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Everything posted by inti

  1. [color=orange][size=1]Okay, so I didn't need much convincing. And the OB family thing seems to work fine as it is. I'm going to delete this thread, because the only real comments on the topic have been like "we don't really need it" and stuff like that (I just want to delete it so I can forget about ever bringing it up, ok?).[/size][/color]
  2. [size=1][color=orange]Radaghast, you have an extremely good point. I also have quite a good understanding of the system. As I see it, if Newbies or Junior Members were allowed to do the Adopting they're more likely to abuse the system than fully fledged(sp?) Members. The choice, of course, is that of the Site Admins as to how it would work. [b]If[/b] the idea is used. Annonymous Source also has a good point. The Adopt-a-Newbie Mods would check the post records of Adopters, to see if they'd make good "parents". This would probably be tough work for one or two Mods, but what if there were, say, four? Again, the choice is, in the end, that of the Site Admins.[/color][/size]
  3. [color=orange][size=1]Okay, so there would be spam. Not if the forum were JUST for the first adoption part. There would be rules, right? And with a good Mod, there shouldn't be a problem. I thought that might come up. Anyone else?[/size][/color]
  4. [color=orange][size=1]Adopt-a-Newbie. Has anyone ever thought of this? Probably, seeing as I live in the Adventure Arena, and rarely travel outside even the Battle Arena. But it hasn't happened yet, so I'm going to try to make it happen. If someone doesn't change my mind about it. Only a few sites have the Adopt-a-Newbie system, but it seems to work really well. And with the inflow of newbies OB is getting, it might be an idea to start up the system here too. It would be like this: [b]1.[/b] All newbies would get an automatically sent PM/email that would have a link to the forum (this wouldn't have to happen, as it may be a bit of trouble for the admins to deal with that and all the problems that come with it, as well as what they already do) [b]2.[/b] There would be a forum titled Adopt-a-Newbie or something like that, some newbies might not go there straight off, but the description would tell all and newbies might check it out. eg: "Newbies can come here to meet members, make new friends, learn how to get around OB." etc.etc. You get it? Also, newbies/members would start theads whicih would be answered. The first ones to answer would be the adopter/adoptee. No choosing, etc. as it would shatter people's feelings to be shunned. We dont want that, we want to welcome people. [b]3.[/b] From there, we get to the adoption part. [b]a)[/b] Only people with the ranks "Member" and above would be able to adopt, as they should have a thorough understanding of the rules. [b]b)[/b] Only newbies could be adopted (clarifying that for people who didn't already asume it.) [b]c)[/b] Once you have chosen to adopt someone, it would be permanent. Until the newbie reached "Junior Member" status, if they had any questions or needed any help (and asked you), you would have to answer them. Mods wouldnt be out of their jobs, as everyone asks them questions, etc. anyway. And they still check their forums to make sure the Newbies are being taught well, as well as fix up a few lazy members who have become ignorant of rules :p I can't personally think of the [b]entire[/b] process of this system, but it's an idea. It could work. If we tried, and didn't give up, it could work. I thought I should bring this topic up, as I am a Newbie myself (as you can see) and when I first got to OB, I didn't know anyone or what to do. Even with the Mods' help, it was still lonely for a while. I almost decided to just leave OB altogether. I don't want other Newbies thinking and feeling the same way. Feedback on this please. (I suppose there will be a lot for this)[/size][/color]
  5. [size=1][color=green]OOC: It's been a while since my last post, but jro13, when Kilgorin says "Boy", he's supposed to mean Rhox. Just clearing that up. Also with the "father-figure" thing, tone it down a little maybe? I meant for Kilgorin to be Rhox's teacher. Forget about it though, I have no idea what the hell's going through [b]your[/b] mind. I mean, I told everyone to lay off about the Fayth thing, and you go on and keep doing it?! Get it right! I could bitch on about this, but I'm a bit late. If I had been here to post straight after your last post, I would have gotten you to "please delete the post and do it again". But like I said. Forget about it. ~~~~~~~~ IC: [i]If you'll [b]excuse[/b] me, I was speaking to [b]Rhox[/b]. The entirety of the Universe doesn't revolve around you.[/i] Ace was taken aback as Kilgorin said this. [i]And I was only your, so called, "father-figure" when I had my own body. When I became banished to this pitiful form, removing any duties a father-figure would have.[/i] 'Okay, okay, take it easy.' Ace made a rude hand motion toward the sword after he said it. Trying to think of some other topic to change to, Rhox blurted out, 'So what actually happened when you become a sword then?' [i]Well, the ancient magic used against me was so powerful that it removed all but a wisp of my power. I could still control mortal minds, but only to a certain extent, until they would be doing something against their will. This wasn't to my liking, so I mustered all my remaning power and banished my last swordbearer to the afterlife, near the tree you found me. The last burst of magic left me stranded. All I could do over time was regain strength. Eventually you found me, and through your magic and fighting skills, I managed to absorb some of your permanent life force. This hasn't made any difference to you, you shouldn't need it. But anyway, since you fixed my sword form up, I've been regaining power ever since. That's why I recently started speaking to you. And then I gave you the idea of finding Ace here. And now, we are at the current point of time. We are almost at our destination, prepare to land.[/i] The two humans sitting atop Yoki just sat there, staring into the deepenning dusk. OOC: Hey, where are we supposed to be going anyway??[/color][/size]
  6. [size=1][color=green]OOC: jro13 isn't the only one who made the mistake with the whole thing with Fayths and Summons being seperate. I also made this mistake (I think). You'll have to forgive everyone who makes that mistake. The RPG is very similar to FFX, so it's a natural assumtion for anyone who has played it before (anyone who is in this RPG anyway. Did any of that just make sense?) Also, jro13, could you give a new line for each time you switch from person to person as they're speaking? I got a little confused before when reading your last post (everyone has their post faults. I sometimes overcomplicate my posts, making them hard to understand) ~~~~~~~~ IC: 'Why not just get him out of the way? Won't he complicate the matter of this "Kari" situation?' Rhox asked, unsure if he'd get a straight answer from Ace or Kilgorin. [i]Rhox, you have to learn something. Don't think too far ahead unless you can see the future itself. Otherwise it's just stupid. Think ahead, but not [b]that[/b] far ahead. You understand?[/i] Rhox's head throbbed with the words Kilgorin was throwing at him. All he could do was listen and try to understand. 'What's he talking about [b]now[/b]?' asked Ace. 'Something about not thinking too far ahead. I think he means that not everything turns out as planned. Anyone could do anything.' [i]Finally. I expected you to get that one straight away.[/i] Kilgorin said in his usual smart tone. To Ace he said: [i]Ace, can't this thing go any faster?[/i] 'Kilgorin, you can't push a creature like this. I mean, it might be possible, but why not spread it's energy over a further distance? Wouldn't that make the journey quicker in total?' Rhox was puzzled. [i]Boy, you have much to learn, don't you. And [b]I'm[/b] the one that's going to have to teach you, aren't I?[/i][/color][/size]
  7. [size=1][color=green][i]Well that was quick...[/i] thought Rhox, [i]And devastatingly easy...[/i] 'You sure you can handle evil?' Ace called back. 'You haven't seen Kilgorin yet then!' he said to Ace. 'What the hell's Kilgorin?!' 'This's some Fayth you've got yourself here...' said Rhox, changing the subject. The kid would find out what Kilgorin was soon enough. 'But why unleash it on Razzaria? Why even live in Razzaria in the first place? Why not live in some far away place that no one knows about?' 'Quit it with the questions or I'll throw you off Yoko's back! I'll leave you to dangle, impaled on one of Yoko's claws!' called Ace in rage. [i]Some attitude this kid's got. I suppose I'll have to get used to it though, it's a bit late to back out now...[/i] Yoko gave a great roar as it began it's decent. 'What? Yoko! Why are we landing?! Get back up in the air!' Ace began to say, the alarm in his voice was faint, but it was still there. [color=black][i]You really don't want to know why Yoko is landing, believe me...[/i] A voice echoed through Ace and Rhox's minds.[/color] 'Who the hell are you!?' called Ace into the forest surrounding them by the second. [color=black][i]And to think you could even control Yoko in the first place![/i] the voice laughed. [i]Who do you think I am child?[/i][/color] 'I don't give a shit! Piss off! Yoko, do something about this!' 'Just guess who it is Ace.' Ace began to say something, but Rhox interrupted. 'And it's not me...' [color=black][i]Yes, Rhox is right there. I'm [b]certainly[/b] not him! Take another guess, who else is here?[/i][/color] 'Rhox, what was that thing you said about something before? Hillgrounding?' Rhox sniggered, Yoko snorted. 'It was Kilgorin. Don't you pay attention?' [color=black][i]Right again Rhox, but I wasn't asking you who I was, you already know that.[/i][/color] 'Shut up! Reveal yourself, you fiend!' Ace yelled, pulling out his Guitar. [color=black][i]I can't.[/i][/color] 'Why the hell not?' 'Because he's in my hilt you nitwit!' snapped Rhox, his last scrape of patience was being tried. [color=black][i]I am Kilgorin, Sword of Darkness. I have greater authority over Dark Fayths than a mere child such as yourself, Ace. That is why Yoko has landed. I have a question. You've been to Hell, yet you do not remember me?[/i][/color] '[b]You![/b]' Ace hissed. [color=black][i]Yes, me. I will give back your control over Yoko. On one condition. You don't insult Rhox, and you take him with you around Gaia. I have plans for him...[/i] the voice subsided and left.[/color] Yoko began to rise into the air again. Ace breathed a sigh of relief, but it was barely noticable. 'Where are we going then?' asked Rhox.[/color][/size]
  8. [size=1][color=green][i]So...this is the acclaimed Razzaria...[/i] thought Rhox. 'Now to find this "Ace" character...' he said aloud. He flicked back his fringe and walked on, Kilgorin clinking at his side. People gave him a wide bearth (sp?). For some reason which Rhox couldn't put his finger on, everyone that saw Kilgorin seemed to take one look at it and vacate their faces of all expression. It seemed as though they were distancing their minds from a probing psychic. The sword was indeed puzzling, but didn't look like it had any effects on Rhox. As he passed by stores and market stalls, Rhox noticed one thing; there was no one browsing through the items on offer. Even most of the shopkeepers were missing. Rhox slowed down a little, he didn't want anyone spoiling his chances of becoming the guardian to this Ace guy. [i]Better be ready for anything..[/i] he thought. All of a sudden a loud booming crash was heard all around the city. He turned the corner and found out why the city was so empty. There was some kind of celebration with floats and everything of the sort. Rhox walked over to a sign that said: [Summoners' parade! See the Summoners of Razzaria leave on their long journey!] [i]So this's where I'll find Ace...[/i] thought Rhox as he scanned the floats for a guy that matched Ace's description. It wasn't long before he saw Ace.[/color][/size]
  9. [b]EDITED[/b] Name: Blake, Version 3.0 (see "Bio") Age: 52 Gender: Male Description: Blake is only around 3'4", but it's the perfect size for him. If he were any bigger, he wouldn't be as agile or efficient. He has the head of a man (caucasian, light tan) with black hair (crewcut). His ears are pointed, and he has lime green-yellow eyes (slitted like a cat). His teeth are all sharp and fang-like (also like a cat's) and he drinks the blood of his victims through the front fangs like a vampire would. He has an average build (average on a 15 or 16 yr old male) and he's still slender. Secreted in his fingers are retractable claws, about 2" long. He has cat-like legs - the knee bends back, not forward - only they're big enough to hold him up. Blake also has a whip-like tail. He can sprout bat-like wings from his back in times of need. Bio: Blake, Version 3.0, is a test subject demon/vampire crossbreed. The Demon and Vampire lords of the Chaotic realm had the twisted idea of crossbreeding their kin. The results were Blake Versions 1.0 - 3.0 and Pyrl Versions 1.0 and 1.5 The first few Blakes were failures, and were sent to the junkyard to fester and die. Blake (v 3.0) was a complete success. Although, it was a little too successful. He went out of control for a while when the Lords sent him into the Realm of Earth, but they brought him back and taught him how to slip between the shadows unnoticed. He became one of the top 100 assasins of the Chaotic realm. Personality: Blake is a cynical cat-demon, and his uses his cynicism to shield himself from feelings from others, and sometimes feelings toward others. He knows only a few in the Chaotic realm, and none at all in the Earth Realm. Those that he knows keep their distance from him, as they can't stand his constant sarcastic cynical comments. Species: Crossbreed (Demon/Vampire) Realm: Chaotic Weapons: Blake has three daggers: [url=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC1149.jpg]The Leviathan[/url] [url=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC1271%20knife.jpg]The Kraken[/url] [url=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/gh2025a-stand.jpg]The Eye of Drakonus[/url] None of the blades are enchanted or anything, and they aren't tipped with poison either. So that's it, if anything else is needed, or if you want me to expand on anything, please PM me.
  10. [SIZE=1]HEY!!! So far there's only [b]one[/b] bad guy?! Where's the fun in [b]that[/b]? I'm glad I saw this before it started (lmao, just kidding *shifty eyes*) [color=green][b]Name:[/b] Rhox Nantuko [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]BirthPlace:[/b] Ghitu, City of the Forests. The city is mainly in the treetops of the southern parts of Naka (an old forest with stupidly tall trees), and stretches out to the rim of Fernbrake (a humongous lake in the middle of a crater. The Naka forest climbs over the rim of the crater and down about 1/4 of the way into it. Naka forest starts about a mile from the edge of the crater.) [b]Side:[/b] Bad [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Job:[/b] Mage-Warrior (can I be like a warrior that knows one or two Mage spells?) [b]Who are you guarding:[/b] Ace Wallace [b]Weapon:[/b] [URL=http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC1239.JPG]Kilgorin[/URL] [b]Character Description:[/b] *attachment* My character is the guy on the far right (the one with brown hair. In other words, Squall *from FF8 if you didn't know*). He wears the exact same things, except without the thongs (shoe-type thongs, not what you sick-minded peeps were thinking of *lol*) [b]Character Abilities:[/b] Drain - drains HP (you should all know it anyway) Flare - does non-elemental damage (and it's not overly strong like in most FF games) Armour Break - pierces through defences and lowers defence Mental Break - pierces through defences and lowers magic defence [b]Bio:[/b] He doesn't know where he was born, or who his parents were, and he doesn't really care anyway. He found himself living in a small hut on the edge of Naka and Fernbrake one day (when he was about 10) and can't really remember anything before that. The old people who lived in the hut raised him for a while, but soon got sick and tired of his attitude, so they kicked him out. One day he came across a particularly old mangled creepy tree, while wandering through the Naka. Embedded in it's roots was a, somewhat rusty, old sword. He took it to the blacksmith out on the far side of Fernbrake, and the poor bugger got so scared when he saw the sword that he had a heart attack. Rhox stepped over the new corpse and decided to fix up the old piece of scrap metal himself. He was around 13 years old. By the age of 15, Rhox had learnt how to use two warrior techniques, and decided to go find someone to try them out on. He found a Mage, who was about 20, looked nearly 40, and acted as if he were only 14. Long story short, Rhox lost. The Mage decided to teach Rhox to learn how to cast magic, but didn't actually teach him any abilities. Until he was 17, Rhox spent most of his time fighting the monsters native to Naka forest, and teaching himself how to cast magic attacks. Just before his 18th birthday, Rhox decided to find something to do with his life. Namely annoy people and stop them from achieving their goals by defeating them mercilessly. Rhox saw that a new Summoner was just finishing his training. His name was Ace Wallace, and he lived in the city of Razzaria. Rhox trekked for a year, until he finally arrived at the city. He is meeting Ace today (first day in the RPG). [/color] So there's my sign up. And below is my sample post from the RPG: The Dragon Clans of Varv (the first RPG I started) [color=darkred]"Kyru spun around at top speed, the bladed barb at the end of his whip-like hair hitting his opponent in the face. He flipped over the enemy, making sure to hit him in the chest with the barb. He spun around again, this time hitting the dizzied man in the back of the head. Kyru grabbed hold of the man around the jaw and pulled his head around with expert ease, snapping the man's neck. 'Maybe you shouldn't have gotten involved with the Demons. Then they wouldn't have sent for the best bountyhunter around just to get rid of a pathetic piece of filth such as yourself. I have to go get my reward. So if you'll excuse me.' Kyru said to the now dead body. 'Incubuzzard!' he called at the top of his voice. The skies darkened all of a sudden. Plants wilted into hiding places, trying to get away from the darkness. 'Boy am I glad the Demons chose to leave you black dragons as you are. You'd all be dead otherwise,' Kyru mused. The huge dragon landed next to the dead body and sniffed it. With a flick of it's head, it gobbled the dead man up. Satisfied, Kyru climbed onto the shrouded dragon's back. 'C'mon old friend, let's go get us this reward, and find out why we had to waste our time on that piece of bull.....dung' "[/color] [/SIZE]
  11. [size=1][color=darkred]David rushed out of the gym, running the horrid possibilities of the thievings through his head. [i]How many Pokemon have been taken? What type Pokemon are the thieves aiming to steal? What's going to happen when I reach the port? How will the thieves try to get away?[/i] He slowed down to a fast walk, thinking of the best way to prevent any escape from the ship. He walked on for a while, then arrived at the Pokemon Center on the inner edge of Myrrslith Isle's southern {OOC: or is it northern?} port. 'Nurse Joy, this is an emergency, I need my Pokemon healed, stat,' he said as he burst through the doors. 'David, why the hurry?' the Nurse asked in her usual soothing way. 'There are thieves on the next ship to arrive here. I need to go out to help. All water Pokemon trainers have to come with me. We need to stop all possible escape routes the thieves could take.' Murmurs rose across the room, and Nurse Joy hurried over and took David's Pokeballs. He sat down in a chair for the three minute wait for his Pokemon to be healed. Once he had his Pokemon back and a group of water Pokemon trainers following him, he rushed down to the port. 'Everyone, send out your best swimming Pokemon, we need to get out there before the ship gets too close to the land,' David told the trainers as he released Crawdaunt from its Pokeball. As he looked around, he saw all kinds of water Pokemon leap from their Pokeballs and into the water. 'Ok, everyone into the water and follow me!' he called to everyone as he leapt into the water and grabbed a hold of Crawdaunt. 'Crawdaunt, head toward the ship as fast as you can!' The trainers all told their Pokemon similar things, and the group headed out into the ocean faster than a scared Abra could use teleport.[/color][/size]
  12. [size=1][color=darkred]"David! Tath! Stop this battle immediately!" a commanding ringing voice called into the arena. It was David's mother, who was standing in the doorway, his father standing by her. "Mum, Dad, so good to see you! But...why stop in the middle of a battle?" he asked, quite puzzled. "Has something happened?" Tath joined in. "Yes, there have been reports of Team Aqua theives in Kentat Forest. You two should leave immediately," David's mum whipped out two backpacks, "Here, I ran over and packed your things as soon as we heard the news." "Mrs Daru...David should wait here. I'll go ahead. There should be some trainers on their way over here for a badge soon." "Tath, it's nice of you to offer, but we're here for the Gym. We were the old Gym Leaders," David's dad said calmly. "Mr and Mrs Daru, not to be rude, but it's David's decision. I mean, he [b]is[/b] the current Gym Leader. We should leave it for him to choose." Tath turned to David, "David, I'm going ahead either way, you'll stay here, right?" "Yeah, I think I'll stay behind. Just to heal my Pokemon though. You put up a rough fight," David lightly pushed Tath on the chest and against the wall, "But next time..." he put his arms either side of her and leaned in close so he was whispering right into her ear. He said something to her that no one else heard. Mr and Mrs Daru turned away to give the two some privacy. Just as David was about to kiss Tath, someone else came rushing in. He looked like a sailor or a deckhand. "Sir, Ma'am! We've just got news that there's a Pokemon theif on board the ferry coming over from Ameruta City!" David stopped and rolled his eyes, Tath giggled a little, then gave him a kiss on the cheek. David whirled around. "What?! A theif on board a ferry, [b]and[/b] in Kentat Forest?!" he turned back to Tath, "Tath, you go ahead to Kentat, and I'll stay and check the trainers when they get off the ferry. Mum, Dad, you two are in charge of the Gym while we're gone. Tath, I'll meet up with you on the border of Kentat Forest." Tath nodded with a determined look on her face and returned her Pokemon to their PokeBalls. David returned his Pokemon too. Both took their backpacks from Mrs Daru and headed out opposite doors of the Gym.[/color][/size]
  13. [size=1][color=darkred]Breloom and Crawdaunt launched into a fierce battle. Both used tackle, hitting the other square between the eyes. "Crawdaunt! Clamp attack!" David yelled over the commotion. "Breloom, dodge it with agility and counter with Comet Punch!!" Tath yelled back. The two simultaneously hit each other again. Deadlock. Crawdaunt had Breloom's tail in its Clamp while Breloom coninuously punched at Crawdaunt's head. It would come down to whoever wanted it most. "Crawdaunt, Harden!" "Breloom, Giga Drain!" "No!!!" Crawdaunt lay on the floor of the stadium panting. Breloom looked as if it had just been healed at a Pokemon Center. The effects of its Giga Drain attack had been devastating. "Well done Crawdaunt, return." David said solemnly, then his tone immediately changed, "It's time to see what you'll be able to do against the might of Skitty!" A small, pink, cat-like Pokemon came out of this PokeBall. Anyone would wonder why a Gym Leader would use a Skitty, but once you'd battled David's, you'd rethink your wonderings. Tath just stood there with a worried look on her face. Breloom was part Fighting type, so the Normal type Skitty would be no problem. She was worried about Skitty. But then again, she'd never seen it battle. "David? Why are you going to put Skitty through a complete anihilation?" "Tell me, Tath, when's the last time you saw Skitty battle?" "Well I've nev--" "Exactly. Skitty, Charm then Attract!" Skitty was a female Pokemon, and Breloom was a male. The Charm/Attract combo couldn't possibly fail. Breloom lowered it's defences a little as Skitty worked its Charm, then just sat down and stared lovingly at its opponent after Skitty's Attract. "See Tath? Trainers always forget that opposites attract! Skitty! Double Slap!" Skitty's tail is long and thin, until you reach the end. Then there's a huge football shaped bump with three small knubs, making it the perfect slapping weapon. Breloom didn't stand a chance. "Breloom, return. Go, Swampert!" The humongous creature seemed to have fallen out of the sky because it shook the ground so hard. Skitty looked like a play toy compared to Swapert.[/color][/size]
  14. [size=1]OOC: Could have met my character, Kon, but it doesn't matter. IC: Kon awoke with the woman lying in bed next to him. Not that they'd actually done it. She'd refused to give him a name, and she liked to talk. So they did. Kon was on top of the sheets, and the woman was under them, clearly grateful for the warmth they gave her. [color=teal]"Good morning,"[/color] he said as she slowly sat up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "Morning," she replied. [color=teal]"What'd you like for breakfast?"[/color] "Uh...nothing much. Just a slice of toast thanks." Kon got up and walked over to the corner of the room that was the kitchen. "You haven't answered my question yet." [color=teal]"Neither have you,"[/color] Kon retorted with a grin. "Fine. If you really have to know [b]that[/b] badly, it's Tath." [color=teal]"Nice to finally meet you Tath,"[/color] his grin broadened. "So? What do you think about Leo's speech? Are you going to go see him?" Tath asked curiously. [color=teal]"Well..."[/color] he thought for a moment. [color=teal]"I may as well...but I don't know where he lives, and I don't know any of his contacts either. Oh well..."[/color] Tath felt the sarcasm in his comment. Why was Kon being like this? "So that's it, huh? You're just going to give up." [color=teal]"Well now, I wouldn't call it giving up..."[/color] "You probably wouldn't call it a lot of things," she said, "and you've slipped up. You [b]do[/b] know one of Leo's contacts." Kon raised an eyebrow. Tath smirked. [color=teal]"[b]You're[/b] one of Leo's contacts?!"[/color] "Took you long enough to figure that one out," she said with another smirk, reaching for the phone. "Hi, put Mane on, it's Tabatha." Kon raised both eyebrows. They had [b]codenames[/b]?! "You'll learn buddy," she said, covering the mouthpiece of the phone. "Mane is just my nickname for Leo. Tabatha's my birthname, but I got rid of it a [b]long[/b] time ago. Leo's the only one who gets away with calling me by it." Kon just stared at her. "Yeah, hi. It's me, Tabatha. I got someone here. He wants to meet you. Should I bring him over?" OOC: I've managed that much. *wow* Tath is just a minor character I've introduced. We can kill her off somewhere down the lines.[/size]
  15. [size=1][color=darkred]Tath stared strangely at David's choice of Pokemon. Corphish? But that would go down quickly against her Sproink. Or so she thought. "Corphish! Let's try out that new move I tought you yesterday! Feint Attack!" David called to the small lobster-like pokemon. Corphish vanished into thin air and appeared behind Sproink. It looked darker. "Sproink! Behind you!" Tath screamed, but it was too late. Corphish lashed out at Sproink as it turned, knocking it halfway across the arena. Tath's face screwed up in wonder. How could such a tiny Corphish become so strong so quickly? Then it dawned on her as Corphish began to glow. "It's that time of year again. And I think Corphish wants to join the others straight after this match," David said. The now white, glowing Corphish grew rapidly in size, tripling its height. Dark patches appeared on it's underbelly, and the three small horns atop its head merged together and seemed to melt into a star. Crawdaunt. "So, Tath? You still want to use your Psychic Pokemon? Or will you rethink your strategy?" David taunted. "Sweetie, don't taunt me like that. I can still beat you," she retorted. "Sproink, return. It's your turn, Breloom! Go!" A child sized Pokemon appeared on the field, hopping swiftly from side to side. Things were about to get interesting.[/color][/size]
  16. [size=1][color=seagreen][i]...Traker the Lupe and Kiandra the Acara rushed toward the old gates as they began to swing shut... "No! The gates!" Kiandra cried weakly... ...the gates slammed in their faces again, and again they turned to live through another day inside the Deserted Fairground...waiting for someone else to free them from their imprisonment...or to join them...[/i][/color] [color=darkred] Kiandra the Acara and Traker the Lupe's souls have been trapped in the Deserted Fairground for over three years now...and the other poor souls of children who have wandered inside and not managing to escape by midnight. All crave for the company of others, but do not notice one another. Jhudora has noticed this. She also noticed the recent fall of Darigan, and plans something horrible. *2 months later* Jhudora's plan was successful, she has revived Darigan. Together, they seem almost indestructable. But they have no minions. This is where the Deserted Fairground comes into play. Jhudora and Darigan have used their combined dark powers to release the souls of the children trapped in the Fairground, on one condition. The children have agreed to help Jhudora and Darigan, but don't know what is in store for them. *15 seconds later* All of the children have been terribly warped and changed, similar to Darigan's servants from last time, but also warped to the likings of Dr.Sloth's old transmogrified army. This new army of twisted Neopet souls now threatens to overrun Neopia, with Jhudora and Darigan at their head, and the Deserted Fairground to back them all up. As heroic Neopets of all kinds, even those backed by the Light Faeries, travel into the Deserted Fairground, they become as twisted and warped as Jhudora's new army. Even Faerie's themselves have tried entering the Fairground, but to no avail. All have been grossly transformed into freaks. ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ So there's the base of the story. It's up to Neopets fans out there to save Neopia once more. Here's what I need from you for a Sign Up: Name: Your character's name Age: Anywhere between 10 and 30 Sex: Male or Female Appearance: What does your character look like? Personality: What's your character like? Brief Bio: A short description of your character's history. Items: Any items you carry with you for your pets like books, food, toys, grooming items, etc. Max: 5 Pet Sign Up: You can have up to 4 Neopets Name: Your pet can have any name. Age: How old is your pet? How long has it been with you? Species: You can have any kind of pet, even a rare one like a Krawk or a Draik. Color: You can have a painted or mutant pet if you like. Gender: Male or Female Powers/Abilities: Your pet/s can have up to 5 abilities. Just make sure you include a short description of what they do. All abilities must be aligned with one of the following elements: Air, Light, Flame, Darkness, Water, or Earth. Items/Weapons: You can have any item that could be equipped, basically any battledome items. ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~ I'll post my character after three Sign Ups. [/color][/size]
  17. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]David flicked his hair from his face as the morning wind blew against him. He stared into the rising sun, watching as the sky flared a great red, orange, purple, and finally finished into the usual blue. He turned to look over Myrrsilth Isle. The strangely shaped trees and berry bushes thrived on this tropical beauty of an Island Paradise. The wild Pokemon frolicked through the grass, covering themselves in the morning dew. Undesturbed. "David?" David turned east, to face his home. "David, what do you want for breakfast? You've got a whole bunch of new trainers to watch out for. They'll be stopping off here quite soon to try and claim a Myrr Badge from you," David's girlfriend, Tath smiled sweetly as he rolled his eyes. "When are they gonna learn? You don't just stroll up to Myrrsilth Isle expecting an easy match and a badge on your way off." "I know. We'll show them though. Don't worry about that," she said as she walked over, her black hair blowing freely in the wind about her. With the sun behind her, she looked like some kind of a goddess. Later that day, at Myrrsilth Isle's Pokemon Gym, Tath and David began a fierce Pokemon match. "Sweetie?" Tath called across the arena, "This time I'll win. This time we won't draw." "Not in your wildest dreams," he called back and grinned, "I'm in those." She couldn't help but give a small laugh. "Let's see what your dreams will reveal then?" she taunted as she whipped out a Pokeball. "Sproink! Go!" David's face went blank. She was going straight for the offensive? This was unusual... "Whismur! Get to it!" Whismur practically leapt out of it's Pokeball and onto the field, roaring fiercely. "Sproink! Go for it with a Psybeam!!" Sproink's face screwed up in deep concentration. "Uh-oh..." David managed to mutter, this was going to be big..."Whismur!! Super Sonic! Quickly!" Whismur's ears lowered themselves, protecting itself from the sound that would next come out. As Sproink launched it's massive Psybeam, Whismur roared louder and more high pitched than before. A huge soundwave came to meet the beam of concentrated psychic energy. The room filled with a bright light, knocking everyone off their feet. When David managed to open his eyes and survey the surroundings, he just stared blandly at Tath. She'd been practicing. Whismur was lying on the floor, panting in its unconsciousness, while Sproink sat bouncing in great happiness at its victory over Whismur. "Well done, Tath..." "Not needed David, there're still three rounds to go." David nodded. True, things weren't over yet, but if Tath won... David's thoughts trailed off. "Good try Whismur, return," he said as he returned the Pokemon and sent out another. "Corphish, GO!" ---------------------------- Hey, Rei...my computer can't open .bmp attachments properly, so do you think you could re-save it as a .jpg or .gif file? I want to know which number Gym my character's is. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=darkred][SIZE=1]Kon walked down the main street of Sector 7 almost with a skip and a hop in his step. He had just heard Leo's speech and totally agreed with it. But now was not the time to worry about that sort of thing. Tonight was the anniversary of when he first took up the apprenticeship for "all wannabe blacksmiths". Tonight Kon was going to the local nightclub for....well....it's best left unmentioned. Kon walked in to the nightclub, flewing his muscles as he walked past a particularly attractive woman. She fluttered her eyelashes flirtingly {is that even a word?}. "Hello, what have we here? What's your drink, miss?" he asked the woman, taking her hand and kissing the back of it. She fluttered her eyelashes again. "Umm....I--I...." she stuttered, getting flustered. "Don't worry about it, do you want me to order for you?" She nodded, the eyelashes didn't stop either. "Uh, two gin'n'tonics thanks," he called to the barman. The woman managed to pull herself together to speak. "Did you hear the speech that man...Leo, I think his name was...anyway...did you hear it?" "Hmm? The speech? Yeah! Of course!" "What'd you think??" "Oh, I totally agreed with him! I mean, that Shinra Corp. has taken so many people's lives for their research....and all that stuff they've been making the miners do. There're monsters in those mines that they're working in!" "I know....it's so horrid of them! They shouldn't do that to people!" Kon nodded to the barman as he brought over the drinks. Kon took a sip from his drink, then looked at the woman before him. She was so beautiful....he had a feeling they'd met before, but couldn't remember her name. "May I ask your name? A woman as beautiful as you shouldn't go unnamed" he said, slipping in a little of the charming grin the girls loved. OOC: Does any of the girls participating in this RPG want their character to be the one at the nightclub with Kon? (Did that sentence even make sense?) If not, I'll just make it up...I'm kinda tired at the moment. It would give the characters a chance to meet up early in the RP though (obviously).[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [SIZE=1][color=darkred][b]Name:[/b] David Daru [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Town:[/b] Myrrsilth Isle [b]Pokemon:[/b] Whismur, Skitty, Zangoose, Corphish [b]Apperence:[/b] *attachment* My character is the guy on the far right. He wears the exact same things, except without the thongs (shoe-type thongs, not what you sick peeps were thinking of) [b]Personality and/or Bio:[/b] As you can see from the Pokemon listed above, David is a normal-type Gym leader. With the exeption of his Corphish. He caught it when he was fishing as a young boy. David had always wanted to be a Gym leader, following in his father and mother's footsteps. His parents were the partnered Gym leaders of Myrrsilth Isle. When David succeded his parents, he fashioned the Gym to have no one particular type. Each Gym-trainer had one type of Pokemon, excluding normal. When trainers had managed to defeat all obstacles and Gym-trainers, they were dissapointed to find that the Gym leader used normal-type Pokemon. Yet they still were defeated by his first Pokemon in his lineup, Whismur. David is a friendly person, generally. True, he is a great Gym leader, but has always wanted to go and battle other Gym leaders and the champion trainers of Yaton. [b]Trainer or Gym Leader:[/b] Gym Leader Is that ok? Also, would it be okay if David ended his career as a Gym leader and became a trainer again? Of course it would be later on in the RPG.[/color][/SIZE]
  20. OOC: Lol...nah, it's fine. Hey, at least we're finally with the elves. IC: Kyu couldn't wipe the song out of his mind. Nor the way his lover, Stargazer, was brutally murdered. 'That bitch has yet to find a way to do anything [i]but[/i] cause trouble...' he murmured. 'Pardon?' one of the elf healers turned around. She was extremely offended as she thought Kyu spoke about her. 'Hmm? Oh, nothing. I wasn't talking about you...something just happened outside...back in the forest....before we got here. How's Shi-su, by the way?' 'She's fine.' the healer said shortly, still offended that Kyu would say "bitch" before the sacred healing tree. It was said that if anyone cursed before it that it's leaves would turn black and it would die of all magic. That didn't happen. It was just an urban myth anyway. Kyu walked over to Shi-su's bed and sat in the chair next to it. 'Shi-su? Are you awake?' there was no response, 'No? Then you won't have a heart attack when I say this, but Ayumi was...is a thief...' Shi-su moaned in her sleep and rolled over. 'Shi-su? Are you ok?' She sat up and moaned again. Then she looked at Kyu. 'What were you saying?' Kyu sat and explained what had happened outside, how Ayuta had taken Ayumi after revealing Ayumi's secret. 'We [b]have[/b] to go and get her!' Shi-su said hoarsly as she leapt out of bed. 'You aren't well enough to...' That was all Kyu managed to get out before Shi-su hit him square in the face. 'That's for not going after this "Ayuta" woman as soon as I was here, you feathered freak!' The healers in the room (all female) couldn't help surpress their smirks as Kyu ran out after Shi-su, rubbing his nose in pain.
  21. [SIZE=1][FONT=arial][color=sienna][b][i]Name:[/i] Whipbranch [i]Age:[/i] N/A [i]Gender:[/i] Male [i]Weapons & Armour:[/i] N/A [i]Ent Type:[/i] Willow [i]Master:[/i] N/A [i]Personality:[/i] Whipbranch is as most of the smarter Ents, he thinks things over a few times to take different angles of a situation. In dangerous, life-threatning moments though, he makes a quick decision (quick for an Ent anyway). Whipbranch has seen every Age of the Sun, and during his time, he has never seen an Ent as reckless as Quickbeam. He strives as no Ent has striven (is that even a word?) to make Quickbranch see the advantages of taking your time. But every time he mentions it, Quickbranch replies with: "But when in danger, you take not your time. Is that not true, Whipbranch?" Whipbranch never wanted the War to begin. And over something as small as a ring! But now, all he wants to do with it is to help bring all races to a final agreement of peace. [i]Apperance:[/i] Whipbranch's trunk is slender and less brittle than other Ents', enabling him access to the more dangerous heights of the mountains. His small size also helps him there. His branches are longer than that of an average willow Ent, and they are also a little more flexible. Even though Whipbranch is one of the eldest of the Ents, he retains his youth. This is shown in the light beige colour of his bark, and his vibrant green leaves. Whipbranch's arms are quite slender and long, which allow for swift hits to enemies or boulders blocking the way. All eight long, knuckly fingers on his left hand taper to sharp points. On his right hand, however, he only has six fingers. All of which are shorter than average and end in the whip-like branches he and other willow Ents wield. His legs aren't overly thick or long, but in proportion to his body, fit perfectly. [i]Biography/History:[/i] Of all the Ents, Whipbranch is, by far, the wisest. His years in the first Age of the Sun led him to the belief that a great thinker is a quick thinker, but also that you cannot truly make a great decision unless you thought it over a few times. His conscience battled this debate out through all Ages of the Sun. He is only just beginning to see how to make a great decision now. Whipbranch was there when Quickbeam's father died, and shares his horrific hatred towards the Uruk-Hai. But Whipbranch can control this anger and keep calm enough to make a choice. He has ever been trying to teach Quickbeam to do the same, but to no avail. Quickbeam is far too hot-headed to understand, and hasn't got enough years of knowledge to help back up Whipbranch's point.[/b][/color][/FONT][/SIZE]
  22. [color=darkred]Ayuta walked behind Maki, ignoring her string of questions. She'd tried to answer the first one - "Why is it so nice in here?" - but Maki had kept on with about a hundred other questions. 'Maki, slow down! How do you expect to get even [b]one[/b] answer if you don't give me the chance even to breathe between your questions?' 'What? Oh, Ayuta! This place is so great! How can it be so big without people knowing about it?' 'Well actually,' Ayuta said proudly, 'It was my greatgrandfather who found this underground paradise. Of course, it wasn't as great as it is now. Back when he found it, he founded the Shrike Sprites. They set about planting crops underground, all the while finding the best and strongest mages and fighters. Our mages, alchemists, sages, and illusionists set to creating these wonderful and exotic monsters you see around here. The beastmasters and morphers keep them under control.' Maki struggled a little to keep up, 'What?'[/color]
  23. Kyu stood and stared at his twin sister. His cold stare could make anyone turn away. She held it. Kyu turned away. 'You never could hold a sstare...could you brother?' she teased. 'What are you doing here, Ayuta?' he ignored her taunt. 'Oh, that old thing....I'm here for the thief,' she turned and pointed at Ayumi, 'We need her. Although, if it were up to me, I'd kill her here and now.' Ayumi spun about and shot a furious look at Ayuta. 'What did you call me?!' 'A thief. You heard me, girl.' 'You....you're a thief?' Kyu stared at her in disgust. 'Why didn't you tell us?' 'I...I thought it'd be better if you didn't know...I....' 'Don't start Ayumi...I thought I could trust you...' Kyu's stare hardened. Ayumi began to weep quietly. 'Shi-su...' she sobbed and turned around, 'You have to bel--' But Shi-su couldn't hear her. The exhaustion had caused her to lose consciousness. 'Sso? Are you coming with me?' Ayuta asked Ayumi holding out a hand, amused with the way things were turning out. Once the sprite/elf girl woke up, she and Kyu would no doubt come after Ayumi. Straight into the clutches of the old magic. Ayumi turned to face Kyu, then walked slowly over to Ayuta. 'That'sss the way, good girl. You'll ssoon ssee what it'sss like to have ssomething sstolen from you....your life!' Ayuta snatched a dagger from Ayumi and held it to the girl's neck. 'You know how this goes, Kyu. Just play along, like we did with your beloved, a long time ago...' Ayuta left these words to echo around the glade. She had vanished, Ayumi with her.
  24. [color=crimson]OOC: *Wow* I never thought I'd see it, but we're now a three person RPG. IC: Ayuta stared in horror and then thankfulness as each of the group defeated their individual fears. [i]Wait....where's Bremma?[/i] she thought, using her elementalist powers to scry the room. Nothing. 'Loki! Maki! Come here for a minute will you?' she called to the two. 'Guys, I can't sense Bremma in the room at all...maybe she was defeated? Did she fight? And what happened to Kinekumi? Has he fought yet?' 'Slow down Ayuta!!' Maki complained. 'Ok. Calm...ok...' Ayuta breathed deeply in and out. 'I scried the room, but I can't sense their energy...once we get into HQ, I'll bring you two back out here to find them.' Maki began to say something, but Loki stopped her. 'That's fine with us. Right, Maki?' He seemed to be telling her to hold back what she wanted to say, so she could say it in private later. 'Right. It's fine with us.' she finally said. 'Ok, come on then. Let's go inside.' Ayuta said and turned to the others. 'Come on guys, we're going inside.' OOC: Bremma and Aros if you want to post, please PM me. Mage of Asgard and Wiccan Samurai, one of you can make up what the main HQ looks like. Don't forget that we're entering from a dark hall/room. Maybe the light from main HQ could hurt your eyes?[/color]
  25. Hi all. Just letting you all know that there's another sheep to add to the flock. Me. Obviously. Anyway, I live in Melbourne, and I introduced Satori Night to OB. I've told a few of my other friends, but they're not interested, or don't have enough time. I don't have much time either, so I'd better go. Aussie aussie aussie!!! Tag: Next person has to say, "Oi oi oi!"
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