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    the coolest pokemon master
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  1. Hello all. Been a while hasn't it? :eek: Almost two years. Anyway, to get down to business..... Now I'm back, I'd love to know who I should brown-nose :laugh: lol. No, but I'd like to know all the best Obers, the most popular Obers, your personal favourite Ober... Basically, what I'm asking for is a list of your favourite Obers [10 or so], a list of the most popular Obers [your opinion] and who you would most like to be from OB. I suppose thats really all I want to know. Me? I'm a reformed pokemon addict, so I'll see which way the current is blowing. :toothy:
  2. feraligator icepunch, hydro pump, surf, cut lugia psychic, swift, hydr pump,recover sudowoodo firepunch, dynamicpunch, rockslide,faint attack 1 full restore 4 hyper potions ive got weak pkemon coz i went there 4 fun not seriously
  3. hey i beat ash with feraligator L86,lugiaL71,sudowoodoL48
  4. hey dude cool story i rweally like it maybe he should catch a growlithe:)
  5. australia doesnt get much in the way of piokemon things it all it really sucks duznt it im an ozzie to
  6. there is definitely diomond and jade version ive seen them my self
  7. ash is a loozer if you battle like he does and train pokemon and keep them in their 1st form youll go no f#ckin place- train and catch to the max:laugh:
  8. american and australian versions r not compatible i tried and it sooo didnt work no way no how:devil:
  9. feraligatr hydro pump cut ice punch surf meganium cut body slam synthesis razor leaf ho oh fire vblast sacred fire gust recover got plenty of others but theyre my main ones:devil:
  10. by the way where do u get the GS ball? or how?
  11. hey byou guys where do u get gameshark? i liv australia n i never seen it NE WHERE it sucks that i cant find it :( :( also how do u writre those extra commenbts under ur names not QUOTES comments
  12. hey p:ball: kefans wassup? did u guys know that theres a diamond and jade version?(saw it in penang)
  13. u have ne cheats hints that dont require a gameshark?:confused: :devil: :flaming:
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