to northbound traffic. In no way am I saying that people in New Orleans or Biloxi deserved any of this, but you wouldn't have to say get the **** out to me more than once.
  2. [quote name='Kyogurl][COLOR=RoyalBlue][FONT=Garamond]Do u think it's Prez. Bush fault for taking 4-5 days to help N.O.?[/FONT][/COLOR'] :animecry: :animeangr :([/quote] Yes. I believe that, somehow, President Bush made a huge blockade stopping people from getting into New Orleans and Biloxi. Somehow it's always his fault. After all, who is our glorious all-knowing all- powerful tyrranic dictator?
  3. Try Gamefaqs.com. If Gamefaqs doesn't work (and on occasion it doesn't), try a search in yahoo or google for "*Insert game here* review".
  4. [quote name='Harry']Are you suggesting going into a basement during a hurricane is as safe as finding higher ground? I just really don't understand your point there.[/quote] Considering Katrina was tossing around a large number of vehicles, I'd say choosing either (even though one doesn't even exist) would be equally pointless. When your house is demolished (or covered in water), your choice of hiding place isn't really a factor.
  5. [QUOTE]Thousands of people died without warning. In New Orleans thousands of people drowned either in their basement or their houses.[/QUOTE] New Orleans' topsoil is to close to the water line for a basement. [QUOTE]If people fled to their basements in New Orleans because a hurricane was coming, I'd daresay they deserved dying.[/QUOTE] Of course, since staying above ground and being killed by debris (such as glass shards) is so much smarter.
  6. Always check [URL]http://www.gamefaqs.com[/URL] for cheats and walkthroughs.
  7. I've never been to a rave, and I don't ever plan on going. I just don't see the point. Music blaring and people bumping into you in the wee hours of the night sounds like a borefest.
  8. Speed is measured in hz, as in Mhz or Ghz. In a laptop, look for about 1.2 Ghz for a ultraportable or 3 for a desktop replacement. Memory (RAM) is very important. Make sure it has at least 256 Mb (512 for photo/video editing or 512 to 2 gigs for gaming.) Make sure you know what disk drive it has. I'm kind of pressed for time, so I'll just say strive for a CDRW/DVD combo drive or a CDRW/DVDRW(preferable) combo drive. Unless you have used MACs before, stick with windows. [quote name='Petie][color=blue']Oh, well that makes things much simpler. Just go to Start -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> System Restore. Follow the on screen instructions and chose a date before the computer started acting up from the calendar and you should be fine.[/color][/quote] I tried 2 different dates and they both said that the system shut dwon incorrectly. I have found that it shuts down at 11:30 pm.
  9. To say we haven't made any progress in two years is ignorant. We are progressing, slow as it seems. This war seems a lot like WW2. We ignored Saddam for the longest time and we finally hit the breaking point when one of his allies attacked us. We are now fighting a war people seem to hate. Please, tell the person that was to be tortured the day Saddam went into hiding that the war is pointless. [QUOTE=Bloodseeker] If the President spent all of his time talking to the families of every soldier that died in Iraq, he'd be spending all of his time conversing instead of doing his job. [/QUOTE] Exactly. He doesn't have time to waste on this sort of thing. To call him insensitive for avoiding her is ignoring that fact that he has a job to do. I'll restate this: [I] [B]We are at war. In war, people ******* die, and there is nothing you can do about it.[/B] [/I]
  10. The computer that is messed up is an XP. My old laptop is 2000.
  11. A few days ago I put in a USB flash drive that my dad had found. My computer restarted itself twice, and then opened a prompt that said it had recovered from a serious error. This now happens every night between when I go to bed (11 p.m.) to when I awake (7 a.m.). Yet for some reason it does nothing during the day, when I am away for 10 hours instead of 8. I looked at the files on the drive on my Win2000 laptop and only found high school portfolio pieces. Could someone explain this? Edit- My comp has crashed twice in the last 10 minutes.
  12. No matter how big of an idiot this guy makes out of himself, the "ball" is most definately not in our court. We can't take responsibility for every citizen's opinions.
  13. [quote name='Harry'] Pizza is not good for you[/quote] Just an FYI, pizza is actually very healthy. Just as you said with hamburgers, the [I]grease[/I] makes them unhealthy. Pizza (the good stuff at least) doesn't have much grease. This really reminded me of a "miracle diet" I saw at Target several years back. If you drink the entire bottle (about 64 ounces), then you can lose up to ten pounds in 48 hours. More specifically, it will dehydrate ten pounds right out of you, and, in turn, make you feel so bad that whatever wedding/social gathering you were planning on going to is comepletely out of the question. :sick:
  14. What exactly do you mean? That post was a little less than coherent.
  15. [quote name='Otaku America][color=blue']God says Homosexual acts are a sin, an Abomination. God simply doesn?t want us to practice anything that is unnatural to his eye. [/color][/quote] If we practiced only natural things, the vast majority of the people on this board would be dead. I was saved numerous times in my life by plastics, vital monitors, and medicines, none of which are natural. In fact, I wouldn't even know you if it wasn't for this unnatural computer. So you've met god? Is he/she/it nice?
  16. [QUOTE=Charles]That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. The next Grand Theft Auto most certainly won't even be exclusive to the Playstation 3 to begin with. But, even if it did turn out to be, why would Sony develop its next system entirely around that one game? :laugh: If you ever have the urge to post anything like that again, please take the blue pill and live life as if the thread never existed.[/QUOTE] Must you pick and pull at everything I say? I didn't mean that they were centered around one game, I meant that sony has ramped up the price just to make beautiful games. GTA is just the first big Sony game that popped into my mind.
  17. Sony has shot themselves in the foot. In a battle for hardware supremacy they have alienated their own customers. They have said themselves that PS3 is not for average people. But that is who plays games. Those people own PS2s. Sony's business will implode. THere won't be enough hardware sold to justify the development cost. All of this in an effort to make the next GTA really, really pretty.
  18. The foreclosed house was just a comparison that Israel has the land now, and for the palestinians to demand land that they lost in war is just ridiculous. They still live there, so they should shut up and be happy that [B]they[/B] weren't force out when they were defeated.
  19. [quote name='Chabichou][COLOR=#004a6f]Well, Israel is intended to be [B]the[/B'] jewish state. Jews only. They don't want palestinians there in the first place. It would work out much better if two states were developed. [/COLOR][/quote] As true as that may be, was all of the bloodshed necessary? Why not just ask for more control? After years of war(even victory after victory) a country needs time to rest, and sacrificing some power would have been a possible action.
  20. I don't own one for multiple reasons. Lack of software is big(There are only 4 games I would buy by the holidays, and 3 are ports), but so is price. The unit and 4 games is $450. For a console that is fine, but a portable? Having a portable at the top of the price heap is hurting Sony immensely. I could buy an XBOX(the only current console I don't own) and 10 good games for $250, the PSP's unit price. There's a snowballs chance in hell that I'l own one before '07.
  21. The pull out is the stupidest thing the Israeli government could do. Here comes war. People are going to start rebelling all over the place now, because they think that they can do the same as the palestinians. Israel is a middle eastern military powerhouse, and a string of suicide bombings has defeated them. Everyone that thinks there own country would make their life better (even the ones that really have no clue just how complicated it is to run a country) will join in this "Me too" mentality. The truth is, as "oppressed" as palestinians say they were, Israel won the land that they live on. The palestinians being angry would be like a house being foreclosed and sold to a wealthy person. The former owner has no claim in the house. If you don't like where you live, then by all means, leave. [quote name='Chabichou']And a palestinian state.[/quote] The truth is, not everyone needs a seperate country to live peacefully. Why can't people just skip the bloodshed and work at something? Have the leader try to get into the current government. People are much more willing to negociate when they aren't being blow to pieces.
  22. Morpheus

    Xbox 360

    $49.99/39.99 for the controller is rediculous. A Wavebird(currently the best wireless controller) is only $34.99 and is smaller(meaning tighter circuitry) than XBOX 360's controller(a regular GC at 25 is also smaller than the $40 wireless). A faceplate may cost $1-$2 to make and they charge $19.99? Are they trying to push people away?
  23. Him giving the apology would be the same as us pulling out of Iraq now. Hundreds more would think "I can do that too!" and we'd have chaos. Bush is actually thinking things through, and is now making the best decisions.
  24. Anyone that disagrees with evolution entirely should step back from science and look at some facts. It is a [B]fact[/B] that we have grown taller over the past 200 years. Just that simple bit of trivia comepletely disproves any theories depicting a completely static gene makeup.
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