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Everything posted by inti

  1. We're starting!! *********************** A long time ago... the nation of Varv was at peace, and the 6 tribes of the Dragons got along well with each other. Through thick and thin, Varv made it through all kinds of evils. United, the nation was stronger than anything the demons could throw at them. But the nation of Varv could not remain united forever. The demons knew this. But it would take a long time for the united nation would beggin to squabble. The demons decided to speed up the tribes' hatred for each other, but this drained them. It would take 100 years to regain their strength. Soon enough, the main city was being faught over, and was burned, frozen, shaken, struck by lightning and tormented by the winds. Dragons flew about fighting with one another. There was chaos. 100 years has passed. The demons have waited 100 years to strike, and now their chance is here. If the 6 tribes do not come together in time, the demons will completely destroy all beauty in the continent. The ONLY KNOWN CONTINENT. Migration is not possible. All will be enslaved, maddened, driven insane. Humans will sharpen their bones on rocks so they can easily fight one another. They eat at their own flesh if irritated by a simple itch. This plague has begun to show in areas nearest to the demons' homeland. Dragons will perish, as all the evil will spoil the dragons' purity. Being pure and of essence has it's downfalls. It's up to you and 4 others to bring a once great nation together again. ***************** Kyru spun around at top speed, the bladed barb at the end of his whip-like hair hitting his opponent in the face. He flipped over the enemy, making sure to hit him in the chest with the barb. He spun around again, this time hitting the dizzied man in the back of the head. Kyru grabbed hold of the man around the jaw and pulled his head around with expert ease, snapping the man's neck. 'Maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved with the Demons. Then they wouldn't have sent for the best bountyhunter around just to get rid of a pathetic piece of filth such as yourself. I have to go get my reward. So if you'll excuse me.' Kyru said to the now dead body. 'Incubuzzard!' he called at the top of his voice. The skies darkened all of a sudden. Plants wilted into hiding places, trying to get away from the darkness. 'Boy am I glad the Demons chose to leave you black dragons as you are. You'd all be dead otherwise,' Kyru mused. The huge dragon landed next to the dead body and sniffed it. With a flick of it's head, it gobbled the dead man up. Satisfied, Kyru climbed onto the shrouded dragon's back. 'C'mon old friend, let's go get us this reward, and find out why we had to waste our time on that piece of bull.....dung'
  2. Name: Kimahri Age: Unsure.. Weapon: Dragon Lance Magic: Lancet, Fire, Cure Bio: Was ridiculed by the other Ronsos at Mt. Gagazet for being smaller than the average Ronso height. He was also made fun of because half of his horn was cut off. He was asked to guard and keep Yuna safe since she was 7. He has done so and is Yuna's most trusted full-time Guardian. Type: Guardian (uses all kinds of magic and learns new overdrives from using Lancet on certain enemies) Overdrive: Blue Magic (uses attacks that he learns from using Lancet on certain enemies) Items: 5 Hi-Potions, 5 Mega-elixers, 5 Phoenix-Downs, 5 Remedies
  3. Kyu ran as fast as he could. But that wasn't enough. The demon soldiers had spotted him trying to sneak into their hideout, which was hidden deep in the Elven "Sacred Forest" so they could spy on the secret ritual training of the elves. Now the demons were catching up to him fast. If they reached him they'd kill him. Kyu couldn't keep on like this. He drew his samurai sword, spun around, whipped off his cloak and spread his glossy black wings all in what seemed like one movement. There he hovered, a few feet above the demons. They seemed astonished to see what looked like an elf flying there. 'Surprise' Kyu whispered amused, just loud enough for the demons to hear. The two soldiers just looked one another in the face and launched themselves into the air. It was all over in a few one-sided minutes. You had to feel sorry for the poor demons. No-one faced Kyu in the air and won. As they flew up at him, he flapped his wings hard, rising to around 50 feet in the air. This was his playground. Then all of a sudden, the half Aven half Elf swooped on them, his long sharp sword out in front of him.then, just as it looked as though he was going to fly right by them, he slashed out on both sides. One demon was caught in the throat by his Aven dagger, the other through it's right lung by the samurai sword. Kyu then dragged his weapons down the wounds. Making them bigger all the time. Still flying downwards at top speed. At about 5 feet from the ground he flipped up so he didn't collide with the hard earth. The demons kept going and Kyu heard the satisfying crunch of bones breaking through organs. Kyu swiftly and quietly touched down, picked up his discarded cloak and lifted off again. The Elf and Aven Kings would want to hear about this.
  4. Kyru stood next to Kris, leaning over the (again) dead driver. 'Hey.... this isn't possible......' stammered Kris slowly. 'What's not possible?' another man said, holding his gun over the body 'The blood........ its coagulated..........' 'You're right....... what's going on with this town? And where are the fire trucks and stuff?' said the new man, standing up and slipping his gun into his pocket. 'We'd better get some help...........' Kyru entered the conversation at last, trying to figure out some logical explanation for what had just happened. Kyru turned and ran for the school. Ignoring the red haired girl as she approached to look at their wounds. This had to be a sabotage or something. It wasn't every day that your bus driver tried to kill you and your friend, while he should be dead from the huge piece of glass protruding from his chest. Kyru had decided that the best thing for him to do would be to run to school and get on with the day, just like any other normal day. He couldn't shake off a strange feeling of sickness that swept over him as he turned onto the road that the school was on. All of a sudden, everything blurred over. He heard Kris and that man with the gun shouting, and their voices dimmed out. The last thing he remembered before being hit by the aproaching car was the look on his girlfriend Ella's face as he was knocked forwards a few feet... He woke up with a start. Kyru sat up so quickly his head began to hurt and a machine started beeping. Men and women in white doctor's clothes rushed into the room. Why are there doctors in the school? he thought, shoudn't they be attending to the kids that were hurt in the bus crash? Then it all came rushing back. The strange feeling of nausea, the far off voices, the blurred world, the car, and Ella's horrified face. Had he been hit by the car? If so, why was he awake so soon after the incident? It was only half an hour after the crash... maybe it was just the shock of it all...
  5. Kyru saw it all happen. He was in the middle of the road chasing the bus, but all of a sudden it began to swirve. He stood there and watched as, inch by inch, the bus crashed into the oncoming traffic and kept going across to the other side of the road. Once it had stopped, he realised what had happened. If he HAD made it to the bus stop in time, he could be dead now. Kyru ran full sprint across to the broken bus. Kids were filing out, one by one, through the back of the bus. Kris hadn't come out yet. Kyru slowly clambered in through a broken window. To his horror, he saw one of his best friends being attacked by what looked like some kind of monster with glass sticking out of it's chest. On closer inspection, he saw it was the bus driver. His eyes were glazed over, his mouth was foaming some... gooey black liquid. Then Kyru remembered those news stories about the Umbrella Corp.'s strange experiments way back when. The people that were infected by that had similar symptoms to that of this bus driver. Kyru had had it. He couldn't just stand there and watch one of his friends get... it looked like the driver was trying to EAT Kris! He DEFINATELY couldn't stand by and watch THAT happen. He ran down to them and kicked the bus driver's neck. The driver changed his focus from Kris to Kyru. Kyru kept kicking and punching, but nothing was even making the driver flinch. [i]What had happened? Why why was the driver acting as if he were some sort of zombie?[/i] thought Kyru, while he was punching away at the dead thing's chest. The driver grabbed one of Kyru's arms, twisting it and enjoying the obvious pain it was causing Kyru...
  6. Everyone those are great. I'll start the RPG now. But be sure to check back to see Stick Fairy and GuardianStorm's completed character and dragon bio's. If the story starts to get a bit slow, be sure to PM me about it so I can fix it up to keep you guys interested ^^
  7. ok. sorry about that... I didn't mean RolePlay. I meant like kind of a scene from a scripted play or something. I'll try to make myself sound understandable.
  8. Thanks GuardianStorm and Bremma. Ok, at the risk of sounding clichéd, "And then there were three." The three Dragon Clans left available are: ~~ Flame Dragon Clan ^^ Plasma Dragon Clan ~~ Air Dragon Clan I'm currently working on the first part of the RPG. We'll start it soon guys!
  9. Well done Bremma. ^^ I hope more people sign up with descriptions like that. I'll put mine up now. Name: Kyru Srana Age: 23 Dragon Clan: Darkness Dragon Clan Warrior type: Bounty Hunter Weapon: Barbed Whip Appearance: Kyru looks much like the rest of the humans in his clan. He has albino white skin and jet black hair that reaches his lower back, which he often ties back in a long thin braid. He can use his hair as a whip if it comes to close combat, and his weapon is not with him. He has silver glowing eyes, and stands about 6 feet tall. He wears a long black robe over his bare chest and black dogi pants. He also wears black slip-on shoes that come up in a point at the toes. In a pouch at his side, he has many different kinds of barbs to attach to the end of his hair or his whip. Bio: Kyru, like most of his clan, doesn't know his birth parents. Most of his clan think they are all born from the newest clan leader and his wife, but in truth, what no-one in the clan knows, is that they're all born to one of the demons and a poor defensless woman who was swept up into the demons' clutches in their quest for dominance. The Darkness Dragon Clan doesn't act well as a team, making them horrible when it comes to team efforts, like helping each other in war. But they are exeptional warriors alone. A half trained fighter from his clan can easily take out 6 enemy clan warriors in one clean-sweep. Kyru went his own way when he was 16, prefering to train himself. He became a well known bounty hunter and the leader of the demon's elites. Dragon Name: Incubuzzard (Incu for short) Dragon Gender: Male Dragon Appearance: Incu's large jaws say it all. "Leave me alone. Or you die." He is around 30 feet in length, and he only has two claws, like huge hawk talons. His black leathery wings are torn, with holes in them, but his wingspan of 25 feet keeps him aloft easily. He has deadly sharp yellow teeth and his scales are like huge black pentagonally shaped tiles covering his body. The scales get smaller as they move up his neck and down his long tail that is 1/3rd the length of his body. He has the typical devil's point at the end of his tail. His eyes are a deep purple, glaring into the heart of anything that dares to stand in his way. Dragon Abilities: Dark Shroud - when flying, Incu stirs up a black cloud around him, leaving his enemies bruised and confused. He can see through the shroud. Demon's Terror - Incu can fly 2 times his highest speeds, letting him leave the Dark Shroud around his enemies easily. Only few have escaped this horrid combo. Devil's Gift - He fires spurts of black flame out of the tip of his tail and mouth, which poisons the enemy.
  10. 'Hmph' grunted Skyclad, in reply to Raven 'Some kids were attacked by thugs. Couldn't protect a bone in their own bodies. I got rid of the thugs for them, but they didn't pay me. Pfft. Little runts. Never want any of my own. That's for sure.' Raven looked as though he could hit Skyclad across the face, so he stopped complaining. 'Why have I been brought here anyway? I have picked up whispers of war on the wind. Am I to fight for the Motherland?'
  11. inti


    Trainer Sign Up Name: Kyru Srana Age: 16 Gender: Male Height: 6 feet 2 inches Weight: 63Kg Hometown: Mauville City Appearance: Red eyes with a yellow tint around the outerrim of his pupils. He has jetblack hair and tanned skin. Also has a good build. He wears a suit. Even at his age he acts sophisticated. History: Kyru was raised in a harsh manner, never getting what he wanted. That was the main reason for catching his first Pokemon and challenging his town's gym leader. His Electrike zapped it's opponents 'til knock-out, and his harsh comments stung the opponant trainers' just as much. He formed a great bond with his Electrike, making them an unstoppable duo. The only person he's lost to so far is his older sister. Personality: Kyru is a sophisticated, cynical guy who loves to put people down. He knows he shouldnt, but he does. He can take one tiny slip up in what someone says and turn it on them. Breaking people (mentally) is one of his greatest and most well know strategies. ------------------------- My Starter Pokémon Name: Electrike Species: Elektrike {No. 078 in the Ruby/Sapphire Pokedex} Type: Electric Moves: Tackle, Growl
  12. [b][u]~*~Before You Read~*~[/u][/b] Just to let you know, I've never actually done a fanfic before. So if I do anything wrong or something of the sort. PLEASE PM ME!! I'd like to know how to fix my mistakes or I'll never learn from them. [b]Also[/b] This is basically my compilings of Final Fantasy personalities that have been shoved into small scenes. I?m starting today, so there will be a lot of updates ******** [b]?Final Fantasy Mini-Stories? By Inti[/b] [b]Phone Call 2003, Kiriwaka High School[/b] Selphie sat at her desk, at the Kiriwaka High School office reception, filing her nails and humming the tune to one of her favourite songs by Linkin Park. On her desk there was a pile of paperwork for her to get done. Something about next year?s new students or whatever it was. It apparently HAD to be done or else they couldn?t go to the school. Hmph. Whatever. For about another five minutes she sat there humming the same verse over and over again (she couldn?t remember any more of the song), then there was a knock at the door. She quickly sat up and pretended she was actually typing something. The principal of the school came in, reading one of his ?important files?. Selphie knew it was just a manilla folder covering the dirty magazine he was reading. ?Uh, Selphie?? asked the principal, otherwise known as Zell, ?I?m going to be busy for the next hour or so, so if anyone calls and wants to speak with me, tell them to leave a message.? ?Busy doing what?? she thought about asking, but instead asked, ?Is that all sir? Would you like a cuppa coffee?? ?No thanks I?ll be fine,? came the muffled reply. He was already in his office. Pfft. Who cares anyway? About 15 minutes later, the phone rang. ?What now? I just had to speak with rotten dirty Zell like two seconds ago!? Selphie was clearly not the type you would call overly smart. She picked up the phone. ?Hello? Kiriwaka High reception?? she said in her most formal voice (which may I tell you, isn?t very formal at all). ?Put me on to the principal,? came the hoarse reply. This guy clearly had some sort of a cold; or else he wouldn?t sound so mean. ?Uh, he?s busy right now. Can I take a message?? ?No put me on to him. Or I?ll blow up the school right now.? ?Hmm?? what did he say..? ?I said put me on to him now or I?ll blow up the school!? ?Jeez! No need to shout! I?m only on the other side of the phone line! And I said the principal was busy.? ?Fine.? ?Okay. So what?s the message?? She had a notepad and pen out writing down the message. This guy must be a maniac or something. ?Ok, so the message is like this right? You want $10,000,000 by tonight or you?ll blow up the school at the morning assembly.? ?Yes that?s right? ?Why do you need $10,000,000? It?s a lot of money you know? ?Just get on with writing the message? ?Okay! Don?t need to get your knickers in a knot!? ?SHUT UP! Do you want to be responsible for having the school blown up?!? ?Okay, okay, get on with it already,? this guy was REALLY getting on Selphie?s nerves. ?I want it on the corner of Island Rd at midnight tonight? ?Okay, and do you want that in cash or cheques?? ?WHAT?!? ?I said ?Do you want that in cash or cheques??? ?Do you even know what this IS?! It?s a terrorist act! I?m threatening to blow up the ****ing school for God's sake!? ?Oh. My. God. When you say terrorist act, you mean like September 11? Ohmygod that was like SO inhumane. What kind of a person would do that? I mean, what IS the world coming to. I--? ?JUST GET ME THE MONEY!!? ?OK OK! Name please.? ?What.. Did.. You.. Say?? ?Your name please! If I don?t have your name, how?s the principal gonna know who called?? ??????????. Seifer had hung up. OH MY GOD! HE HUNG UP! Oh well. He was about to break through the last of Selphie?s nerves. I mean, how hard is it to get someone?s name? Or follow a few simple instructions? Jeez. She sat back and started filing away at her nails and singing the same verse of the Linkin Park song again. About and hour later Zell came out of his office. ?Selphie, were there any calls while I was in my office?? he asked her. ?Uh, no important ones. There was this one guy though, he was all like, shouty and angry and he wanted $10,000,000. He was some maniac that said he was gonna blow up the school and stuff like that,? came her strangely calm and relaxed reply. Zell just stood there shocked. **************************** Well?that?s the fanfic. Well, not really a fanfic. More like a scripted mini-play scene sort of thing.
  13. A long time ago... the nation of Varv was at peace, and the 6 tribes of the Dragons got along well with each other. Through thick and thin, Varv made it through all kinds of evils. United, the nation was stronger than anything the demons could throw at them. But the nation of Varv could not remain united forever. The demons knew this. But it would take a long time for the united nation would beggin to squabble. The demons decided to speed up the tribes' hatred for each other, but this drained them. It would take 100 years to regain their strength. Soon enough, the main city was being faught over, and was burned, frozen, shaken, struck by lightning and tormented by the winds. Dragons flew about fighting with one another. There was chaos. 100 years has passed. The demons have waited 100 years to strike, and now their chance is here. If the 6 tribes do not come together in time, the demons will completely destroy all beauty in the continent. The ONLY KNOWN CONTINENT. Migration is not possible. All will be enslaved, maddened, driven insane. Humans will sharpen their bones on rocks so they can easily fight one another. They eat at their own flesh if irritated by a simple itch. This plague has begun to show in areas nearest to the demons' homeland. Dragons will perish, as all the evil will spoil the dragons' purity. Being pure and of essence has it's downfalls. It's up to you and 4 others to bring a once great nation together again. There are 6 Dragon Clans, but one is Darkness, and it joined up with the demons long ago. You cannot choose it. The 5 dragon clans and their corresponding elemental magics are the following: ^^ Mountain Dragon Clan --> Earthen Magic ~~ Air Dragon Clan --> Wind Magic ^^ Flame Dragon Clan --> Fire Magic ~~ Freeze Dragon Clan --> Ice Magic ^^ Plasma Dragon Clan --> Electrical Magic Every child grows up with a dragon of their clan. Both dragon and child are taught to fight alongside one another, and will fight for each other's lives if it comes down to it. ****************************************** Sign Up Form: Name: Gender: Just a simple Male or Female will do. Or are you confused? Age: between 13 and 30 Dragon Clan: Warrior type: (soldier, bountyhunter, mounted rider, thug, healer) all use magic AND weapons Weapon: choose one of the following: - triple scythe (three blades on it, handheld, close range) - samurai masamune (close range) - pike (medium range) - crossbow (long range) - barbed whip (short and medium range) Appearance: Character's appearance and what they normally wear. This isn't medieval. It just uses older weapons. Bio: A short history of your character. About 5 or 6 lines minimum. Dragon Name: Dragon Gender: Dragon Appearance: This should include colour, which doesn't have to be red for fire, blue for ice, etc. It can be any colour you like. Should include whether it has wings or not, what the claws look like, etc. About 3 lines minimum. Dragon Abilities: Must align with Dragon Clan ********************************************* I ONLY NEED FIVE PEOPLE FOR THIS SO GET IN QUICK!!!
  14. Kyru sat in the accountant's office, tapping away at calulators and neatly, yet surprisingly quickly, scribbling out the tax returns for his boss's clients. He looked at his new watch. The light reflected off of the surface and into his eyes. Hmph...he thought, I just can't work in these damned conditions! Kyru looked up at the clock on the wall. 'WHAT?! ALREADY?!' he exclaimed at the top of his voice. 'What is it Kyru? Oh, yes, that's it. It's time for school. You'd better get going if you're going to catch the bus. I called out to you about 15 minutes ago to stop work!' came the reply from his boss, Mr Shatogi. Kyru raced out, leaving the tax returns in a messy pile, the room out of it's usual order, and forgot (quite unusual for Kyru) to say his good-byes. The bus was leaving the bus-stop as he arrived. He saw Kristopher get on the bus and waved, but Kris didn't see him. Fine, he thought angrily, I'll just have to run to school then He started jogging. Funny, everything has been out of order today... he thought as he jogged after the bus.
  15. o.O cooooool. i'm in Name: Kyru Sanas Age: 16 Job: Works for the local Accountant, doing tax returns. He goes to East Moon High School, and excels in most subjects. Blood Type: O- Appearance: Tanned, good build, average height (for a 16-yr-old), red eyes with a slight yellow tinge around the outside of his irises and pupils. Snow-white hair. Bio: Mastered several different kinds of martial arts by the age of six, then moved to the city from his hometown. Was used for experiments for three years then released. He has no memory of the experiments.
  16. Name: Kyu Tashi Nova Age: 21 Race: Aven/Elf Magic of the heart: Yes Weapon: Samurai Sword (much like Sephiroth's. the Sephiroth from Kingdom Hearts. kinda looks like the sword arika has pictured in her reply) Apperance: Think Sephiroth with pointy ears and black-feathered wings Bio: Kyu's parents were an Elf and an Aven (eew! cross-species breeding!), and when he was born, he took some of the best qualities from each race. He had the wings, eyes and honour of his mother, and the ears, grace, build and hair of his father. He learnt to wield his samurai sword from his grandfathers, and learnt the skills of defence from his grandmothers. Both the Avens and the Elves got along in peace. But only because Kyu was born. That's Kyu. Hope this RPG works!
  17. inti

    Kaiju War

    Kaiju Summoner- Name: Wei Yan Age: 17 Gender: Male Description: Wei has tanned skin, a good build, and reddish eyes with a hint of yellow around the rim of the pupils. His hair is white, shoulder-length, and tied back in pony-tail. Staff Description: Black staff with the Kaiju Soul about a third of the way from the top. Also there are two short spikes pointing NE and NW protruding out of the housing of the Kaiju Soul, and two longer spikes coming out pointing SW and SE out of the same place. Kaiju Soul Description: The Kaiju Soul is a perfectly round blue stone. It looks like there is a blue mist when stared into. Personality: Wei makes plenty of friends, but when they backstab him they don't get another chance to do it. Wei is just a nice guy. His friends just make sure not to provoke him though, it always ends in a summoning duel. Bio: Wei is just your average runofthemill teen. Apart from the fact that from the age of 6 he was taught to master the Kaiju of his family. He wields his staff with fury, making strange movements to communicate to the Kaibu Skywing, instead of shouting at it. Wei is the greatest summoner his family has known for 6 generations. Kaiju- Name: Skywing Description: Imagine a HUGE black bird with torn wings, rotting flesh hanging off it's ribs and a head which is basically just a bird skull. Imagine the beak of the bird has jagged teeth protruding out the sides. Abilities: When called upon, Skywing brings dark clouds which cover the sun. He has an extremely sharp beak, and equally sharp claws. Every time he flap his gigantic wings, waves of darkness waft off them. His call strikes terror in all who hear it, apart from those he doesn't want to hurt.
  18. Cool. Okay. Two characters down (Stargazer and Stormchaser), 10 to go -.-" Well done Stick Fairy on your job at pulling together a Bio for Stargazer. I suppose she was the easiest of the lot of the characters, but I think maybe I should have been more lenient. Oh well, this IS my first RPG, so I guess there's always next time?:blush:
  19. Forever Spiralling Down we go, down, down Ever turning, Forever spiralling, Always righting wrongs, Then wronging our rights, When will it end? Our truths are our lies, Without lies, there can be no truth, Where there is darkness, There shall be light, But where there is light, There is shadow, that turns to darkness, Never shall we stop trying to lift out of our circling spiral, But never will we be able to get out of it. Ever turning, Forever spiralling. -- Inti
  20. Skyclad swooped down on the thugs. In less than a few seconds, they were all on the ground, crying for mercy. Skyclad just glared at them with his deep, glowing silver eyes. How dare they? How dare they attack these poor defenceless Aven children? They were no older than 30 for pity's sake! In one fell swoop, the thugs were all dead. Skyclad showed not a drop of mercy for the bandits. "Sir? How may we EVER repay you?" one of the Avens asked. "Just learn to defend yourselves kids. Next time, you'll have to pay me to get rid of them." was the harsh reply. Skyclad took off. hmph he thought to himself, I didn't even need to draw my weapons for that one. AND I didn't get payed. What, under Calamar's name, is happening to the world? He landed outside the main city of Calamar.
  21. Name: Skyclad Race: Aven Age: 127 Alliance: Calamar Weapons: Sword and two daggers Shield: small shield Other Armour: leather armour Trade: Bounty Hunter
  22. i'm gonna sign up to this one!! i might make up the background of Omega if that's alrite?? Name: Omega Age: 19 Gender: Male History: Omega was never really noticed, as a child. Even his parents overlooked him from time to time. So he became very solitary. He kept himself from making friends, because he was afraid that if he did, they'd forget him. Just because he's a part of the group, doesn't mean he considers them close. He hasn't made a friend to date, until Kitty arrived. Attributes: snowy-white hair (shoulder length, tied back in ponytail), silver eyes, tanned. wears a long leather coat/jacket/thingy (lolz ^^") and a black singlet underneath. wears black jeans (hehehe -.-"...). good build Weapon: handheld machine gun (forgot the name of it ^^"), sig sauer 9mm, bo staff. (soz for the double post!) Job: ... he could be the guy that finds the hotspots for dark creatures (where the "bad guys" hang out. we'd need this info to get rid of them rite?) if you don't like this, it's ok. i could just make up a new character lolz ^^
  23. hmm.. seems interesting. i'll give it a go. Name: Dagger Age: 16 Digivice Colour: White Description: Around 6.2 feet tall, has glowing silver eyes, white hair (REALLY white. white as snow), average build. Basically always wears (slightly) baggy jeans (blue) and a long sleeved button up shirt (blue). Bio: Dagger lived an average life. With average parents. Goes to an average school. Gets an average of A+ in all of his work. He is smart. You couldnt really call him a nerd, but close to it. One thing that keeps him from nerd-dom is the fact that he CRAVES adventure. He was walking home one day, and as usual, Dagger had the school bully and his gang sneaking up behind him. Ready to beat the crap through him. As usual, he could hear them breathing from a mile away. So he decided that today (for some reason) he'd go a different way home. Instead of being beat up right in his own street. Dagger walked quickly down a new alleyway. He'd never actually seen it before, but guessed it'd be alright to go down it. Then, something strange happened. He walked down the alley and appeared in a dense jungle. There was no way back. Dagger walked on. Not knowing where he was headed, and stopped right in front of a creek. There was a white object floating in the water. Dagger looked around (in case it was someone else's thing) and in the end picked it up. From there, Dagger met his digi-partener, DemiDevimon. Yes, DemiDevimon. The bad one. This one was different though. The mere fact that it had a destined partener made it partially good. So anyway, they go around the Digi-World, and when they DO get finally get out, they can't find a way back in. Other: Nothing much really. Dagger is a child prodigy, and a great strategist. Digimon: Rookie: DemiDevimon Appearance: a flying bluish grey ball with torn wings, and has clawed feet with red-tipped nails. Champion: Devimon Ultimate: AquaDevimon Mega: Unknown Other: Unknown soz if it's not enough, or too long! ^^" i'll probably end up making up the Mega and Other form of DemiDevimon ok. now to get back to making my own rpg that will probably be boring AS.
  24. Ok... this is my very first rpg... so bare with me ok?? the rpg has NOTHING to do with Magic Cards. so forget that idea COMPLETELY oh, and im inti by the way. The story starts like this: There was a strange rustling in the bushes (at the risk of sounding clichéd) just outside the city walls. It was a cloudless night. The stars dotted the sky. Stargazer leaned out of her window to get a better look of what was on the out side of the wall, but it was no use. The city was fortified to the center of the earth. There was no way around, over or under the wall, apart from the two entrances facing North and South. Stargazer turned back into her room. When was she EVER going to get out of here?! All of her life, all 16 years, Stargazer had never been outside the city. Her parents and the rest of her family told her it was "too dangerous" for a beautiful girl like her to be seen wandering outside the safeness of the walls. She walked over to the dresser and sat in front of her mirror. Staring back at her were two full, interested amber eyes. She snapped out of her trance and decided to comb her long black hair out of it's 2 plaits. She heard the rustling in the bushes again. Then some odd sound. Like someone jumping off the air. She turned off the lights so she could see outside in the dark easier. She heard footsteps and, to her shock, saw the shape of someone sprinting down the length of the wall towards her window. The figure jumped across the small gap between the wall and her window and grabbed her, holding her mouth closed to stifle her screams... Okay, so that's the start. If you want to find out what happens next, you can take part in the journey. There are around 7 main characters ("good guys"): Stargazer (Female, aged 16, long braided black hair) Stormchaser (Male) Alaanja (Female) Rivvengale (Female) Lygan (Male) Tahl (Male) Merilia (Female) And 5 villains. You can also be a lesser character, but it's up to you. To join in on the rpg, sign up with the following: Name: (one of the mains, a villain, or a lesser character. remember that with mains, you have to go along with the names provided ^^") Age: (the only character with a set age is Stargazer, she is 16. All other characters must be aged 13-35) Appearance: (stargazer?s is basically set again) Type: (this is whether your character is a mage, squire, knight, etc. If your character is a mage, the element of their magic is aligned with what species they are) Weapon: (one major weapon and one minor weapon. also must include how it's carried.) Species: Elf --> (if you are an elf mage you cast earth magic :tasty: ) Human --> (if you are a human mage you cast fire magic :flaming: ) Mer-person --> (if you are a mer-mage you cast water magic :excited: ) Bio: (your characters biography) ____________________________________________________ Ok, here?s my character: Name: Stormchaser Age: 17 Appearance: About 6.2feet tall, snowy-white hair, glowy silver eyes, tanned. Type: Mage Species: Elf (uses earth magic) Weapon: - Major ? triple bladed scythe. Carried on back. - Minor ? peashooter (shoots hooked thorns). Carried in pouch on side. Bio: Stormchaser was abandoned at the age of 2 as a small army (around 100) of horse-riding men killed his mother and the rest of his tribe. He was then found by an elvin hermit who gratefully took him in (the hermit was lonely, lolz). The hermit taught Stormchaser all he knew about how to survive alone, about the forest and earth magic. The hermit died when Stormchaser was about 6 ½, so from there, he had to fend for himself. Stormchaser managed well, fighting off whatever tried to attack the hermit?s small tree house. He found friendship only in the animals of the forest, and encountered only a few weary travelers, which he disposed of easily and quickly. He had excellent aim with his peashooter, and he whirled that triple bladed scythe like there was no tomorrow. Only one escaped. From that day (when Stormchaser was almost 13), the forest was known as a dangerous place to all the people of Otaria. This was, in fact, bad for Stormchaser, as he lived off what he could find in the surrounding environment (not much at all) and what he took from the travelers that he had?killed. He was getting desperate. He needed food. So he took to the cover of night, and every 4 days he used his magic to get over the walls of the main city (Stargazer?s city), so he could steal from the food stalls the next day. If anyone saw him, he could easily blend in with the surroundings with a special technique the hermit had taught him. Now, at the stage of his story that he turned 17 (the very night that Stargazer looked out of the window when she was kidnapped) he comes into the story as one of the main 7 roles. He was the one Stargazer saw on the wall. He was the one who she saw climb over the wall that was unclimable. soz guys, coz whoever plays Stargazer won?t have much choice with her appearance and age. To remind you, she is 16 and her long, jet-black hair is tied back in two braids. She also has amber coloured eyes. and also soz if this was too long to endure :drunk:, but if you're anything like me you skipped half of the beggining story lolz ^^"
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