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Everything posted by Turdle

  1. I'm not at my house right now but when I get back I will give this one a shot, I used to use this picture as my desktop wallpaper, I like it : )
  2. I'd be glad to but I'm not at home right now so I have no access to photoshop so it'll take about a week to get it done.
  3. lol yea, I made your banner too.
  4. well I gave it a shot, I'm not to sure about the outcome but I thought I'd show it anyway. Hope you like it.
  5. here you go, hope you like it
  6. do you want the same pic of hermione or a different one in the av? EDIT: alright i made 2 if you want to use one go ahead
  7. go to edit signature and put, click the insert image button and put [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19470[/url] in the box
  8. Well since I did the ron doujinshi I figured I'd give the hermione a try too. It took me a while to find good pics of her. If you want any changes let me know.
  9. I'm going to give the first a 7.5 because the crop job on the pictures aren't very goot but I like the banner as a whole. The second one is cool so it gets an 8. It's from furi curi right?
  10. All right I wasn't sure, glad you like it though.
  11. well i gave it a shot, there aren't a lot of good pics of him, but I tried. hope you like it
  12. wow thats really good, about how often do you put a new one up on the site?
  13. here you go, it's kinda plain so if you want anything else added I'll be more than happy to fix it for you just let me know.
  14. alright, i like flcl so I'm giving you choices, if you want anything on them, let me know.
  15. Here you go if you like it and want anything changed, let me know.
  16. here's my shot at it, hope you like it. if you want changes, let me know.
  17. [quote name='Amorphous][color=crimson][size=1]Thank you very much for that banner and the avatar it looks great as so does everyone elses banner.[/color'][/size][/quote] No problem, glad I could help.
  18. lol well i tried your "the cure" banner but didn't like any of the turnouts, but anyways, i gave this one a shot and this is what i can up with. If you want anything changed just let me know. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19303[/IMG]
  19. Well, since I'm finally starting to understand how to use photoshop I figured it was about time to post something. Sooo, I made this tiger set, hope everyone likes it.
  20. well here is my shot at it, if you want anything changed just let me know
  21. lol... i thought it was a tongue too, but yea anyway i really like the pic, the shading is good and i agree with haze, love the headphones. good job, i'm jealous, wish i could do stuff like that.
  22. well i tried to fix the other one but i couldn't get it right. sooo... i made a new one. once again if you want anything fixed tell me
  23. no problem glad you like them
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