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Everything posted by Turdle

  1. do you want any certain clip? (oh and it's gonna be about a half hour to an hour cause i gotta go for a while)
  2. is this what you want?? again if you want something changed let me know. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20029[/IMG]
  3. you mean the picture i used to make this? [IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v255/Turdle/imnothing.gif[/IMG] right?
  4. here you go hope it's what your looking for if you want something else just let me know [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20027[/IMG]
  5. I'm trying to make you a banner but I can't seem to find a good site with the pics on it, if you could give a link or a picture I can do it for you.
  6. No problem ,I'm gald you like it.
  7. go to edit signature and put this: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19998[/url] in between this [img]URL GOES HERE[/img]
  8. I think I got the right guy... I think :confused: Is that waht you meant by [QUOTE]Anything is fine - if you could throw in the words Balance-Monster in there, that'd be cool.[/QUOTE] . I think i got it right but I'm not so sure.
  9. thanks a lot thats about what i had but i couldn't get mine to look right.
  10. no problem can't go too much bigger without making the picture look funny.
  11. no problem, im glad you like them!
  12. no problem at all I'll edit this post when it's finished EDIT: Finished!
  13. Alright I usually don't like to do this but could someone take a shot at making this picture into a banner for me, I can't think of anything to do with it.
  14. Hmm this could be a hard picture to find, I'll give it a shot tho. EDIT: Here it is hope you like it. :)
  15. No problem, I'm soo bored right now so I'm making all kinds of banners, mostly for myself tho. Is there what you were looking for? If you want anything changed let me know.
  16. Alright I'm not sure if this is what you were looking for but I liked the picture. If you want somehing else just let me know.
  17. Is there anything in particular you want on the banner? Characters? Quotes?
  18. here you go, I couldn't think of a phrase or anything to put on it but i gave the banner a shot, I'll try the avatar tomorrow but its getting late so I don't have time to do it now.
  19. No problem my AIM name is turdle03 and my email is [email]aturtl3@msn.com[/email] Feel free to ask for one anytime, I'd be more than happy to do them for you whenever you need more.
  20. here you go, hope you like it
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