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Everything posted by IceWolfEyes

  1. I'm not exactly sure what we are discussing on this thread. Is this simply to discuss Milton Creagh? Or perhaps to share our personal stories about drug abusing family members? Since I don't know, I'll just share the story of my elder sister. She is an alcoholic and a drug head. Strangers had victimized her and she has victimized members of my family. She divorced her first husband because he beat her and because he is an *******. My Grandmother on my Fathers side died of lung cancer, caused by smoking. I'm sure you'll find my credentials in order, now perhaps you'll share your purpose for this thread?
  2. [QUOTE]I forgot to mention there is this program called, Seeds of Peace. It is based on placing two teens from one culture with another who hates each other. They listen to each other and many times in the end realise they both share many things of the same together.[/QUOTE] I've heard about this program. The teens become buddies with one another and swear everlasting friendship. Problem is, when they go home, they are exposed to their family. Their families remain the same and the prejudice returns. When these teens were contacted several years later, they were back to the idea that their culture was better then the other. These teens never wanted to meet again. The idea is a good one, but like so many others it just didn't work. Racism can be eliminated, but don't expect immediate or lasting results. Here is a good idea, we should stop seeing people in the flesh. Communicating online seems to work well. Most of us on OB have never met any of the people we chat with. I can't see you, and you can't see me, therefore we can't discriminate each other on the basis of skin color. Makes sense, ne?
  3. [QUOTE]I'm surprised no one else brought up the ever-tabboo CHRISTMAS CONCERT. *scary music* We're not multi-cultural any more: we're no-cultural.[/QUOTE] Good point. When I was in choir, we had the annual x-mas concert. Only we called it the Winter Concert, or Holiday Concert. The majority of the songs were about Christmas, but our director sprinkled in Kwanzaa and Chanukah melodies. I always respected her for that.
  4. There should be no set time during the day for prayer in school. Some people pray, some don't, most don't give a crap one way or the other. Students have plenty of time to do their own thing before and after school hours. In fact, at my school, there is a club for this sort of thing. It meets once a week during lunch. No one is forced to join, and they don't get a credit for being there. [QUOTE]As long as there are tests there will be prayer in school.[/QUOTE] I was going to post this, oh well. The first time I saw it, it was on a plaque in my teacher’s classroom. It didn't bother me then, still doesn't. Rather insightful, I thought.
  5. There was a program on TLC or the Discovery channel a while back. It was about the Loch Ness monster. A group of scientists went to Loch Ness with sonar and submarines to determine if Nessy was there. They found that she wasn't. They also found that there isn't enough fish populating the Loch for a creature the size of Nessy to live on. There have been theories that there is an underwater channel connecting the Loch to the ocean, but no one has uncovered it yet. Besides this research, I find it highly unlikely that a dinosaur survived several million years. As for Bigfoot/Yeti, until someone shoots one of them and brings the flea-ridden carcass into the limelight, I won't believe they exist. It is likely that an overzealous scientist started the rumor so his theory of evolution would be accepted.
  6. Hi, my name is Icewolfeyes, and I'm addicted to caffeine. I've been experimenting with various kinds over the past 8 years, and have decided that chocolate is my favorite high. I cannot go for more then 3 hours without a fix. I wake up craving chocolate milk and can become very aggressive when friends try to talk me out of it. Pepsi will substitute, but nothing makes me feel on top of the world like chocolate. It has gotten to the point where I spend a good half of my paycheck on heresy?s syrup. I don't even cut most of the syrup with milk; I just pour it directly into my mouth. With that said, I think I'll pipe down now. There is an unopened bag of Dove dark chocolate calling me. Icewolfeyes
  7. [QUOTE]I just want to say that IceWolfEyes is awesome for writing that, because it is sage advice. ... I guess I don't have anything else to add really, but that is exactly what my advice would have been had I thought about it. That's how I handled my crushes, anyway, partly because I was an idiot. ...hmmmm... did I want to say that?... Ok ignore me. Listen to IceWolfEyes. He is reasonable.[/QUOTE] Well, thank you ScirosDarkblade. I would like to correct you on one thing, though. I am a girl. Ah, yeah, that's all I had to say.
  8. Try this, instead of hanging with a group of people based on their gender, try hanging with a group of people you like regardless of their gender. If you have a ton in common with a bunch of people, be with them. Does not matter if they are guys or girls. Find where you belong and ignore the others. So the guys are shunning you, and they are whom you would prefer to be with. Yeah, that hurts, yeah it sucks, but maybe you should find a real friend. A real friend can tolerate slight differences in body design. I wish you well on the crush thing, but don't expect a teenage love story. Enjoy watching him out of the corner of your eye; create daydreams in which he plays a starring role. Have fun.
  9. -------------------------------
  10. Hey, guys, I think you conveniently forgot to read some of my posts. I AM JEWISH. There, I feel better now. [QUOTE]Funny because you just said the same thing I said about my beliefs, but about your own, only less bluntly. You say A certain religion didn't make sense to you, as did I, You said you believed in something else that pretty much went completely against the teachings of another religion, as did I. Strange how someone who did the same thing as me would actually then judge me in the same post. Guh, some people's children.[/QUOTE] Narius--Please do not compare you to me. I did say that I didn't understand certain religions, but I also asked for explanations by the people who practice them. Note the difference.
  11. Hey, Chibi, BOO-YA! Anyway...yeah, social classes and where we fit in them. Hummmm. Offline--I happen to be very sarcastic, insulting, and cynical. Yet, through some weird twist of fate, EVERYONE knows my name! Funny thing, though, I don't remember any of their names, heh. I suffer a mild popularity; I didn't want it, but got it anyway. I read big books, I have a vocabulary that contains multiple 20-point words, and I have the Snake Eye down perfectly. But all my efforts are wasted. My put-downs are taken as jokes, and those miserable people come back for second helpings! *Sigh* Online--This is the only board I belong to, due entirely to the fact that there are strict rules governing how the users behave. The folks who frequent OB probably don't know who I am. No one knows how nice that is. However, having a buddy or two wouldn't kill me (I think). Online or Offline, I behave in a consistent manner. I don't burden others with tales of my poor, retched self. I make my opinions known, and don't especially care if they make waves or not. I'm just a fun, happy, and lovable person to hang out with. Heh.
  12. Let's see, $6,300 in damage. I can assure you that no driving school costs that much. You aren’t strapped for cash, what's the big deal? If you can afford to repair 2 vehicles, and can still sleep at night, then what difference is the $500 or so for school? That's like pocket-change to you. Suck it up. As for you teaching her, don't let her use the radio. This is basic common sense; if she fights you over this, then just take the radio out. Don't most car radios have a faceplate that just snaps out? If she obsesses about her looks and refers to the rearview mirror at constant intervals, make her wear a hat. This will prevent her from fussing with her hair. Getting back to the number of cars you own(ed), lucky. Just don't meet me on the road. My El Commeino (sp) may be over 23 years old, but the body is made of steel. I can guaranty that it can total your plastic framed cars in less time then it took to type this post. Heh, destruction of expensive cars just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside.
  13. [QUOTE]Uhhhhh......I think you are a little confused there. See Catholics are a sub-group OF christianity. To be a christian is to blelieve that Jesus was the son of God. I know this because I was a Catholic for oh.....say 17 years. I sorta stopped believing in it. heh. Anyway You might mean a difference between catholics and protastants or methodists and such. All these I listed (and there are more) are sub-groups of christianity.[/QUOTE] Actually, Gelgoog Pilot, I'm only confused about how they differ from one another. And, if you can believe this, Christianity evolved from the Jewish religion. The forerunners for Christianity were Jewish (Jesus was Jewish, heh). Problem was, we believe in the one G-d, and the forerunners wanted Jesus to be our Messiah. The general population did not accept the idea, and Christianity was born. From Christianity branched several different religions, among them the Catholics. Now, what I want to know is, why did the Catholics branch off? What do they believe that is so radically different from Christianity that they had to rename their faith? *Edit* So, Chibi, they pray to saints instead of to Jesus?
  14. I wonder if anyone could explain the differences between Catholics and Christians. I know they stemmed from the same religion, but after that the definition gets fuzzy. I've asked several friends who belong to one or the other, but they had difficulty telling me how they differed. Mikkaddo--would you please explain Animalism in greater detail? I realize you've already told it to Chibi, but the rest of us missed out. I hope this doesn't get the whole mess started again, but I feel this is important. Narius--I did, in fact, take offence to your posts. However, it was not the message you shared. It was the way you worded it. You did not make an effort to be civil. Others who share the same ideas you do did not get the response you did. Your overall post attitude was negative and crafted to create an argument. If you truly get off on this, perhaps you are in need of a different board. There are probably like-minded individuals waiting for you on other sites. Also, implying that the followers of organized religions are blindly doing so was very insulting. This thread is here so folks of every belief can share WHY they believe what they believe. Regrettably, there are people in existence today who do what others tell them. It is a sad, but true, part of life. I don't think they would be posting here though; they wouldn't have the motivation required to regurgitate another’s words. Sorry everybody. I really had to get that off my chest.
  15. I've never had a problem with discussing different religions. Learning more about others never hurt anyone. However, cornering people and preaching to them is a bad idea. First off: it can be classified as harassment. These people were trapped in an enclosed area with no possible escape. Second, Nothing constructive will occur. The cornered people will be offended and will completely ignore any and all conversation starters. Well, except for sympathetic ears..."How dare he!", "What nerve!" etc. They probably just got set even deeper into their personal religious choice. Third, Why? Why would you do this? Unless he happened to be a zealot (in which case he really shouldn't be flying planes; too many people to preach to), there is no sane excuse. And on the topic of flaunting religious nic-nacs; big deal. Everyone shows off what they believe in. Could be Jesus, could be football, could be witty sayings. Although, I do wish certain people would use more taste when dressing in the morning. There is nothing that says "I love being Christian and being on the good side of the Big Guy" then a big, gaudy diamond-covered gold cross. Which of the 7 sins is Greed? *shrugs*.
  16. I always liked the one that said "Peace through Superior Firepower" I'm also going to get one custom made that has the little Jesus fish with the words "Tastes good with tarter sauce". Made me laugh my *** off the first time I saw it online.
  17. In our egalitarian society it is important to make and understand distinctions. 1. Christmas is one day, same day every year, December 25. Jews also love December 25th. It's another paid day off work. We go to movies and out for Chinese food and Israeli dancing. Chanukah is 8 days. It starts the evening of the 24th of Kislev, whenever that falls. No one is ever sure. Jews never know until a non-Jewish friend asks when Chanukah starts, forcing us to consult a calendar so we don't look like idiots. We all have the same calendar, provided free with a donation from either the World Jewish Congress, the kosher butcher, or the local Sinai Memorial Chapel (especially in Florida) or other Jewish funeral home. 2. Christmas is a major holiday. Chanukah is a minor holiday with the same theme as most Jewish holidays. They tried to kill us, we survived, let's eat. 3. Christians get wonderful presents such as jewelry, perfume, stereos...Jews get practical presents such as underwear, socks, or the collected works of the Rambam, which looks impressive on the bookshelf. 4. There is only one way to spell Christmas. No one can decide how to spell Chanukah, Chanukkah, Chanukka, Channukah, Hanukah, Hannukah, etc. 5. Christmas is a time of great pressure for husbands and boyfriends. Their partners expect special gifts. Jewish men are relieved of that burden. No one expects a diamond ring on Chanukah. 6. Christmas brings enormous electric bills. Candles are used for Chanukah. Not only are we spared enormous electric bills, but we get to feel good about not contributing to the energy crisis. 7. Christmas carols are beautiful...Silent Night, Come All Ye Faithful....Chanukah songs are about dreidels made from clay or having a party and dancing the hora. Of course, we are secretly pleased that many of the beautiful carols were composed and written by our tribal brethren. And don't Barbara Streisand and Neil Diamond sing them beautifully? 8. A home preparing for Christmas smells wonderful. The sweet smell of cookies and cakes baking. Happy people are gathered around in festive moods. A home preparing for Chanukah smells of oil, potatoes, and onions. The home, as always, is full of loud people all talking at once. 9. Women have fun baking Christmas cookies. Women burn their eyes and cut their hands grating potatoes and onions for latkes on Chanukah. Another reminder of our suffering through the ages. 10. Parents deliver to their children during Christmas. Jewish parents have no qualms about withholding a gift on any of the eight nights. 11. The players in the Christmas story have easy to pronounce names such as Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. The players in the Chanukah story are Antiochus, Judah Maccabee, and Matta whatever. No one can spell it or pronounce it. On the plus side, we can tell our friends anything and they believe we are wonderfully versed in our history. 12. Many Christians believe in the virgin birth. Jews think, "Joseph, Bubela, snap out of it. Your woman is pregnant, you didn't sleep with her, and now you want to blame God. Here's the number of my shrink." 13. In recent years, Christmas has become more and more commercialized. The same holds true for Chanukah, even though it is a minor holiday. It makes sense. How could we market a major holiday such as Yom Kippur? Forget about celebrating. Think observing. Come to synagogue, starve yourself for 27 hours, become one with your dehydrated soul, beat your chest, confess your sins, a guaranteed good time for you and your family. Tickets a mere $200 per person. Well, those are some of the differences. Funny thing is, that they are true! Anyone got more? Icewolfeyes
  18. -----------------------------------
  19. Yes, she is a girl. When no one knows who you are, then why can't you take on an entire new personality? She desided to be male in The World, who cares why. That is simply the character she choose. Icewolfeyes
  20. I don't dislike them, they just annoy me. I can actually get along with a few of them for short periods of time. They annoy me because they have no concept of time. They don't realize that school (jr, high, collage) is not life; that their stunning good looks (sarcasm) are not going to help them survive. Most of them don't even prepare for school itself; If it weren't for the social skills they learned, they would quickly die out. The females don't do anything except groom themselves (hair, make-up, clothing) in order to get knocked up by the QB. While the males make themselves look and act (and smell) like apes to attract the shallow females. Bragging rights, don'ca know. Okay, maybe I over simplified this a bit, but that is mainly why I avoid the company of the Pop's.
  21. I've still got Pogs, bet I could sell them for loads of money on E-Bay. I don't call people preps. I call them Pops because that's what they are. Most kids like and hang out with them (fawn on them, lick their shoes) to get attention from non-pops. *shrugs* Who cares one way or the other? They don't rule the world. Okay, I lie, they do. So sue me.
  22. 1) An old Jewish man, upset that his son had converted to christianity, cryed to the heavens: "God! Please help my first born son, he has turned against the one, true God! Please Help him!" And to this God replyed: "What do you think I can do about it? My son started the whole thing!" 2)Why did the Jewish people wonder around the desert for 40 years? Someone dropped a quarter 3)How many punk rockers does it take to screw in a light bulb? 2-one to change the bulb, the other to kick the chair out from under the first. 4)Jesus was making his usual rounds in heaven when he noticed a wizened, whit-haired old man sitting in a corner looking very disconsolate. The next week he was disturbed to come across him again, looking equally miserable, and a week later he stopped to talk to him. "See here, old fellow," said Jesus kindly, "this is heaven. The sun is shining, you've got all you could want to eat, all the instruments you might want to play--you're supposed to be blissfully happy! What's wrong?" "Well," said the old man, "you see, I was a carpenter on earth, and lost my only, dearly beloved son at an early age. And here in heaven I was hoping more then anything to find him." Tears sprang to Jesus' eyes. "Father!" he cried. The old man jumped to his feet, bursting into tears, and sobbed, "Pinocchio!" 5) An old lady is rocking away the last of her days on her front porch, reflecting on her long life, when all of a sudden a fairy godmother appears in front of her and tells her she can have any three wishes she wants. "Well," says the little old lady, "I guess I'd like to be really rich." And-poof!-her rocking chair turns into solid gold. "And, gee, I guess I wouldn't mind being changed into a lovely young princess." And-poof!-she's metamorphosed into a dazzling young woman. "You get a third wish," reminds the fairy godmother gently, and just then the old lady's cat walks across the porch in front of them. "Can you change him into a handsome prince?" she asks, and -poof!- there before her stands a young man more handome than her wildest imaginings. With a smile that makes her knees weak, he saunters across the porch and whispers in her ear, "Aren't you sorry you had me neutered?" 6)Dead baby jokes: [spoiler]What does it take to make a dead baby float? One scoop of ice cream and a scoop of dead baby. How did the dead baby cross the road? Stapled to the chicken Why do they boil water when a baby's being born? So that if it's born dead, they can make soup. What's red and squirms in the corner? A baby with a razor blade. What's blue and squirms in the corner? A baby in a baggie. What's green and sits in the corner? Same baby two weeks later What's red and hangs from the ceiling? A baby on a meathook. Why do you put a baby in the blender feet first? So you can watch its expression. What's red and bubbly and scratches at the window? A baby in a microwave.[/spoiler] If you don't want to read these, then don't. If ya do, then don't complain. Very simple.
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