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About inti
- Birthday 08/31/1988
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I like to create parallel worlds and realms in which I can finally take back what everyone owes me...about $5.70 in total ^^;
Making sure you get what you deserve... that reminds me, want an ice-cream?
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Otaku (3/6)
Ok, it's been a while, but here it is. It's not much, but use it if it pleases you. Your current avi/banner set you have on is quite...cool though.
Discuss Once Upon a Legend: Act I- Underground [PG-VL]
inti replied to Dragon Warrior's topic in Theater
Actually Gavyn (that spelt right?) I'm a he. If you know anything about Incan Mythology, which most people don't, Inti is the Sun God (not goddess!). Sometimes, and in more recent RPGs, I take on a female role just to get some diversity in there somewhere. I like to be able to RP a diverse range of characters, not just the boring old troubled silent guy or whatever. Am I really that feminine or is it just the RPG sign up or what? This has happened before. I need some answers people! Yeah, all that aside, my post'll be up in a day or two. I have most of tomorrow off and will try to complete it soon. I know some of you are busting to post ;) -
OOC: You set me up nicely for a change Meggido. IC: Isaac O'Connor sat arranging his huge pile of CDs for easy-to-reach usefulness for times lacking spark, or music, or a party. Or all three. His side of the room had already been set up to immitate what his bedroom at home would look like, if he was ever there for more than a week. There was mess everywhere, which made the fact that he was sorting through CDs almost pointless and frankly quite frightenning to anyone who walked in on this bi-weekly ritual. As Isaac sat listenning to the music in his discman and sorting out his collection of singles and albums, he remembered that he was going to be meeting a new roommate today. He stood up, dropped the CDs and the discman on the floor among the other items strewn here and there, and walked quickly to the door. He stopped and looked into the mirror sitting on the door, checking his ruffled blonde hair was in check and making sure his face was as unblemished as it always was. He unclipped the top two buttons of his pale shirt and checked to see if it had somehow miraculously tucked itself in. [i]Nope. Good,[/i] he thought. As he made motion to open the door to go and find his new roommate, the handle moved then clicked. The door openned to reveal the weirdest looking person Isaac had ever seen, but he couldn't help but be friendly. Who knew what this guy would be like? "Hey roomie," he said and smirked, "What's with all the darkness? You know colour is the new black this season." At this the pale boy rolled his eyes behind the protection of his dark sunglasses. Just his luck. His roommate was a stereotypical gay. "I'm Isaac O'Connor, glad to know you," he said and made to shake the newcomer's hand, but the Goth just... "Oh, you're a Goth aren't you? I've never actually met one of you guys before, just heard about you. I thought that was just an urban legend." "That's nice, I'm Ando, now get away from me before I hurt you" Ando almost spat at Isaac, and a large gap grew between the two boys instantaneously. Isaac didn't know what to say, "Geez, sorry...I was just tryin' to be friendly an' all. You could at least return the favor instead of throwing it back in my face like I'm evil or something..." Isaac walked briskly out of the room to get some fresh air, and to find his long-time friend Andrew to tell him about the current situation.
Hehehe...I'm gonna pester you for a background too Jamie (I can call you Jamie, right?). I don't really mind what colour it is, just give me anything and I'll be happy. That is...if I made it into the RPG. I hope I did... Well, yeah. Any colour for the background thinga-majig, as long as it's [color=darkorange]this orange[/color] Thanks a bunch. Have fun making it :smirk:
[FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]Damn you Delirium! When I saw this is wanted to see what it was like RPing a gay guy, but you beat me to it! Well, I guess we'll see how it goes with two of us. [b]Name:[/b] Isaac O'Connor [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/364-20031003200845.jpg][i][u]Click Here[/u][/i][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] A caring homosexual who loves to party. Well, as far as parties at a boarding school go. Isaac is outgoing, but not in-your-face. He has his quiet times every now and then, but overall he likes to talk and have fun. His caring side only comes out when someone needs help or is in trouble. This leads to Isaac taking a lot of falls for his 'friends' (the ones who only want something materialistic from him). Isaac smells a fish and is starting to warm up to the fact that he isn't truly sure of who he can call a friend. [b]Bio:[/b] Isaac loves living life basically. If there's an opportunity, he'll take it. Although he's quite popular, he's a little unsure of who his real friends are. There are so many fakes out there who just hang around him to borrow his stuff. Like music for instance. His CD collection is huge, as he's always updating his stuff. Being a party animal, Isaac knows how to bust a move and likes to groove (sorry about that rhyme there, but it just came to me). He's king of the dancefloor, and is often the center of attention at parties where there's good music (usually supplied by him), flashy lights and a good floor to dance on. Because of his laid-back/party attitude, in recent years Isaac's grades have started to slip. But since he now only has to take four or five subjects, things are looking a little better. Let it be known that his subjects/extra-curriculars do not reflect his party-or-bust attitude. Isaac is quite an all-rounder in those respects. There are rumours going around that there's a new kid at school, and some of the 'cool' guys told Isaac about the pranks they're going to pull on the newbie, wanting to know if he's "in" or not. We'll have to see what happens there... [b]Lessons Taken:[/b] Eng. Lit, Psychology, French, Latin [b]Extra:[/b] Art/Manga Club, Soccer Team[/SIZE][/FONT]
[img]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21104[/img] Here's my shot at it the avatar. If you wanted a banner too, I'll work on that tonight. I found a good site for FMV Kuja pictures and used one from there. It's similar to one of the ones you posted. Hope you like it. Let me know if you want anything changed.
Well, it looks like we have a main theme. Golden Age, thieves of the Elemental Stars, people to try and stop the thieves and Djinni. I'll incorporate the Djinni somehow, don't worry about that Alan ;). I've already started stockpiling my Golden Sun pictures I found over the past few weeks, and I'm looking into some of the old graphics programs I have lying around. I'll start the introduction to the RPG tomorrow, meaning that if anyone has any last words to add, do so [b]now[/b]. I will take everything into account. About a map for Weyard in the Golden Age...I have one of the world in the era [i]The Lost Age[/i] was set in, but considering we're talking thousands, maybe tens of thousands of years before that, the landmass would have been immensely different. I will attempt a map myself, but any help is appreciated. I'm assuming you guys are possibly along for the ride, Alan? Sage? Wingnut Ninja? Let me know via PM or something, or if you post here in the next couple of days. I'm going to begin recruiting staff members to fill design roles for this in a couple of weeks, so keep your eyes open and in this thread guys. Thanks for your help so far, or if you're going to step down and watch things go by from a secluded corner of OB, thanks for your help anyway. (Did that make sense?) I've got to go get started on this now, or I'll leave it until next month... [b]EDIT:[/b] ---{Update}--- Well, most of the basic plot has been done, and it's all safely written out on random pages all over my desk. Now all I need to do is sort out the order and start the nitty-gritty details. Now, Sage, sorry to bug you, but...about the map. I've been writing the introduction to the story, and it's a bit hard if I don't have the map of Weyard in the Golden Age sitting there in front of me. If it's alright, could you send it to me soon? My email's at the bottom of this post. Umm...yeah. If all goes well with the map-sending and detail-increasing, this should be up in a month or so. Oh, and Sage? If you haven't finished the map that's alright. Even if you haven't started it, that's ok too. I'll send you the description of Weyard via PM once it's done. Just tell me if the map's been started or not, ok? Thanks guys. email: [email]mr_x_rulez@hotmail.com[/email] [b]EDIT:[/B] ---{Update}--- Another update peeps. Just letting you all know that the introduction post is almost 100% complete (I have to iron out a few things here and there) and should be up in a week or two. Also, I'm currently working on a small-time site to cover any neccessary details about Golden Sun, and also just for a bit of fun (I didn't mean to rhyme that sentence....don't shoot me!!) Ok, now what I'd like is for anyone who's been reading this thread and thinking "Hey, a Golden Sun RPG, I might have a go at this..." to PM me so I can get an idea of numbers. I already have the number of people needed planned out, but this is just a safety precaution in case there are less people than I need. That's it. Right now I'm going to go and fiddle around with some GS Sprites I found while I relax my brain. My sentences keep coming out slurred and...not-the-right-word-for-what-I-mean...-ness. That's beside the point. Happy PMing (I need an idea of numbers, so please let me know, k?)
Sorry I didn't reply earlier James, and I'm also sorry that you had to resort to PMing me. I've been pre-occupied with work (only casual work, but it still takes my life away from me *shakes fist*) and my birthday which was yesterday (31st). Now, anyway, enough with the idle banter. I love them. Thanks a bunch James. The text is great, and I like what you've done with the animation in the avatar. I was looking for a font that mimicked the one from Golden Sun so whoever did the banner/avatar set could use that, but alas, I found none. I think I prefer it this way anyway. I like the border too. I wish I could do that...quickly. But I suppose you used Photoshop or something? I'll have to go out and get it next week (procrastination...gotta love it). Well, I'm a little tired right now, considering it's 12:20am, so I'll say thanks one last time, fix up my banner and avatar and go to sleep. Thanks again.
[COLOR=SandyBrown][FONT=Trebuchet MS][SIZE=1]A young teen raced down the street, his old tophat bobbing up, down and around. It had a hole in it on the side somewhere, and a large open flap up the top, which looked like it was trying to talk as it flapped with the air rushing past it. Girr Kid was running from a Cockatrice, which rarely appeared in this town, but eventually, if you ran around in enough circles in the same general spot, popped up. It only did that when you were weak and tired from battles though, so it had a huge advantage. Not that it wasn't strong enough in the first place. "Help meeeeeeee!" he screamed comically, running with his arms trailing behind him in a flailing manner. Then there were some beeps. Girr stopped running and listened. There! And again! Someone was selecting commands during a battle! Girr listened harder. It sounded like it was near the Fourth Avenue Cafe. "Don't worry, I'll come and help!" he called out, but got no reply, since the character battling was stuck in their battle stance, and could only hear what was happening [i]within[/i] the battle area. "Hiya! Can I help you?" Girr asked as he slowed down, taking his fighting stance next to the other character, who had just attacked one of two freakishly large spiders. "No..." she said when she appeared out of nowhere, and got back into [i]her[/i] fighting stance. A small screen came up in front of Girr, and it showed him three commands: [b][Attack] [Summon] [Item][/b] He subconsciously hit the "attack" button, and ran forward. "Oops!" he cried. Battle-cried, that is. As he ran up, he took off his huge tophat and pulled out an extendable-punching glove, which he used to hit one of the spiders with. A white number appeared above the monster's head: [b]9 HP Damage[/b] "What?! [i]You[/i] came to help [i]me?![/i]" shrieked the woman, who looked quite tantalising, to admit the truth. "Well I thought I could give my input...and I need to gain some EXP., so I can gain a Level." The woman sighed and rolled her eyes, but remained in her battle stance.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=DarkOrange][SIZE=1][FONT=Trebuchet MS]I'm requesting for a banner/avatar set to be made, with the four Djinn I've included in this post. I'd like the banner to read: "Bring back the Golden Age!" I don't mind what kind of a background is used, but don't make it too plain please :) For the avatar, just use the Mars (red) Djinn and the Venus (brown) Djinn. I'd like it to say: "inti" Of course, I don't want you to use the quotation marks (" "), but if you think the banner looks better with them, by all means leave them in. Thanks.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SandyBrown]"Hey, something I can sign! Hey, what's it for?" [COLOR=Black]"---"[/COLOR] "Cool, death and ultimate destruction! I wanna play too!" [b]Name:[/b] Girr Kid [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Sex:[/b] *hehehe*...a naughty word... --> Male [b]Class:[/b] Little annoying kid who can't fight, but gets nasty beasts that come from nowhere to do so for me. [b]Equip:[/b] A magic tophat hat, for pulling out a random ludicrous instrument I'll use to summon something mean. [b]Magic:[/b] Well, I can summon big nasty, mean, etc. etc. creatures to fight for us...*me* [b]Special Ability:[/b] How about "bugging the party members with useless questions about their pasts and whatnot." If that won't do, I don't know what will. [b]Experience Level:[/b] 1...jeez, I'm only a kid. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/31383-20040530092157.jpg]{Click Here}[/url] [b]Personality:[/b] I'm kinda annoying, I gotta admit, but my powers of random-useless-question-asking are unlimited, and outweigh any other great abilities I may have. Well, even though I call them abilities, these are key aspects of my ever-annoying-random-useless-question-asking personality. When I get hurt or angry, I pull out my hat, then pull out a strange looking instrument which I don't know how to play, then I summon a big monster thing to whup yo a*s! Or I start asking the random useless questions again. [b]Biography:[/b] Well, I was orphanned as a child, then I ran away from the Orphanage, then I ran away from the hobos I was staying with for a while, then I ran away from the scary trees in the forest. Then I got out my hat and pulled a funny squiggly flute thing out and started making weird sounds with it. That's how the air taught me to summon creatures. And people say the air does nothing but let you breathe. Hah! Umm...aside from that, I just wander around asking different people random annoying useless questions. I want to find someone with real answers to these questions, and travel around with them! That's why I wander around. Otherwise I'd sit down and ask passers by the useless annoying questions. [b]Tally of all the words "Annoying", "Useless", "Random" and "Question/s":[/b] 24 ---[Credit goes to silvermoon8 on myOtaku for the Chibi Sesshy pic]---[/COLOR]
[COLOR=SandyBrown][SIZE=1]I just finished GS: The Lost Age, and I see what you mean by leaving it open to sequel, Sage. I do like your idea of using the Golden Age as the era for this RPG. It would be a lot of fun, and I was just thinking of a few possibilities. For instance, everyone who has played either of the two GS games would know that Alchemy was sealed away, right? Well, I was thinking that we could have a group of four trying to take away the Elemental Stars from their respectful lighthouses. Or it could just be that there are four (or more) people sent to seal away Alchemy. There would have to be a number of people trying to stop them, say...Leumarians, and the people of Vale. Anyone want to add to this/comment? Oh, and Alan, the idea of having a rampaging "uber"-summon of all the Djinni run throughout Weyard is cool, but that's one of your "fight-and-kill" type RPGs, isn't it? I think I want to make a more in-depth RPG (if that's possible, lol). By the way, I just checked and there's something like 72 Djinni in total. That'd be a hell of a fight...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
I'm up for a challenge, and the Woman Guide seems like the one for me. Kittychanann, I hope one of us gets it :) (well, in truth, I want it more for me :smirk:) [COLOR=Purple][SIZE=1][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Krystal Evermoore (simply known as 'Krys' [i]pronounced: kr-iss[/i]) [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 22 [U][B]Gender:[/B][/U] Female [B][U]Appearance:[/U][/B] Her clothes are those of Akubar since it's a strong tradition. In case anyone needs to know the clothes of Akubar, Krystal wears a tight black tunic, along with some black pants. She wears brown leather boots, a brown leather belt and hates gloves of all kinds, so she has bare hands. She tells people that she cannot feel the texture of something through gloves, no matter how fine the leather or cloth is. Krystal's hair is about shoulder length, and she keeps it in a tight plait so it keeps out of her face. Although her hair is naturally soft and silky, and stays straight once combed properly, she is still sometimes jealous of other girls in Akubar, who have black hair. They blend into the crowds more than she does, which she thinks is her main downfall, having blonde hair. Standing at 5'2", Krystal is just below the average height for young women her age in Akubar. No one teases her about it though, because she is a mean fighter. Aside from that, her striking green eyes are fierce when she glares at someone. Finally, Krystal's figure is not perfect. She is a little bit larger than what some girls call "slim", but she prefers not to look like a twig. Not to say she's large either. You could say that Krystal borders between slim and large, which is how most girls, she thinks, should want to be. [U][B]History:[/B][/U] Well, I liked running around outside when I was little, that's for sure. Maybe that's why I became interested in becoming a guide...no, wait...that came after. My mother was intent on getting me out and about and away from the house while she cooked, cleaned and shopped. I have two older sisters, so that probably explains it. They helped mother while my father took me to see all of Akubar. I soon learned all of the best hiding places, where to go and what time to go there. Some of the older kids payed me a few coins to show them the town properly, so they would know where to run and hide when the Mares came, or when their parents got particularly angry. [b]That's[/b] when I knew I would make a great guide. I was only eight years old and I was already making quite a profit. My dad realised what was happening and told my mother. I was kept inside for a month. That wasn't too fun...heh... Anyway, on the last day of my punishment, my father drew me aside and asked me if I wanted to go and see the lands of Lo'Urden, outside Akubar. Of course I said yes, but I asked him why he wanted to know, as I was still due for another ten hours of grueling housework. He shuddered at the thought of having to help my mum around the house, then he told me he had been hired to protect someone on a journey. I asked where, but I got no answer. So we left the next morning, without telling my mother where we were going. She was angry when she heard what we were doing. My dad and I waited at the tavern for our employer. He called the man who'd hired my dad something else, but the word is on the tip of my mind and won't come out onto paper. I think it was something like subject? No...well, something [i]like[/i] that anyway. We left Akubar two hours later, small rucksacks packed with what food we had taken from the kitchen at home. My father handed me a metal thing called a gun. It was pretty new back then. The guns had only just been let into the public, and even then you had to be pretty important to have access to one. Father was part of a group of mercenaries/bodyguards who were well known throughout Akubar, and further into Lo'Urden. He told me to be careful with it, so I was. It felt heavy in my hands, then on my belt, then even in my rucksack, but I learned to get used to it. Papa taught me how to wield the gun I carried with me, and also taught me the arts of self defence, which he called martial arts. I can now incapacitate someone without weapons. My aim with the gun is almost always on target, and I can reload my weapon extremely quickly, not that [b]that[/b] really helps me to guide people around Lo'Urden...it just helps me stay fit and protect myself. My father and I travelled for about three years, always writing to mother and my sisters. The actual journey with our client only lasted five months, but we were hired by someone else almost instantly after we dropped of our first employer. We continued travelling, guarding and whatnot, and papa taught me things I'd never dreamed of learning. Like what plants are poisonous, which are edible and where to find them all. He taught me how to recognise traps, how to tell whether a bridge was too rickety or if there was some other natural or man-made hazard. One of our employers taught us both how to tell the weather for the next day. The main thing I learned was to [i]always[/i] carry a special ring around your neck, in case the Mares try to attack. They can smell it from miles away. In the three years while my father and I were out and about, I learned more than I ever could have hoped to learn at an academy or around the house helping mother. We came back to Akubar at the end of the three years, and my mother blew it. She screamed for so long and so loudly that the neighbors had to close the shutters and all their doors. The next day I ran off into town, back to the tavern my papa and I waited at just a few years ago. Someone was looking for a guide who could not only lead his family, but also protect his wife and three children. I said I could do the job. He asked if I could leave immediately, I said give me ten minutes. We left eleven minutes later. That was when I was 11 years old. Since then, I've been a guide for over 139 customers. Some journeys take a year, some take a week. It tends to vary. I've honed my skills, and I can blend in with crowds now too, even though I have blonde hair. I'm so happy about that, hehe, heehee. Even though the best business comes from Akubar, I get hired in other areas too, which is good. I'd think it strange if someone travelled all the way to Akubar only to then hire a guide to lead them somewhere else. That'd be a bit stupid, don't you think? Well, that's all really. Anything else? Oh yeah, I picked up the simple nickname the Woman Guide. I'm the only woman that both guides and guards her employer/s.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Is there anything else I need to include? I can't wait for this. The Enya music helped me write this, so I think I'll pull out one of my mum's old Enya CD's to listen to when I'm writing my posts :smirk: .
Thanks for the feedback Alan. Now that you put it that way, I can see a new plotline is needed. That is why we have this forum, no? So, time to ask for suggestions for new plotlines. Anyone have any? BTW, I like your idea of incorporating the Djinni. I/we should do that. I'd really appreciate some help with getting a Golden Sun RPG off the ground. So if you've got any fancy ideas that Alan can't pick apart :smirk: go ahead and PM me or post them. Members of RPGers Annonymous, if you could help out, that'd be great. Alan, you seem interested enough, so if its ok, you wanna have a go at this? Or at least stick around to point out any large flaws? No, seriously, I want to eliminate some of the really big ones so that this RP can last for a while, and so we can all have fun.
I regards to what you're saying about all of the RPGs that get "rammed down our throats", Balmon, I agree that we're seeing a large number of them lately. What I completely disagree on is that quality in the Arena is falling. I don't need to go there, because "there" seems to have been filled in, up and outwards by terra, Arcadia, Shinmaru, DW [b]and[/b] James. I know you'll find someway to rebutt this, but the Adventure Square Mods would almost be out of a job if it weren't for the simpler RPGs. I myself have had a number of ideas (two I think) which were hastily put together, I must admit. They turned out to be a complete failure, because I was overtired and I rambled on or something of the sort. Now, with the Arena Underground, everything will go more smoothly. Anyway, where was I? Yes...I mainly agree with DW, terra and James. The quality of threads in the Arena has taken leaps and bounds, then trips and falls, but in most cases everyone has fun. Another thing is that everyone's post quality [b]is[/b] improving, even if it is slow. After James released Kill Adam, there have been a number of ideas for RPs that come in two parts, and more people are writing sequels to older RPGs. Maybe I've been focussing on [i]just[/i] that, and not really seeing the point of what you're saying (aside from the blatantly obvious, "get rid of the bad RPGs/RPers" :smirk: ). Excuse that... Well, that's all I really have to say right now...I've lost my track of thought. But, yeah...two part RPGs, give that some thought. More and more people are trying this out (or thinking about doing so, I can feel it :p ), hence, quality is improving, and even if the Adventure Square has tripped over and fallen in on some occasions, it has picked itself up and carried on. ... What I just said seems like a bad soap opera...