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Everything posted by maikiratori
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Wolf's Rain is pretty well known for just that kind of thing. From what I've read, Hige [spoiler]eventually becomes involved with another (presumably female) wolf,[/spoiler] but there's always Toboe and Tsume. Actually, I wouldn't be at all surprised if fans liked to pair Kiba with Tsume, seeing how as they have that hate-hate Harry/Draco-type connection which people seem to enjoy playing around with so much. On the subject of couples, Cher and Hubb are really cute together. ^_^ Their relationship is refreshingly uncliched, and I love Cher's attitude (it also doesn't hurt that she's amazingly gorgeous). Since a good portion of Wolf's Rain is rather melancholy, at least in terms of atmosphere and music, it's nice to have a few supporting characters who can bring a bit of light-hearted banter into the mix. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I'd have to agree... I mean the whole divorced and still talking to each other is always a good thing (I almost wish my mom and dad were like that... Then again that would be weird) I love how they went out to dinner for their 'anniversary' and all.. I think Hubb is soo cool.. He's funny... I'm not sure about the Hige/Tume match up... I don't think I'd like that... maybe a different match, but not Hige and Tsume... I mean... Yeah... I think Toboe is better suited for Tsume. He already understands Tsume and is helping Tsume adjusting to other wolves and Tsume's problems with being polite and socially acceptable. Poor Toboe, he takes all the crap that Tsume dishes out and doesn't say a word to him about it.. He's a pushover... He needs a hug.
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]Volume 1 was originally supposed to come out on June 22, but for some reason Bandai recently announced that its release would be partially delayed. The regular disc will still hit stores in June, but the limited edition artbox set has been bumped back to July 6. I'm going to hold out for the artbox. However, if you don't care about that kind of thing, it might be easier to wait until June than to stay up late and watch (or tape) the series every Saturday. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Nope, not for me... I have sattelite and I live on the West Coast and I happen to have absolutely NO life outside of school and work, so I can stay up as late as I want watching Wolf's Rain....I'm taping it for all my unfortunate friends who don't have sattelite.... They hate me... I get to watch it early and as many times as I want before I let them watch it... Of coarse I don't make them wait too long... Fortunately most of them are InuYasha fans as well...So I just tape the new Inu and WR eps on the same tape and they get to be extra happy. Although I will probably go out and buy the discs when they come out... most likely the artbox... I have no problem supporting the anime industry and everything that is remotely related to it... As long as I have the money to support it...lol... *sigh* I hate being broke... Although that problem is directly tied to my car, gas prices in California and anime/manga.... Who cares as long as I'm supporting something I love?? Wow, someone smak me... I get way off topic too easily... Anyway...I do have to say the music fits very well with the show... I think it's going to be right there with CB when if comes to 'mood music' as my really CB obsessed friend likes to put it... CB has some of the best music for every episode [B]because[/B] it fits so well with whatever happens to be in any particular episode or scene... Yoko Kanno does an absolutely wonderful job with the music and I must say she should continue until she tires of the business... When she tires, I know I'll be sad when she leaves, but I'll be glad because of all the wonderful music she's helped to create...
Anime Who is the best anime character, in your opinon?
maikiratori replied to King Vicious 2's topic in Otaku Central
Well in all honestly, I can't tell you who my favorite anime character is... I love soo many different anime that I can't decide who my favorite character is... I'd have to say that the best thing I could do is give a list of all the characters that I like and admire...lol... I like Kyo, Yuki, Shigure, Haru, Ha'ri, Tohru, Hana, Uo, Spike, Vicious, Faye, InuYasha, Sesshomaru, Miroku, Kagome, Sango, Kiba, Tsume, Ranma, Akane, Genma, Chi, Jonochi (^_^), Vash, Wolfwood, Kyoko, Kenshin, Kaoru, Sanno, Aoushi (^_^), and many many more... That's not even a drop in the bucket... Kinda sad that I admire more anime guys than girls... But I relate to them more... Oh well.. Those are all the anime characters that I've actually [I]typed[/I] out and all... They're cool... I love them all!! -
[quote name='Panda']What about everyone else, are there characters you can't stand?[/quote] Well I can't stand Mousse!! He's soo annoying (part of it is because he reminds me of my ex) Aside from that, I don't like Mousse because he's soo stupid about some of things he does...It's just really dumb how he does some things... Kuno is mildly annoying because of the fact that he's the only one at their school who doesn't know Ranma's secret. And there's this one guy (I can't remember his name) who is in love with Akane and he takes pictures all the time and he looks sickly... He's really odd.. and likes voo doo and the sort... I really don't like him.. But Happy is really funny (for some reason I can picture Myoga's or Totosai's voice as Happy...heheh) Stupid perverted master... He's 10 times worse than all of the leches I've ever seen in any anime!
I must say that when I first saw the commercials for Wolf's Rain on AS, I didn't know what to think, but I could see that the animation was obviously beautifully done and the story did seem kind of entertaining, although I couldn't really tell what it was bout... I figured I'd give it a try... And I am SO happy I decided to watch that first episode (I even taped it for my friend)... Although, the people at my birthday party that I ignored for a hour weren't too happy about it... The opening scene sucks you in with action...You end up feeling like you [I]must[/I] know why the action is the first thing you see... And then you do find out... but a little later (why do I feel like I'm writing a review for a magazine or newspaper?) Anyway, I really do love the show... I am now a fan... I did hear quite a few VA's that were familiar, and I did start naming off the other characters they'd played and really pissing off one of my friends who was watchg WR with me... hehehe it was fun :devil: (I'm horrible at remembering people's actual names... I end up remembering the name of the first character I heard them do... Like Spike for Steve Blum... Although I remember his name because I have CB movie and watched all the extra stuff 5 billion times) I can't wait til the next episode airs... Tape away! ^_^
Well, unfortuneately I haven't [I]seen[/I] any of the shows, but I own volumes 1-9 (soon to be 10 or more) of the manga. I absolutely love Ranma...It's so funny how he could care less about nakedness when he's in his female form. "Don't you have [I]any[/I] femine modestly!?" Akane to Ranma in manga volume 3. One of the best quotes from Akane... So far... I'd love to actually watch the show, but until I aquire some money, I will just have to live with the mangas (which I don't mind). I do have to say that I prefer P-Chan to Ryoga any day (P-Chan being Ryoga's curs-ed other form) I think that Ryoga as a little black baby pig is sooo cute! Especially because he can be close to Akane without getting to embarrased over what he might say. I don't know how Akane doesn't notice that Ryoga and P-Chan both have the same yellow bandana/coller. Oh well... I guess it's alright... I have noticed a lot of similarities between Ranma and InuYasha... In fact, my InuYasha fandom led me onto Ranma and Maison Ikkoku (though I can't find anything with Lum as of yet -_-). I think everything kind of 'borrows' from Ranma or Lum (whichever came first). But I don't mind. I still love everything Takahashi puts out... Ranma kinda started my Panda phase... I kinda became slightly obsessed with pandas when I saw Genma. Hehehe... He and Soun are wonderful parents...
[QUOTE=instantramen14]Like many of you, i found the ending of WHR rather iffy. The middle was great, but i missed the beginning. The pendant that Robin wears is orbo, which protects her (somewhat) from other witch's powers.[/QUOTE] I thought Orbo was green... Besides, in the second episode, Robin said that she wouldn't use it because it was disgusting...I don't think Robin's pendant is anything other than a necklace...
Interesting reasons for everyone's nicknames... I wish mine had been more interesting... Now I feel like a dork!
[quote name='Cahoots34']From there, it was not a slippery slope but more of a greased-rubber cliff covered in ice, jelly, and marbles over which I tumbled, blissfully unwitting, into my current passion for the anime genre.[/quote] Quite an interesting way of describing it.. I think that's quite humorus... (^^) [COLOR=Navy]Cahoots never fails to amuse. ^_~ However, please try to avoid getting off-topic; you could easily have told her this through PM. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
[QUOTE=gendou ikari]I would also have to disagree with you. In Evangelion, Since the plot is somewhat based apoin the bible,there can be no loop holes. Nor are their loopholes in Rahxephon, or Kenshin, their are only a select few anime's that have loopholes, because the editors take responsibility for ensuring that their are no loopholes.[/QUOTE] Well, there are many things I could say to the Evangelion remark, but I will be nice and bite my tounge. I do not wish to get into another one of those "Battle Of The Religions" arguments that seem to follow me everywhere. (As if they know I don't believe in [I]organized[/I] religion.) I can't say much for Rahxephon, because up until I read your post, I'd never even heard of it. As for Kenshin, I've spotted a few, but seeing as I haven't slept in 32 hours, I'm having a hard time coming up with any examples... Besides, we're s'possed to be talking about InuYasha, not Kenshin... Oh well... [quote name='Shippou']I also must agree with Sakura. Kikyo is one of the worst charactars. She is not interesting in any way and I cannot understand what inuyasha sees in her but Kagome now there is a girl who accually does something. [/quote] I still am not seeing what's so bad with Kikyo. I know she's not really the nicest character in the series, but she does serve her purpose, and that is to create an obsticle for the love between Kagome and InuYasha to conqure, so their love will grow deeper and stronger. And for InuYasha to become stronger as a person, because he's learned from his experiances with Kikyo.
[quote name='Angel_Kagome_2']You rule, Sakura Kinomoto! I hate Kikyo! Hi Dagger I'm back! I'm ready to conquer all who like Kikyo. I HATE :flaming: her! Anyway, I've been writing my own Inuyasha/Kagome fanfic. It's turned out to be really good. Kagome gets kidnapped alot and Inuyasha saves her alot. They fall in love even more and they actually admit how they feel about eachother. Although I love the english voices compared to the japanese ones, I hate how they change there voices in movies. If they change Inuyasha's or Kagome's voice for that matter, I will scream and go on a rampaige, RIOT inthe streets and a tare the head off the producer of the movie. :laugh:[/quote] Why do you hate Kikyo so much? She's just misunderstood... I don't [I]like[/I] her, but I don't [I]hate[/I] her either. Kikyo was hurt just as much as anyone else, and yet she seems to get all the blame... All of the Kikyo haters make me pity her even more because the Kikyo haters do not wish to see her as another victim of Naraku's plans... After all Sango would have turned out to be evil if it hadn't been for Kagome and InuYasha... I don't think you should get so violent and 'tare the head off the producer' just because they changed the voices. One, I don't think that will happen because the show is still in production here in the US, so the same VA's will probably be playing the same parts, on the other hand, the movies may not be covered under their contracts and the voices might [I]have[/I] to change. [quote name='gendou ikari']I would have to disagree with nearly everyone here. Inu-yasha, while a good anime in the first couple episodes, just repeates,theres no real character buildup eathier.I do not meen offence to anyone or any Inu fanatics but, please dont go blabbering about how Inu-Yasha is the best anime of all time or how Inu-Yasha has revoloutinised Anime as we know it or something stupid like that,please keep in mind that I mean no offense but am merely trying to open your eyes to better,more unreppetitive animes;However,I do enjoy the manga of Inu-Yasha.(got vol.1-vol.16 but thats not to say its my favorite,I have vol.1-13 of Love Hina and vol.1-8 of Neon Genisis Evangelion, for example)I also think the voice acting is not well thought out and nor is the directing. (there are obvious loop holes in the plot) I have only seen about 20 episodes though so I may or may not know, what the hell i'm talking about. :D[/quote] I do agree, Inu Yasha does tend to repeat after a little, but there is enough variation in between the repeating parts so no one gets tired of the show. I know that only a few people posting on this topic are saying things like InuYasha has revolutionized anime or that InuYasha is the [I]best[/I] anime to have ever been created. I myself favor InuYasha more than others, but I know that it's deffenately not the best anime out there. I've already come across many that have better animation or a thicker plot. There are plot holes, but when are there not plot holes, even tiny ones? Honestly, no matter how good any anime you can think of, is, there are bound to be plot holes or some other oddity that one comes across. I like many different manga and I am on my way to owning three different (complete) series, but that doesn't mean that they're my favorite. I don't think anyone would think that the InuYasha manga you own would be your favorite... I have more Ranma 1/2 manga than I have of Ruroni Kenshin (my fave) or Chobbits (2nd fave).
maikiratori comes from..... Oh yeah I remember... (long day) My user name comes from one of my favorite characters from one of my very first (good) fanfics... Her name varies because when I first created her, I couldn't decide on how to spell her last name (Kiritori/ Kiratori) and just so you all know Mai is pronounced like the month of _MAY_!! In my fanfic she was InuYasha and Sesshomaru's 1/2 sister and 1/2 goddess... Hehe.. Those were the days... Anyway...I was having a hard time thinking of something no one else had thought of, so I did my charrie's name... I also have another variation... Mai Kira-mura... But I didn't like that one... Most people said it incorrectly and that made me angry so I stopped... Oh well... C'est la vie!
[quote name='foreverinfinity']In fifth and sixth grade, I wanted to be a writer, lawyer, illisrator, photographer, or actor, but I can't write a story, I don't argue well, I can only draw people and nothing else, the pictures I take stink, and I couldn't even get into the school play, so those Ideas got thrown out the window[/quote] Well you could be one of those people in court who draw what's going on... I mean that's drawing mostly people... every once in a while you have to draw a straight line to indicate the bench or a table or something like that... But you also have to have a strong constitution.. I mean sometimes court cases get really grusome... Or you could work at the fair and draw people with really big heads and things like that... I always thought those people were funny ^^% hehe... Well Yeah...That's what I wanted to say.
Well Sci-Fi does have a problem with messing things up if someone isn't there to make sure they do it correctly... (shakes fist at the canadians) Oh well... I guess it could be a good thing, [I]if[/I] a live action WHR was done properly... The only other question is, will it be a series or a movie thing? For either one, they'd have to cast everyone correctly... If the casting got screwed up, I don't think they'd be able to do it, even if they did have a good script and storyline... And those are must haves... If you're going to turn anime into a live action gig, then you absolutely _must have_ a great scrip, in which everyone was written into their roles perfectly and the actors MUST be comfortable enough in those roles to portray them for the characters they are (if that made sense to you, you get a gold star!) Then there's always the fact that the producers, directors and writers of the original WHR should be helping out in the whole live action gig... That's my two cents!!
Well technically the first time I ever watched anything that was anime, I'd have to say I was 4... But I never really started watching anime in my own free time until... I was 12 or 13.... Don't get me wrong, I did watch anime... I just wasn't obsessed with it or anything like I am now... And I never really became [I]obsessed[/I] with anime until two years ago (I think that puts me at 15...?) The first anime I got hooked on was Transformers from when I was four... It was the latest Transformers series at the time and my brother was really into Transformers at the time so that was like 10 years ago... Then there was Speed Racer and (I think it was called) G-Foce... More recently I got into DBZ and Inu Yasha... ever sense I came upon Inu, I've literally [I]thrown[/I] myself into anime whenever I can... My mom thinks I'm waisting my money sometimes, but for the most part she understands... hehe.. It's fun... But yeah, I was about 15 when I truely became a fanatic.
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]To tell you the truth, I think that WHR's ending is very disappointing; it fails in a number of significant regards. After watching the show's fantastic middle arc, I was prepared for an epic, action-packed finale. Yet the last episode's lack of any awesome showdowns is not what bothers me... rather, I feel that WHR's storyline starts to unravel after the true villain is revealed, and never really recovers. Witch Hunter Robin's impact derives in large part from all of the amazing plot twists that occur midway through the show. Robin is shown to be immensely, frighteningly powerful; [spoiler]in my opinion, Zaizen doesn't have the kind of superhuman abilities or forceful personality required to be an appropriate antagonist. He's actually pretty bland, and his motives are terribly cliche. I would rather have seen Father Julian, another Craft user, or even Amon turn out to be the ultimate bad guy.[/spoiler] ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] I agree, the show did seem to unravil and just go down hill a bit after you found out everyone's alerior motives and all... I have to say that the ending was dissapointing... Although, if they wanted to, there could always be some sort of spin off or something like that... They left it open... (It's great for fanfics hehehe)...I like how they decided to let Michael outside now.. It's good... I always felt bad for him for not ever being able to go outside...
[quote name='Cahoots34']If my plan to become a used car saleswoman doesn't work out, I suppose I'll actually have to acquire some skills and go into linguistics, psychology or theology. No matter what I do, I also plan to attempt to have something of a writing carreer on the side, which apparently doesn't require any actual ability or talent to be lucrative.[/quote] Well I guess being a car saleswoman isn't bad...As long as you're not too pushy... I refuse to buy anything from _any_ salesperson if they're pushy... I don't like to feel like I'm being pressured into buying something I don't want to buy...And sadly, you're all too right about the writing industry... You can get away with some really trashy, tacky, horrible pieces of ***** and still make a good amount of money. I can't believe some of the stuff in circulation at the moment and how horrible it really is... It's quite disgusting... I do have to say, _please_ don't write something that you _know_ is bad... If you think it's good and the pubishers will print it... Then I guess it's ok, but if your publishers don't even care if it's 50 pages of nothing more than mindless babling... Please have the curtesy to revise it and/or throw it away/burn/destroy it... Garbage writing (if you _know_ it's garbage) shouldn't be printed.
[quote name='MaxSonic']I'v always wanted to be a porn star. I think that would be fun. Or a stripper. Or a male prostitute. Wait, I don't like people looking at me when I'm naked. Damnit. I guess I'll just stick to making Video Games.[/quote] Well thank you for that little bit of information! I really really wanted to hear that...(total sarcasim) Anyway, I thought it was kind of funny... But really...A porn star? Why? There are to many diseases for people to be really safe in that business.
Would you go back in time to change an event?
maikiratori replied to Panda's topic in General Discussion
I must say that this is a very interesting topic. I have had many instances in my very short life span that I wish had come out differently had I made better choices... Although I can't say that I would go back in time to change any one event in particular. I wouldn't mind traveling through time to see first-hand how society functioned, how things worked and just to experiance life in a different way. I don't think I would go back specifically to change anything... Merely to observe, although if something did change as a result, I'm not sure if I'd like it... There are a whole bunch of things that could end up happening as a result of some event changing. You could end up having something similar to double memories or some other wierd thng... You could go back to your 'starting time' and end up being in a totally different spot, than where you started. You could end up in a different school (if you're still in one), a different job, or married (or never married) or any other number of things. In any case I am quite happy with my life the way it is, even though I made mistakes. I learned a lot from everything that has happened and I know I will have become a much different person from the one I am today if I had made different choices or if a circumstance had come out differently than it had. -
Don't worry, AS will rerun it once the show ends it's run the first time around... It's kinda like AS's thing now... Besides, you could try to talk some of your friends into taping it if they have cable/satellite. Take me for example, I tape WHR and InuYasha for two different friends and give it to them at the end of the week... Though with the new AS line up, it's going to be a little tricky to get the tapes out to my friends at the end of each week. Anyway you shouldn't get all worked up over it... Friends and the internet and sites like this... All will be good.
[quote name='ssjSolarPrinces][COLOR=GREEN']My mother, when I was younger, didn't understand that I found it offensive when she or my brother would constantly mispronounce names or titles on purpose. But in resent years, she has gained more of and understanding for it and occassionally tries to learn more about it. My father never has and never will understand it. I have tried to pursuade many parents of young anime fans at my school of the benifits of anime, so that their parents will allow them to join my anime club.[/COLOR][/quote] My mom has no clue as to how to anunciate any name, title or word that she hears that is anywhere near the Japanese language... She can hardly speak English properly as it is!! LOL... But it's ok, because I'm patient with her and she is now (finally) able to pronounce words like InuYasha, Kagome, Kikyo, Kenshin, Amon, and others... But it's really funny to hear her try to say Shigure or Miroku...Heheheh... It's really great.. 'M...Mrokru?...Murko?...Mrukro...' 'No mom, it's M-I-R-O-K-U...' And she still doesn't get it... Oh well, eventually, in time... She'll get it... (I hope) I'd love for someone to start an anime club at my school... The only problem is you have to have a teacher sponser to do any kind of club, and most of my teachers don't even know what anime is... The ones who do alreaday sponsor a club or don't want to sponsor a club (apparently it's too much hassle)
[quote name='Panda']My hubby and I could spend our money on going out on a night on the town...dinner, movies, drinks...and that one night would cost us approx. $100. That would be just for one night. Why not spend it on anime dvds that will last a lot longer?![/quote] I agree... All the way!! Why exactly do you spend that much money on a one time thing? I don't know, but I think spending it on anime or other things like it would be a much better choice for me to spend all my hard earned money on... Y'know?
[QUOTE=Dagger IX1]According to fanon, Inuyasha's father's name is Inutaisho. Of course, this can be no more reliable than the widely held belief that Kurama (from Yu Yu Hakusho) worships the fox god--or goddess, depending on your sources--called Inari. But since you're writing fanfiction, "Inutaisho" is definitely your best bet. Some people think of it as borderline canon, and using it would certainly be easier than simply making up some random name. ~Dagger~[/QUOTE] Well thanks, I really do appriciate this.. I think this Inutaisho name is probably the closest I'm ever going to get to Inu's and Sesshy's father's name... I really needed it.. My fanfic has been on pause for about 6 or 7 months now because I was making no progress with the 'youkai' name I had been using... I was just starting to think I should scrap the story. If anyone is interested in reading it IM me and I'll send it to you after I've edited it from 'youkai' to 'Inutaisho' Thanks again everyone!!
Well yeah I think you do...At least until you're mentally stable. I've only been in one relationship where my ex was in love with me to the point of getting jealous when I talk to other guys and so on... It scared the **** out of me... I'm sure that Jessica is feeling the same way, especially now that you guys are going to school together again... It probably doesn't encourage her when you start crying and staring at her on the bus. I'm gonna say this, but I don't mean to be mean or anything... You need some help, maybe you don't think the psychiatrist is helping, but I'm pretty sure they are... Even if you don't think so... You keep seeing them and you'll get to the point where you won't think about her much (though that idea might scare you to death at the moment)
[QUOTE=Inuyasha7271]Maikirotori could you please stick to the topic of the thread I do believe there is a Big O thread here somewhere. Anyways I can't wait till the new ep's of Inu Yasha come out in April I'm just mad at how they will divide up the shows changing the line up and adding shows some people may not want to see. I am still trying to figure out the relationship between Inu Yasha and Kagome. It always seems when something romantic is about to happen with them either Kagome says something wrong or Inu Yasha does something arrogant. I hope that they also do something about Koga he is a real mood ruiner and doesn't take the picture that Kagome doesn't like him and sometimes just uses him to make Inu Yasha mad.[/QUOTE]:sweat: Heh, heh... Sorry... By the way you should try to use proper grammer... it's Anyway...not anyways... I like the new line up... Of coarse I don't have to stay up late or anything because I have sattelite... Do you not like any of the new shows (Witch Hunter Robin)? I do have to agree though, Koga is a bit of a ruiner of the mood type. But you have to give him points for trying.. I mean at least he's persistant.