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[FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=MediumTurquoise]The young farmhand ran out of the barn and across the field. He raced along the dirt track, down to the gate, and hopped over. Inti Quena had just been sentenced to three months of pain and torture. He was to--- "Inti! What did we tell you?! Three months of double chores!" screeched the young boy's mother. Okay, so he didn't have to suffer pain and torture, but he still had to suffer. He ran down the road and into town. Glen Haven was known as a peaceful place, so Inti's family lived on the outskirts, where no one could here the screeching parents and shouting kids. Inti had continued to run until he reached a small hill, near the temple, and had stopped exhausted. He now sat on a small chair shaped like a tree stump playing his magical wooden flute. He didn't really know how to play it, he just blew into it and pressed his fingers over the keys so sound came out. Eventually, after a minute or two of jumbled notes, the sounds would run together and form a soothing or upbeat melody. Right now, Inti had reached the point where the notes melded into one song. It was the upbeat one. {think of Saria's Song, from Zelda: Ocarina of Time} Just then, a dark figure passed by. He (or was it just a very masculine she?) was hooded, so most features were cloaked and practically invisible. The strange person was as dark as night, darker even, hidden in a shadow that almost enveloped him completely. The only discernable facial features were the person's eyes. They were a bright, blood red, and seemed to glow from under the hood. "Hoy!" Inti called over to the person, who had glanced over at the young boy who had stopped playing his music. The man just stood there and looked up at Inti, then turned and walked on. "Wait up you!" the kid yelled, running down the hill. "What brings such a dark thing like you to Glen Haven?" A hand shot out at Inti and grasped him by the neck. The grip was strong, but nothing meant to kill. Just to signal that discussion was not wanted. The stranger let go and walked on. Inti sat where he had been dropped. [i]He's almost got as strong a grip as Danny. I'm glad my big bro tried to choke me so much, or that could have stopped me from breathing...[/i] He got up and walked quickly up alongside the strange person. "Sorry about that. I'm only 10 y'know. People sometimes tell me that I'm an annoying kid, but I don't mean no harm. I got told off for talking rude-like once before, by my mother. You don't want to get her angry, she'll give you chores for months...." Inti kept talking innocently, asking those questions little kids ask like, "Do [b]you[/b] live on a farm? 'Cause [b]I[/b] do." and "How many brothers have [b]you[/b] got? [b]I[/b] have five." The poor stranger looked like he wanted to get rid of Inti ASAP. He just wouldn't shut up.[/COLOR][/FONT]
OOC: I couldn't wait for someone else, my turn again! :babble: IC: [FONT=Trebuchet MS][COLOR=SandyBrown][i]Silently the darkness comes, Sneaking through the lands. Be careful child, for this power Is held in the wrong hands.[/i][/COLOR] [COLOR=DeepSkyBlue]A poem long lost whispered its way into Juliette's head, making her wonder where she could have heard such a dark, warning verse, and what sort of a significance it had at all. The young girl walked swiftly through the corridors of the Church, wondering what to do, what Blair or Samuel would do. Or were doing. [i]The library...[/i] a gust of wind twisted around from the next corner and rushed past Juliette's ears. "Maybe I should check the library. One of the books might shed some light on that unnatural grey cloud that's out there." she said to herself. The young girl turned back to find her way to the library, and as she turned, she saw the little flash of grey she'd seen outside. "Hello?" she turned back, "Is there anyone there?" Juliette shrugged and moved on. When she reached the front of the Church, where Blair and Samuel had been earlier, she saw another flash. "Samuel, is that you? Stop it...please?" [i]Don't be afraid Juliette, it's me.[/i] the wind whispered past. "Who are you? What is it you're here for?" Juliette began to worry. [i]I'm here to help you. Look up in the corner of the ceiling.[/i] Juliette looked up and, sure enough, found where the voive had come from. Up in the corner, where the ceiling and walls met, there was a small grey owl, no bigger than Juliette's fist. [i]Let's go to the library. Once this strange darkness has been sorted out, I'll tell you who I am, and why I am here, and what that strange verse you heard was about.[/i] the little grey owl fluttered down the corridor and seemed to vanish into the ever-growing shadow. Juliette stood there for a moment. [i]Well, don't just stand there, hurry up![/i] Juliette snapped out of it and ran down the corridor towards the library.[/COLOR][/FONT]
[COLOR=DeepSkyBlue][FONT=Trebuchet MS]Juliette was sitting in the library, toying with the Talon of St. Michael while reading her favourite story. Moses was about to part the waters of the Red Sea and lead his people to freedom. "What've you got there?" someone startled her out of the trance she was in. "Samuel, what have I told you about sneaking up on me like that?!" she shrieked. The boy, even though he was three years older, shied away, taken aback at Juliette's sudden outburst. Usually she would just quietly tell him off and move into another corner with her book, but something must have been on her mind. "I'm sorry about that. I don't know what came over me. What was it you wanted?" she asked calmly. "What's that knife you've got there?" he asked. "The Talon of St. Michael." she said. At Samuel's shocked expression, she laughed quietly. "It's not really an item related to the Saint himself, I just named it that. Remember the fable about angels with talons?" Samuel nodded, "So you used a fairytale to name your fancy dagger?" "Yep." Juliette shivered. "What's wrong?" Samuel asked. She shrugged at him, "All of a sudden everything felt so dark and cold." "Well dawn's just breaking, and there's no doubt that you've been in here all night reading your favorite Bible passage again! Let's get outside into the sun and warm up." he suggested. Juliette nodded. A few minutes later, the two burst out of the Church doors to an inviting... "Darkness..." "What?" Samuel asked, a little confused at what Juliette had said. Then he looked up at the sky, and then at their surroundings. "It's the darkness that I felt down in the library. That's why I felt so cold and alone." she told her friend. "I feel it too, let's get back inside." he said, now shivering. Juliette stayed for a minute, then said "Let's." Samuel turned to go in, but Juliette stood firm, holding herself tightly. She looked worried, and scared, like something bad had just happened to her. "Come on Juliette, let's go. I don't like it out here. Let's go tell the Father and Head Priestess about this morning dark." They turned and went back inside, but not before Juliette saw a flash of grey dart across her vision.[/FONT][/COLOR] OOC: The "flash of grey" will reveal itself to Juliette, and it's nothing big. Just a pet companion for the young girl :p
Name: Juliette Scott Age: 14 Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/6435-20031002154518.jpg]Looks like Chii {click for picture}[/url] Just make the robot ears look like normal human ones and you have Juliette. {Abbis from myO did a great job with this pic.} Personality: Although she still has to learn to judge people according to what her heart tells her, and not by their past mistakes and deeds, Juliette is a most trusting and forgiving person. She believes in all that is true and good, and would gladly sacrifice herself for the greater good, if the occasion arose. She believes that God's children, the silent, wise, and true ones, may some day become Saints and Angels, helping to show the path humanity must take to reach heaven. She is quite outspoken, but if she needs to, can be quite loud. Weapon: --> [url=http://www.realmoffantasy.com/swords/images/KR0012DE.jpg]Sword of Justice {click for picture}[/url] ~ Handed down a line of Priests of the monastery. Juliette was given the Sword of Justice by an old Priest who knew her grandfather (the previous owner of the blade), who was a Brother of the Church. Juliette calls it the "Will of God". --> [url=http://www.realmoffantasy.com/swords/images/UC757_S.JPG]Talon of St.Michael {click for picture}[/url] ~ Juliette happened upon this fancy dagger one day in the library of the monastery. When she handed it in to one of the Brothers, the man told her she could have it. Juliette later heard stories of Angels with clawed feet, as well as eagle's wings. She knew the part about the wings was true, but they would be more dove-like, but clawed feet? Juliette took this story as a joke, as it was, but used it as a name for her fancy dagger. Magic: White Chosen Path: Columba Occupation: Priest's Deciple Bio: Juliette is a young priestess of the Church. She was sent off by her parents (also heavy believers in God), who didn't want her to live a life of suffering and constant worry, like most peasants. How wrong they were. Nothing but pain, suffering and torment have ever entered Juliette's life, so she clings to her belief in God, and that he will one day grant her peace, if only for a short time. As a young girl, Juliette was quite loud, and sleazy, drunk peasant men from around the streets would ask her innappropriate questions. When she ignored them, they followed her, and made themselves noticed. The Priests and Priestesses of the Church healed Juliette's wounds and physical scars from these evil-doing men, but Juliette was depressed and frightened because of the mental hurts they had inflicted on her. When she was 11, the night before her birthday, a Priest came up to her, and muttered a few words in Latin. She didn't understand the last three, and so went to find out what they meant in English. This search for the missing words drove her on, and she listened intently to all of her lessons, and more so to the Priestess that taught Latin at the time. Soon, on the day before her 13th birthday, she found the three words she hadn't understood. She took out a slip of parchment, which she had written the phrase down on, one year earlier, and finished it off. [i]"By the Will of God, her torture must end"[/i] At first, she didn't quite understand. She had known the latin terms for "torture", "must" and "end". So why was this phrase so important? What did it mean? She thought hard, trying to think of any torture or pains that she had [i]ever[/i] been through, and there were none she could think of. The only thing she remembered before that Priest said that latin to her was being sent here to become a Child of God. The Priest who had told her those few words had cleansed her mind, renewing her trust and belief in God, making sure she stayed firm to her religion, and to make her forget the pain she had been through. This same Priest dropped his dagger that night as he left the library, and later gave Juliette her grandfather's sword. OOC: I'm just going to clear something up. I am actually a guy (do I roleplay girls that well that I seem like one?), and recently have been RPing female characters for a change of pace. Just so you guys know for future reference :p
[COLOR=teal][b][u]EDITED[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Inti Quena [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Occupation:[/b] Farmer/Summoner [b]Weapons:[/b] ~ [url=http://www.realmoffantasy.com/swords/images/UC1289BA.jpg][COLOR=Black]Volkoth Battle Axe {click here}[/COLOR][/url] ~ [url=http://members.aol.com/shopgenessa/we1456gf.jpg][COLOR=Black]Flute of Summoning {click here too}[/COLOR][/url] [b]Personality:[/b] Fun loving and a little clumsy, Inti is loud and likes to stick his nose in other people's business. He likes a good fight in which he can show off his summoning skills. He tends to make himself too trusting in people though, which leads to many tricks and pranks being pulled on him by his 4 other brothers. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/2200-20030816233839.jpg][COLOR=Black]Looks like this {also click here}[/COLOR][/url] His tunic and hat are [COLOR=Sienna]sienna[/COLOR] and his belt is a dark brown color. His boots are the same dark brown as his belt. (props to armana from myOtaku) [b]History:[/b] Inti is the youngest of 5 boys in his family, and his parents tend to pay a little more attention to his older siblings. This has lead to making Inti loud and nosey, as he craves attention. Inti's family owns one of the largest farms in Glen Haven, his father runs the farm and takes half of the crop to the Town Square (I hope there is one...^^") and his mother is a priestess at the Shrine of the Gods. His father hopes that Inti will continue the family business when he gets older, since the rest of the Quena boys are being schooled to become politicians, lawyers and doctors. Somewhere along those lines. Inti first discovered his summoning talent when an old man shuffled by the Quena's farm one day. The old man saw Inti sitting on a fence post, bored out of his brains. He shuffled over to where Inti was sitting and began to stare at a point just above Inti's head. He started nodding and mumbling to himself. Inti was about to run back to the house and tell his parents about the strange old man when he pulled a wooden flute out of his pocket with an old wrinkled hand and handed it to Inti. "Play me a few notes on this here flute kiddo." the old guy asked a baffled Inti. "But I dunno howta play!" protested the young farm boy. "Play the notes that come to mind then! Just play the bloody thing!" At that Inti began to blow a few notes out of the small instrument, and the tune soon began to flow through his veins and lock itself into his mind. Inti looked up to hand the flute back to the old man, but he was gone. When Inti told his parents of the strange man, his father immediately taught him to fight, so if a strange person ever approached again, Inti could fight them away. [b]Note about Summons:[/b] Inti can only summon a few creatures to help him out, and it take him a while to play most summoning tunes. The creatures he can summon and what they can do are: ~ [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/9076-20040629113924.jpg]Fox {click}[/url] Embodyment of fire that lends a hand by acting as Inti's mount and creating a weak protective fire-shield around the summoner. ~ [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/15109-20040212084145.jpg]Wolf {click}[/url] Wolf that pounds enemies into the ground if they hit Inti. ** Only have two summons now. I was actually sorta glad it was limited to two. The Faerie didn't really do anything, so it was an easy choice. [/COLOR]
[size=1][b][EDIT][/b]: New and improved, edited Edition! It's still a little confusing, but it'll become clearer in time. (Yes, it is a ripoff of Warcraft 3. But it may have potential...) --- Before you read on, please know that there is a lot to read and that you should know it for the RPG. If you can't be bothered reading a long list of information, turn back now --- [b][u][i][size=2]The Chronicles of Alaris[/size][/i][/u][/b] The Demon Legion from far off in another Realm has decided to place itself in the middle of the world of Alaris, a strange place inhabited by four main Races and several Ancient Magics. There is not much to be told about the planet itself, for no history has ever been written in any form. Everything that is known is passed down by word of mouth. There comes a time, though, in every worlds development, when one species comes out more intelligent than the others, and the race records the history of the world. There are four Races of Alaris though, each with its own two Hero Chroniclers. They must fulfill the Prophecy, and begin to write the history of their world as one. [b][u]The Prophet and Prophecy[/u][/b] Once heard of throughout the lands, the Prophet was also known as the Oracle. He saw what was to come, and helped each race as best he could. But, once Alaris arrived at the turn of the Century, he stopped telling of what would come. The Races began conflicting, each trying to gain an extra foothold so they could make their empires. Nearly five decades into the century, the Prophet came out of his home and told each Race of what he had foreseen. It shocked all, and the Races began to fight harder, striving to build an impenetrable defence around their kingdoms and territories. The Oracle?s Prophecy told of the coming of waves of hybrid-demons from another Realm. Something by the name of Kalimdor. No one remembers what he said it was called. The hybrid-demon monsters were told of as huge beasts who dealt massive amounts of pain, torture and destruction upon any who defied their never-ending malice. But no one said they were unbeatable. Working together was all that Alaris could do to protect themselves, said the Oracle, and that at the end of the century, the monsters would attack. Until then, helping each other build defences and train warriors and spell-casters was all the Races should do. No fighting should be allowed. The Races laughed at this Prophecy, and returned to their wars and battles, each trying to build and expand their empire as quickly as possible. If only they?d done as the Prophet had told them? [b][u]The Races of Alaris[/u][/b] {Appearance: [url=http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/loth/c/h/chodorow/pandaren.jpg][color=DarkRed]Click Here[/color][/url]} We, the Pandaren, have learned how to manipulate the Ancient Magics of Earth to deal damage to our enemies, or heal our wounded. Geomancers are the Earth wielding magicians of our tribes. We use no weapon but the bamboo rod. Wardancers, and the Shodo-Pan. These are our heavy warriors who use sharp metal blades to fight with. These men and women fight with such fury that the enemy often turns tail and runs from battle. Our Pikemen wield large weapons used for both melee and ranged fighting. Hollow bamboo shafts with long sharp spears clipped inside make formidable weapons, if one knows how to use them. Male and female Pandaren both learn to fight in the same styles, so they can choose which path they want from a young age. There is a diverse range of male and female warriors and spell-casters. {Appearance: [url=http://www.yosc.net/personal/mochi/naga-duelist.jpg][color=DarkRed]Click Here[/color][/url]} The Naga are a sea fairing people. They Wield the Ancient Magics of Ocean to heal or hurt, and use many tricky spells to slip out of dangerous situations. Their snakelike appearance goes well with their minds of backstabbing and treachery. Naga warriors range from heavy to heavier, wielding large tridents that weigh twice more than their bearers. The Naga?s Sea-witches twist and turn the Ocean Magic around their slender fingers, summoning great sea beasts of many kinds. They wield small daggers or spears, or fire arrows of ice from bows made of water. This allows their archers a limitless supply of weapons while they are in their home environment. {Appearance: [url=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/c/h/chodorow/arundali.jpg][color=DarkRed]Click Here[/color][/url]} The Night Elves. Most of their warriors are women, only a select few are men. Their archers are superior and rain down arrows from the trees in the forests of Alaris, driving away any who think to cut down their homes to use for firewood. Most Night Elves use the wood they find along the ground as their weapons, or if they are lucky enough, they use wood from the ancient trees of Alaris. Their weapons are usually arrows or spears, but some are trained in the use of metal Glaives. Most male Night Elves are druids, casting earthly spells, like the Pandaren. One must not be mistaken though, for the druids? spells awaken the anger of the Magics of Nature, bringing plants to life and showing the true power of the tiniest of creatures. These men defend themselves with staves of empowered wood. Do not be fooled by the harmless-looking weapons though. The forest is behind them. {Appearance: [url=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/c/h/chodorow/tauren.jpg][color=DarkRed]Click Here[/color][/url]} The Tauren are the last of the main Races of Alaris. These humongous bull warriors are mostly male, and their size suggests you keep your eyes off their women. They know of both the Magics of Fire and Storm, and this allows their Spirit Walkers to send hazardous flaming tornadoes toward their enemies. The Spirit Walkers wield lanterns of their deceased?s burning souls, blasting holes through anything by using the pure brute force of their wills. Tauren Warriors are rarely seen. Or, accounted for, really. Every time a group is sent to locate one, the group goes missing. Maybe the maps are wrong? All we know is that the Tauren Warriors are a force to be reckoned with. They use no weapons, only the large horns on their heads and the pure muscle of their bodies. There are female Tauren, but not many. They aren?t as fierce-looking, and are more Satyr-like {Appearance: [url=http://avalon.gargoyles-fans.org/ftp/pictures/drawn/flyx/satyr.jpg][color=DarkRed]Click Here[/color][/url]}. No one really knows what kind of warriors or spell-casters they are, but they look more agile than their male counter-parts. It is between the four main races of Alaris that the conflicts arise and take place. Two of each Race was born on the same night, a baby boy and girl of each, and they would take the lead in these conflicts, trying as best they could to return the four Races to peace before the coming of the century. If their goal was not achieved before the Prophecy had fulfilled itself, the eight must quest and destroy the new enemies, leading small bands of troops with them into battle, destroying the hybrids until the leader was reached. The rest was up to them? [u][b]Okay, so here?s how the Sign-Ups will work:[/b][/u] There are eight main characters. I will post my Sign-Up last, so everyone has a choice of which Race they want to be from and whether they are male or female. Do not forget that there must be four male characters and four female characters. You can make up any names you want, but keep in mind that each of you should have names that hinted as to which Race you are from (eg: Luna Shadowleaf of the Night Elves and Borre Bravehorn of the Tauren. These are just examples, so feel free to let your imagination loose). Each character is the same age, about 19 or 20, because everyone was born on the same night. So said the Prophecy. :p In the Description area, you can search for a picture if you want to, but keep in mind that it?s hard to find a good one. You?ll have to use your imagination for the opposite sex of most races. The female Tauren picture link is there, and male and female Pandaren look very similar. For male Night Elves, imagine what a male elf would look like, and turn his skin a light blue-purple color (all of the Night Elves have the same blue-purple skin color. Some have dark blue tattoos though, and they?d be different on each of them). Male Naga are harder to think of. They have more serpent-like features on the upper-half of their bodies. They have a large jaw, like a large crocodile or dragon, instead of the humanoid head, and they are very bulky and muscly. That?s all I?m going to say about them though, I want you all to use your imaginations. Ok, now, you should remember that I mentioned that each Race has its own band of warriors or spell-casters. Use the Warrior-type names supplied, and if there are none, make one up (just the name. The layout for warriors and spell-casters should be there). Keep in mind the gender of the Warrior-types. You cannot have a male Naga Sea-witch, for instance, or a female Tauren Warrior (that just wouldn?t be right?eww?). Please only sign up for this RPG if you can post well, and I?d like for the recruitment forms to be filled out to their best. If you can?t post a Sign-Up Form and don?t want to loose a place, PM me and I?ll see what I can do. Don?t post a half-filled Sign-Up and leave it until later. These will not be accepted. Sorry. [b][u]Ok, here?s the Sign-Up Form:[/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Keep in mind what I said above. [b]Age:[/b] After the first Sign-Up, everyone will have to have the same age as this for it to fit in with the storyline. It should be 19 or 20. [b]Sex:[/b] Male or Female [b]Race:[/b] Pandaren, Naga, Night Elf, or Tauren. [b]Warrior-type:[/b] Read above in the Sign-Up tips section. [b]Appearance:[/b] I?d like at least a paragraph of how the character looks. If you want to use a picture, I hope it?s good. You can use the pictures from above if you like. Make sure with the Pandaren that only one person uses the picture I posted above (if anyone uses it). [b]Weapon:[/b] Again, you?ll need to double-check appearances and what I?ve said about each Race. Warrior-type influences weapons. If you can provide a picture, that would be excellent. If not, describe how it looks. [b]Personality:[/b] Don?t go overboard with a three-paragraph response, but don?t under-do it either. Just a half-paragraph should do. Tell us what your character is like. [b]Biography:[/b] This is where we get to the interesting part. No one has heard from the Oracle/Prophet in 25 years, and most from each Race think nothing of the Prophecy foretold. Explain how you heard about the Prophecy, and how you grew up dealing with the fact that something this big could happen (will happen) and how everyone told you it was nothing, just a hoax. Explain a bit about your family and how and why you were trained to be whatever Warrior-type you are. From there, let your mind roam a little and go on more. Expand on a few things until you reach 2-3 paragraphs (don?t ramble, but when you?re typing the Bio up, go back and check that you haven?t skimped on any information. Write the Bio in detail). There will be more information that I will post after the first few Sign-Ups, about how the eight of you get together or whatever. I need to work on that a little?But for now, just work on posting a good Sign-Up. If I?ve left anything necessary out (anything that?s really, desperately needed), please PM me. ------------------------------------------------ (It would probably help if you have some sort of knowledge about the Races of Warcraft 3 with this RPG. Most races for this RPG are minor ones from the W3 game) Also, I the introduction doesn't make sense, say so at the top of your Sign-Up and I'll fix it so everyone will understand it (hopefully).[/size]
[size=1][color=green]"Wow! You already caught your first Pokemon? I wanna catch one too!" Maia was all excited that her rolemodel had caught a Poochyena and successfully battled and defeated a Trainer who had both jumped out from nowhere. Imi laughed, "Give it a little time, will you?" The others laughed as well, Maia was getting all huffy and she clenched her fists by her sides. Maia's little Treeko still stood on her head, and it looked at their surroundings. "Tree-Treeko!" it cried, and lept off Maia's head and ran into the long grass near a small river that was running nearby. "Come back Treeko!" she called to her Pokemon and ran after the little green lizard. "Does she always run off like that?" Kayla asked the members of the group. Shea nodded, Imi nodded and Ryo ran after Maia, calling for her to slow down or the 12-yr-old would get hurt. "And what about her?" Kayla pointed after Ryo. Shea and Imi nodded again. "Treeko, where are you?" Maia whispered through the grass. "TREEKO!" her Pokemon jumped out of the grass and onto Maia's face, sending them both flying back into Ryo who had just come up behind Maia. The three were on the ground in stitches with laughter when five Seedots ran past, being chased by a young Trainer. "Hey, get back here you pesky Seedot! You hurt my Zigzagoon! Get back heeeerreee!" Then they were all gone. Maia shot up, dragging her Treeko along by the arm like a 5-yr-old with her favorite rag-doll. "Come on Ryo! I want one of those Seedot! He'll scare them away if I don't stop him!" Maia shouted back at her friend who was sitting up now, staring after the little girl and her Treeko. "Stop right there you dumb Seedot! Let me teach you all a lesson!" the young boy yelled at the acorn-shaped Pokemon. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?" "And who might you be?!" the kid turned around to find Maia and her Treeko, arms crossed, legs shoulder-width apart. The classic 'angry/defiant stance'. "I challenge you to a Pokemon battle!" Maia glared at the boy, "And if you lose, you leave the Seedot alone." The Trainer raised his eyebrows, "You're kidding, right?" "No." she snapped. "I have 2 Pokemon." "I have Treeko!" "You're on." Maia smiled and evil grin, "Good." "Go, Poochyena!" "Treeko, we've done this before! Pound, Leer, Absorb!" Maia called out orders for her Treeko like she was at a Fast-Food restaurant. Treeko lept into the air, swung its tail around and smashed it into her opponent's face. The Poochyena fell backwards, but used the fall to jump back off the ground for a full force Tackle attack. Treeko dodged swiftly to the left, then cast its angry gaze (Leer) upon Poochyena, lowering the puppy's defense. Treeko jumped on top of Poochyena, took a firm grip in the poor dog's fur and used Absorb. "Yay! Go Treeko! Go Treeko! Go-go-go-Treeko!" Maia pulled two green pompoms from nowhere and cheered her little Pokemon on. "No! Poochyena!" the young boy cried, and withdrew his Pokemon. "You're gonna pay for that! Your turn Zigzagoon!" A tired looking raccoon-Pokemon popped out of the kid's Pokeball, and laid down to rest. "Treeko, Pound!" Maia yelled, almost at the top of her lungs, scaring away some of the Tailow that were in the branches of nearby trees. "NO!" the Trainer withdrew his Zigzagoon quickly and ran off crying. "That'll show you not to harass Grass-types!" Maia called after him. Ryo, Shea, Imi and Kayla ran into the small shaded area where Maia and the Seedots were sitting just as she praised Treeko for a good battle. "Now, which one of you lot will challenge Treeko here to a quick round?" she laughed and smiled, hands on hips. The group of Seedots shied back, but one stood firm. "Ok, so we're battling you?" she asked it, and it cried its name in a challenge-like response. "Treeko, Pound attack!" Maia said, not wasting her energy on yelling or shouting the attacks this time. Treeko ran at Seedot, who still stood where it had been from the beginning, and used her Pound attack, again swinging her tail around at full speed to hit Seedot square on. "What? Shouldn't that have done damage to Seedot?" Maia asked herself out loud, a little worried that Treeko's Pound didn't seem to have much of an effect. "It might be using Bide," Kayla put in, "Be careful Maia, Seedot will send back Treeko's attacks twofold." Maia wasn't sure what 'twofold' meant, but it didn't sound good. She threw a Pokeball at Seedot instead of ordering Treeko to attack it. "Pokeball, go!" The Seedot snapped out of it's Bide attack, which had put it into a trance-like state, and made to run, but tripped and fell on its face (in the true Maia-style). The Pokeball fell short, but bounced and rolled up to Seedot. "Seedot!" the nut-Pokemon cried, and stood up, accidentally knocking the small button on the Pokeball. It immediately got sucked inside, and didn't resist it's captor as she ran up to pick up her new Pokemon in its Pokeball (the red light hadn't stopped flashing yet). "Wait a second Maia!" Imi shouted, warning her that if she interrupted, Seedot might end up popping out and running off. "Oh, ok." Maia said quietly and waited. The red light stopped flashing. "Yeah! I caught my first Pokemon!" Maia ran to pick up the Pokeball, but tripped and fell on her face, hitting the switch on Seedot's ball, releasing it. Seedot ran around in a circle, ran into Maia, tripped and fell on its face too. "Is she gonna do that a lot?" Kayla asked the others. Shea nodded, Imi nodded and Ryo ran over, asking if Maia was ok. Imi tripped up too. "And her?" Kayla pointed at Ryo in her barely-conscious state. Shea and Imi both nodded.[/color] OOC: There's a little humour to add to it all. (You can catch Seedot or Lotad in the area the group should be in by now, I checked :P)[/size]
[size=1][color=green]Maia Keetro raced around the small town, Treeko on head, dress flowing out behind her. "Treeko, where do you think the Florist'll be in this place? Do you think there even is one? Maybe we should go back to the Pokemon Center." she lifted Treeko off her head and placed the lizard Pokemon on the ground. It looked up at her and grinned, then turned and ran off. "Hey, wait! Don't run away!" Maia chased her Treeko all around the streets of Oldale Town, but it was too fast and thought a game of chasey was a good idea. "Treeko! Come back!" she called, but then tripped on a small rock and went tumbling down a side-street. "...they think I'm a joke." Maia could overhear a conversation going on between Shea and Imi from where she had crashed. "Well I don't!" Imi shouted. She sounded kind of embarrassed as she said what she said next, "I want to be your friend, I really look up to you...I wish I could be like you..." There was a moment's silence, then Shea asked something, but Maia missed it. Imi looked up to Shea? Shea, of all people?! [i]Well, I suppose he's ok...[/i] Maia thought to herself. "I think I've humiliated myself enough now...I just want you to know that I'm sorry that I've made this trip miserable for you...." Imi stated, and Maia could hear footsteps that began to fade away. Maybe Imi or Shea had gone? Maia got up, dusted herself off and walked out of the sidestreet to where Shea and Imi had had their private conversation. [i]...better not tell them I heard them...[/i] "Hiya Shea!" Maia said happily, then looked at him. He looked worried or sad, or even depressed. She couldn't tell which. Maybe he was just shocked? "What's wrong?" "Nothing. I came out here to find you, because Kayla said that we should stay together. She didn't want the youngest of us getting lost or anything. I tripped over, and some gang of kids came over and wanted to battle me. I'm ok though." he said hurriedly. He brushed dust off his shoulders, then got up, "I'm going back to the Pokemon Center. You coming or not?" "I have to find Treeko." she said, and crossed her arms. A green flash went by, then Treeko came out of nowhere and landed on Maia's head. "Well, now that that's sorted, we can go to the rest of the group." Shea said, taking the lead. Maia followed behind, glad that Imi and Shea had sorted something out. Their arguments had been funny, pointless ones, but they had tended to get on everyone's nerves.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=green]"You suck!" "No, you suck!" "But you suck more anyways, so there!" Imi and Shea continued another pointless argument inside the Pokemon Center in Oldale Town. It seemed there was no logical way of solving things between the two, so Kayla and Ryo sat and watched cheerfully, laughing and giggling at a comment made every now and then. Shea's Mudkip and Imi's Torchic seemed to pick up on what their trainers were doing, and began to argue with one another as well. Maia laughed at the two Pokemon and their trainers as she dialled the number for her parents. She desperately wanted to show them her Treeko, and tell them all about their journey so far. She missed home badly, and really wanted to go back and see her Mother's and Father's Pokemon too. "Mummy? Daddy? Are you there?" she asked the answering machine voice, "It's me, Maia. I'm at the Oldale Town Pokemon Center, and we're going to leave as soon as Kayla says, which will probably be pretty soon. I'll call you guys from the Pokemon Center in Petalburg, ok? Oh, and guess what? I got a Treeko! Ok, so I'll call you later. Bye-bye!" "So they weren't home?" Kayla asked comfortingly, a little while after the call. Maia shook her head. "I got the answering machine..." she turned away with her Treeko, "I'm gonna go outside, ok? I wanna see if there're any Florists here." Maia got up and walked to the front doors of the Pokemon Center. "Is she going to be ok?" Kayla asked Ryo, as Imi and Shea had begun a new argument about who's Pokemon would win a Pokemon Contest. "Yeah, she just needs to be around flowers a lot, or else she wilts like a dying rose." Ryo giggled as she said the last few words, realising she'd made some kind of a lame flower joke. Kayla laughed a little too, but looked out the window and saw Maia walking off. [/color]OOC: Yo! Can we try this out for a little longer guys? Some of you might not have time on your hands, and I understand that, but this RP has potential.[/size]
You know what really bugs me about some Mods in other forums, compared to OB? The fact that they only recieved the position because their friend (the Admin) bugged them to join up, and sort of bribed them. This isn't all bad, if both the Admin and the new Mod understand what the forum's about and abide by the rules the whole time, pointing out helpful hints here and there, and giving constructive criticism. But. There's always a "but". I really intensely dislike it (trying hard not to use the word "hate" here) when there are Moderators in forums that do nothing but sit around and do nothing as the SPAM and whatnot increases by the second. That's what sets OB apart I guess. I don't like it at all when the Mods can't spell, constantly post one line posts, never constructively criticise and always make fun of people's opinions. But that's just what I've seen. In answer to the question of this thread, I must say that my own reason for wanting to be a Mod in any forum is just to pick out the "bad" posters and help them improve. School bell just went, got to get to class.
[size=1][font=tahoma]"Yo Biggs! Get off your lazy backside and come and help me out here!" a voice cried from outside the small farmhouse near the exit to Tipa village. "Just because you're leaving to get Myrrh, don't mean you can go lazing about the house!" "Yeah, alright Wedge, just shut your face a minute will you?" Biggs finished off his letter and handed it to the Mailmoogle, and it squealed and flew off in a funny way. "Hurry up! This cow's gonna blow up if you don't come and help it with the birthing!" Biggs' younger brother Wedge called again. He wasn't trained to help the cows give birth on the Talefynn Ranch, so it was up to Biggs and his dad to do it. The bandanna-wearing Selkie shook his head as an awful image of a pregnant cow exploding entered his mind. What he wouldn't give to get out of here and get as far away from his younger brother as possible. An hour after the birth of twin calves, not a common sight, at about 6 o'clock in the morning, Biggs packed his things for the Crystal Caravan he was about to travel with. His mother, Dagger, and father, Zidane were now awake and moving bales of hay around the barnyard so their livestock would have some good food for the day. Wedge was asleep in the low-hanging branches of a nearby tree in a somewhat awkward position. It looked as though the youngest of the Talefynn household were about to snap his back in two. "Mum, Dad! I'm going to leave now, ok?" Biggs was eager to get off the ranch and off to Shella. He had met a girl his own age who lived there, and had stopped by no further than two months ago, and was eager to see her again. He hoped the Mailmoogle was as fast as people said it was. And the Caravan too, for that matter. "Oh no you don't. You still have chores to do young Selkie. If you're ready to leave already, you may aswell stay here until it's necessary that you leave. The Caravan leaves in three or four hours, you have enough time to help clean up the mess you and your brother made the other day." his mother said, arms crossed, tapping her foot against the ground with a stern look on her face. "Alright then..." Biggs turned back to the quaint little cottage he'd called home for his entire life and walked slowly back inside. After a gruelling two and a half hours of house and yardwork, Biggs was finally finished all of his chores, including the extras his mother had added to the list when he was standing around doing nothing. "Yo Biggs! Get out here a minute!" called Wedge. "What is it this time!?" he called back. "Just get out here!" "Fine..." he mumbled and trailed off, trudging outside to find his younger brother holding out the two practice Raquets they fought with. "I'll take you on, here and now, oldie." Wedge smirked and threw a Raquet at Biggs, who caught it in his left hand. "Alright little bro. A meddlesome young twit like yourself won't beat me though." The two rushed at each other, Wedge swinging his weapon like crazy, and Biggs rolled to the side. He charged up for a more powerful attack and sent a weak energy ball flying like a tennisball from his Raquet, straight into Wedge's face. "Bye Mum, bye Dad!" Biggs ran out of the gate as fast as he could. He was going to be late! "Whoa there son!" Zidane said as he walked up the path towards their property. "I have a little something for you." He smiled and held out a brand new Raquet, a real weapon, and handed it to his eldest son. Biggs' face beamed with delight, and instead of saying thankyou, he snatched up the weapon and ran off for Tipa Village exit. "Wha...?" the young Selkie woke up late that afternoon with a huge bruise covering the entire right side of his face, a swollen lip and a black eye. "Mum, where'd Biggs go?" "He's already gone sweetie. I'm glad you're ok. Now go and do your chores." Dagger had the same look on her face that she'd used one Biggs. Wedge rolled his eyes, nodded and went to start his work.[/font][/size]
Ok, I know before I said that I'd only change if Deedlit asked me to, but I personally feel there are way too many people starting off alone (with Moogles). This would be all well and good, but it's my opinion and I think I'd rather switch over to being a part of the caravan instead. Name: Biggs Talefynn Moogle: No Tribe: Selkie Gender: Male Appearance: Bandanna Hometown: Tipa Family Trade / Parents' Occupation: Rancher Brothers / Sisters: 1 Brother: Wedge Another thing, it's none of my business, but why are there so many Merchants and Blacksmiths? Thanks for the justification Piro, but you didn't need it. The fact is that almost 4 Blacksmiths and 5 Merchants (approx. whatever it is) sprouted out of nowhere, and there isn't a fisherman in sight shocks me. I mean, they must be popular trades, but shouldn't there be a limit of like three or something? Ok, I've become spammy. I'll take this up with Deedlit through Private Messaging.
[color=green]Maia ran ahead, her Treeko in her arms, not wanting to let go. She was crying a little, as she didn't know where the Tropius was, and she probably wouldn't see her parents for a long time. She hoped Tropius had flown home to her father. She slowed to a walk and looked back to the rest of the group. Shea was busy arguing with Imi, and Ryo kept giggling with each new argument raised. Kayla was slowly shaking her head, but also laughing with the group. Maia wiped her eyes and walked back to join the other four, sniffing a little, but then smiling as she approached. "Hiya, whatcha talkin' 'bout?" she asked her new idol. "Well, these two are arguing about who's Pokemon is better, and Ryo and I can't help but laugh at their pointless arguments. What about yourself?" Kayla said slowly. "Well, I ran off to find Tropius, my daddy's Pokemon, but when we ran into the Poochyenas, I lost track of it. Now I can't see my mummy and daddy because of that. I really wanted to show them Treeko..." she began to cry again, softly. "Don't worry, we can video-phone them from Oldale's Pokemon Center. No problems at all." Kayla reached out to pat Maia gently on the back. "Thanks." "Mudkip's better 'cause I said so!" snapped Shea. "You only say that because you're too slow to realise how much better Torchic is. No wonder you're always late. The Professor should have given you a Slowpoke, it suits you better." Imi retorted with a bit of a sting in her comment. "But what about Treeko? I bet I could beat you both!" Maia piped up now. "Nuh-uh!" Shea and Imi finally agreed on something. "Uh-huh!" Treeko hopped up on Maia's head as she said this, and Treeko crossed its arms and nodded in agreement.0 "Pichu could easily whup any of you." Ryo said, with a grin. "Look you four, don't make me join in this argument. Don't make me send out Zangoose." Kayla stepped in between the four kids, sticking out her hands as if to stop them. The group laughed and moved on. [i]I wonder how well Treeko and I will do against Roxanne in Rustboro City...and it's so far away! They should make Petalburg the first Gym. Dumb registration people.[/i] Maia thought to herself as the five travellers sat having a short break under a tree. The bright, sunny day had turned into a wet, drizzling rainy one, and the group had to take what cover they could under the trees that were seen every now and then along the footpath. [i]The weather sure did change quickly. I wonder what's up with that?[/i] she thought. Treeko sat up in the branches of the tree they were sitting under. It kept looking out into Route 101, as if something was annoying it. "Treeko! Come down here and eat something!" Maia called to it. It raced down the tree trunk at an amazing speed, and grinned happily as it sat down to eat. About 10 minutes later, the weather cleared up and the young trainers were on their way again.[/color] OOC: The whole raining thingo is just for a bit of fun. It's just an everyday trainer instructing his/her Pokemon to use the Rainy Day attack (or whatever it's called. Can't be bothered remembering at the moment). Don't expand on it unless you ask DDG (wouldn't want to mess up the RPG plan or whatever :P)
[color=green][i]What am I gonna get?[/i] thought Maia. There were four Pokeballs with their Pokemon inside them, and she hoped that at least one was a Grass-type. Ryo came in at last. The four of them were there. "Hey, Professor, can we get our Pokemon now?" everyone turned to look at who'd said it. Ryo and Imi looked to Shea. "What? It wasn't me!" he pleaded. "Yes of course you can Maia." the Professor had ignored the others as they gave their shocked looks that Maia had made such a hurried statement. She never said anything like 'Can we do this now?' so she was obviously in some sort of a hurry. [i]I don't like that trainer over in the corner. She looks like the one from the League, but that can't be...[/i] she thought to herself nervously. Professor Birch turned and picked up the Pokedex and Pokeballs closest. He handed them to Maia, then went to pick up one of the 'starter' Pokemon, as people called them. "Mr Birch, could you pretty please give me a Grass-type?" she asked in the same cutesy voice she used one her parents. She battered her eyelashes a little and the Professor smiled. "Of course little Maia. Here you go!" he picked up a Pokeball and released the Pokemon from inside. "Oh how cute!! It's a Treeko!" Maia almost cried with joy. She'd only ever seen one Treeko, and from then had always wanted one for herself. "Um...it looks a bit small though..." "Yes, well I was about to mention that. Just be sure to help it out where you can. It is a female Treeko, so maybe that's why it's smaller." he told her matter-of-factly. "But females are supposed to be bigger than males so they can protect their babies." The Professor fell on his face. "Eheheheh...just...nevermind Maia. This Treeko looks attached to you already! Go on and have fun now." Maia walked slowly down the path of Littleroot Town to where she'd left her father's Tropius, carrying the 1 foot tall Treeko in her arms. She couldn't believe her Treeko was 8 inches shorter than the average. "Treeko, you wanna go meet my mummy and daddy? And you can meet Tropius, Ivysaur, Meganium, Vileplume and Bellossom too! My family works with flowers and stuff, so you'll fit right in. We just planted an Oran Berry tree, sou you could help with that. Just for a little while though, 'cause we gotta leave before the end of today." Maia went on and on, unsure if any of her words were getting through to her cutest of Treekos. She just kept nodding with a large smile on her face (the Treeko). "Tropius! Tropius!" Maia called for her daddy's Grass-Flying type Pokemon. She was sure she'd left it here. Her little Treeko was running around her in circles like a puppy. Maia reached down to slow it a bit. She didn't want her first Pokemon fainting from exhaustion because it ran around her a lot. "Treeko, could you help?" she asked. It nodded up at Maia with a smile on its face again. Another Pokemon came onto the scene right then and there. A Poochyena. Then another, then another. "Uh-oh...Treeko, come here a minute for me will you?" Maia looked around and saw that Treeko wanted nothing but to fight for her new trainer. "Um, you wanna fight? Ok...I think." Maia was unsure of herself, and checked her Pokedex for Treeko's attacks. -->Pound -->Leer -->Absorb Was all that was listed. "Wait, aren't there supposed to be four attacks?" Maia questionned herself. "Oh well, I'll have Treeko use these three. Treeko! Use Absorb!" The little Treeko lept up into the air and onto one of the Poochyena's backs. It stuck its fingers into the Poochyena's fur and began to sap the energy out of the poor puppydog. The other Poochyenas attacked Treeko while it was in this position, and she began to take quite a beating. "Treeko, you have to get out of there now!" Maia called worriedly. Kayla had met the others and was moving up the path to where Maia's cries were heard. Being League Champ, she could tell a battle when she heard one. She broke into a run and the three young trainers behind her did the same. "Treeko, Leer, then follow up with a Pound!" Maia ordered her Treeko. She didn't like the battle much, because she was forced to tell her Pokemon friend what to do. Just then, Shea, Imi and Ryo appeared next to her. The League Champion, Kayla, was there too. Kayla sent out one of her own Pokemon, a Dodrio. "Dodrio, Uproar!" The Dodrio began to cry loudly, screech actually, and all three of its heads faced up into the sky. The Poochyena hadn't heard such loud sounds, ever, being the strongest of Littleroot's wild Pokemon. They bolted out of there. "Dodrio, return!" Maia looked up at Kayla, the fifteen-year-old Pokemon League Champion. "Treeko, come here," she told Treeko, and it jumped up on her head, crossing its arms. "Thanks Kayla. I'm Maia, pleased to meet you," Maia held out her hand, and her Treeko jumped over to Kayla and tugged on her leg. Kayla reached down and patted it on the head. Treeko went crosseyed and fell over (the pats being a little too hard after the battle) and fell over on its face. Maia was worried, but the others were laughing, and Treeko got up and smiled too. ---------- Ok, Maia's met everyone! Next! :P[/color]
[COLOR=Green]"Maybe I should wait until 9 o'clock? What do you think Tropius?" The huge reddish leafy dinosaur Pokemon smiled, showing a row of sharp pointy teeth. Hard to think of it as herbivorous. "No? Ok, I'll wait until Imi gets in. If I'm the last one there, it doesn't matter." Bellossom danced around the greenhouse, spreading pollen around with its Sweet Scent. Maia's mother came up behind it with a Wailmer Pail, watering the plants Bellossom passed. Mr Keetro was seen planting a young Oran Berry tree outside with his Ivysaur and Meganium using Vine Whip and Razor Leaf in order to move large rocks or make room for the tree. Maia decided to go help him. "Mum? I'm going to go help daddy! Can I borrow Vileplume for a minute?" she asked sweetly in her best cutesy-wootsy voice, puposefully blushing and looking down at the ground, hands behind her back. "Of course you can dear. Here you go!" said her mother happily, throwing Maia a Premium Ball which contained her prized Vileplume. It had won 5 Pokemon contests, and Bellossom was learning from it quickly, already having won 2 itself. Maia's mother cherished the two Pokemon, almost as her own children. Maia ran outside, Pokeball in hand. Her bright red dress racing out behind her, blown back with the wind. Her equally red Santa hat almost got blown away. "Daddy! Let me help!" she called. "Ok honey!" he called back. Maia let out Vileplume on the run, turning to go to the small lake outside Littleroot's gardening central. "Vileplume, could you Absorb some water and bring it over to daddy and water the tree please?" she asked the huge flower Pokemon. It nodded happily, knocking Maia over with the huge red flower on its head. Imi ran past, obviously on her way to Professor Birch's lab. "Uh oh! Vileplume, could you go help daddy? I gotta go now! See you later!" Maia spoke quickly and ran back to the glasshouse. "Mum! I need my things! Imi's already going to the Lab! I'll be late!" cried the little 12-year-old. "Don't worry dearest, it's all here. I put in 5 Oran Berries, 3 Pecha and 1 Sitrus. Don't forget to plant a few, so they grow into trees and there'll be a larger supply of them. Oh, and here's a special one I just grew! It's very rare, so plant it in a pot and carry it with you! Plant it at the Pretty Flower shop outside Petalburg Woods and they'll care for it for you. Go back to get a berry from them when you need one." Maia's mother handed her a Hondew Berry. "Thanks mummy! I gotta go now though...I'll show you my Pokemon before I go though!" Maia ran over to Tropius, "Tropius, could you Fly me over to the Lab?" Maia sat astride the huge Flying leafy dinosaur Pokemon, almost floating through the air. She thought about how on earth a Tropius could fly, it had no wings. But when she thought about it, it only confused her. Being 12 was sometimes bothersome. "There it is! Take me down here and wait for me! I want to show mummy and daddy my Pokemon before I leave!" she giggled as Tropius looked down at her with a confused look on its face, "Bye bye!" She ran the rest of the way to the Lab, her bag hanging off her hip, her hat trailing behind. She laughed into the wind, feeling it in her face. People were cheering. Lots of people. Maia thought that maybe they'd seen Imi coming, the walking Pokedex was her idol after all. Or maybe they'd seen Shea running late, as usual, and decided that he'd made more of an effort this time. She saw the two run into the lab, and the cheers got louder. They called her name. "Look, it's the Keetro Kid!" "It's Maia from Gaia!" "I wonder if she's going to screw up?" The last one was Shea's sister, no doubt. "Hiya everyone!" Maia called and threw petals into the air around herself and into the crowd. They laughed, she giggled. Life was good. "Go get your Pokemon already!" called Shae. Maia nodded and walked towards the Lab. She could see right in. What had happened to the doors? "Look out, Birch changed the doors!" someone called. Maia walked into the glass and fell back. "Owwy!" she giggled and got up, opened the glass doors and entered the building.[/COLOR] OOC: Here's the name quizzie answer for Maia. Maia Keetro. i aM a treeKo. Any of you guys guess it? lol
[CENTER]Taruto awoke in a bad mood. Again. He was busy rummaging through the trunk at the end of his bed looking for something. Something important. "Where the hell is it?" he snapped at no one in particular. He sat back and thought for a moment. [i]Last time I used it I went over to that guy in the field to...[/i] "Aha!" Taruto hopped up and sprinted outside, ignoring the two or three people he knocked over somewhere down the stairs and the hall in his rush to get outside. "That idiot had better still be here somewhere...cause when I find him I'm gonna..." he muttered to himself and trailed off into the nothingness of speech as his mind went blank. [i]Wait a sec...I never fought anyone...did I?[/i] "OH! I remember now!" he ran back into the Inn and back through the hall and up the stairs, knocking over the same people as before who had just managed to pick everything up. One of them shook a fist lamely and the others just shook their heads. Taruto couldn't care less. As long as he found Seiin-Chin the Heavy Blade. The weapon passed down his family for over 5 generations. Seiin-Chin wasn't just any sword. It was [b]the[/b] biggest sword anyone had seen in Grillin Village since before Taruto's ancestors had brought it there over 350 years ago. Seiin-Chin was named after the first real important soldier of the Misheima family (Taruto's great-great-grandfather). Before that, it had been known as the Misheima Blade. Known soley for cleaving the skulls of any who dared challenge its masters. The huge blade was so heavy that every man down the line of the Misheimas had to be built physically and be able to lift over 260lbs (Seiin-Chin the Heavy Blade weighed 240lbs). "Finally! That's where you are!" Taruto knelt down to look under his bed, sliding the heavy sword out from underneath, its metal shining brightly in the morning light, the small chain dangling off the end with the family crest engraved into it. "Taruto! Get your fine hiney down here this instant!" called his single aunt. She was always drunk, and always hitting on her nephew, no matter how hard he tried to brush her off. It was embarrassing in front of friends. Which was ok, since Taruto's friends were few. Taruto shivered as he heard his aunt hiccup as she stumbled up the stairs, obviously running into one of the people Taruto had knocked over numerous of times. He snuck out his window and sild down off the roof to get the hell outta there.[/CENTER] OOC: For the reader's convenience, I quickly whipped up a Misheima family crest in paint so they wouldn't spend the entire time guessing what it looks like. See the attatched piccy.
The hunt was on. Through the woods, over and under hanging vines and huge roots from half dead trees, sticking out of the ground. There was no life outside the hunt. This was it. This hunt was what made the mountain lioness what she was. She had to hunt to feed herself and her two cubs. There was no choice. It was deadly work, blood and guts would eventually splatter everywhere, but she loved it. She lived for the hunt. For the sound of a squealing boar's bones crunching under her teeth. For the--- [COLOR=Sienna]"Wake up Leeona! Hurry, it is AHS! They have found the base, we must eliminate as many of them as possible!" squawked Iago, Sussoram's pet idiot. "You fool! I was having a dream of dreams! This time I saw more than last. Slowly, the hunt is being revealed to me. Night by night...But it is [i]you[/i], you stupid beak-faced twit, who interrupts every single time!" the cougar roared back at him, and the small bird was blown back by Leeona's ferocity. She lept up from her resting place and began to head for the base, a secluded canyon in southern Africa. She had no idea how she had made her way there from North America, but when she had awoken after the toxic dumpings near her home, done by AHS, she had found herself under a fierce sunlight that burned her fur. Her coat shone in the light of the moon, and she prepared herself for the battle ahead. Those AHS fools had picked the wrong cat to fight with. Sussoram should be able to take half of the AHS squad she expected to find in Antiasmel's canyon base, but he would eventually be shot by one of the pesky human runts. "Look out you foolish human scum! Leeona's on the loose!" the roar was as loud as it got, and Sussoram heard the call loud and clear.[/color] [color=darkslateblue]"Human filth! Trying to take our lives as trophies! Tearing our skin from our bodies for furs to keep [i]them[/i] warm! Now they come to take yet again! Our base will not be taken! Attack!" bellowed Sussoram, silverback gorilla, Alpha male of Antiasmel. The leader of the animal faction known as the "Earth Clensers" by some, and "Savage Killers" by others. Either worked for the huge ape, as long as Antiasmel's message got across to the rest of the planet. "Leeona is coming! Leeona is coming!" came the cries of war from the front line. Not only was this a message for Sussoram, but also a morale raiser. AHS had sent in over 500 men for this battle, and Antiasmel's forces were few, for they were here to establish a new base in the southern African region. The animal warriors would need all the courage they could muster for the upcoming fight, and Leeona somehow gave them that courage by just being there. "Do not hold back! We will triumph over the humans once more! If they take our base, we will have to start over! DO NOT LET THEM TAKE FROM US AGAIN!" called Sussoram. Roars of anger and war came up from all of Antiasmel's forces as they charged head on into the small AHS army.[/color] Through the brush and over rocks, under low-hanging branches and through the tall grass. The cougar was queen of this land now. Nothing would stop her from achieving her goal of total human anihilation as she ripped through AHS soldiers towards Antiasmel's front lines to lead the battle. OOC: Thought I'd give different colours for different areas of writing. [color=sienna]Sienna[/color] is Leeona, [color=darkslateblue]Dark Blue[/color] is Sussoram, and Black is for a "narrator" or dream effect.
[size=1]No probs with Treeko. I like it the best anyway. Name: Maia Keetro {pronounced: [i]My-a Keet-row[/i]} Age: 12 Gender: Female Bio: Although she is just starting out as a trainer, she has been around Grass-type Pokemon her entire life. Her mother works as a florist with her Bellossom and Vileploom and her father is a horticulturist, working with his Ivysaur, Meganium and Tropius to help out. She has always wanted to go out there and plant berries all around the Hoenn Region so everyone can see the flowers her mother grows, and so she can fill the land with flowers and the sweet scents of the plants she loves. Appearance: [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=15355]Click Here[/url] {Yes, she is wearing the same outfit} Starter Pokemon: Treecko There! Can't wait! A little quizzie! What do the letters of Maia Keetro spell? I'll reveal it in my first post once the RPG starts. :P[/size]
[size=1]Just a quick stop in to see how things are going. Thanks for your opinions. I quite agree that the lack of decent plots in the latest bunch of RPGs is at a high percentage (meaning there is rarely a well thought out storyline). I'll admit that I have actually thought about signing up with a few of them. The biggest two RPGs in the Recruitment area recently (within the last month) are PiroMunkie's and Zidargh's, I'd have to say. The biggest ones I've signed up for (and, in Zid's case, become a part of). I suggest any newcomers who want to join in on the fun-fun-fun! in the Arena should first read the rules, read a few good RPs with well thought out storylines and then begin to join in one RPG. I'm going to stop myself there, before I begin reciting the rules of the Adventure Arena. I'd like to see a few newbies commenting on what make a good RPG to them. Anyone can make comments, but I want at least one newbie contributing before the end of this thread (lol).[/size]
[FONT=Tahoma][SIZE=1]I've been wondering what makes a good RPG here on OtakuBoards, in the Arena. I'd like to here some opinions from some of the more renowned RPGers, as well as some of the newbies. What does it for you? What do you like to see in an RPG? Do you prefer totally original RPGs, with almost nothing to do with a video game or TV series? Or do you like a storyline that could easily go hand in hand with your favorite anime? What are your thoughts?[/SIZE][/FONT]
Sign Up Brave Fencer Musashiden: Thristquencher's Revenge (image heavy)
inti replied to PiroMunkie's topic in Theater
[size=1]No soldiers as of yet? I'll do it. [b]Name:[/b] Taruto Misheimya [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Class:[/b] Soldier [b]Description:[/b] [IMG]http://fanart.theotaku.com/imgs/12395-20040102165148.jpg[/IMG] (If Bakuryu {member of myOtaku} hadn't drawn this I'd be lost!) [b]Bio:[/b] Taruto is a cold, rude, stuck up guy. He could almost be called a "Hero", but he always ends up taking orders from someone. Or dishing out the orders himself. He is, was, and may always be a tactical genious, preferring to think a plan through before resorting to the old 'charge-in-sword-drawn-banner-flying-kamikaze-type' attack. From the word 'Go', Taruto was training, learning and picking fights with kids older and tougher than himself. He was intent on fighting anyone he thought he might lose to, in the hopes that he could learn to fight better {lost for a more descriptive word there eheheh...^^"}. The Misheima family have long been soldiers, protecting Grillin Village for generations, and going of to fight battles when the Palace needed help. Taruto broke away from this cycle. He tends to go off on his own, to claim his own victories, but in the end decides to fight with a group, leading them in or advising the leader. He moves slowly, but the blows he deals from his sword are mighty. His parents recently bought the village Inn, so he works and basically lives there. [b]Starting Point:[/b] Grillin Village Inn [b]Primary Weapon:[/b] [u]Seiin-chin the Heavy Blade[/u] {pronounced, [i]say-in-chin[/i]}: Taruto's family blade, named after his great-great-grandfather (4 or 5 generations back up the family tree). Taruto could barely lift the sword when he recieved it, but he has learned to use it well, and the speed at which he swings the blade rises every month. He must hold Seiin-chin with both hands for it is so heavy. [b]Secondary Weapon:[/b] A medium-sized armguard (small shield strapped to his forearm). [b]Items:[/b] ~ First Aid Pack ~ Mint ~ Antidote [b]Spell:[/b] [u]Whisper of the Misheima[/u]: Taruto uses a few silent words to create a high-pitched white noise, which affects only those he wills it to. This noise can be so irritating that it can dirve men crazy, and so loud that they clasp their ears and drop their weapons. The Whisper of the Misheima wears off after two minutes, and requires a lot of Bincho Power, and leaves Taruto somewhat sleepy and light-headed after the fight it was used in. Hope this is okay. Please tell me how I could improve if the sign-up isn't to scratch (I know you'll do it anyway =P ).[/size] -
[size=1]Name: Leeona Animal: Cougar Special Abilities/Other features: Leeona's fangs and claws are razor sharp, and she can extend and retract all of her claws so they don't become blunt. Her teeth are also extendable, but they fall out after the third use (after the extension. The teeth/fangs regrow within a matter of minutes). Leeona can stand on two legs (this seriously tires her though) so she can fight 'hand to hand' if she needs to. She rarely does this though. Gender: Female Appearance: [url=http://www.openspace.org/images/mountain_lion/mountain_lion(full_body).GIF][i][u]Click Here[/u][/i][/url] Personality: Leeona's personality very much suits her. She is rude, stuck up, overly smart, only ever thinks of herself, and hates anyone who even thinks of getting in her way. If things don't go according to [b]her[/b] plans or ideas, things don't tend to happen at all. Bio: Leeona was just an average cougar before all of the AHS stuff began to happen. She had just borne two cubs, and was beginning to raise them in her canyon home. She'd always hated humans, for they had killed her mate a month before she knew the cubs were due to be born. Humans had also killed her mother and father when he was very young, so she'd taken care of herself and her sisters since then. Her sisters were killed a year previous to Leeona finding her mate. Leeona was getting smarter all the time, and she began to devise simple plans of attack that would help protect her cubs from humans when they were born. Then the AHS came into the equation. Leeona had heard of the AHS from crows that flew by sometimes, but only thought of the activist group as a rumor. When they attacked, she wasn't prepared. She had just given birth to her cubs four hours previously when it happened. It outraged her. All she tells of what she remembers is that AHS dumped something and she was knocked unconcious. Every animal in the Antiasmel Kingdom knew she remembered more, but chose not to mention it. They all knew she'd kill anyone who questionned her words, so they left off it. Leeona had melted into Antiasmel, and no one really noticed. Sussoram became leader, and Leeona challenged him for the title. She lost, but learned much of how the gorilla's brain worked, and figured that since they'd all been affected by the nuclear toxins, Sussoram's mind and tactics would be almost the equivalent to that of humans. Kingdom: Antiasmel There was no one in Antiasmel, so I thought I'd be the first. This RP looks good. Hope it starts soon![/size]
[SIZE=2]OOC: I was wondering where KKC was. I would have continued to post were it not for the whole 'group-of-Gorons-finding-the-source-of-earthquakes-on-Death-Mountain' thing. IC: [COLOR=Sienna][b]Timbre[/b] [i](mumbling)[/i]: Why do they always send me to the the dirty work...I'll show them... Darunia rolled up alongside Timbre as he was climbing up the steep slope of Death Mountain, searching for any clues as to the sudden earthquakes in the mountainous region the Gorons called home. [b]Darunia[/b] [i](muffled)[/i]: Timbre, I have returned from the meet I had to attend, only to bring you bad news. It seems the quakes of our beloved mountain are being caused by something bigger, something darker than anything we could have expected. I do not want to send the most curious of this Goron tribe to an almost certain death. Instead, I ask of you to go and see what has been happening over the rest of Hyrule. Your long awaited journey may start today, Timbre, as you had hoped. Timbre was completely shocked. Not only was this an unexpected turn of events, but the events had turned in [i]his[/i] favor! And who ever thought that Darunia could possibly be so accepting? [b]Timbre[/b]: B-but I...but th-- [b]Darunia[/b]: Timbre, do not wait for me to change my mind. Already, our best fighters are being sent to ward off whatever may be angering the mountain so. Your bag has been packed with provisions and the likes, and we feel you should leave immediately. The sooner you leave, the less harm will come to you, and the sooner you can come back and tell us of your tales from the outside world. Travel across the land, passing Hyrule castle, and over to Lake Hylia. Travel nowhere past the farthest point of the great Lake, nor deeper into any forest than about a mile. We want you coming back to us with many a tale, but we still want you back alive. With all of your limbs intact. Now go. Timbre knew this was not a time for arguing or speaking back at the Goron chieftan. He bowed low, curled into a tight ball and rolled as fast as Goronly possible for his living area. He picked up his pack, made sure he had everything he needed, hefted his trusty hammer over one shoulder and made his way slowly down the side of Death Mountain. [b]Timbre[/b]: Come on Hyrule! Show me what's out there... Now, let's see if I can have this purse filled and this pack empty by the time I'm done. --- That afternoon --- Timbre trudged slowly down the last few steps and into open land, not realising what night might have in store for him if he didn't find shelter, or stick to the main path...[/COLOR] OOC: Sorry it's a little bit short. Not quite sure how fast Timbre should get to Lake Hylia. I'll figure something out though.[/SIZE]
[b]Name:[/b] James Thompson [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Nick-name:[/b] N/A [b]Starter Pokemon:[/b] ~ [u]Zangoose[/u] ~ Scratch Swords Dance Quick Attack Fury Swipes [b]Pokemon:[/b] ~ [u]Scyther[/u] ~ Fury Cutter Double Team Slash Swords Dance [b]Badges:[/b] {in order won} Plain Badge, Zephyr Badge [b]Hometown:[/b] Goldenrod City, Johto [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=19722][u]This dude, only without the sword thingo, or the swirling energy.[/u][/url] [b]Bio:[/b] James was born and raised in the bustling city of Goldenrod. He lived near the old couple who raise Pokemon, and one day they asked him if he wanted an Egg they'd found after one trainer picked up his Pokemon from Hoenn. They couldn't track him down, and couldn't keep the Egg themselves. James didn't yet have a Pokemon, so he accepted the Egg graciously. He was about 7 at the time. After a few months, on the day of his 8th birthday, the Egg hatched, and out popped the Zangoose James would raise to be his strongest and fastest Pokemon. Now he's 15, and the first badge he obtained was the Plain Badge. On his way to get the Zephyr Badge, he caught a Scyther. He's no doubt one of the best trainers around Goldenrod, and he wants to become one of the best around Johto, then the World. [b]Leaguer:[/b] N/A I hope that's fine, if not, PM me.
[size=1][color=sienna][i]Darkness...[/i] *RUMBLE* [b]Timbre:[/b] Wha?! Who's there?! The 19 year old Goron unrolled himself and sat up, taking a swipe at the air, then reaching for his hammer. [b]Timbre:[/b] [i]Whoa...I'm way too stressed...[/i] Timbre stood up, wondering what the huge 'rumble' was, and where it was coming from. He turned around a few times (on the spot), then went to put on his large hat, which had two eyeholes cut so he could see out of it when it slipped forward and covered his face to his nose. He stopped when he felt the ground beneath him begin to shake, then heard the mountain growl. *RUMBLE* [b]Timbre:[/b] Where's it coming from I wonder? Oh well, not my problem anymore... [b]Darunia:[/b] Oh yes it is! Suddenly a huge shadow enveloped Timbre and his surroundings. It was none other than Darunia, Goron leader, fierce warrior, and humongous. He was so musclebound that there were huge lumps of muscle sticking out freakishly every which way. [b]Darunia:[/b] You aren't going anywhere, you young rockheaded Goron! I have a task for you! Your brains must have been turned to mush at birth if you think you're leaving the mountain today! [b]Timbre:[/b] Aww! But I've been waiting to leave this place for 2 years! I have to leave at some point! [b]Darunia:[/b] Then you can leave tomorrow. If you can wait 2 years, you can wait 2 years and 1 day. Don't speak. Let me finish. What I need you to do is go along with another young Goron, Taggard, and find what's made Death Mountain so angry. I must attend a meet at the current time, or I'd do it myself. You can meet Taggard at the foot of the mountain, at the gate to the village. Travel upwards, checking every nook and cranny you can find! And if you still haven't found anything, I'll make you nooks and crannies to search through! Darunia curled up and rolled off down a floor or two, to wherever it was he had to go. Timbre had heard of Taggard, the goodie-goodie apprentice of Darunia. Apparently he was a pretty good fighter but Timbre didn't really care. He disliked Taggard for being such a 'teachers pet'. Putting up with Taggard for an entire day seemed like hell, but the mountain would probably erupt if the rumbling continued for long, creating a hell on earth. As much as Timbre had wanted to leave, he couldn't leave Death Mountain in such a state of unrest.[/color][/size]