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Everything posted by maikiratori

  1. Shi-su stared at the pendant that Ayumi had pulled out of her knapsack. Finally she came out of her shock and took it. Shi-su said thank you in elvish and bowed her head for amoment. She put the pendant around her neck and tended to Ryu's wounds, they had reopened and were bleeding badly. "We need to get out of here. Ryu needs to rest for a few days before he can do anything more." Shi-su said as she pulled Ayumi and Kyu away from Ryu, who was leaning against a tree. She sighed and shook her head. "I'm afraid that if we don't get out soon, he'll bleed to death." Shi-su was worried about her charge and about the rest of her friends. She too Ayumi's arm and rubbed a salve on her arm, it nummbed the pain considerably. "This should help for a while. But we need to get moving soon." Shi-su said as she jumped up into a few lower tree branches and started to climb. When she thought she was out of reach, Shi-su sat down on a sturdy bough and sat thinking about the day. Slowly she slipped into a medative state and started to regenerate her energy.
  2. The demon was just within reach for her, she jumped as high as she could slicing the demon from it's groin up to mid-chest, the demon's blood sprayed onto her, but she didn't care, it was dead, and Kyu looked better than before. "We have to hurry and find the others!!" Shi-su called to him as she sheathed Shinjite and ran off in the direction she'd lcame from. 'Well have to track them, I know they've moved since I left them.' Shi-su thought as Kyu swooped down and grabbed her. "We'll be faster if we fly." Kyu said as they flew out of reach of the Umber Hulks, thankfully there were no demons. Shi-su was amazed by his speed, she'd never been flying before and it was giving her a thrill. "That way!" Shi-su pointed to the left and held on with her other arm.
  3. Shi-su bit her lip to keep from gasping. In her hurry to help Kyu, she'd forgotten about the Umber Hulks' mating season being a month long and how protective they are during this time. 'What have I done to them?' Shi-su asked herself as she took the foul smelling herbs away from Kyu and grabbed her weapons. "Get ready, we have to find them before they get killed!" Shi-su hissed to Kyu and stood slowly. Her movements attracted the attention of the demons, but she didn't care. She felt an oddly familiar coldness settling over her, the same thing she felt when she was fighting off ogres to save her mother. Shi-su seemed to be seething with energy, her eyes had grown hard and her voice was like steel. "You demons! I know what you're up to and I cannot allow it. I challenge you to a fight to the death!" Shi-su called to them as she pulled out Shinjite and held it in front of her waiting for the demons' attack. Kyu was just getting to his feet behind her as the first one charged. Shi-su blocked and followed through by cleanly decapitating him. Shi-su's effortless movement would have surprized her in any other situation, but she hardly noticed as the demon fell to the ground with a thud, his hed rolled to her feet and she kicked it away as if it were nothing more than a child's ball. The other two closed the distance with the same speed that had gotten Kyu into his former prone position on the floor of the forest. With a grunt Shi-su blocked one as the other went for Kyu. "Watch out!" Shi-su managed to say before the demon was upon him.
  4. Shisu looked around in wonder at the charred remains of the house that once was. 'No wonder the girl seems so shy and akward. "Do you sleep here at night?" Shisu asked as she slowly put her hand out for Sith to smell. She didn't want him to think she was going to hurt anyone. She glanced at Raven and noticed that she looked sadder than normal. "Raven...If you're ashamed, you don't have to be. I'm sure this wasn't your fault and I know that people will help. All you need to do is ask." Shisu said gently. She was getting a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach and knew something wasn't right. 'There's something wrong... I don't know what it is, but I can feel it... Like someone is in trouble... I hate this feeling, it's the same one I get when I know someone is about to lose their battle with death.' Shisu thought as she glanced around.
  5. (I think it was Kyu not Ryu, but that's ok...I roll with the flow) Shi-su thought she heard a faint screaming of her name, 'I hope they're not in trouble!' Shi-su thought as she tried to wake Kyu up. 'C'mon damnit! wake up!!' Shi-su thought as she glanced around quickly, the demons were closing in around them and if he didn't wake up soon, the demons would see her.
  6. Shisu ate some soup also and petted her cat, which was trying to eat the soup too. Finally Shisu forfitted her bowl to the cat and grabbed another one for herself. "Darn cat. She's never happy until she get some of mine. Oh well, I love her anyway." Shisu said trying to start a conversation.
  7. Shisu smiled gently. "It's alright, I understand about these situations...I know many people who go through them." Shisu held out her hand and took Raven's hand. "C'mon, I bet you're hungry." Shisu led Raven back out of the town and headed for her home on the edge of the other town. Shisu lived in a homely little hut with one large room, sectioned off by curtains. She sat Raven down in one of her chairs at the table and warmed a small bowl of soup by a fire. For some reason Shisu liked to live simply in her little hut, she even had a cat, which was almost always out hunting for mice. "Here, this is pretty good. It's good for the immune system and it warms the heart." Shisu smiled and place the bowl of soup on the table in front of Raven with a spoon.
  8. Shisu smiled, "I knew I'd find you again. Like I said earlier, my name is Shisu and I'm a healer that travles from here to another village a lot...So what's your name?" Shisu held out her hand for the girl to shake and looked at her expectantly. The girl was very shy looking and almos akward, but Shisu could tell that she had a good heart and smiled encouragingly at her.
  9. 'We can't fight like this.' Shi-su thought as she saw Kyu fall from the sky and noted the Umber Hulks waiting for him on the ground. "Can you two take care of yourselve's while I go ahead. If you can, try to skirt around the edge of the breeding grounds, I know that you might not want to because you want to help, but in your condition, I don't want either of to-" Shi-su was cut off when a demon threw a spear and landed by chance by the tiny group. "Hurry!" Shi-su hissed and, ran towards Kyu and the Umber Hulks, while pulling out Chansu, her kodachi. Shi-su blended with the forest well, the forest protecting her while she went to help her friend and to rid the forest of the demons and Hulks. Shi-su snuck up behind one of the lower flying demons, and thrust Chansu into it's throat, slicing to the left and should have decapitated him. But even with the lingering Elven magic that the blades still retained, her kodochi hardly effected the demon. Shi-su gasped a little and stared. 'What the hell was going on? The demon wasn't dying as he should have and as she looked around, she realized that the Hulks weren't acting normally, instead they were acting like semi-tamed beasts. This realization hit her like a battering ram. 'What are we going to do now?' Shi-su thought as the demon turned and smiled crulely at her. "Looky boys, we got ourselves a play thing. We'll have lots of fun tonight." The demon reached for her and Shi-su jumped back lightly. "You shall not touch me." Shi-su spat at the demon and started climbing the trees and ran lightly along the branches until she came close to Kyu's prone form on the ground, with two more demons waiting for her. 'Damn, what am I going to do now?' Shi-su thought as she crouched in the shadow of the boughs. Shi-su gritted her teeth and leapted down, landing lightly by Kyu's head. Shi-su knelt by him and lifted his head. "Kyu, wake up! I need your help to get us out. The other two shouldn't fight and we both know they will if they feel the need. Please wake up" Shi-su whispered, moving so slowly the demons didn't see her. Shi-su grabbed her medicine pouch and pulled out a pinch of a veru pungent smelling herb. 'Please don't make a sudden movement.' Shi-su thought as she sprinkled the herb under his nose and prayed that he wouldn't move too much when he smelled it.
  10. Shisu looked around for the person she'd just been talking too and couldn't find them. "That's odd, I thought she wanted to talk." Shisu said to herself, as she walked around looking for the girl-thing again. She was almost sure the girl was a demon of some sort, but she couldn't place it. 'Maybe I'll see her again.' Shisu thought as she walked through Deamongo looking for her.
  11. Shi-su ignored Kyu's remarks about the forest, she'd been living in the forest unnoticed until today, for many years. She knew the forest better than most, maybe not as well at Kyu, but better than almost anyone else. She knew how much the magic hurt, but she and the forest had come to an agreement. She protected the forest and the forest would protect her. She helped Ryu and Ayumi prepare to leave. She made shur their wounds were bound tightly or held securely in place. By the time they were ready to leave, the sun was very low on the horizon. "We won't be able to go very far once the sun is down." Shi-su said quietly as the walked along the forest floor. Shi-su prefered to be in the trees, but she would make due. Then there was the problem of feeling lost without her mother's pendant. Shi-su sighed heavily and stared at the ground as they walked, unconciously searching for the pendant.
  12. Shi-su wasn't just looking to see what herbs were near by, but also for her mother's pendant. Her search proved fruitless, there were no herbs that she needed and she couldn't find her mother's pendant. 'It seems I've lost you mother.' Shi-su thought as she made her way back to the others. "Have any of you seen a silver pendant on a delicate silver chain. The pendant should look very similar to a bird poised for flight." Shi-su asked as she walked back up to her new compainions. She looked around at them, but didn't see any recognition in their eyes. Shi-su sighed and prepared her patients for travel.
  13. The coldness creeps slowly up my fingertips, Making them icecicles and deathly. My feet never seem to thaw Even though the frost on the houses and Grass does. Chills sweap over my skin, Making it crawl, with the fresh frost of Winter. (Honestly this is about winter and the first frost of the year.)
  14. Shisu was walking to her home town when she got a feeling that she should go back to Deamongo. She turned around and made her way into town Shisu noticed that something wasn't right, there were less people in the streets and a new person she'd never seen before. A girl, or at least she looked like a girl. Shisu walked up to her, "Hello, are you new to Deamongo?" Shisu held out her hand for the girl-thing to shake, and she only stared at Shisu. "I am a healer that travels to Deamongo frequently, I haven't seen you before so I was wondering if you were new here." Shisu smiled and stood there waiting for an answer.
  15. Shi-su hurried over to Ryu and brought out a tiny bag with herbs in it. "Hold still, this might sting." She said in a calm voice, now that the monster had been taken care of she could do her medicinal work. She sprinkled some of the herbs on his abdominal wounds and chanted a few words in Elvish and ripped a part of her sleve off and wrapped it around his wounds. Shi-su prayed over him in Elvish for a few more minutes then she turned to the girl who had just joined them. "May I?" Shi-su asked without even waiting for an answer she took her dagger and slit her other sleve and looked to the man with wings, "Go get two or three sticks about this size and bring them back quickly." Shi-su tossed her freshly cut sleve (I know I'm spelling that wrong) to him and turned back to the girl. "This will probably hurt when he gets back, your arm is broken and I will have to straighten your arm. Would you like something to relieve the pain?" Shi-su asked and the girl nodded, trying to control herself enough to answer. Shi-su then reached for another bag and opened it to reveal some dried leaves of different shapes and sizes, she pulled out three different leaves and told the girl to open her mouth. "Suck on these and don't chew them, I don't have enough time to properly prepare the juice you'd normally drink, so suck on these and swollow your saliva three times and spit them out." The man was coming back with the sticks. Shi-su took the sticks from the man and prepared them quickly using her sleve to tie them together, the girl had spit out the leaves. Shi-su chanted while counting in her head how long it was until the girl's eyes lost their focus. "Get ready to hold her." Shi-su said to the man as the girl started to sway a little. She took the girl's arm in her hands and felt for the exact spot of the break, using her strong hands, she moved the broken bones back to gether and splinted the girl's arm in place and tying a length of cloth around the girl's neck and around the arm to hold it in place. The man held her still while Shi-su did this. Shi-su again chanted and prayed in Elven over the girl and sat back. "I think that should do it for now, the girl should wake up soon. By the way, what is your name, Sir?" Shi-su asked as she picked up the discarded leaves and dug a tiny whole under a nearby tree and buried the leaves.
  16. So when are we gonna start this one?? I think we've got enough characters to do for a while... and people will be joining up all the time so I think this is good... right?
  17. Shi-su rubbed her head as the two men argued and took Ryu's hand when he offered it. "Thank you. That hurt...." Shi-su rubbed her head and stuck her tounge out at the retreating figure of the other man. "You're one of the last Sulus? Amazing, I thought they'd all been whiped out. Well I'm glad to know that some still survive. " Shi-su smiled, and looked up at the tree. "I don't think I'll be able to get up to the tree tops now..Oh well. It was nice meeting you Ryu, I know we shall meet again." Shi-su bowed and turned to walk away. She stopped and looked back at him, "By the way, I'm glad to hear you all escaped the slavers. They are horrible people and I hope they get what they diserve." Shi-su turned and this time did start her walk back to camp, and was soon blending in perfectly with the surroundings. 'He's an interesting young man. The other is slightly overbearing, but I don't think either of them meant any harm.' Shi-su thought as she reached up to scratch her neck, and realized her mother's pendant was no longer around her neck. 'Oh no!' Shi-su turned and raced back to the Sulu's camp. (I don't know if it's Sulu or Sulus so I just did this one sorry if it's wrong) Shi-su stopped a few yards from their camp and raised her voice, "May I speak with Ryu?" Almost immediately there were people surrounding her and Shi-su tossed her weapons on the ground in front of her, "I'm not here to hurt anyone. I just want to speak to Ryu."
  18. Thanks for clearing that all up...:D Now I'm not confused anymore ^_^
  19. Shi-su lie on the ground for a few moments too stunned to do anything. 'How did he know I was here?' Shi-su thought to herself as she stared at the branches for a moment. Then she stood slowly and leveled the man with a hard, even stare. "That wasn't very nice." Shi-su's voice was light and flowing, tinged with irritation at having been knocked out of the trees. The man stood ready for any attack that she might have and she rolled her eyes. "Look, if I wanted to attack you, I would've done it before you had knocked me out of the tree.... My name is Shi-su, I'm an elf sprite and I knew you guys were here becaue of the trees. They...Sort of talk to me... They were sleeping and when people were walking around and making so much noise even the dead couldn't sleep, the trees weren't happy and were complaining...I'm one of the few left who can understand them" Shi-su paused and placed her hand on the trunk of the tree she was standing by. Shi-su paused and looked back to the man in front of her, "Look, if you're still suspicious, I can understand, but I'm leaving now." Shi-su took her hair to get her up to one of the branches that was out of reach unless she jumped and threw her hair at the same time... Just as Shi-su jumped up, a rock hit her in the back of the head. Shi-su gave a little gasp of shock as she fell in an undignified heap on the ground at the tree's roots. The man turned to see one of his clanmembers emerging from the bushes.
  20. I think having a chat would be a great idea...I mean some people aren't really good a mb's so they don't post a whole lot in them...or if they do the posts are either unbelievably long or only a few words long... They're better suited for chatting rather than message boarding.... That's just my opinon though..:D
  21. Well I think it's time for my second install ment.... I don't really have too much to talk about...Well I'm a T.A. for my old English teacher, and I grade papers. I don't mind doing this, it's an easy A for the entire semseter, however, my teacher has a lot of freshmen students. (EWWW Froshes...Ucky!!) Anyway, I have to read the essays they have to write, and all....Well the Freshman students are horrible at writing...A few have potential, but many can't spell or don't know how to use spellcheck, they have the worst grammer that I've ever seen, and others don't know how to write one page's worth of anything. I am so glad that I don't write like that. When I was a freshman I didn't have half as many problems. Then again, many of the students don't read very much..I don't know why...Reading is a major part of anyone's life, so why not read for fun? I read all the time...In 7th grade I was reading 10th grade level books. So of coarse the reading overflowed into my writing and all, but I don't understand why people other than myself, (or people like me) don't read more often, even just for fun.
  22. Shi-su nodded to show Darmra that she knew they were surrounded and looked expectantly at Yume. The question Kilani had asked was directed to Yume, and Shi-su was inclined to wait for her answer before speaking any more. Shi-su looked around at the trees surrounding them and sighed. It seemed more had entered the forest. "More have come to the forest. I'd like to find out who they are, so if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to hurry this up." She finally said quietly to the rest. Still no one answered. "I will help your sister, if you are looking for help from anyone." Shi-su said to Kilani before turning to run off to where the newcomers had settled down for the night. About 200 yards from their camp, Shi-su jumped into the trees and climbed silently through the boughs and branches to look down on the group. 'Interesting.' Shi-su thought as she studied the look out and his slumbering comrades.
  23. I envy you for your talent in rhyme. I never could master it. I did notice that the rhyme scheme changed a little near the end...Intentional or not...It worked out well, I like it... A twist on the poem..Good job.
  24. I really like the word choice in this poem..It's not everyday you see words put together like that to form the ideas in one's head that I thought of... but I'm an oddball so that might just be me...lol
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