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Everything posted by IceWolfEyes

  1. Sure are a lot of interesting questions running around. lol. [B]-Do you have CPR/First Aid training? [/B] Yup. I am part of an organisation that has a Search and Rescue program. The organisation is called Civil Air Patrol (an official auxilliary of the Air Force). I have been in the SAR program for years. Thus have first aid and trama experiance. The SAR programs' basic job is to find downed airplanes. Since I live in Colorado, most downed aircraft smack into the mountians. The survivers (if any) have really icky wounds. If there was another word for describing it, I don't care. The wounds are often infected and pussing. The person dehydrated and confused, if we get there quick enough, in shock. We always hope to find someone who has at least a 50-50 chance of living, too bad most of them are too far gone to even place bets on. [B]-Does your area have a "Good Samaritan Law"?[/B] Yup, a sucky one. Basically, unless you're covered by insurance (like I am), doing more then placing a bandaid on someone will allow them to sue you. It sucks, I know. I have a firend who saw someone with a dislocated pinky finger, so my firend offers to set it right. The injured accepted, and the pinky was rightened. A week later, my firend was informed that he was being sued. The reason? As he set the finger, a nerve was caught underneth. Causing increadable pain, as you can imagine. After the dude went to a docter and had it fixed a second time (involving poping the finger back out and back in...ow) he decided to sue my firend for helping him. Luckily my firend got off. Shouldn't sue people who help ya, makes them less likely to help again in the future. [B]Lone toddler crying in a shopping mall.[/B] I would walk to the kid and make them stop crying. Doesn't take much, smile and make weird noises. Then I would take them to an information booth or the nearest police officer. End of responsiblities. Would continue shopping. [B]-First person at the scene of a car accident.[/B] First off, would call for help. Second, would see what I can do (if anything) for the injured involved. A lot of times moving an injured person will make it worse. For instance: They could have had a head on collision with an inanimate object, leaving them pinned behind the steering wheel. A peice of metal (or plastic, considering the newer models) has been jabbed into their fleshy bodies. Moving the person could have a few nasty consequences. 1. You make the hole bigger by pulling them sideways. 2. The metal/plastic has torn a major artery and the metal/plastic is the only thing preventing the blood from escaping. If you remove the plastic/metal you revmove the block, thus the person dies from blood loss. Although, if the car was on fire, I'd take my chances pulling them out. Better to keep them from becoming a crispy critter. Since I usuallly have my first-aid kit (way better goodies in it then the kits you buy at Walmart) I would probably be able to keep the injured's injuries from getting worse. [B]-Person drowning.[/B] Duh. First would call for help (or get some lazy butt-head to call for me). Then would remove shoes, blue jeans, and jump in after them. Unless they were in an ocean. I hate the ocean. If they happen to stop breathing, I would just administer CPR until help arrived. [B]-Obviously upset person running down the street.[/B] If the person is running down the street, then I see no problems I can help with. Running implys that you are able to take yourself to a hospital. Now, if there was someone else chasing said person, then I would call the cops. They need to do more then bother people going 2 over the speed limit. [B]-Injured animal.[/B] If the animal is domesticated (pet, horse, etc...), then I would do what I can. Check for injuries, make sure I can move said animal without doing more damage. If the animal is hostile, then I would take the damage. Superfisial wounds at best. Take to a certified animal care person. Leave; again, responsiblity over. [B]-Elderly person having trouble crossing a busy street.[/B] The old are notoriously bad tempered. Esspecially when they think you are pitying/looking down on them. Therefore, I would strike up a conversation and match their pace. Most old people go across on cross walks, so pushing the button would also be a good idea. As long as you don't outright state your intentions, most old people don't take it as a hit to their pride. Plus, when I match to their speed and walk with them, I can prevent an idiot from colliding with the old fart. If only by pushing them (or picking them up) out of the way. The less blood shed, the better. [B]-Person shoplifting.[/B] None of my concern. Stores have video servallience for a reason. If they can't hire compatant people to man them, then they should suffer the consequences. [B]-Smoke coming from the upper windows of an apartment building.[/B] Call the fire department. Watch to see what's up. If the building really is on fire, then that poses a risk to the surrounding buildings. Warn friends of impending danger if danger exists. [B]-Drunk fumbling to get his car keys into the door of his car.[/B] Walk over. Offer assistance. Unlock the door, toss keys in car, relock door, shut door. Then walk away quickly. Some drunks are mean. Merely tossing the keys in some bushes won't allow the drunk enough time to sober up. Now, if the drunk is way too big for me to consider doing this, then I would take down the car's info and call the cops. As a victim of a drunk driver, I'd rather see less of them. [B]-An older person trying to reach something on the top shelf in a store.[/B] Personal experience. Shopping not 3 days ago. Saw a lady in one of those moderised chair/carts. Asked if she needed something I could get for her. Canned fruit. Got it for her, walked off. Easy as 1 2 3. [B]-A woman/girl being harassed by a man who seems to be her boyfriend.[/B] Call cops, tell them location and situation. As a girl myself, I would rather not get personally involved. Help from a distance is better then none at all. Sorry for the many spelling errors. Spell check is being funky. Icewolfeyes
  2. Wow, love it! X is one of my fav's. No I didn't really have a preference, was hoping for a suprise. Thank you very much.
  3. I would like to request a banner. The requirements are an anime theme, blood, and "IceWolfEyes" somewhere on the banner. Dark colors, as well. Thanks in advance. Icewolfeyes
  4. [quote name='Jeff Foxworthy]Your family is a pack of idiots whom you have to love. We exist on earth to love each other, and our family is the test. Family is different from friends. You can pick your friends. It's easy to love your friends, [I]because[/I'] you pick them. But with family, God just sorts through the whole pile of souls and says, "This one will hate this one-okay, they're brothers. This one will drive everyone crazy-she'll be the aunt." You just get stuck with these people, and most of them are nuts. You let family get away with behavior you wouldn't put up with from your closest friends, let alone strangers. You love your family and hate them, fight with and fight for them. But in the end they're all you've got.[/quote] Methinks, that sums up everything nicely. On the note of the thread, my mother can start fights about anything. A moldy banana is a prime example of this.
  5. Heh, I have many good (or bad, depending on how you veiw them) stories about road rage. While driving down a three lane street, I picked up a great one. The traffic was moderate, folks were just getting off work and whatnot. There really wasn't much trouble, most of us were going under the limit cus the street lights suck. Anyway, this dude blasts up behind me, weaving in and out of lanes. Almost clipped my back bumper before dodging around. I muttered, "I hope you crash." and then the dude topped the hill and left my line of sight. Not 5 minutes later I saw him again. He had rammed his car into the back of an 18 wheeler. Unfortunatally he had been wearing a seatbelt (or had a great amount of luck) as I saw him outside his car with a dumb expression on his face. His folly included 3 other cars that just got minor damage, scratched paint, etc. Personally, I'm just glad he missed my car, lol. Another story is of the passive Road Rager. I was driving down a two laner and got stuck behind a real jerk. We were the only 2 cars on the road. I come driving about 3 over the limit (yeah, shame on me) in the right hand lane. This other car was also on the right side. I needed to make a turn, so I kinda hung out behind him. Then he applied the brakes. Repeatedly. I get in the left lane to go around him, and the dude speeds up! I'm almost at my turn, so I change lanes again. Take a guess at what he then did. That's right, he pressed his d@mn brakes again. Having been annoyed for several minutes, I nearly kissed his rear bumper with my front. Then my turn came up, and I was out of his diabolical clutches. Anyone who irratates others for no reason needs to be shot.
  6. I've got four ratties, awesome pets, rats. Fujiko, Lupin (yes, they did have babies, lol), Sakura, and an unnamed one. Reason being that she has the personality of a rock. Just sits in the cage and waits for me to give her more pocky. I used to have this wonderful black hooded rat named Inky who would sit on my shoulder while I rode my bike. I loved him a lot, he lived quite a while longer then normal, about six years. A tumor finally got him, poor baby. I also had a mother and daughter pair, Baby and Sweetie. Baby killed her mommy by tearing out her liver. I never could figure out why. Baby died like a week after that, guilt I think *shrug*. Then there was Domino renamed Smudge, he got out of the cage and I never found out what happened to him. I think one of the cats ate him. I'm going to get one of those Chinese rats eventually. They get to be the size of small dogs. Going to be a great freak out pet, lol. Oh, this post doesn't help you with the name thing. But since it looks like you found a name you like, then I suppose it doesn't matter.
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  10. [quote name='xmystic_silverx']What language was it in then? From this chick on TV, I was told it was in Hebrew, and since I don't know the language, when they spoke it, I thought it was.[/quote] Latin and Aramaic with a smattering of Hebrew. People on TV are not all knowing and wise. Linguistics people even said that the actors butchered the ancient languages. Me? Nitpicking? No, say it ain't so!
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  12. I love Twain with a passion. So quite naturally most of the quotes I enjoy are from him. [quote name='Mark Twain']In the space of one hundred and seventy-six years, the Mississippi has shortened itself two hundred and forty-two miles. Therefore in the Old Silurian Period, the Mississippi River was upward of one million, three hundred thousand miles long... seven hundred and forty-two years from now the Mississippi will be only a mile and three-quarters long. There is something fascinating about science. One gets such wholesome returns of conjecture out of such a trifling investment of fact.[/quote] Read it. All the way through. It'll make sense to you eventually. [quote name='Mark Twain']Huber, Lubbock, Maeterlinck--in fact, all the great authorities--are agreed in denying that the bee is a member of the human family. I do not know why they have done this, but I think it is from dishonest motives. Why, the innumerable facts brought to light by their own painstaking and exhaustive experiments prove that if there is a master fool in the world, it is the bee. That seems to settle it. But that is the way of the scientist. He will spend thirty years in building up a mountain range of facts with the intent to prove a certain theory; then he is so happy in his achievement that as a rule he overlooks the main chief fact of all--that his accumulation proves an entirely different thing. When you point out this miscarriage to him he does not answer your letters; when you call to convince him, the servant prevaricates and you do not get in. Scientists have odious manners, except when you prop up their theory; then you can borrow money of them.[/quote] Again, a long quote. However, it does make a good point. [quote name='Mark Twain']The proof in the immortality of the soul is that myriads have believed it; they also believed the world was flat.[/quote]
  13. Humans are animals. Talking monkeys. What are monkeys alive for? To make more monkeys. Simple enough. Just because we have more thought power then the other animals doesn't mean our purpose for being alive is different. Icewolfeyes
  14. If you ban one subject, you open the doors needed to ban a hundred others. Personally, I don't care about censorship. If I really felt the need to see something in an uncut form, then I would simply buy it from the manufacturers. On the topic of hate material: meh. Freedom of Speech, folks. All things are two sided. You like bashing the president/prime minister/whatever the hell? Then be prepared to have other people bash YOU. I should be slightly biased on this, but I really don't care. The KKK can print out all the pamphlets they want; it's still not going to bother me. Reason being, my Jewish buddies and I expect to take over the world soon, so we need those ninnies in the white sheets for target practice. The more people who join KKK, the better. We're going to need a lot of targets.
  15. [quote name='Wrist cutter']If it's getting too hard, quit. Don't waste time on such trivial things.[/quote] Nice. If you have writers block, just write about the block itself.
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