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About Kyoske

  • Birthday September 9

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  1. redrum, redrum, reeedruuuum, must kill, I must, must, must blood, must, blood, spil, must, MUST SPILL BLOOD!!!!!! This is truly an interesting thread and I havent killed anyone yet but I have plans. I wanna grow up to be an assasin.... and Ill start with a certain boy named Courtney hehehehahahahahahaha! And about that chainsaw dude, that was MESSED UP!
  2. Well aparently its been 2 days since the last post so Ill try. Q: In the Naruto Chuunin exam how many times did Rock Lee fight?
  3. [color=green]Kyoske stood in the doorway as the kids slowly walked out of his classroom. Kyo was last. He was walking out when kyo put a dagger to his chest. "a a a, I dont think so". Kyo glared at him then hoped back. He took position. Kyoske glared at him, hands in his pockets. He began walking toward him. "hahahahaha you reallly think your all that huh punk?" He took out a few shuicken and lunged them. Ko dodged andflung a konai. Kyoske caught it between his fingers. "a a a, your going to the office" he glared his red eyes shining "unless you want to undergo an unfotunate accident. kyo put his hands in his pockets and walked out"yes mister Kyoske" "hehehehahaha"[/color]
  4. Yes yes very orange indeed. May I have permission to make that a punk song? It would be a good punk song. I like it.
  5. Well tis is my first day here so hehehe yeah. But I really like it here so there are possibilities...
  6. [color=green] Sorry about not having a description, this should help. Mr. kyoske walked into class. He wore an extra large Japanese school uniform. He had messed up hair and red eyes. As he walked in everyone shut up. He was known for that, he could keep a class quite easilly. He began writing on the chalkboard. "You will do these problems, I dont give a crap if you use a pencil or pen just do it." He began checking attendance. He heard the sond of crumpling paper and looked up at the class. Everyone looked strait. One kid giggled. He glared over to the kid. He walked over to the kid. "Do you have something to share?" "No" "excuse me?" "no mister Kyoske" "then dont speek up unless you want to loose your mouth." He looked over at the class. He walked over to his desk. Everyone began to work. Kyo was first to finish. (I hope you dont mind) He handed the paper to the teacher. "Kyo, I advise you not to crumple papers anymore unless you want to get 'hurt'" Kyo walked back to his desk.[/color]
  7. [color=green]Its no wonder you like soultaker if shes your sister. I PMed her^_^ unless your not really her sister. Yeah that is a wierd coincidence having the same name. Anyone else seen this show?[/color]
  8. [color=green] I know this has started but please can I be a teacher? Name: Kyoske Age: 24 Gender: male Subject: MATH Appearance: umm..... gimme a sec Weapons: Double daggers, shuricken (20) Race: Japanese, Indian, Chinese Attitude: Pure psycho. He acts barely normal in class and extreely abnormal after class. Bio: His mom is from india, his dad is Chinese and he was born in Japan. Of course as soon as he learned how to use daggers his parents didnt last long. Since he was 5 he recieved no sentence. As he grew up he was hated by the fellow children and he always was smiling thinking about their idiocy. He is one crazy dude and wants to kill all his best studnts.[/color]
  9. thats cool! I know how you did it though. You took your whole signature and virtually turned it into an animated banner. Verry interesting. Perhaps you can make my banner? I have a request elsewhere.
  10. [color=green]Ive heard of this show but never seen it. O well.... Name: Kyoske age: 17 gender: male Race: demon skills: tango ken: 2 kitanas are spun around then put in an x and slashed making a flaming x. Bio: A demon from, well, heck. Hes not evil though. Hes the dark equivelent of a fallen angel. He uses his 2 kitana blades to slash away the competition at the fighting school. He plans on getting the best score the chool has ever seen. He believes there is something abnormal about this competition and he plans to find out.
  11. [color=green]We thought we were the dominant species. I meen, they were our dinner. But nothing could have prepared us for that. There was a farm woman that came to the police. She said she heard screems and when she came downstairs she found her husband covered in chickens. There was blood everywhere. She ran to the kids and workers room only to find bloody corpses. Overwhelmed in shock she barely made it to the police station where she died. There were 4 other reports that day. They were all investigated but the cops never returned. There were several reports over the next several days. Then suddenly there were tons flooding in from all farms only in 10 days. They were going to bomb the farms if they didnt take up half of the state of Kansas. They finnaly called in the bad-*ss pecial forces. They are you. Heres the sign up: Name: Age: Description: Bio: Personality: Weapons:[/color]
  12. [color=green]Im very new here but I know my forums. Tell me if Im doing anything wrong. So who here likes Soultaker? Ive seen the first DVD and loved it. II really like the combination of thriller and action with an awesome theme song. The monsters and attacks are cool too. Please use tags.[/color]
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