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Everything posted by inti

  1. Ok, there are tons of people with the 'Good Guys', so I'll help out poor little Maxi (LoL) Name: Brandon Sol Age: 16 Description: [url=http://www.pojo.com/videogames/rubysapphire/characters/trainer.jpg]Looks exactly like this[/url] Personality: Quick and sharp, just like his Zangoose's claws. Brandon often throws out witty and insulting remarks at his opponents to distract them, then to make them angry so they'll give a better fight. Bio: Brandon is related somewhere along the lines to Giovanni, and also to Maxie and Archie (of Teams Magma and Aqua). Strange as it seems, they're all his uncles or something, distant, but related nonetheless. The whole Pokemon Thieves thing is just for fun, and Brandon doesn't actually do any of the stealing. He's the one behind the smarts in the Thieves' group, and all he really does for them is design the machines they used to engineer the super Shadow Pokemon. Now that the Shadow Pokemon are out, though, Brandon was promoted to Recapture-Admin, and is in charge of seeing things go straight. He has to make sure the plans aren't screwed up by some pesky kid and his or her Pokemon. The one thing Brandon hates about his new job though, is having to share it with Eric Bronze. Apparently it was Eric that tripped a switch somewhere and released the Shadow Pokemon....idiot..... Starting Pokemon: Zangoose Shadow Pokemon You Catch: Absol, Scyther, Seviper, Sneasel, Persian Side: Pokemon Thief Hope Brandon adds a bit of spice to the RPG!
  2. [size=1]Name: Timbre Knuckleback Age: 19 Gender: Male Race: Goron Class: Merchant Background / Biography: Timbre Knuckleback had always been, for as long as he could remember, interested in shaping and forming objects from metal. It was his friend, from the small village at the foot of Death Mountain, who had first showed him the old rusty sword which had been dug up from the ground when some of the children from the village had been playing around and digging holes for no reason. Timbre was fascinated with the way the old sword was shaped, the way it came to a sharp point at one end, and could be held safely at the other. When he asked his father about it, the old Goron told his curious son to stay away from sharp, pointy weapons, and to stick to much 'safer' ones, like hammers, rocks and bombs. Timbre didn't see the logic in playing around with bombs, they were more dangerous than swords... Then, one afternoon, when he had been pretending to fight an invisible monster with the old rusty blade, he dropped it. It bounced back off the ground and pierced the young Goron in the belly, where his skin was softest, not as thick as his back. He realised why his father had told him to stay away from the pointy weapon, and vowed never to touch one again. This vow lasted about a week, before he started to make his own metal objects, and he made a sharp spiky...thing. It was just a badly moulded chunk of metal, but it was as dangerous as any old sword, if you threw it at somone hard enough, there would be a deep hole where it landed (unless it was thrown at a Goron's back, there would be no way it would pierce that skin). The day after he had made the spiky metal blob, Timbre threw it around like a ball, throwing it up as high as he could, then catching it. It eventually made his hands all soft, like Hylian skin, and he decided to leave the thing for a while. He left it behind a rock, then eventually forgot about it. 10 years later, Timbre had honed his metal-working skills, and thought about starting up a travelling store, one that he could carry on his back like the funny person did when he went to the town at the foot of Death Mountain. He was 17 now, so he could do as he wished. He started by going down to the village at the foot of the mountain and selling odd metal trinkets, then he wanted to travel further out, to the castle even. The Gorons on the mountain were shocked that one would so willingly leave home, leave the safety of the mountain, just to sell some dodgy metal things that he'd made. Timbre postponed his travels for two years, just to keep the other Gorons happy. But, during the two years, Timbre had been secretly making a huge hammer that he could use to defend himself with on his travels, if he ever got the chance to leave home. As he was about to leave, the Goron leader, Darunia, stopped him and told him to go with another two Gorons, one named Taggard, another Darunia didn't bother naming. He told them to go and check out why Death Mountain had been quaking for the last few days. Something was obviously going to happen here, but none of them could see it. Not Timbre, not Taggard, not even the famous Darunia! Appearance: [URL=http://www.ganonstower.com/zelda9art/goron.gif]This is what Timbre looks like[/URL], as a basic outline. Imagine him without the Zelda-style-hawiian shirt, and he's less pudgy and more muscle-bound (from working all day with the Blacksmiths). His hat comes down over his eyes, but he cut two holes in it so he can see what's going on. He is about 5'7" tall, and his pack is almost double his size. Primary Weapon: He wields a large Goron warhammer, about 3/4 of his height. The head of the hammer is a large brick of metal, nothing special. It is about 36 inches long and 16 inches wide, leaving a large imprint on whomever might get in its way. Secondary Weapon: Timbre can roll into a tight ball, as all Gorons can, and roll at high speeds at his enemies. He will only do this, though, if he hasn't got his precious pack on (too many valuable items!). Items: ~ Bomb Bag, contains 20 bombs ~ Empty Glass Bottle Spells: --- None --- Sorry it's taken me so long to put this up![/size]
  3. [size=1]OOC: Hey-ho! I'm back for three days! Family trip away and I'm left all on my lonesome...(yes!) I'll try and make the most of it. [color=darkslateblue] IC: [i]Hmm...so Serene stops magic with a high pitched screech? I hope her magic has no effect to my own spellcasting[/i], thought the red mage, running his fingers through the blue chocobo's feathers before attempting to leap astride her in one bound. Of course, it didn't work. Logan ended up catching his front leg on Serene's side and he went flying over, only to land on his face. Once he got up and dusted himself off, he looked over and saw Beatricia whispering something to Kaeli and both giggled behind their hands. Logan went as red as his coat. Something, a shadow over the rising moon, caught his eye. [i]I hope it's not what I think it is...[/i] he spoke silently. He looked over to Gale, who was speaking with Aster. ?Maybe you?re right. We can rest here this night...? he was saying, but stopped. His head shot up to where the shadow passed over the moon. He said something under his breath and snapped around to face the group. ?Sudden change of plans, everybody! We?re leaving right now!? ?What? Why?? someone said, but Logan already knew why and didn't hear who said it. He stuck his heels into Serene's sides and started off in the direction of the Misty Moors. Logan just picked up what Gale was shouting, back from the barn. ?The Waltzes have found us!? The eight mismatched chocobos and their equally strange riders rushed across the country, through grass and across wide open patches of bare earth. It was getting dark and the chocobos seemed to notice the groups' fear, and they slowed down a little, getting more nervous by the minute. They were unsure of what could be so scary as to spook the band of riders, and were scared there might be a chocobo eating fiend nearby. "Gale! The chocobos look freaked out a little, maybe we should stop!" Logan called back to the young man astride Donkey, "There's no point in going much further until they calm down or they'll split up and run in every which way possible!" "Just keep going a little further! We'll stop as soon as we hit the Moors! We'll be safer there!" Gale shouted as loud as he could. [i]Wrong choice, my friend...wrong choice...[/i] Logan knew something bad would happen. It always did. It happened in strings of bad events, all leading to something worse. If it really was a Waltz that was headed for them, surely it would sense their combined strength? Surely it must have some other plan. Maybe there were more Waltzes, and this one was chasing the group into a trap? There was a flash in front of Logan's eyes, and Serene stopped. She lifted a leg and pointed to the Misty Moors, revealing a line of black shadows, each with huge black feathered wings and old pointed mage hats. There were eight of them, all together, not counting the one already chasing the group. Donkey had stopped running too, probably the one who had shown the trap awaiting the riders, and stood next to Serene and Logan. Gale saw the same thing. [i]...uh-oh[/i] "Gale, there's a slight problem with our original change of plan. Maybe we could take a detour?" "No. We must push on. If we can break through the line, we'll be safe enough." Gale dismissed Logan's worry with teh wave of a hand. All of the chocobos had stopped now, and everyone looked to Gale for their next instruction. "We continue. Keep going until we're all at least 100 yards from the line, there we'll have to continue as a tight group, we don't want to lose anyone." he ordered. [i]WHAT?![/i], Logan thought. Aloud he said "No. No way am I rushing headfirst at a line of black Waltzes. They've got to have more to the trap than a single line. They're more organised than you are, so someone's controlling them. I'll meet you 100 yards in, but there's no way I'm going at that line to try and break through." With that, Logan turned Serene and broke away from the group, seeking out a way around. "If I'm not there, I'll see you later then!" he was heard calling back to them. Some started to protest, but Gale could see there was no changing the stubborn red mage's mind. "Serene, do you feel any strong magic nearby?" Logan asked his chocobo companion. She gave a loud 'kweh!' which he supposed meant yes. It was almost pitch black now, so Logan cast a quick fire spell in one of his hands, keeping the fireball small, but letting it give off enough light to see with. Something jumped. *Engaged in battle with Wild Thief!* [u]Party:[/u] Logan - Level 5 - HP: 225 - MP: 40 - Red Magic, Magic Slot Serene - Level 5 - HP: 550 - MP: 80 - Attack, Silence The thief had jumped out of nowhere, so obviously had a clear advantage and dealt the first blow, hitting Serene with a jump kick and launching back off into the air. He landed a few feet away, then ran at Logan and Serene as if there were no tomorrow. He pulled out a strange knife, double ended, and twirled it like a baton, smashing and slicing at Logan, who took a number of deep cuts to his sword arm. Logan slid off Serene and cast Cure, recovering all lost HP, then cast Barrier on first Serene, then himself. Pulling out his sabre, he swiftly struck out at the wild man with a straight aim. This blow caught the man on his shoulder, shaking him a little, sending a small spray of blood into the darkness. The Wild Thief began muttering words, a spell of some sort, but Serene was quick to cast silence with her ear piercing screeching. Logan launched a Water spell, then followed up with Thunder, which was doubly potent. "Stop! Please! Just stop!" the man cried. "Fine, have it your way..." Logan sheathed his sword. *End of Battle. 33 EXP gained, 20 gil gained, gained Potion*[/color][/size]
  4. [color=darkslateblue]Seymour: "Wha--?" Seymour sat up slowly, surveying the area about him. He was still on the cliff on Mt. Gagazet, so it seemed. Seymour: "Stupid boy and those rebellious guardians...and...the wonderous Lady Yuna..." He reached up into the air in front of him, as if Yuna were there and he could touch her face. He snapped out of the trance when a mountain goat hopped onto a rock off to the side of the Guado leader. Seymour: "Fiends!" More mountain goats leapt and jumped from rock to rock, none missing a foothold, nor stubling where there were no footholds. The grace of the creatures made Seymour stand and bow to them. He signalled the prayer. Seymour looked up into the eyes of one of the harmless goats, and something strange happened. [i]"Find Cloud"[/i] Seymour's eyes widenned as he gasped for breath. Something inside him seized up, making him choke on the cold mountain air. This was not Mt. Gagazet. Seymour: "Where am I?" He stared into the eyes of the lead mountain goat, but it sent no more thoughts or words his way. All it did was turn and skip back the way it came. As it did, so did the other goats. Seymour followed them, knowing that these creatures of utmost beauty and grace would lead him to where he must go. Seymour: "Never would I have thought to follow a fiend to find my path, but it would seem Ixion's Fayth has sent me a gift..." He stumbled on a pebble or two, but managed to follow the goats.[/color]
  5. [size=1]OOC: Yay! We used the booger idea!! [color=DarkSlateBlue]IC: Logan, Cortez and Gale ran around to their side of the giant Boogie, and each sliced it once along the way. Logan's Blood Sabre healed him 10HP, but his total HP was still only on 205. After assuming proper battle stances (Gods know why on earth everyone always wasted time on that) the Boogie attacked all three of them with another wave of goo, but this time it was smaller, only dealing 15 damage to each. Gale launched an attack with his Sword Art command, using Mind Break, lowering the Boogie's magical resistance. This was followed by Cortez using Steal, snatching 79 gil from the slimeball. "Uh...how does it carry gil?" Logan asked, a little confused. He got ready to use Magic Slot. "Who cares? It's making me money!" Cortez laughed. The Boogie launched a single attack at Cortez, while he was distracted, looking at exactly how much gil he had stolen and placing it in his pouch. The slime attack dealt 21 damage and had an added poison effect. Gale launched another attack on the Boogie, this time using the Slam ability, stunning the Booger temorarily. Logan used the Magic Slot command, casting a doubly potent Water spell, dealing a large amount of damage to the Boogie. Cortez ran up and attacked the giant slime creature, and also took 19 damage due to poison. "OW! Someone fix this for me!" Cortez whined. Gale used an Antidote on Cortez, shaking his head and rolling his eyes. "Here's a little something to lessen the pain. And no, it's not morphene," Logan said, casting Barrier on the party. Cortez and Gale teame up for a double attack, causing the Boogie to droop terribly. Their side of it was almost beaten. "Burn baby!" called Logan, casting Fire on the Boogie. The giant snotball used it's last ounce of strength to throw a huge wave of sludge against the party, halving Gale's, Cortez's and Logan's HP. "So much for the Barrier." Cortez snorted. *End of Party 1 battle, see end of Boss battle (next post) for EXP, items and gil gained*[/color][/size]
  6. OOC: Late again!! *grumbles* IC: Johnathan stumbled into the meeting room and composed himself in time for Mr. Alexander to seat the officials and bodyguards. John quickly took his place near the head of the bodyguards, two seats away from the 129-year-old man himself. "I have called you all here today for one reason, and one reason only. There are two resistance groups that have managed to sneak, like the rats and weasles they are, past our sensors undetected. They have set up bases somewhere unknown to my sources," he took a short pause, letting it all settle in. No one [b]ever[/b] passed Mr. Alexander's sources, mainly because if they did, the sources were killed and replaced with the best of the qualified men Alexander had on hand. "All I need you snivelling grunts to do is find these bases and [i]destroy them[/i]! Interrogate any members of these resistances and kill them. Find the leaders and bring me their remaining bacterial cells!" he got up and left swiftly, leaving the room slightly shaken. "What was that all about?" asked one of the newer bodyguards. The rest got up and left, Johnathan with them. The bodyguards were supposed to follow Alexander unless off shift, which was only in the 2 1/2 hours of sleep they seemed to achieve. The officials also got up to leave, some were muttering something about how dependant Alexander was becoming on his sources. Two were talking about how they would tell their squads and other men. Johnathan rolled his eyes. Why did they have to worry so much? It was a simple order to be delivered. He got back to his job.
  7. Holy crap! Those are excellent! They're excellently excellent! *realises that using the word excellent in any form more than once in the same sentence is just plain lame...* Just as Zidargh asked, would you mind drawing Logan? If you can't manage to draw him from my description, then I'll send you some more detail. (I hope I didn't post a picture in his description...)
  8. [size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]Wedge clomped across to Logan and Beatricia, "How about you cast one of your 'pretty white magic spells', as a scare tactic, Miss Beatricia?" Logan and Beatricia grinned evil grins and moved toward Cortez. He looked worried. "Ok, you have two choices here bud. One is that you show us to the tunnels. The second choice, one of my personal favourites, is that B here blasts your head to smithereens with a Holy spell." Logan poked Cortez in the chest with his sabre. Cortez winced. "Ok, B? You ready?" "As ever," she whipped out her staff and pointed it at Cortez's face. "Telling us or not?" "Never..." Cortez muttered. "B?" "You got it!" she twirled her staff and threw it into the air, and, upon catching it, cast the biggest, brightest, most beautiful looking Holy spell anyone in the room had ever seen. Pity it was only strong enough to push Cortez back off his chair. Cortez cried in what he thought was to be pain, but realised it was just the shock of almost having your head blown off. "HA! You think a big bright light is going to make me reveal the secret of the tunnels?" he cracked up laughing. Logan and Beatricia looked to one another, then back at Biggs and Wedge, and shrugged. Logan pointed his sabre at Cortez's neck, where there was a large, ripe vein that seemed to leap out. "Ok, this time it's real. No more games thief," Logan whispered, and Cortez had to strain to hear him. "You've stolen from me, once today already, and you haven't paid me back yet." Beatricia giggled and flicked her hair. "You know, thiefy, if you don't tell us where the tunnels are, and show us the way under the Soulflow, Logan's going to kill you," she giggled again, high-pitched and twirled her hair around her forefinger. "I suggest you lead the way, Mr Cortez, or I, and young Master Biggs will have to pummel you into the dirt you came from." threatenned Wedge. It was Biggs' turn, and he stood up, "Yeah." "You're a little outnumbered here Cortez. Waddaya say? About time to co-operate?" Logan pressed the sharp, pointed tip of his sabre against the vein on Cortez's neck. Cortez looked like he'd messed himself.[/color] OOC: Sorry Jokopoko, I couldn't resist that last remark. Continue on (anybody)! Oh, yeah, the Black Mage thing? I didn't realise Beatricia was just a White Mage until a short while ago...I've editied it though. She has cast "Holy" instead. It turns out her Holy magic needs some practise though (hope [b]this[/b] one's ok. If it's not, Logan can cast a spell, but that defeats the purpose of having Beatricia smiling evilly)[/size]
  9. [size=1]OOC: Sorry about all of the pressure we've put on you Zidargh! Best of luck with the stage play you're doing. I'll take over your characters until you're back. This post has been slightly redone. I hope the Commands I put for Beatricia are ok. [color=DarkSlateBlue]IC: "So, where is he then clank?" snapped Logan. He'd had enough of waiting for the robot to calibrate the external functioning sensor arrays, then fixing up the internal hypodynamic vectral heatsensing pinpointers. How long did that stuff take anyway? "May I point out that my name is Wedge not 'clank', 'robo-guts', 'metalmouth', 'tinhead', 'boltbrain' or any other name you can come up with. I am Wedge, and Wedge I shall remain. Secondly, I have only to adjust one slight thing before I have pinpointed Cortez's exact location," Wedge stuck a metal finger in the air and a small aerial popped out. "What's that smell? Could you hurry up already? Logan's right, I shouldn't be forced to suffer like this...maybe it's rotten fish?" Beatricia kept rambling on incoherently about things unknown to the boys, but every now and then she would pop back into reality and join their conversations. Maybe the conditions of the dark alleys weren't doing anything good for her... "I have located the thief Cortez! He has just travelled underneath the city, no doubt in the tunnels, and has arrived at the Hangman Pub." "Let's go then! I don't thing Beatricia can take much more of this..." Logan said, pointing back to Beatricia who was casting spells on rats to keep them at bay. "Yeah, c'mon Wedge, lead the way," said Biggs, the first thing he'd said since earlier that night. The three young humans followed the robot around corners and down dark paths, weaving and twisting. Beatricia was blowing rats up with Fire spells the whole time. Eventually, after what seemed like an age, Wedge stopped. "What is it?" asked Biggs. "I seem to have lost the signal." muttered Wedge. Logan and Beatricia groaned. "Wait, I have found it again. The thief Cortez is close." The group got up and tiptoed around the corner of a rundown-looking building. "In there?" Beatricia gulped. The Hangman Pub looked as the name suggested. Dead. There was a broken sign out the front with a stickfigure painting of someone hanging from a tree, their limp looking stickfigure body looked as though it were about to swing in the picture. "Yes, ma'am. Shall we?" Wedge motionned them forwards. --- Inside, it was quite shadowed and dark. The only lights were dim, and found over the actual bar itself. There were old and broken chairs and tables scattered around, some were filled by fearsome looking people, mostly thieves. Wedge took no heed of the dangerous glances he recieved as he waltzed in, and Biggs, Logan and Beatricia all winced as they knew what would happen next. "No! Wedge!" Biggs whispered, "Get back here, they'll take you!" Everyone in the room turned to where the voice had come from. "Good one kid. Now we've got a room full of menacing thugs on our hands," Logan said. "Let's just hurry up! I don't want anyone turning me in to the Queen for a reward or something." Beatricia snapped. She strode forward, towards the nearest thief and whacked him over the head with her staff. KO. The thugs all moved in for the fight, and the bar tender also pulled out a weapon. *Engaged in battle with three thieves, Cortez and Barkeep* [u]PARTY: Logan – Level: 5, HP: 225, MP: 40 – Commands: Attack, Red Magic, Magic Slot, Item Biggs - Level: 4, HP: 220, MP: 0 - Commands: Attack, Item, Blitz, Wedge, Go! Wedge - Level: 4, HP: 278, MP: 5 - Commands: Attack, Rocket Fist, Blitz, Recharge Beatricia - Level: 3, HP: 195, MP: 95 - Commands: Attack, White Magic, Light Prayers, Item[/u] "Hey, I thought you were a Black Mage, Beatricia?" asked Logan, a little surprised. She laughed, "I sometimes get that. I know one or two Black Magic spells, but they're so basic all they do is look fancy. I've been trained in the White Mage's arts." Thief 1 attacked Logan, while Thief 2 attacked Beatricia. Both thieves' hits were successful and strong, as Logan and Beatricia didn't see them coming. Beatricia healed herself, then also healed Logan with Cure. Logan drew his sabre and attacked Thief 1, instant KO. Biggs and Wedge teamed up for their partenered Blitz! attack on the Barkeep, before he could attempt an attack, or to heal the downed thief. Cortez snuck up behind Wedge, pulled out his dagger and stabbed the robot in the back. Beeps were heard, some slowing down a little. Wedge's continuous punching came to a stop. "Wedge!" Biggs cried, and also stopped his punches. He ran over to fix the robot, whipping out a screwdriver and using his spanner to help too. Thief 3 ran over and stole 56 gil from Logan, and attacked at the same time using "Mug".[/color] **Battle to be continued in next post of Jokopoko, Zidargh (if he has time), or it will be edited in by me. Please continue to post so I don't have to resort to editing.**[/size]
  10. OOC: Sorry it took me so long to get this up Swordsaint! Busy week...*evil education...* Name: Johnathan Chase Age: 23 Description: [url=http://www.aestheticism.com/visitors/gaming/ff7/reno-char.jpg][u]Johnathan Chase[/u][/url] Basically exactly the same, except that he has dirty-blonde hair instead of red. Bio: Johnathan Chase was born in a family allied with Alexander, and has remained allied with Alexander all of his life. Johnathan's parents were guards to the Black Tower from when it first was built, and they had many connections to high ranking people around the building. When John was born, Alexander went to check how healthy he was, in person. After being checked and given the okay, John was in for a life of bodyguard training and weapons instruction. This happened to all those who were destined to become Alexander's bodyguards, he needed people who were naturally fit enough to protect him. Johnathan's childhood was all but lonely, as every future guard or soldier born to parents working for Alexander grew up in the same environment, with each other. John knows all of the guard/bodyguards in the Black Tower, and they all know him. Making friends was the easy part, which was encouraged, but making enemies was totally out of the question. If you fought a fellow employee, you were taken into an "Interrogation Chamber", where Pandora's assistants would just shoot you. John never made an enemy. Faction: Alexander. Role: Bodyguard. Weapons: Two [url=http://bebopguide.50megs.com/img135.gif][u]TEC-9 9mm Assault Pistols[/u][/url], two [url=http://halo-productions.com/anita/images/MiniUzi.jpg][u]Mini-Uzis[/u][/url], a [url=http://halo-productions.com/anita/images/Sawed.jpg][u]sawed-off shotgun[/u][/url] Other equipment: Non-prescription contact lenses (have three modes: normal vision, heat-sensing and night-vision), [url=http://www.clarity.it/coolstuff/daqtagh.jpg][u]Klingon "Daqtagh" Knife[/u][/url], Kevlar vest. That's fine, right? If anything needs fixing, PM me. (HINT: click the underlined words for images!!)
  11. Name: Jason Carn Age: 19 Occupation: Survivor - used to work at the local cafe to pay off his college fees. Was sent to Military School for three years so he has some knowledge of fighting and survival (more in Bio). Personality: A mix of several things. Cynical, laid back, funny, witty, and more! Appearance: [url=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=2777]Jason[/url] Bio: Jason Carn used to be somewhat of a rebel, when he was about 14. He actually ended up burning down the Science Wing at Junior High. 'Stupid place didn't even have the right facilities and safety measures anyway,' was all he had to say for himself. His parents decided that they'd see how things worked out for a while, but Jason just wreaked havoc wherever he went. Mr and Mrs Carn decided they should send their son to Military School, just to straighten him up. Jason's Military School was located just outside of a place called Racoon City. After his three years of punishment (from the age of 15 until he was 18 years old), Jason decided to take up residence in Racoon City and go to college there. Weapon: A knuckleduster on his left hand and a short chain (used to keep Jason's keys on, but in the RPG he can wrap it around his hand for a second knuckleduster or he could choke someone with it or something). There we go! The last Resident Evil RPG I was in was a complete flop, so I hope this one works well... [size=1]OOC: If you still want to use the name 'Jason', Guess?, then I can edit my character. It was a spur of the moment thing, so I didn't really think about my character's name anyway. PM me if you want to use the name Jason. {this is for Guess? only}[/size]
  12. [size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]Chaos seemed to be all around them. Logan was at the back of the group, making sure Beatricia didn't get hurt or anything of the likes, and both of them were following Biggs and Wedge. At least someone knew where they were headed. 'Hey, where exactly is it that we're going uh....Wedge was it?' Logan called to the front of the group, spinning around one of the many alleyway corners that seemed to jump out from every direction. 'Yes, correct, I am Wedge,' said the machina, which seemed to have an inexhaustable supply of energy or [i]something[/i] that kept it going. 'I am currently locating Cortez's exact current location, and tagging his signature so we may continue to follow him, until we reach him.' 'But where [b]is[/b] that?!' Logan was getting frustrated. He stopped and stood there stubbornly. 'Wha--- wait up you two! Whatshisface decided to take a rest stop!' yelled Beatricia. 'Maybe you could tone it down a little there B, or the guards'll hear you and come running.' muttered Logan. 'What did you say?' 'Oh nothing...' Biggs and Wedge came back down to where Logan and Beatricia were having their little fight. 'Um, do you guys think that maybe we could, uh, get going?' asked the boy. 'What's the rush? Gale and Aster've got things handled back out on the main street, so all we have to do is follow this "signal" that robo-guts over here has found. I don't like running blindly down dark alleys anyway, something dodgy always pops up.' Logan finished explaining to the other three.[/color] OOC: It's a bit short, but I've been dying to post. I would have expanded on it, but Wedge is the one who knows where Cortez is, not Logan.[/size]
  13. [size=1]OOC: Sorry it's been a while since my last post, but I don't want to hog the RPG. Oh, and where's Jokopoko? [color=DarkSlateBlue]IC: Logan spun around, looking back down the alleyway. He thought he'd heard something. 'Hey, theif...did you hear that?' he said as he looked back to where he'd left the theif after defeating him in battle. The guy was gone. [i]For the Trinity's sake! You turn your head for three seconds and they go and vanish on you! I [b]hate[/b] theives![/i] the angry mage thought. He decided he'd go and check on what was making all the noise, so he got up and walked out onto the main street. At one end of the street was the Moogle Mansion, the other end branched off in five directions. One led to the Temple, and Logan [b]definitely[/b] didn't want to go down there. The Queen probably had guards posted along all five of the streets Logan was facing, so he thought it best just not to go in that general direction. He swung around and ran to the Moogle Mansion, not sure why he was being so hasty about it. As he reached the large pink tavern/inn, Logan heard voices coming from a little further down the street to the left. He decided to follow them. 'We have some information I think you will find useful.' said one of the voices. [i]Probably a young boy,[/i] Logan thought. 'And what's the cost?' [i]It's Gale! What's he doing, bargaining with some kid?[/i] 'We want to come with you.' the boy-voice said. [i]Hmm...where're you lot going then?[/i] 'But you don't even know us, or where we're going!' Gale sounded a little distressed or something. Maybe alarmed? Logan couldn't tell. 'We don't mind - as you can see, we're not from around here. And whatever you're up to, it sure sounds interesting.' [i]Smart *** punk...not from around here either, eh? I've gotta go see what's happening[/i] were Logan's last concentrated thoughts before he rushed around the side of a building to where the voices had come from. 'Whoa! What the f---?!' Everyone in the side-alley turned at the sound of Logan's surprised remark. They all had a weapon of some sort, and all were holding them at the ready. 'Logan! There you are!' Gale came over and brought Logan over to the group. 'You heard the guards, right?' 'WHAT?! Those are [b]guards?![/b]' Logan stumbled back. 'Man, you attract [b]way[/b] too much bad attention. I'm outta here!' 'Wait! We'll all go. We need to get out of the city, and fast. Where's that thief, Cortez?' Gale looked back down the way Logan had come. 'Uh...he....kinda got away. I think I know which way he went though.' Logan winced in wait for the scolding Gale was bound to give him. 'Good enough,' Gale turned around to the group, 'Who's going to go with Logan to find Cortez?' There were murmers from the group. 'You decide' said a royal-looking girl from the House of the White Rose. 'Ok, fine...' said Gale, and he quickly thought about it.[/color] OOC: There's how Logan joins up with the group. Sage, I'll PM you about my next post.[/size]
  14. [b]Character:[/b] Seymour Guado [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Ultimate Weapon[/b] [size=1][i]*Seymour briefly used a weapon when you had the chance to fight alongside him in a battle in Operation Mih'hen in FFX, so I'll branch off that*[/i][/size]: ~*~ Death Wand - a black rod with all of the symbols of Yevon inscribed into it. The symbols glow ice blue when in battle. [b]Limit:[/b] Flare Blast - casts three non-elemental magic attacks. [b]Job:[/b] Leader of the Guados, also a Maester of Yevon. [b]Appearance:[/b] [url=http://pobladores.lycos.es/data/pobladores.com/ma/st/masticahue/channels/todofinalfantasy/images/2667925seymourlarge.jpg]Click Here[/url] [b]Bio:[/b] Seymour was destroyed, by Tidus and the gang, whilst inside Sin itself. He felt himself slipping through the Farplane's fingers, and never made it there. He instead ended up waking his conscious thought into the black of the universe, where he thought about, and brooded over, the past events of - the now High Summoner - Yuna's pilgrimage. He made himself angry. Purposefully. Seymour was thinking of a way to bring himself back into existence, when Paralax clicked its fingers and Seymour ended up unconscious in the Himalayas. [b]Personality:[/b] Stuck up, slightly insane, fed up with all of the goody goodies everywhere (hates it when someone tries to be 'hero'). [b]Wakes Up where:[/b] In the Himalayas. Thinks he's still on Mt. Gagazet. I know it's short and dodgy, so if you want me to expand on anything, please PM me.
  15. [color=DarkSlateBlue][size=1]OOC: Evil Jokopoko! I'll get you back for those comments! *grins evilly*...kekekekeke.... IC: Logan ran down the street, checking every dark corner and alleyway for the two that had caused such a rukus back at the Mansion. Also, for the theif that had managed to escape in the 10 seconds Logan had been checking what had happened. It appeared as though he'd stolen some of Logan's things too. [i]Little bastard. No one gets away from me without paying their price. I'll get him, even if I have to break a thousand laws and get exiled for doing so...[/i] the Red Mage's thoughts trailed off into the usual mush that is in everyone's minds. Logan stopped for a minute, putting away Blood Sabre. Something just didn't feel right about this... [i]Bear said that there were two of them...he said one just barged past, and there was another...I actually overheard the second one telling the four foot thing not to just go charging in without paying. Maybe the four foot thing was a Moomba?[/i] again, Logan couldn't hold this thought for long before his mind caved in to the thousand things rushing through his head. Just then, Logan heard something. Almost...felt it. Something else didn't feel right. This time it felt wrong though. Discarding the thought of chasing the two unknowns, Logan turned to find the presence that disturbed him. 'Fire,' the Red Mage whispered, summoning a small fireball in front of him. He decided to go down one of the alleyways. The fireball gave off enough light so Logan could see where he was going, but he couldn't see in the nooks and crannies of the alley. Something sneaked up behind him. *Engaged in battle with Theif* [u]PARTY:[/u] Logan - level:5, HP: 250, MP:40 - commands: Attack, Red Magic, Magic Slot, Item [i]The theif begins the battle by sneaking up behind Logan to use the 'Theif Tech', 'Backstab' (would normally K/O), but Logan turns around in time to catch the theif's arm. Logan draws his scimitar and leaps back from the theif, and prepares to use Magic Slot. The theif takes advantage of this and uses Distract, lowering Logan's physical strength and defense. Logan uses Magic Slots and doublecasts 'Water'. The theif staggers back, then gets up to attack. Logan suffers a hit, but it is little more than minor. Logan uses Red Magic to cast 'Blind' on the theif. He then attacks immediately after, K/O-ing the theif.[/i] *End of battle. 25 EXP gained, 45 gil gained, Remedy aquired. 225 HP remaining.* 'Enough! Please, enough!' pleaded the theif, lying on the ground in pain, almost unconscious. 'You're not Cortez, are you?' questioned Logan slowly, raising an eyebrow. The theif gasped, 'C-Cortez? Y-you're after C-Cortez?' Logan just nodded. The theif fainted.[/size][/color]
  16. [size=1]Wow, for a newbie, you sure know what you're doing. This looks like it'll work out well... Name: Thompson (preferably known as 'Tom' or 'Tommy') Sanfax Age: 16 Species: Mage Power: Shapeshifting Description of Power: Can transform into basically anything (anything that isn't godlike or super powerful) Talisman Power: Eyebrow stud (black stud) which generates a strong forcefield around Tommy, only works when he's in trouble. Personality: Tommy is pretty smart, but he doesn't focus on that. He prefers to joke around or relax. His quips and replies (to people's criticism or suggestions) are normally more sarcastic than most others, but sometimes he just lets it go. The young magician uses his power to get out of sticky situations, or just to impress people. Sometimes he'll even change into another person (while they aren't there) and cause a fight between two people. It gives him a laugh for when he's having lunch or when he's bored. Bio: Thompson was born into a rich family, who had made their money from the stockmarket. They lived in Victoria, Canada. He was tutored from the age of 4, and by the age of 6 he was playing the violin at a3rd grade level. When he was 11, Tom was graded on academic, physical and musical ability. Aside from his obvious musical talent, Tommy had no other outstanding academic smarts (meaning he was about halfway between the middle to advanced learning classes). He was good a sports, but was bored with the usual stuff (ie: basketball, soccer, baseball, etc). When he was 12, Tom's family lost their main fortune. Having relied on the stockmarket for so long, and the money they had made off it, the Sanfax's could barely cope. Tom's parents had to learn how to clean, cook and find a real job. Tommy's life seemed to be going downhill. It was about when Tommy was 13 that a strange man ran into him when he was on the way home from school. The stranger asked if Tommy wanted a piercing, and Tommy replied 'I do, but I need permission from my parents first, don't I?' The strange man told him that he was starting a business and was looking for potential clients. He said he'd wait for Tommy at the same spot the next day, waiting for an answer. Tommy raced home and asked his parents if he could get the piercing, and they, naturally, said no. They then told him he was never to see or talk to anyone that had anything to do with piercings and other 'rebellious' things. Not a chance. Tommy walked up to the man the next day and said, 'My parents said yep. Can we do this quickly though? I have to be home soon.' The man took Tommy to the piercing/tattoo joint that he'd set up. It looked pretty clean and professional, white walls and floors, all of the specialist equipment was there, and there was even an assistant incase anything went wrong. Tommy chose the eyebrow stud and the whole thing was over in a matter of minutes. Strange things began to happen from that day on. Like whenever Tommy was bullied or hurt, a strange field came up around him. The field stopped everything from hurting him. Later that year (on the day of his 13th birthday), Thompson Sanfax recieved a letter from a strange school. It was a scholarship. He was excited that he would be going to a private school, and immediately packed his things to leave. He hopped on a bus and followed the instructions (left in the envelope) to get to the Academy. There they explained about the Talisman he had and tought him how to awaken the Shapeshifter inside him. Sorry I got a little carried away. Hope no one got bored...[/size]
  17. [size=1][color=DarkSlateBlue]A short while after Logan and Cortez had walked into the room to wait for Gale, a loud crash was heard from downstairs. Something was wrong. Logan rushed out, then remembered Cortez, and went back into the room to grab him. The theif was nowhere to me found. Just his luck. The Red Mage drew his sabre and rushed out of the room, racing down the tight spiral stairs. What lay before his eyes was appalling. Right there in front of him, Bear lay there, almost unconscious. The bar was empty, as people were running out screaming. The kupo that had been running all over the place had finally stopped, and was now hiding in a corner, holding his forehead and rocking back and forth, shivering. 'Bear, what happened?' Logan asked the huge Inn Keeper on the floor. It was amazing that anything had been able to take the giant down. 'There was some kinda monster, about 4 feet high, an' it shot stuff out of its hands. It looked like it was made of metal,' Bear groaned, tightenning his grip on his stomach, 'How can a fiend be made of metal?' 'I don't know, my friend, but I intend to find out. Whoever did this has ruined the Moogle Mansion's business for at least a week, as this attack will be heard about all over the city by morning. I'm going to track that monster down, and rip it apart.' Logan had a look of distaste on his face as he said that. Nothing hurt his friends and got away with it. 'Be careful there Logan. The moster had a companion. Something like...Bridge, no wait, Biggs. He had a last name, but I can't remember it. Don't go gettin' into any two on one fights.' Bear warned. 'Don't worry, I won't. Why don't you go and rest at my parent's place for the night? I'll send a kupo to them.' Logan whistled, and a really small kupo came fluttering down the spiral stairs, it's humongous red bobble weighing it down. 'Yes, kupo?' it asked, in a squeaky, tiny voice. 'Hi there little fella, do you think you could take a message to the Thrid Priestess of the Temple? And one to the Fencer in the northern part of town?' The little kupo scratched its chin and looked around, as if measuring up the circumstances. 'What is the message, kupo?' 'The message is, "Bear has been terribly hurt, and he needs a place to rest. Can he stay with you guys for the night?". The message is from Logan Erbas.' The kupo repeated the message, nodded, and flew off. 'Bear, don't worry, my parents will be here soon. You just rest up until they're here, then they'll take you to my dad's place for the night. My mum'll have trouble with the Queen tonight, after the bad news Gale had to tell the High Priestess.' after that, Logan hopped up and ran out the door, sabre still in hand.[/color][/size]
  18. OOC: It's okay for interrupting, as I wasn't sure whether we were going to battle or what. I was kinda hoping for a battle, but I'll write one into Logan's storyline later in the RPG. IC: [color=DarkSlateBlue]'So, why did you go trying to rob Gale and I?' asked Logan, a smart grin on his lips. Any answer Cortez gave wouldn't be good enough. 'I...well...uh....' Cortez scratched the back of his head. 'Ok, whatever then. Just keep your hands to yourself. You sneak one wallet, or a hand into anyone's pocket and I'll whip around and slice your arms off.' 'Why not just cut off my hands?' 'I did that to a fiend once...it sprayed blood all over me, and it just regenerated its them. My father said to go for the joints at its shoulders next time, so it didn't regenerate so quickly.' The two turned the corner and into the Moogle Mansion's doors. 'Hi,' Logan said at the counter, 'Could I have a room for three thanks? Three single beds.' The man at the counter looked up, saw Logan and asked, 'Another one, eh? Who's payin? I bet he's about rich of his pickings.' Logan laughed. 'Yeah, I think the theif can pay for it, right there Cortez?' 'Don't matter if he can pay for it or not, he'll be workin it off anyways.' Cortez looked confused. 'Cortez, it's a little obvious that you're a theif. Otherwise, why would an Archane man be here in Miraclion?' Logan explained. Cortez just nodded. 'How much is it Bear?' 'That'll be 60 gil for the night. Gale gone to tell the news?' 'Yep. Thanks Bear. I'd best get this theif in the room before he causes trouble.' Logan finished and turned towards the stairs.[/color]
  19. [size=1]Varidos was hiding underneath a large bush when the vampire demon sprouted its...no...[b]her[/b] wings. He saw her lift into the air, and decided to make life easier. For himself. 'Hsinimid' he muttered. Ushina's wings dissolved for a few seconds, dropping her to the ground. She swore. Varidos took his chance and ran, muttering the invisibility spell again. It was a pity the invisibility spell didn't stop Varidos from kicking up leaves and sticks as he ran. Ushina flapped her wings, after regaining use of them, and divebombed him. 'SIT STILL, WORM!' she screamed at the squirming form that was Varidos. [i]Why did I have to be the one that ran into a demon? Why couldn't I have just run into a few hippie elves?[/i] He immediately took back his last thought. Anything was better than the elf hippies.[/size]
  20. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]'Greetings Gale, my friend! Long time no see, eh?' Gale spun around and saw someone he'd not seen for what seemed like an age. 'Logan! How glad I am, to see a friendly face!' he said to Logan, 'What brings you here?' '"What brings you here?", what kind of a welcome is that?' spat Logan. Gale was shocked. Logan grinned, 'Kidding, my friend, kidding.' Gale visibly sighed with relief. 'I saw you trudging through the city, and thought to myself, "When was the last time we had a chat, Gale and I? Perhaps we should chance upon some time to catch up?". Then I decided to take the chance offered and followed you here.' Logan finished off. 'Why are you back from the assassin hunt so early? Was she [b]that[/b] easy to defeat? And if she was, where's the evidence of your victory?' 'Slow down Logan! Not so many questions all at once, please.' Gale began to walk back down the way he had come. Logan stepped up and walked beside the mercenary. 'So? What happened?' Logan wasn't backing out of this, he'd found something Gale didn't want to talk about, so naturally, he had to know. Gale sighed, then whispered, 'I was defeated, ok? Now hush about it until we have left the Temple.' 'Where's the fun in shutting up? Come on, let's get you down to the tavern and feed you some beer.' [i]Crap![/i] Logan thought. He just remembered that you don't feed people drinks. [i]Meh, what's the difference? Gale needs to loosen up, not be so willing to do anything to please his parents.[/i] The two walked past the fancy wall hangings and paintings of the Trinity and the current Queen, Fuchsia. 'Man, this place is too confined. I feel like I'm in jail or something...' Logan muttered. Once they were free of the confining walls, doors and halls of the Temple, Logan and Gale made their way through the streets towards the Moogle Mansion Tavern/Inn.[/COLOR] [b]EDIT:[/b] The word 'jail' has been fixed up, and castle has been changed to Temple. Sorry about the sloppy post, I've been posting late at night lately.
  21. [size=1]OOC: Where's Wasabi? I'll post now then. IC: Varidos ran through the dark city of Scyllaria, unseen, unheard, not even his prescence was felt. [i]Let's see now...the forest is too drugged by the hippie elves...[/i] he thought as he ran, [i]But how about the entrance to the Underworld? Surely the source of that bang must have come from down there...or maybe I'll just go to that general area. Don't want to annoy any of the demons now...[/i] Even when he thought to himself, Varidos would never admit being scared of anything. His descision made, he headed for the region where the Demon Gate could be found. ~*~ Five days later, Varidos saw a horrible thing, even by his standards. A strange zombie-like man trudged by. He looked like he had been infected with some sort of a virus. As the man-thing limped by, Varidos could have sworn the zombie thing had seen him. It did, after all, look staright at the spot Varidos was standing. Intrigued, Varidos decided to follow the strange man, to see where it would go, and what it would do. Four long hours later, the zombie thing poked its head out from behind a tree, hissed, and leapt out. Careful not to miss any of the action, Varidos ran over to the tree the man had poked its head out from behind. To his horror, Varidos saw the zombie being mushed to a pulp. By a vampire. [i]WHAT?! Why the **** is there a demon up here?![/i] his thoughts screamed at him as he stumbled backwards. Varidos turned and fled.[/size]
  22. [size=1]It's okay people, I'm here. Nobody need worry anymore. Here's my signup: Name: Kyru Age: 16 Entity: Wicked Personality: Kyru is clever and sneaky. Not a good combination for other people. Kyru is somewhat of a trickster, playing with people's minds, until they are driven insane. Bio: Kyru was 4 when he had learned the entire alphabet. By 6 he was reading novels. He learned things quickly, and he found that others were too stupid for their own good. Kyru played mind games with his parents from the age of 8, and tricked them into paying for an 'Accelerated Learning' course for the 'Gifted Youngster'. This was, in reality, a jujihtsu training academy. Kyru learned the ways of the assasin by the age of 14, and then decided to use these skills together with his quick thinking, trickster's mind. Once he had completed the jujhitsu course, Kyru went home, only to find that another child had taken his place. When Kyru asked his parents about this, they merely said that the child was the opposite of him, the opposite of [b]wicked[/b]. This infuriated Kyru, and he vowed to kill those two he had thought of as parents (even if he'd used them more as robotic slaves), and face down the person that had taked his place as their son. Magic: Flare Description: [url=http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/art/r/e/reidy/delfadvr72.jpg.html]Here[/url] Weapon: Two [color=DarkOrange][url=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC1259swd.jpg]Ninja 3000s[/url]{Click 'Ninja 3000s'}[/color][/size]
  23. [size=1][i]Wow...these guys are pretty good. But they'll still need my help...[/i] Sylvanna thought. 'Zera, you attack the main fiend, the first one, from the left! Kayin, you attack it from the right! I'll leap behind it, and we all attack on three, got it?' she said to the boys. They nodded. 'Why aren't you attacking the other wolf? Won't it try to protect the main one?' Jim asked. 'The main fiend gives orders to the one it called for assistance. If we take this main one out first, the newcomer will be confused.' she stated, sounding like the knowitall she was. 'Ok, on three, we move into positions, then on the second three, we attack. Got it?' she asked Kayin and Zera. They nodded again. 'One, two...three!' she let out an earpiercing war cry as she leapt over the fiend again. Zera dodged around it as it took a swipe at him, and Kayin just managed to duck out of the way of flying saliva. 'Ok, in positions?' she called. 'Yep!' 'Check!' [i]Check? What's he on about? We're not marking off a list![/i] she thought as she counted to three out loud 'Ok, one! Two! THREE!!!' All three fighters moved in for the kill. Just as the fiend turned around to face down its opponents, Sylvanna started to whip her sabre through the air with fierce, defined movements. This distracted the fiend for a few seconds. Kayin and Zera took their chance to attack.[/size]
  24. [size=1]'YOU IDIOT!!!' Sylvanna screamed at Zera. 'If that wolf's slag so much as touches your exposed skin, you'll have a hole through your leg!!' Zera leapt back to the group. 'And what makes you think it'll get me?' he asked. 'Let's finish this later.' she said as the wolf charged at them again. 'It has somehow cast Beserk on itself, so it's strength has doubled. No wonder it broke through Jim's shields.' she stated matter-of-factly. She leapt over the wolf-fiend's head, landing on it's back. This enraged the beast even moreso than before. 'WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!' yelled Zera and Kayin simultaneously. 'Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. This'll serve as a distraction, and it can't reach me. You guys can attack it without worry!' Sylvanna called to them. OOC: Tag, you're it![/size]
  25. [size=1]OOC: This has been edited now, so things should be fine. If no onw else signs up with an Alignment of 'Chaotic', I'll change mine. Lygan could use a bad attitude... NAME: Logan Erbas GENDER: Male AGE: 21. 22 in five days (in the RPG, if I am lucky enough to get in). APPEREANCE: Logan is quite a tall, around 5'9", muscular young man. With his chiselled and masculine features, he looks a dream to the girls. Then they see his eyes and run off scared. Logan has icey-blue eyes, almost white in fact, and reddish hair (his hair is black from the roots, then changes to a crimson red at the tips). He wears his long hair tied back, with many beads woven into his hair, each counting one different kind of fiend or monster that he'd killed in the last year. He has nearly 46, but that's only because he doesn't go looking for trouble (each bead represents a different kind of fiend). Logan wears a long crimson trenchcoat, and underneath wears a black singlet and trousers. He wears black boots that reach most of the way up his shins (under his trousers, that is). HOMELAND/TOWN: Queendom of Mertonia. Miraclion. BIOGRAPHY: Logan was born into a family of Fencers and Mages. His father's family were Fencers from Avalot, in the Aristocracy of Rosaria, and his mother's family were from a long line of priestesses from Miraclion, in the Queendom of Mertonia. Logan's mother is the 3rd priestess of the Queendom, one of the Queen's friends and helpers. Because of his mother's high rank, Logan was placed in the hands of one of the best Mages in Miraclion. The Mage was supposed to teach Logan in the ways of the White Mage, but his father's genes kicked in, and he rebelled (this is Logan I'm talking about). He wanted to learn a mix of Black and White magics, and only one path lead to what he wanted. Logan's father had also taught him how to wield the Fencing Sabre since he was 7, so he could defend himself, and hopefully take up the father's heritage. Seeing as Logan became a Red Mage, both parents were contented. A mix of magic and weapon wielding was a good combination, and Logan's mother and father knew that one day he would put his knowledge of the two arts to good use. Logan's magics became a little stronger than his weapon techniques over the years. Living in Miraclion, near the Euphony Tree had its effects. Having made his mother and father happy with the lifestyle and path he had chosen, Logan sought out jobs to do, missions to complete, and bounties to be recieved. Also, because of his mother's friendship with the Queen, Logan has known Gale since he was merely 5 years old. They often run into one another, and like to help each other out. Lately though, Logan hasn't seen much of Gale, so he needs to catch up with his old friend and get some juicy info on what's been happening. ALIGNMENT: Chaotic JOB: Red Mage ABILITIES: A1: Red Magic - chooses to cast one of the following: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Water, Poison, Doom, Cure, Life, Barrier (protect and shell combined), Sleep, Silence or Blind. A2: Magic Slot - Casts a random Red Magic spell with doublecast. S: Element Eater - absorbs Fire, Ice and Thunder damage. WEAPON: "Blood Sabre" - every once in a while the Blood Sabre will restore a small portion of Logan's health OOC: I have been told which spells my character can use by Sage, so don't think I cheated. Everything that needed fixing is fixed. Hope you like it. Notice how Logan's last name, Erbas, is just sabre spelt backwards? I feel so creative!![/size]
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