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Everything posted by maikiratori

  1. Cute!! I like them... It's very interesting and cute...Very upbeat...A nice change from what I've been writing lately.
  2. Very good...(I'm having a hard time typing today sorry.) I like it a lot...It's true how animals in zoos are taunted soo much and abused in ways as you have described... I think you captured the way any caged animal(Including humans) feel. BRAVO!!!
  3. I'm glad that Kittie and I have inspired you. I like it when other poets have encouragement to keep on writing poetry, Automne (french spelling) is another prime example of why you whould keep writing... I like it.. the color kind of adds to the poem...Lol...an odd thing to say but I think it works.(I'm an odd one anyway..I think I might have a screw loose or two...lol)
  4. I see you liked me Damn sheep thing... I liked it too...Then again I sometimes am a sheep so I can't really talk too much..but I like saying damn something a lot so meh.
  5. Inulover1 those are both very good poems, I think for your second try you've got a knack for it... Sometimes it comes naturally and I think you've got it naturally all the way... You should really keep writing poetry it's very good. Kittie, thanks. I first started writing my poetry like that three or four years ago and it's been great. I like to tie one stanza into the next so I developed that...I don't know if other people have been writing like that, but almost all of my poems are written like that... Very seldom do I not write them in that style. But thanks anyway ;)
  6. Very good imagry...I like poems with imagry! Keep it up!!
  7. I have to agree with them both... Your poetry is great, and interesting...I do like to know that the nation's young is questioning things at an early age. It puts my heart at ease to know not everyone is a damn sheep!
  8. Another has come looking for my heart, but I can not say yes and I can not say no. He hasn't forgivin me and I am still the statue lost forever in an eternity of saddness and grief, I will never move on until the end of time, for I still have not been forgiven or acknowleged. My heart grows weary and my soul is dying, in the end I will still be at the window of his heart waiting for the day when he will turn me from stone to flesh, and my heart will beat with joy and relief. Until that day, nothing can move me from this spot along the frozen river of time.
  9. [COLOR=tomato] Shi-su walked along the tree tops with ease. she loved the night and from the tree tops she could see, hear and feel the forest around her. When she entered the forest it had been content and sleeping, but now as she gracefully leaped from branch to branch the trees were awake and telling her something might be happening near the center of the huge forest. Shi-su could see a faint glow coming from the ground not far ahead. 'Well, well, who might be lurking in the forest?' Shi-su thought as she dropped silently down to the lower branches and peered at the events unfolding in the fire light. Shi-su crouched low on the bough and was again grateful to her elven clothes that helped her blend in. One of the few things left over from the Old Magic, some elven made things still retained their Old Magic and were prized and very rare. Shi-su saw a demon and many other beings near the fire and was intrigued. 'This certainly is an odd mixture of beings, but for some reason I feel akin to them in some way...I don't know what it is, but I can't let anything harm these beings...They are important to some great purpose.' Shi-su thought as she strained her hearing to be able to eave's drop on the conversations below her. As she heard the murmers of conversation Shi-su also heard footfalls on damp, mossy earth, and they were coming closer. 'Time to find out who they are.' Shi-su headed toward the foot steps, and leaps lightly from the lower branches and lands softly in a small clump of bushes not too far in front of the interloper. "Halt! Who are you and what business do you have disturbing the peacful slumber of the forest?" Shi-su said in a commanding voice.[/COLOR]
  10. My Christmas list is kind of short because my Christmas present is going to happen in summer with a trip to Spain and France with my school's french club :):) I can't wait... But for my small Christmas list that I probably won't be getting anything off of... Ranma 1/2 Mangas (I only have a few and it makes me sad :'() Inuyasha Anime Movies or Seasons on DVD Some new clothes Money (I love it when I get moolah!! Then I can buy whatever I want!! :D) The Otori Clan book set (Kick *** book series) Glasses that actually fit (mine are too big for my head and me mum won't go get them fixed :() Slippers with froggies!! Froggies anything Sesshomaru anything (I'm an official member of FLA..someting I just made up a few days ago) Anything else...I really want an anime calander but I can't decide which one of the many animes I watch will get the honor of being on my whall a whole year... And anything else someone decides to get me. :)
  11. Sadness seeps unwittingly into my heart. He's forsaken me and my love I don't understand why, it hurts when he says those things...I know I hurt him before..But I've repented and asked for his forgiveness, Still he will not recieve me into his heart or mind. I can only watch from the rain as he goes on living in his hurt, ignoring my existance. I see only what I've done and caused in him, none of what used to be there. The tears flow freely, unbridled as I try to figure out why he'd ignore my pleas. Eventually I'll turn into a stone statue that nothing can ever hope to warm, cold and disparing, stuck in my place by the window of his heart yearning for the forgiveness I shall never have.
  12. I liked the poem...It was interesting, as Kittie said, but it was also hard to follow because of some misspellings and contradicting lines, but for the most part I liked it...I would like to see more poems by anyone posted but, most (not all, but most) don't like poetry..For some reason they think it is hard or that it always has to rhyme or some such thing... I don't know why... It saddens me in a way because poetry is a wonderful device at times... Oh well... I should really put that into my randomness thread... Anyway it was a good poem aside from the things I've already pointed out.
  13. I was goning to add the Princess Diaries Series, I really liked it because it was historical fiction in a fun and interesting way. The series took the historical figure and brought them to life in a way that was almost tangable... I kinda forgot to put that in my last post...Sorry ^_^
  14. I must admit that is a good poem...A little religious for my own writing style but it's good no matter what... Do you have a problem with people stealing your poems? I've never really had that problem... Though many people say they're good...
  15. Well I must say I do like your quotes.. They are interesting to say the least... Let alone the fact that I know both of those quotes without anyone having to say who said it or where... (I watch way too much tv) I do like the "youness" question...I agree why don't they get their own body...??? Oh well I kinda like the extra people in my head...Makes for interesting conversations when no one else is around to talk to me.
  16. This is just going to be random conversations with myself about things that are usually related to literature, fanfics or poetry that I usually have with myself...I just thought other people might like to hear my ramblings... I often find them interesting... Well my first entry is going to be about my own fanfiction... It seems that only one person felt like replying to my story and everyone else who read it never said anything... It made me sad... Then I became irate when the chapters I'd written did not seem to go there I wanted them...I seem to have skipped an entire chapter... Which is really odd because I know I posted it... It made me very glad I had typed it on word then copied and pasted it on here... Either way I am missing chapters and I can't go back and fix it or seem to find out what happened... Another thing that has been making me irritated is the fact that I will post something in one of the forums and it will not show up when I go to check on something I'd written... So then I go and say something... The next time I go into that thread in a particular forum and both of my posts are there and I end up looking like a fool...That irks me.... I get irked easily... and I seem to be going off topic...So heading back to my original theme... Lit. Poetry, and FF's...Lets go to the literature part of that for a moment, shall we...(Yes I know there are no paragraphs in my rant, discussion, whatever you'd like to call it) I've read some very interesting books, but only a few I'd actually consider literature... There is a difference in my eyes as to what is and what is not literature... Literature is something that enlightens, is thought provoking, or is semi-satirical. Then there's always the good old non-fiction, that at times can be almost considered literature....I have actually read one or two non-fiction books that were thought provoking, but anything that is really good literature is usually in the form of fiction....I think I will end this segment here... Seeing as it's getting late and I have other things to do before going to bed. Good night all...I shal continue later...;) Sara
  17. I don't know if it's my computer or not, but every other time I post something on any of these boards, it doesn't show up. I have already posted my character and it's not showing up where it should...others have posted after me and still none of my posts show up... What's wrong with the picture?
  18. Emily trudged down the narrow lane, her whole body projecting an air of forlorn determination. The ground rolled beneath her gaze, the muddy path weaving after her like a snail?s trail. The green hedges on either side brushed her bare arms as she passed them, almost as if they were real people. [COLOR=royalblue] Emily trudged down the narrow lane, her whole body projecting an air of forlorn determination. The ground rolled beneath her gaze, the muddy path weaving after her like a snail?s trail. The green hedges on either side brushed her bare arms as she passed them, as if they were real people. [/COLOR] It was the very beginning of spring; the Hawthorne buds were already blooming. It had rained the night before; the path was muddy and the hedges still held droplets of water in their green depths. [COLOR=royalblue] It was spring; the Hawthorne buds were already blooming. It had rained the night before; the path was muddy and the hedges still held droplets of water in their green depths. [/COLOR] Emily?s pretty pink dress was already crumpled and untidy; the ruffles had long since ripped and shredded themselves on the hedges. She was about a mile from home, and it wasn?t much longer until she reached her destination. When she arrived at the clearing, however, she had to be certain of her footing. While the feud had ended in the Lowlands hundreds of years ago, up here in the Highlands, the feud was rampant. [COLOR=royalblue]Emily?s pink dress was already crumpled and untidy; the ruffles had long since ripped and shredded themselves on the hedges. She was about a mile from home, and it wasn?t much longer until she reached her destination. When she arrived at the clearing, however, she had to be certain of her footing. While the feud had ended in the Lowlands hundreds of years ago, up here in the Highlands, the feud was rampant. [/COLOR] Her mother had confronted her, face red with rage. ?You, Emily Síne Campbell, are not to consort with a McDonald. A McDonald boy, no less! Do you know what they did to our ancestors, Emily? Have you no family pride?? [COLOR=royalblue]Her mother had confronted her, face red with rage. ?You, Emily Síne Campbell, are not to consort with a McDonald. A boy, no less! Do you know what they did to our ancestors, Emily? Have you no family pride?? [/COLOR] Emily had stared at the ground. She didn?t understand the family feuds; it had happened ages ago, but the part about family pride did needle at her conscience. She was proud of her roots ? who wouldn?t be? She loved the Campbell?s, and their existence. Nonetheless, she was friends with James McDonald. She wouldn?t, however, be friends with him for much longer. If her mother found out she was friends with him, she?d take away Emily?s books. [COLOR=royalblue]Emily had stared at the ground. She didn?t understand the family feuds; it had happened ages ago, but the part about family pride needled at her conscience. She was proud of her roots ? who wouldn?t be? She loved the Campbell?s, and their existence. Nonetheless, she was friends with James McDonald. She wouldn?t, be friends with him for much longer, if her mother found out she was friends with him, she?d take away Emily?s books. [/COLOR] So Emily walked the path that separated the McDonald and Campbell properties. Callum McDonald ? a widower ? lived on one side of the hedge, while Enid and Kieran Campbell lived on the other. A month ago, Emily had never heard of James McDonald, but from what he?d told her, he?d come home from boarding school in Edinburgh. When Emily had pointed out that he couldn?t be that bad, really, if he was civil enough to go to Edinburgh, Enid had sniffed that a sane Highlander would never send their children to the lowlands to be educated, and if Callum McDonald was really as posh as that, then she was glad she?d never associated with the likes of him. Emily had given up at that point, and agreed to tell the boy that she?d not see him again. [I] A month ago, Emily had never heard of James McDonald, but from what he?d told her, he?d come home from boarding school in Edinburgh. When Emily had pointed out that he couldn?t be that bad, really, if he was civil enough to go to Edinburgh, Enid had sniffed that a sane Highlander would never send their children to the lowlands to be educated, and if Callum McDonald was really as posh as that, then she was glad she?d never associated with the likes of him. Emily had given up at that point, and agreed to tell the boy that she?d not see him again. This doesn't really make any sense, you should consider revising it to make it clearer about who is actually talking. I've read it four times and I still can't seem to pinpoint for sure who it is. It might be James or someone else. [/I] The clearing was just up ahead. She could feel the tranquillity of it beginning to wash over her, like a breeze rolling through the trees. It was sometimes spooky; the way just being in the clearing could make everything in the world just perfect. It wasn?t as if the clearing was particularly pretty; except for the occasional wild flowers, there were only high, twisted mulberry trees ? someone?s futile attempt to civilise the region. There was no bench, just the limb of one of the trees that stood like Atlas to the children throughout the decades. [COLOR=royalblue] The clearing was just up ahead. She could feel it's tranquillity beginning to wash over her, like a breeze rolling through the trees. It was sometimes spooky; the way just being in the clearing could make everything in the world perfect. The clearing was particularly pretty; except for the occasional wild flowers, there were only high, twisted mulberry trees ? someone?s futile attempt to civilize the region. There was no bench, just the limb of one of the trees that stood like Atlas to the children throughout the decades. [/COLOR] Emily had just scrambled up the branch when she heard James? voice behind her. ?You?re early today.? ?I can?t stay long, which is why I?m early.? She looked around, astonished as always to see him in the middle of the clearing. He was always there before her, always appearing out of nowhere to surprise her. It was almost as if he knew beforehand where she?d be looking, although she always tried to trick him. [COLOR=royalblue] ?I can?t stay long, that's why I?m early.? She looked around, astonished as always to see him in the middle of the clearing. He was always there before her, appearing out of nowhere to surprise her. It was as if he knew beforehand where she?d be looking, although she always tried to trick him. [/COLOR] When she peered at him again, his eyes were sad and taking on the lonely cast they?d had when she?d first met him. She smiled; hoping to delay the inevitable brush off she?d have to give him. His eyes brightened to their normal jovial smile, and Emily relaxed. ?Why don?t you climb the tree and see if you can beat me this time? I barely took two seconds.? James scoffed. ?It was longer than ten seconds. You?re always so slow. I can climb much faster,? he boasted, and proceeded to demonstrate his talent. Emily shuffled her body to one side to make room for him. [COLOR=royalblue] James scoffed. ?It was longer than ten seconds. You?re always so slow. I can climb much faster,? he boasted, and proceeded to demonstrate his talent. Emily shuffled her body to one side making room for him.[/COLOR] They sat silent for a while; Emily swinging her legs, James fiddling with a leaf and staring at her. She became uncomfortable, fingers tracing the once impeccable ruffles of her dress. ?You want to tell me something. What is it?? This was it. Emily bit her lip, looking everywhere but at the boy. ?Look, James?you?re a McDonald. And, well, I?m a Campbell. In Edinburgh, where you go to school, things might be different, but here,? She glanced up, desperately hoping that he?d understand. ?Well?here, the feud is still going on. The Highlanders, they ? we ? remember things longer. And well?I can?t be friends with you any?? she didn?t finish her sentence. [COLOR=royalblue]This was it. Emily bit her lip, looking everywhere but at James. ?Look, James?you?re a McDonald. And, well, I?m a Campbell. In Edinburgh, where you go to school, things might be different, but here,? She glanced up, desperately hoping that he?d understand. ?Well?here, the feud is still going on. The Highlanders, they ? we ? remember things longer. And well?I can?t be friends with you any?? she didn?t finish her sentence. [/COLOR] James? eyes hardened, anger etching itself into his features. His anger was decades old ? not the anger of one child towards another. It was anger that had years to bubble and boil to the surface, like a slow-burning furnace. His eyes hated her, contempt and scorn evident in his entire being. ?I thought you were different. I thought you didn?t care about century old feuds.? He advanced at her, and Emily shuffled backwards, trying to avoid his penetrating stare. He kept coming toward her, as graceful on the branch as a tight walker who?d had centuries to perfect his art. His arms shot out, and he shook her. Emily screamed and knocked him away. He flailed for a second, eyes showing his shock and helplessness. His body hit the ground with a sickening crunch. Emily stood there for a second, panicking, then dropped from the branch and took off at a run. [COLOR=royalblue]?I thought you were different, thought you didn?t care about century old feuds.? He advanced at her, Emily shuffled backwards, trying to avoid his penetrating stare. He kept coming toward her, as graceful on the branch as a tight walker who had centuries to perfect his art. His arms shot out, and shook her. Emily screamed and knocked him away. He flailed for a second, his eyes showing shock and helplessness. James hit the ground with a sickening crunch. Emily stood there for a second, panicking, then dropped from the branch and took off at a run. [/COLOR] The hedges rushed past; streaks of white on green. She couldn?t breathe. Her lungs were screaming in pain, the breath panting out of her. Her dress was whipping her legs, so she lifted it past her knees and kept running. The hole in the fence was just up here, so close, but if she passed it then she?d have to go back and find it, and all the hedges look alike, and why wasn?t there a gate? But she knew the answer to that; to keep the Campbells out. [COLOR=royalblue]The hedges rushed past; streaks of white on green. She couldn?t breathe. Her lungs, screaming in pain, the breath panting out of her. Her dress was whipping her legs, so she lifted it past her knees and kept running. The hole in the fence was just up ahead, so close, but if she passed it then she?d have to go back and find it. All the hedges looked alike. Why wasn?t there a gate? Emily knew the answer to that; to keep the Campbells out. [/COLOR] Emily gave up, instead scrambling up the Hawthorne hedges. Her dress caught, and she tugged on it. Another ruffle shredded itself on the green claws. She was almost at the house; if she could just make it, she could save James, but, oh God, what if Callum McDonald shot her on sight? [COLOR=royalblue] Emily gave up, instead scrambling up the Hawthorne hedges. Her dress caught, Emily tugged on it. Another ruffle shredded itself on green claws. She was almost to the house, if she could make it, she could save James. But, oh God, what if Callum McDonald shot her on sight? [/COLOR] ?Mister McDonald!? Emily called, her Scottish brogue ? already barely understandable to outsiders ? thickening itself with her panic. ?Mister McDonald!? [COLOR=royalblue] ?Mister McDonald!? Emily called, her Scottish brogue ? already hardly understandable to outsiders ? thickening with panic. ?Mister McDonald!? [/COLOR] McDonald walked out with a shotgun. ?What is it you want, Emily Campbell? Come to spit on my lawns, like the rest of your cousins?? [COLOR=royalblue]McDonald walked out with a shotgun. ?What do you want, Emily Campbell? To spit on my lawns, like your cousins?? [/COLOR] Emily nearly sobbed; she would have if she hadn?t been so overcome with panic and short breath she could hardly think. ?There?s been an accident. Your son. He?s?? ?My son? You, girl, are just like your shifty ancestors. But you should at least get your facts straight. I have not, nor will I ever have, a son.? ?But Sir, James, your son. Came home from boarding school at Edinburgh?? His face ? so like an older version of James ? twisted into contempt. ?Well, you certainly have done your homework. Listen to me, Emily Campbell, and listen well. If you or any of your relatives ever mention James, and his death ? at Campbell hands, I might mention ?? Emily cringed, ?I will personally see to it that your family never forgets that your Grand mammy killed my brother!? [COLOR=royalblue]His face ? so like an older version of James ? twisted into contempt. ?Well, you certainly have done your homework. Now, listen to me, Emily Campbell, listen well. If you or any of your relatives ever mention James, his death ? at Campbell hands, might I mention ?? Emily cringed, ?I'll personally see to it that your family never forgets that your Grand mammy killed my brother!? [/COLOR] ?I don?t care about your brother!? Emily cried. ?James just fell out of the tree!? Callum McDonald grabbed Emily?s arm, his old, twisted fingers digging into her skin. ?Listen to me, Emily Campbell. I don?t care what sort of delusion you?re under, but I have not, and will never have a son, due to that fact that when I was twelve, my brother fell out of a tree ? because of a Campbell ? while I was riding to get help, another of your relatives threw a stick into my wheels, I then fell forward and hit the bar on my bike. I have since been sterile, which means, you little liar, that I can't have children!? Emily ripped her arm free, then grabbed his wrist and started pulling. ?Look, I can show you. James fell under the Mulberrys. He?? Callum had gone pale. ?You were playing in the Mulberry trees? Don?t ever go near that place again.? ?Why?? ?It?s haunted, by my brother?s ghost.? ?By James?? ?Yes,? he whispered, still pale. His eyes were glistening with tears. ?By James.? I don't know how much help that was...I didn't want to change the story too much by making it different and changing sentence structures and all....I basically went through and shortened sentences and rearranged some words... One paragraph should be rewritten to convey a better message of who's speaking and to whom, but it's a great story and I didn't want to change it too much....Sara
  19. Damn the postes got messed up...I'll try and fix them but I don't know... Sorry...
  20. Well Chapter 5 will take me a few days to finish so bear with me.
  21. [COLOR=darkblue] Seasons Change Seasons change, not always for the Best. My eyes see what I don't want My heart to. The seasons change, so do People. We were once friends but now you won't talk To me because you now my secret. You Know that I'm no longer what you thought. I'm a devil worshiper, heathen, and other things. I'm not The person you once thought, all because the change of seasons, brought A change in your heart and mind. To you I have changed, But that's not how it is. Summer passed by and so did our friendship, Winter is here, bringing the sleeping earth and snow to my heart. Our friendship has ended Because of ideas put in your head and I don't know why. [/COLOR]
  22. I write really well all the time, unless I can't think of anything, which is really rare. I think some of my best writing happens when I have at least a day to write an assignment or when I'm writing poetry or one of my many stories... Like my current Inuyasha fanfic...It's turned out wonderfully so far I can't say how much I love writing it and how much I love having people read it. I'll be working on another one soon... but I will probably end up finishing it.
  23. [COLOR=purple] Name: Shi-su Norama Age: 1426 years old (doesn't look more than 24) Gender: Female Race: Elven-sprite Magic of the heart: Yes Weapon: Two elven blades, one slightly longer than a kodachi blade (Chansu...Chance) and the other the lenght of an European longsword (Shinjite... Believe), one 8'' long dagger and sleeping draughts. Appearence: 6' tall, slender with well toned muscles, 10' long bright red hair, braided and wrapped around left arm (is sometimes used as a whip/rope), electric blue eyes. Bio: Shi-su is the product of lust. Her mother an Elf and her father a very rare male sprite. After a few weeks of being together her parents split to go their different ways and Shi-su was born not long after. Shi-su learned the healing arts from a close friend of hers. Shi-su first learned of the new magic that she posessed when her mother was being attacked by rouge ogres. Shi-su could not get to her mother, but as she ran to her mother's side to try and protect her, the ogres attacking her never seemed to touch her. Shi-su was unable to protect her mother, but with her new magical powers she managed to kill or fight off the ogres so her mother could die in peace. [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green][FONT=courier new] I agree all the way! Vash and Inu are hot...But I love Sesshomaru way more than I love either Vash or Inu...Though I did have a dream with Vash...I was Myril and he was saving me from a big lake full of paranah..That was an interesting dream...It was fun :D...Then from Vash it went to Ranms 1/2 characters... and their school... THAT was odd... Oh well..I just had to say my piece. LOVE AND PEACE!!!!! LOVE AND PEACE!!!!![/FONT][/COLOR]
  25. I really like the poems... they're great. I love they way they are written... I want some icecream!!
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