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[size=1]Well, I must say that my favourite battle system so far would have to be either the Kingdom Hearts one, or the FFX-2 one (I just got FFX-2, as it came out today. Go me!!). The FFX-2 battle system is, as whomever said (can't remember who, probably more than one person), great as you have to think fast and know which attacks and spells to use against which enemies. Now that I think about it, didn't KnightOfTheRose say that about FF7 and FF9? All of those systems are similar, but FFX-2 is faster (you don't have to wait so long for the attack/time bar thingy to go up) As someone said, the lack of playable characters is annoying... Which leads me on to Kingdom Hearts. Although you have more than three playable characters, all (aside from the main three) are only available on their own respective levels. Certain abilities could be best used in other places, but what's fun is fun. I think, skimming back over the other posts, that the Final Fantasy series has probably won over most RPG-gamers' hearts. By now it should have. 13 games made in the numerically ordered series, and several others outside of it? That's like 17-19 games! No wonder the battle systems are better than most others! Legend of Dragoon was great. The graphics couldn't have been worse though (they could, but as RPGs go...) Someone mentioned FFVIII's magic system? I'd like to say that it completely ruined my perspective of upcoming FF games, until I tested FFIX. I think Square thought that FFVIII's system was the wrong way to go. There's my rant. Ponder over it if you must. Inti[/size]
There are no Galka yet! Why are there no Galka? Someone please tell me that?! Name: Oxidda Grimclaw Gender: Male Race: Galka Occupation: Monk Nation: Bastok Biography: Oxidda's father was a Monk, his mother...well, no one was ever sure about her. His father said that he had met a strange, bulky, hooded figure in a bar one time and they got [b]really[/b] drunk. 9 months later, Oxidda turned up at his father's door, in a large ([b]very[/b] large) basket. Oxidda's father taught him the ways of the Monk, and for 23 years, he learned how to bulk up at will, manipulate the air so he didn't need to be right in front of someone to hit them, and other useful techniques that most Monks learned. 3 months before his 24th birthday, Oxidda ran into 4 Humes, a Tarutaru, a Mithra and an Elvaan, who were facing off a large beast. Oxidda was actually out to fight that beast by himself, and decided that if he was going to gain any experience in a party, now would be the best time. The 8 different peoples faced down the huge monster, and the Galka left them to their journey. Two months went by, and Oxidda still thought about that day he fought in a party. It was so exhilarating! He decided to seek out the group, and found them recently. They're still getting used to having a 7'4" Galka hulking around with them. Description: Oxidda is 7'4" tall, has a greenish skin colour and has Emerald coloured eyes. His hair is a silvery-white, as shown in the pictures below. [img]http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/citizen/chara/chara_big/imgs/4011.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.playonline.com/ff11us/citizen/chara/chara_big/imgs/4002.jpg[/img] ---------~~~~~~~~~~~~--------- That's all, right? This RPG looks so good.
[color=teal]Sylvanna stood alone on a tall pillar of Luca's main BlitzBall Stadium, serveying the chaos that stood below her. [i]When will people learn to read the movements of the fiends?[/i] she thought to herself. Sylvanna was a lone wolf. She chose to keep her distance from most people, as her knowledge of the fiends was often shocking, and earned her some strange looks. She had been following the patterns and movements of the fiends towards Luca for some time now, and although she had warned the officials about the danger of holding a BlitzBall Tournament at the current time, they had ignored her. She had explained the movements of the fiends to the officials, but again they had ignored her. They were so wrong to do so. Sylvanna looked down on the mayhem beneath her. There! Someone was being attacked! A large wolf-like fiend (extremely strong-looking too) had attacked a Black Mage. The poor kid had just done so well in electrocuting the fiends in the Blitz Sphere too... [i]Maybe I should go down and help...[/i] she thought. She made to leap off the pillar, but another movement caught her eye. A boy, who looked around 20, rushed to help the Mage. He pulled out a Katana and slashed at the wolf-like fiend. 'Wow, he's pretty good...' Sylvanna said to herself. In the end, she decided to jump down and make herself useful. She knew the way the wolf fiends moved, as they were more common around Kilika, her hometown, and she had studied them at a small child. The fiend snarled as it got up after being hit by the katana-boy. 'Just take the potion already!' he was urgently saying to the Mage. 'Alright then' the Mage took the potion and got up. Sylvanna was about 50m away from the scene, and the fiend was about to attack. 'Look out you idiots!!' she screamed. The two whirled about to face the fiend, but it had already taken a swipe at them. Spit flew everywhere as the fiend lunged. 'Be careful of it's saliva, it has a disolving poison secretted somewhere along it's tongue. If it's spit touches you consider a limb gone,' Sylvanna said as she drew her sabre, coming up alongside the boys. 'Deadly slag, got it,' said the Mage, 'Anything else you could help us with?' 'Apart from that, you just have to follow it's movements. If it swipes, it'll wait until you attack before it goes for you again. It normally bites randomly, so be on your guard.' [i]Damn it![/i] she thought. She was being a knowitall again. The beast snapped at Sylvanna, and she dodged swiftly to the side, lashing out with her sabre at the same time. The fiend turned around and made to run, but then leapt over behind the three. The katana-boy took a slice from the fiend's side, and blood oozed from the open gash. The Mage swung his staff over his head and onto the creature's own. It was down. 'Thanks for the info, uhh...sorry, what's your name?' the Mage asked. 'It's Sylvanna, and don't worry about it. Your names are?' she replied.[/color]
[size=1][color=gray]*BANG!* Varidos sat bolt upright. He was in his bed, in Scyllaria. Home. The darkness of the place was overwhelming to most wizards, but seeing as Varidos' personality was darker than the shadows themselves, he was fine. He loved it. But something had happened just before. The loud 'bang' was unnerving, especially since it had not come from this region. Nor even the Overworld. It had come from below. The Underworld was stirring. [i]Why the hell am I worried about this? Nothing from down there is going to come up here and get me...[/i] he thought. He was filled with a sinking feeling. "What if someone is...looking for me?" He jumped as a slight breeze shifted the curtains. "I'll just be leaving then..." he said aloud. He hopped out of bed, got his things and raced out the door. [i]No one's going to go finding [b]me[/b]...[/i] he thought. He next spoke in the incantations of the dark wizard. "Dryyth-nahs, htyyrd-shan" The spells of thought reading and mind wiping had been laid. "Ohrtak y'l zrandue, m'qwraht" Varidos vanished from sight.[/color][/size]
[size=1]OOC: So sorry I'm so late everyone! I've had work and swimming practise (Swimming Carnival coming up next week). I guess I'll just get on with it then. Oh, and Wasabi, it's great that you chose to find Varidos (my character) because otherwise, I wouldn't know where to start... [color=gray][b]IC:[/b] "WHAT?!" "I said you shouldn't be so hasty to rush into battle like that. You could be killed," said Varidos calmly. "Look kid, I don't have time for this. Are you going to fight me or are you just going to stand there and evade me like the chicken you are?" the man made clucking sounds like a chicken and flapped his arms around in the air. [i]Fuckwit...[/i] thought Varidos as he waved his hand slightly, sending a full force blast towards the crazy-looking opponent. The poor guy was dead before he hit the tree 100m down the road. "See? I told you so." Varidos smirked and made his way down the path towards Scyllaria. The scenery was beautiful, in most peoples' minds. But to Varidos, walking down a tranquil road surrounded by greens, yellows, bright reds and the many other colours of the elven forests, was like hell. Well, hell for an angel. In this case it was like God's heaven to an imp or a demon. The forest seemed to reach out to grab Varidos and pull him to its heart so it could turn him into one of the mindless twats that inhabitted it. No fat chance. Varidos looked ahead to see how far he would have to walk until the forest died off into the Dead Plains before reaching the rocky valley that [b]is[/b] Scyllaria. Not an elf in sight to stop him from a clear path and an hour's walk. He breathed a sigh of relief. If he was seen by one more elf, just [i]one[/i] more elf, he'd snap. The bloody things seemed to have an odd brain function that kept their mouths flapping open and closed like the wind was blowing through them. Even if there was [b]nothing[/b] to say. The last time he bumped into an elf, it said it was graciously sorry, and asked if Varidos would like to come over for an evening's supper in return for his forgivness and friendship. Varidos said to piss off and that just being within ten feet of an elf killed off brain cells at a rate of 15 a minute, and lowered his IQ dramatically within the hour. Naturally, the elf had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, and Varidos had to endure 3 and 1/2 hours of senseless chatter. As he walked down the road, Varidos tensed. Something was watching him. "Look, if you just come out and say it, I won't have to kill you," he muttered. Loe and behold, an elf leapt out of the trees. "Whatcha doin' thar on the path to the Dark Quar'er?" it asked, "On'y bad peeple go down tha' way." Varidos couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman, so he supposed it was a mix of the two. "Hmm...what would you say the odds are that I [b]am[/b] one of those 'bad people' you speak of?" he asked. "Awr..I dunno 'bout tha'! Yer lookin' like ye're a goodin'," it managed to spit out. It was amazing how badly the forest had affected the hippie elves in this region. "Well, let me give you a clue then. I'm a wizard with a dark staff. I just killed a man down the road back there," he said pointing to the tree back where the man had died earlier, "What would you say now?" "Ay'd say tha' man was a baddie if'n ye're havin' ter kill it." "Well then. I'd say you're wrong there." "Oh, I'm so sorry thar sir. Wood ye like ter com ter my place fer a supp'r for me f'rgivn-ness?" "Ok, I don't think you're catching my drift. I mean for you to fuck off so I can get on my way to the other evil demon worshipping friends of mine in Scyllaria," Varidos was about to snap. "Ye're mixin' with bad peeple thar young'n." the elf-thing said. [i]Just fuck off will you?[/i] Varidos thought and took up his staff to hit the hippie elf across the face. It was a successful hit, and Varidos had added an extra boost with the force blast he had used before. The elf's head went flying. Varidos ran down the road to see if he could catch up to it before it hit the ground.[/color] OOC: Please note that all of the elves in the Scyllarian region are strange hippie-like people that talk like Hagrid (from Harry Potter).[/size]
OOC: It's about time Anya showed herself... [color=gray]Anya had stayed there against the sails all night and all day, never removing her hiding enchantment. The dragon never made any obvious sign that it had noticed her, so she didn't worry. She had heard the screams from below deck, where Serenity, Aris and the dragon had fought and such. Anya had also heard when Aris had split in two, and felt the two opposite energies flowing through the air. She decided to hop down and investigate. She leapt off the sails, landing silently on deck. She briskly walked down to the end of the ship where the energies were coming from. As Anya reached the door, another form of energy knocked her back. It was of elvenkind. An Elf Warrior... The girl Taka... [i]What supreme power...yet it means to harm...[/i] Anya thought to herself, [i]the one Aris...his halves must surely solve their desputes with one another, or they do not hope to defeat her.[/i] Anya picked herself up and muttered a few Elvish words of healing enchantment. She was energised. Drawing her rapier, Anya turned the doorknob and entered the room. "You.....Disgust me! A battle with you...You dishonoured me! Your wench disgraced Kanda...I have no intention of holding back." Taka spat, bringing her sword up, preparing to strike. "Lady Taka, stop this insanity immediately!" called Anya. All heads turned towards the figure in the doorway. "Who in the God's names are you?" questioned Serenity. "Shut it, wench! I'm asking questions here!" snapped Taka. Anya rolled her eyes. Cat-fight... "Look, let's just say...I'm a passerby," she answered. "I don't care who you are! You shall not stop me from purging my kind of sickenning halfbreeds!" screamed Taka, readying her sword once more, her hair was waving around in the air about her head. [i]What energy...she truly is a Warrior Elf...[/i] Anya thought. All in the room seemed to shut Anya out of their minds completely as Taka screamed in warrior fury.[/color]
I personally can't wait for FFX-2 to hit Aussie shores. I won't even get to look at the blurb of the back cover until bloody March. I know it's only a month away, but it's too long to wait. As for the FFVIII battle system? It was retarded (or is it retarted? Who cares. I know what I mean). The storyline was good though. I just hated having to save up one kind of magic and then junctioning it. Then you can barely use the magic without a decrease in your stats! I mean, come on! The FFX battle system was good, as it was the traditional style (I think it was). No-one bashes FFX, but Alastor has a point about the "hit, wait for a minute, get hit then repeat the process" thing. It gets boring in long battles. Or short ones where the enemy has like a billion health and you do like 10 damage per turn. Not to mention the fact that usually these enemies are 50 thousand times faster than your characters (if you haven't figured it out yet, I'm pissed about not being able to defeat all the dark aeons). I think that if FF7: Advent Children is a success, SquareEnix should (and probably [b]will[/b]) make more FF movies based on the unclear endings of one or two of the games. I'm unsure as yet to which ones, but I'll figure it out soon enough. Alastor's view on the future FF games is basically the same as mine. Take out all the lovey-dovey stuff. But then, in the end, my mind contradicts itself in saying "That's basically the basis for a lot of those kinds of games these days" Since this is the case, they should just tone it down a little instead of delving deeper into the secrets of the "undying" Final Fantasy love.
OOC: Sorry guys for such a late entry in both the Sign-ups [b]and[/b] the actual RPG. Work's clogging up my time. *They aren't even paying me right...bastards...* ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ [color=gray]IC: Anya quickly pulled herself up one of the ropes dangling off the side of the ship. When would people learn? If she was an assassin, it'd be all too easy to take out the captain without anyone catching sight of her. The elven woman slipped over the top of the rails and onto the deck. [i]Why the hell are you doing this woman?![/i] screamed her conscience. [i]I don't know and I don't give a rat's ass...[/i] her instincts replied. Something told her there was someone special on this ship that had something to do with her. She had no idea, but it was too late to turn back now. [i]You've heard the rumours about the dragon on the ship, haven't you? What could be more important than our safety? Just turn around.[/i] [i]Piss off. Right now, we don't need [b]you[/b] around. As for something being more important about our safety? She's obviously going to try and find out what it might be...[/i] the instincts snapped. Anja leapt up onto the main mast, to get a better look around. [i]Not a good i-dee-ah...[/i] counselled her conscience. Why wouldn't it just shut up? Anja heeded the warning, and faded into the night, invisible to most eyes. She was basically just a part of thin air now. 'Where are you?' she whispered. Perhaps a little too loudly, for at that moment, a huge black dragon flew past, looking directly at her. Had it seen through her spell? If so, why hadn't it done anything? Was it there for the same reason she was?[/color]
I'm not some kind of a sulk, so please don't think I've gone and hidden in a corner far away just because one idea was rejected. I knew what the possibilities were when I started the thread, because otherwise, I wouldn't have posted it. I won't delete the thread, since Lady Asphyxia asked me not to, but if a Mod/Admin could close it for me? It'll still be on the boards for future reference, and if another thread like this pops up somewhere in the future, can't you just re-open this one and merge the two? If you can't, you could always just close the thread and use it for future reference. I'm personally done with the topic (not saying I was stupid to bring it up).
[size=1]OOC: I PMed Legacy two days ago, and he said it's okay that I'm in. [color=gray]Name: Anya Evraantiel Age: 26 Race: Elves Eyes: Blue Hair: Light brown, for the rest, see her appearance Armor: Anja has a leather corsette and armlets, but that's it. Weapons: A [url=http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/transfer/pictures/PORTRAIT_Ashlander27Raynalg.jpg]Sabre[/url] and a long leather whip. Powers: She knows how to make trees come to life (turns them into Treants, same as Ents, really), naturally is more agile and swift than others and blends in with nature (cannot be seen at night, unless she wants to be seen) Personality: Anja is a lone wolf when it comes to elves. She will snap at anyone near her, and is often cynical. Most of the time, the way she sees things turns out to be right, in the end. Biography: Being a lone wolf, Anja mainly never made any friends, despite anothers' attempts to break through the impenetrable shield to her heart (I know it's corny -.-*). Anja normally walked the woods at night, preferring the comfort in that no one could see her, to the partying magical life of the elves. No one knows much else about her, as she kept her activities to the night. Appearance: [url=http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/transfer/pictures/PORTRAIT_Ashlander27Raynalg.jpg]Click Here[/url] Kinship to the chosen one: Was walking by one day, and overheard something about a chosen one, Lysaii and her friends were talking about it. She investigated and, long story short, eventually found where he was. She doesn't know why she's protecting him, so neither does anyone else. [/color] OOC: Sorry about the pathetically ended Bio, but everything will unravel in the RPG. You have a basic idea of her.[/size]
I'll join for the sake of it. And since there are 4 guys and 3 girls, I'll play a girl. No offense to females, but it's easier to match them with the animals I'll be using. Codename: Kitt Age: 22 Gender: Female Height: 5'4" Weight: 121 lbs Animal DNA Donors: Domestic Cat, Cougar Special Abilities: Can see at night just as well as she sees at daytime. Has retractable claws, hightened sense of smell and hearing. Has pointed ears (there's no appearance section, so I thought I might add that in). Personality: Kitt is a lot like a cat in many ways, apart from the obvious physical ones. She makes people work for her attention, and even then she mostly ignores what people tel her. She has her own mind and sticks to what she wants to do. The only one who can really control her (give her orders) is Dr. Shick. Faction (Evans or the Organization): Organisation Is that it? PM me if I need to add anything.
OOC: Although most FF RPGs only last a short time, I'll join this. It sounds interesting, and I'm [b]really[/b] bored. Just letting you know that my Name Bank has run dry, so my character name will probably be dull. Also, I'd like to know if you guys intend on posting often or not. Please PM me about this. [color=teal]Name: Sylvanna Age: 24 Gender: Female Height: 5'6" Weight: 156 lbs Description (can be picture): [url=http://nwvault.ign.com/Files/transfer/pictures/PORTRAIT_Ashlander27Raynalg.jpg]Click here![/url] Biography: Sylvanna was born and raised in Kilika, and was but a child when Rikku, Yuna and Paine set off on their journey. Sylvanna had an average life, learning the same way everyone did, doing the same things everyone did. She was a part of the crowd. Since the earthquakes in Zanarkand started, thing had started getting different. She noticed the increase of fiends around Kilika before anyone else did, and her warnings were dismissed merely as an overactive imagination. She hounded her father until he listened to her, and in the end he taught her to fight, to defend herself. She then decided to set out to find the source of the increase of fiends, just to prove to her village that she was right. Weapon: [url=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC811SNT.jpg]Swift Sabre[/url] Over Drive (Limit 1): Sabre Fang - leaps over enemy to land behind them and backstab them, sapping their health.[/color] I hope that's all I need, if I have to add anything, just PM me.
[size=1][color=orange]"I am Blake v3.0. I am one of the most skilled assassins in the Chaotic Realm." Blake replied to Logan's question. Ariyel snorted. "What's that, Miss Piggy? Oh, yes, and in reply to your earlier question, the Blakes were created over 52 years ago. The Pyrl prototypes have just finished their tests and training recently." "Oh, of course, how stupid of me. Who doesn't know that?" Ariyel retorted sarcastically. "Look, girlie, [b]I[/b] trained the Pyrls for a while, so they know [b]my[/b] moves. I don't know all of theirs, because a certain Demon Lord trained them after I had taken them on for three years." "What was the Lord's name?" asked Ariyel, looking up all of a sudden. "Who do you think Miss Ariyel, daughter of Gavriel?" he teased. Ariyel was pissed now. "YOU TAKE THAT BACK YOU FUCKED UP RUNT!" she shrieked, then quitened, turning her back on the group and adding sting to her words. "I have am no daughter of [b]his[/b]..." "Oh, but I think you are. I know more about you than [b]you[/b] do," he lied, "You should come home Ariyel, your daddy misses you." Blake cackled and faded from sight. Ariyel screamed to the night sky.[/color] OOC: Sorry for the short post guys (is it short?) I don't have much time on my hands right now.[/size]
[size=1]OOC: *jawdrop* You get a moogle to help you? Oh well, I'll think of something to twist the favour into my hands. Also, can someone PM Kitty and jro13? Kitty is supposed to be jro's other guardian, but she hasn't shown up. I'm a little strapped for time these days. School's back. Yr 10 *sweatdrop*. I'm going to post from when Gerret stabbed himself. Rhox and Ace have to somehow get away... [color=green]Rhox saw Gerret pull out his knife and readied to parry or strike or whatever he would have to do. Gerret brought his knife upwards... And stabbed himself in the stomach? "Uh...what the hell did you do that for? I don't think killing yourself is going to win any fights..." Rhox said, a little confused. [i]YOU STUPID CHILD! TENSE YOUR MUSCLES AND DON'T RELAX UNTIL I TELL YOU TO! THAT IS THE JUDGEMENT HAND![/i] screamed Kilgorin through Rhox's mind. Ace also heard everything. Except the "you stupid child" part. "Shit!" Rhox yelled as he felt the pain sear through his body from his belly, as though Gerret had instead stabbed him. Rhox tensed his muscles, but the pain was intense. Overwhelmingly intense. At that moment, everything seemed to slow down. Time froze, everything was still. A hooded figure dressed in a long black robe rose out of the ground. He seemed to create his own misty shroud to prevent others from seeing who he was. "So...what an interesting developement. The summoner Kari and her guardians have run into another summoner. An Angel. This Tonberry boy is going to get in the way of things...as for now though, Ace, Kilgorin and Rhox must get out of here somehow..." the shade spoke to himself. The shade vanished and Gerret unfroze, everything was still in a current state of...lack of time (?). He didn't realise the gap from where the shade had come, but then, no one did. The second that Gerret's time-stop lasted was over, and the souls of the departed shot into the bodies of the living. Everyone felt Gerret's pain, except for Ace, who had vanished. No one realised that, either. Gerret pulled the knife out of his stomach, his eyes filled with sorrow. Rhox barely managed to get up, and decided to kneel instead and save enough energy to Drain Gerret. "A human finds an oppertunity and takes it. An angel always has an oppertunity," was all Gerret said. Gerret turned around to drag the limp, unconscious bodies of Makiyu and Duke towards those of Kari and Sare. With Gerret's back turned on him, Rhox vanished.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]"Nice work there! Just keep holding on to it for a while! I'll finish up here and be right over!" called Blake sarcastically. "C'mon! Take it out already! Stab it somewhere along it's spine! Then it can't use it's wings!" [i]Idiots! How old are they? Didn't they go to a schooling academy of some sort? Everyone should know that once the spinal cord is permanently damaged, the thing's as good as dead.[/i] he thought to himself. The Pyrl he was still in the deadlock with screached and conjured a fireball. Blake slipped under its legs, breaking free of the lock and sending the Pyrl's sword into the ground. The Pyrl tried furiously to wrench the sword out, but it was stuck. It whirled on him and homed in, conjuring another fireball and adding it to the first one, doubling its size. Blake flipped up into the air, stretching out his wings to their full span of 2 1/2 meters. He dive bombed the Pyrl (the one with the fireball) and stabbed it in the back, twice, then a third time with his daggers. It fell to the ground, slumped in a small heap. "See? I told you that was all you needed to do!" The Pyrl's corpse somehow caught alight, sending huge black flames into the air. "What the fuck?" The flames took the form of the dead Pyrl and stretched out a clawed hand, grabbing Blake around the throat. "Little....runt................you...die...NOW!" it managed to speak out of nothingness. "Shit!!!" Blake managed to choke out.[/color] OOC: My character is dying! Woe is me! Someone PLEASE help the poor kitty!!! (lol, just ignore that...)[/size]
[size=1][color=green][i]Go, boy! Get onto the battlefield! Hit that summoner, full blast![/i] Kilgorin whispered. "You got it." Rhox strode past the few people in his way, dodging and whirling until he reached Gerret. He drew Kilgorin, which glowed a sickly green. Rhox lifted the sword above his head and made to bring it down... Makiyu stepped in the way, drawing his own weapon. The clash was immense, sending a small shockwave out in the air. The little moogle that was casting spells on Yoko got knocked out. "Out of my way you! Shouldn't you be guarding YOUR charge?" "I was in the neighborhood." Makiyu replied simply. "Aarrraagh!" yelled Rhox, stretching out a hand to his right, then conjuring a fireball and hurling it at Makiyu in one swift movement. Makiyu stumbled back into Gerret. "Watch your footing there, guardian! Wouldn't want to fall over!" called Rhox. In the next moment, Makiyu was up again and he was mad. He stood still for a split second then charged, yelling as he ran. His long sword was enveloped in red electricity. [i]Strike when when I tell you, boy. Don't block, just strike.[/i] Kilgorin advised. "But--" [i]Just, do it.[/i] Makiyu ran closer. All the while, Yoko and the Giant Tonberry were battling it out. It was fairly even, but Yoko had the advantage of flight on it's side. Kari, Sare and Duke ran over to see what was happening with Makiyu, and saw Gerret on the ground, getting up. They ran over to help him. [i]NOW!!!![/i] Kilgorin's voice rang out through the air, everyone in the town heard it. This stirred up a bit of a panic, and Makiyu and the others paused for a second and looked around. Makiyu snapped out of the slight trance and made to attack, but Rhox was already bringing down his sword. Makiyu was struck hard and fast, and fell to the ground, dropping his sword in the process. "Don't get so distracted and you won't have to suffer a loss next time, bucko." Rhox said, turning his back. Then he stopped and remembered what he was doing here in the first place. "I thought of becoming a summoner once, but then realised how [b]drain[/b]ing it could get." He said as he turned towards Gerret. He flung out his left arm and made clenched his fist. It glowed the same sickly green as Kilgorin had a little while ago. Gerret fell to the ground and began to shiver, as a large green orb of energy shot out of his chest. Rhox's clenched fist absorbed it, and he felt better than ever. He even felt more in charge than he did before, but little did anyone know, Kilgorin sapped some of the energy Rhox had drained from Gerret. "Ace! Let's just go get that fayth and get out of here! This place is boring!" Rhox called. "Not so fast there freak! You aren't going anywhere until you deal with us!" yelled Kari, "No one hits [b]my[/b] guardian and gets away with it!" "Bring it on, wench..."[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Blake saw Logan raise the gun to fire at him. Blake was about to dive out of Logan's range, but Logan lowered his gun and surveyed the chaos around them. "I told you to be prepared, didn't I?" taunted Blake. "Shut up or I'll ram your wings down your throat." snapped Logan. "Oooh, someone's angry. In the mood for shoving things down people's throats aren't we?" "I said shut up!" Just then a fireball whizzed between the glowering two, making them both jump back in alarm. Blake dived into combat mode, flicking out the Leviathan and the Kraken. He was so swift and agile that you'd have a hard time trying to keep track of him. He dodged all of the fireballs the Pyrl through at him, so she decided to take a different approach. Blake was ready for it. The Pyrl drew her sword and took a swipe at Blake, and he caught the blade in his daggers that were crossed in an X shape above his head. It was a deadlock. "You lot had better take care of the other Pyrl until this deadlock is over! The one that fires electricity is an upgraded prototype version of this one! Get her while I'm holding this one back!" Blake screamed at the others. They all leapt into action, but unfortunately, the other Pyrl did too.[/color][/size]
[size=1]I'll join in. [b]Name:[/b] Varidos [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Wizard [b]Location:[/b] Scyllaria - Home to dark Mages. They aid Demons when they can, and worship a dark God. [b]Side:[/b] Bad [b]Weapons:[/b] Staff (looks a lot like the white one Gandalf has in LOTR 2 and 3, except it's black.) [b]Powers:[/b] Varidos can sometimes catch small glimpses of the future, like premenitions (sp?). Force Blast - knocks back the enemy (or multiple enemies) with a long range energy blast. [b]Personality:[/b] Varidos is a cynical bad guy. He gets pissed off at everyone just because he feels like it. He normally has no other reason. He does, however, act graciously toward those who have the power to kill him in a quick, one sided fight. [b]Bio:[/b] Varidos was born into a magical family. His mother was a gypsy, his father a High Mage. Ever since he was little, Varidos has been able to catch glimpses of the future, which he used to his advantage in life, like for example, to stop himself from tripping up and making a complete and utter fool of himself in front of everyone (that's what life was like when he was a kid). He was enroled into a Wizard school, and graduated (by age 16 1/2) with one of the highest scores of the academy. He then moved out and moved to the town of Scyllaria, where he learned the dark ways of the Demons and Dark Mages. News spread fast about the High Elders calling for a meeting about something very important. Varidos plans to sneak in and find out what it's all about. [b]Appearance:[/b] About 5'6", he has a sickly grey skin color and shoulder-length black hair, tied back in a short ponytail. He wears a dark boltgun metal-colored cape with a hood, under which he wears brown leather shoes, a white shirt, a brown leather vest, and brown trousers. The cape is held us around his neck by a brooch shaped like a cat's eye. Is that all you need?[/size]
[size=1]OOC: Sorry I haven't posted in a while guys *sweatdrop*! I thought jro13 might think about actually doing something in this, but so far no. I'll have to think of something for his character to do if he doesn't post in the next two days. [color=green]"Where is it we're going anyway?" asked Rhox. [i]You [b]don't[/b] know? We're off to Guardania. There should be a Moogle festival about tomorrow. While they're all getting ready for that, we can quickly get the fayth and leave unnoticed.[/i] Kilgorin replied. [i]Unless a specific [b]someone[/b] has to go blowing everything up.[/i] Rhox turned to look at Ace. Ace shot a pissed off look at Rhox and Kilgorin. "Well, anyway, can we land soon? I'm getting tired and hungry." Rhox said, turning back to look into the sun. "Just because we're the bad guys, doesn't mean we don't need to stop for rest." [i]Being a sword, I no longer have the luxury of getting hungry. But I do get tired. Of your [b]complaining[/b].[/i] "Wha--?" [i]Don't start. Please. I can't stand it.[/i] "Will you two [b]both[/b] shut the hell up? I'm trying to concentrate here!" Ace snapped. Yoki started to land. [i]Speaking telepathically, eh? You do realise it wastes your energy. Especially since you're blocking us out.[/i] Kilgorin stated matter-of-factly. "Well it works, doesn't it? Keep yourself out of my business!" "In case you didn't realise, he [b]became[/b] your business the minute he started talking. He'll get what he wants, and if he wants to be nosey, he'll be nosey." Rhox said. Yoki touched down on the outskirts of Guardania. An odd man in a moogle costume came running up to them. [i]Ace, let Yoki leave now. You are too physically drained to have it around here much longer anyway. And we don't want to be sent away from this place without collecting the next Fayth.[/i] Kilgorin directed this at Ace only. "Hello there!" said the moogle-man as Yoki lifted off and vanished. "Quite a beast you have there kid. You a summoner? Yes? Well that's great! You're just in time to book in at the Moogle Inn for the weekend celebrations! While you're here collecting your next fayth, stay and enjoy yourselves!" he handed them a little map, directing them to the Moogle Inn, and ran off. The two boys just stood there and looked at each other. "This place is weird. The sooner you get that fayth, the sooner we can be out of here." said Rhox.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]-- "Pyrl v1.0 and v1.5 are ready, sir. Shall I direct give them their targets in the Earth Realm?" asked one of the demon scientists. "Yes. We need to clear a path for Blake v3.0. Where are the strongest grouped signals coming from?" Demons usually worked alone, so where there were more than two demons in one spot, they gave strong signals on the radar at the tech labs. "One moment, sir, I'll have to check." There was static as the scientist punched in an access code and logged on to the NET (Neutral Energy Tracker). About 9 areas popped up on screen. "The gathering that is closest to the portal entrance is about where Blake was a few mintues ago, sir. There are two weak demon signals, one priest, and there seems to be a blank spot here," he said, pointing to a spot not far away from where Ariyel, Logan and Ryan were. "The blank point is where a demon is cloaking him/herself. Wait one moment please..." The scientist jabbed at the keyboard, and the screen focused on the hospital. "Blake is at the nearby hospital, sir. Should I still send the Pyrls, or should we leave this group to him?" "You said there was a priest, right?" the Serg asked, the scientist nodded, "I don't want to take chances. Send in the Pyrls." -- Blake finished up in the blood room, and sat down for a minute. [i]What a feast...[/i] he thought. He waited for a few minutes, then stood up and made to vanish, but stopped. There was a disturbance somewhere. Someone had just come into the Earth Realm from the Chaotic Realm. [i]Hold on a sec...I know those presences...that shit-brained human-blooded faggot! He's sent in the Pyrls to do my job![/i] Blake was enraged that the Serg would send someone to do his work for him. He faded and entered the alleyway where the traitors and the priest were. [i]I'll save you lot from those prototype bitches, then I'll get you myself. Will you trust me or see through my plans?[/i] he thought as he walked down the alley. "Well, hello again." he said, as friendly as he could manage (not very friendly). "Have I got news for you. So [b]shut the fuck up and don't interrupt[/b]." He told them about the Pyrl prototypes and how they were on their way. The group's only response was a strange look, then they all drew their weapons. "Fuckwits. Don't you know help when it's served to you on a silver platter?" he said, and leapt onto the top of one of the appartment buildings to the side of the alley, sprouting his wings for an extra advantage in the upcoming fight. OOC: Just for when the Pyrls arrive, immagine two black Harpies (bird people). One (v1.0) hurls fireballs, the other (v1.5) throws lightning bolts.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]As Blake stumbled into the darkness, he wondered why that demon had shielded itself from him. Blake now knew it's name, Iscariot, but that didn't clear matters up. Blake appeared in a dark room of the city hospital. He could smell blood everywhere. He licked his lips. It turned out that he had faded himself into the area of the hospital where they kept the donated blood that was about to be used. [i]Excellent. That fuckwit cut my arm with that holy shit, but it'll be healed faster than I expected. More blood, faster healing. He should have known I'd just find more blood,[/i] thought Blake, [i]If I were him, I'd have squirted me with that holy water he had. Oh well, alls well that ends well.[/i] He turned around and opened a fridge with his left arm. The bastard priest had cut his good arm, and it would be a while before it healed, even with the extra blood and all. He'd have to cloak himself from the others, so as they didn't get him when he was weak. He reached in and grabbed a packet of blood. He ripped a hole in it with his fangs and drank deeply.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Since Blake hadn't had real human blood in about 10 years, he was beginning to grow weaker by the hour. Meaning he couldn't fade (teleport, vanish) as far away as he needed to. He sensed the blessed weapons, but only slightly, so all he felt was a small itch at the back of his brain, not quite knowing what it was. He dismissed the itch quickly, not brooding on it, instead focusing on the nearest humans, and how much blood he would need to sustain himself for a few years. Probably only 7 litres or so. He groaned a little, "Ugghh....so, so thirsty...." he managed to say into the night air, as if calling to his prey. Unfortunately for him, his call was heard by more than just his prey, but the one with blessed weapons too. Blake didn't notice though. [i]Time for dinner...[/i] he thought, and leapt, cat-like, off the walls of the alleyway he was in, bounding from side to side, until he was atop one of the apartment buildings. Below him, a few teens were taking a quick smoke after a family dinner out, just while their parents were having coffee and chatting. The teens were whispering something, but it didn't matter. Blake would get a drink and a smoke from this lot. "...yeah, did you hear about whathisface? Y'know, how he got expelled for tripping a teacher?" said one of the girls. "Oh yeah! Him! Wow, I wish I'd thought of that." one guy replied. [i]Idiots...I guess I'll take them. They're to talkative. I'm getting a migraine.[/i] Blake thought, extending his claws to full length then retracting them, warming them up for the kill. One of the girls fluttered her eyes, "I want him sooo bad. He's so hot!" "Hotter than me?" a guy flexed his biceps. "Yes, and he's modest too." she retorted. There was a collective intake of breath. That's when Blake chose to strike. He faded behind the first guy, snapping his neck. Then, before the rest of the group saw him, he faded behind the first girl, slicing into her jugular with deadly efficiency. By now, the group of teens had seen the guy with the twisted neck lying dead on the ground, they ran screaming. [i]Excellent. Meal time then....[/i] thought Blake as he bit deep into the dead girl's neck, drinking quickly. It wouldn't be long before one of the kids called the police, who would bring in the FBI. Then they'd find demon blood samples and there would be chaos. Chaos for the demons, that is. Once he had finished with the girl, he jabbed a small capsule into her neck, which would send a virus which would cover for the bitemarks on her neck. All would assume it was a spider bite or something similar. As he dug into the guy, he began to feel a presence. A holy one. Little did he know, the being with the blessed weapon had picked up his scent, and also the scents of the two, Logan and Ariyel. Now that his power was flowing back through him at full strength, Blake could tell that the presence had come his way, then gone back to find the others. [i]What's going on?[/i] thought Blake as he finished his meal.[/color] OOC: Not too confusing? I think I lost myself somewhere after "human blood" (first line)...[/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Blake appeared in another alleyway, but was hidden from sight behind a few trash cans. He could hear voices, so decided to listen in. "...wouldn't I have my weapon out?" said one figure, it sounded like a girl. "Good point." the other answered, this was undoubtedly a guy. Blake risked a quick glance over the top of the trash cans, and saw the guy lowering what looked like a gun. "So you took out the demon, eh?" the guy said. There was a pause. "Must've been pretty small." "Watch it, pal. I can hold my own." she sounded serious. "Whatever. Who are you anyways?" [i]Hmm...it sounds like I've got myself the mysterious she-demon crossbreed I've been looking for. And this other one...who is he?[/i] Blake thought. "The name's Logan." the guy said. [i]Well, Mr Logan. And what's her name?[/i] "Ariyel." she said as she reached across and shook Logan's hand. [i]So, Miss Ariyel and Mr Logan. No doubt these two'll be trouble, especially if they find out it's me who sent the assassins...[/i] Blake moved slightly, unsettled at the thought that the two might possibly find him out, and what they'd do to him. The slight movement was enough to bump a dog, which leapt up out of it's makeshift bedding and began barking at the intruder. Logan and Ariyel spun to face the sound, and saw Blake give them the finger before vanishing into the shadows again. "Traitors..." was left hanging in the air before the tiny shadow portal closed.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]Blake leapt to the side, bouncing back off the wall of the alleyway. "Come on, wench! Show me what you're made of!" he snapped. The demon-girl was young and naive. She had no idea what she was up against. "Why are you attacking me!? What have I done that is so wrong?" she cried as Blake stabbed at her with his dagger, the Kraken. "Listen up, bitch. I've been sent here to bring back the corpse of a demon-traitor. She matches your description, and she's been killing off the Sergeant's men. Apparently, it's my fault for sending them to this desolate place you call Earth. Now why are you here?" "I'm not tel----" Blake cut her off by drawing out another dagger, the Leviathan. He twirled both blades, and asked the she-demon to spill, but she just shook her head. Bad move. "Say goodbye, wench!" he yelled as he spun around three times with his arms out, decapitating her with ease. Just then, Blake sensed one of the demons he'd sent here going back through to the Chaotic Realm. He'd killed the wrong girl. The one who had wiped out the assassins was still out there, and she'd just sent a warning through to the Sergeant. He had to kill her before she killed any of the Serg's other men. Blake slid his daggers into their small sheaths on his belt and vanished into the shadows.[/color][/size]
[size=1][color=orange]"BLAKE!!! Get your ass down here NOW!" the voice rang out through the building. Blake v3.0 vanished into the shadows and appeared behind the demon that had called for him. "Yes, sir?" "What the hell happened to the demons and vampires you sent into the Earth Realm?" "It would appear that they're dead, sir. Maybe I should send others?" "HELL NO! No way are YOU gonna go wastin' my men out there! You get your scrawny ass into the Earth Realm NOW! I don't wanna see you back here unless you bring back the corpse of a demon who was siding with those human bastards!" the Sergeant's veins looked like they were about to explode out the side of his temples. "Of course, sir. I'll get going as soon as---" "YOU GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE NOW!!!" the Sergeant cut in. "Yes, sir. Straight away, sir." The small cat-demon faded into the shadows and left the Sergeant to brood over the deaths of 5 of his best assassins. "That'll teach you not to call me worthless. Stupid fat bastard." whispurred Blake. The door to the Earth Realm was down the road, sitting in full view of everyone. Only a few had access, and Blake would have to go through. Time for a hunt.[/color][/size]