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[b]Edited Version (now with free History section!!)[/b] [color=crimson][b]Name:[/b] Kon Vichama [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Job:[/b] Blacksmith's Apprentice [b]Height:[/b] 5'10" [b]Birthdate:[/b] August 31 [b]Birthplace:[/b] Sector 3 [b]Specialities:[/b] Smithing/weapon synthesis (is there weapon synthesis in this RPG?) and picking out the best of weapons and what they're worth. [b]Appearance:[/b] Kon's hair is chestnut in colour, and is quite short. Almost crewcut. Otherwise sweat would build up when he's working over a furnace and melted metal all day, and sometimes deep into the night. He is a little over average build, and is also about average height. His skin has a light tan to it, and thanks every deity there is that he hadn't chosen to go and work in the mines to become a pale, shrivelled man. Kon is a little proud of his looks, and when he goes to nightclubs on weekends, almost always walks away with a good looking woman (hehehe....) He wears a white singlet and dark brown 3/4 pants. You can usually see his muscles through the singlet. He also normally wears a leather apron so he doesn't catch aflame from working around so much fire and heat. He wears a pair of old army boots, mainly for safety around the workplace. Kon's eyes are a sharp violet, sharp yet warming. Kon can almost always be seen with a smile on his face. [b]Personality:[/b] Kon is probably the happiest blacksmith in Midgar. Life is sometimes hard, true, but it's simple and can also be fun. You never know who is going to turn up. He loves to work and learn from the master blacksmith (being an apprentice) and enjoys making weapons especially. On weekends, and sometimes during the week, Kon goes to the local nightclub, has a bit of a dance, impresses a few ladies, and eventually brings one of them to his home for the night. Not that he sleeps around or anything. Kon likes to charm women, but never sleeps with them unless he is going to be totally devoted to them. Kon is truly....or will truly be a family man. When he's ready for that though. He's still young, and likes to have fun. [b][i](Edited)[/i]History:[/b] Born in Sector 3 of the slums, Kon has lived a hard life. Yet he seemed to enjoy it enough. Most of life from his birth until the age of 10 is now a blur, it seemed so long ago. Once Kon had taken an interest in smithing though, his life became easier and clearer. Most of what he now remembers is just smithing. Kon's parents sent him to live with his rich uncle who lived in the higher parts of Midgar. Life was great, so much money to spend. But one day when he went out with his friends, he was roughed up by a small gang. Kon was so devastated. He knew it was because he lived with a rich family member. He ran away to the slums. That's when he met his smithing master. THey bumped into each other. The old man soon taught Kon some manners. By the age of 16, Kon was the most successful blacksmith's apprentice in all of Midgar. He sometimes got picked out of the crowd for a bit of a "chat" with some gang members, but they soom left him alone. By the age of 19, he had started making weapons. He knew fairly well what material almost each weapon was made of by just looking at it. He knew a good price when he saw it too. Kon became a great haggler. By 20, Kon was starting to learn to use materia. No one has come up to him unless to greet him since. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Was that all?[/color]
Okay, okay. It's probably my fault for saying sports are things like swimming, karate, etc. I should have remembered that anything that is done as exercise can be a sport. Sorry. Don't anyone else go apologising. I classify sports as competitive stuff, and I probably overlooked the bikeriding part (wait....there isn't one. I overlooked the horseriding part. Sorry about that...oh...running's a sport too....oops...) Apart from that, I'm not withdrawing my comment. I'm going to be stubborn. I've probably contradicted what I've said about 50 times, so I'm just going to crawl back to the Adventure Arena where I feel more at home.
Mark M is the only one so far who has mentioned any "sports". Which usually involve a helluva lot of practise in between. A good workout for me consists not of running laps or running along a treadmill, but constant pushups, situps, arm stretches (I only know the names of about 10 of the ones I do, but there are others that I don't know the names of), leg stretches (again, I don't know the names of all the ones I do. There are too many). Where was I? Oh yeah. I also run on the spot (this is warming up mind you), and yeah, that isn't as hard as running laps... Then we get to the serious stuff. About an hour of serious Karate training, then when I get home, it's usually an hour or so more. I do Karate 3-4 times a week. Depending on what's on. I also do kayaking for four hours each day of the weekend. I normally do around 10 miles a day (converting to km, that's about 16. Not much, I know). Sometimes nine, on a bad day. I also do swimming twice a week. Normally 1.5 miles in one session, which takes about an hour. There's my "extensive" workout program. I'm only 15, and I still manage to scrape through school. One thing though. I HATE school sports and PE. I LOATH them entirely. The whole "group effort" thing is unappealing to me. The key to a good workout program/thingo is a mix or variety. Kayaking for arms, swimming for legs, Karate is an all-rounder. That's just for sports though, what you guys do is probably just as good (if not, better). My "program" is just for out of school stuff. Something to keep me fit. Amazingly, I still find time for OB. Once I get part-time work (hopefully [b]soon[/b]), my workout program is going to slip though. PS: Did I beat UnsungHero??
[color=crimson]Ok, so I know I'm going a little off topic with this...but....is it just me? Or is there no picture in that link? It's probably just my computer. Not to worry. Back on track a little, I'm all for the PM-ing business. The one with all of the "agreeing on what to do next" stuff. Anyway, I just want to see who else is up to the task. One last question (if the questions are starting to annoy you, I know how you feel...in a way. So many damned questions.....) Who is in "the old group"? Meh. It doesn't matter. You don't [b]have[/b] to tell me. I just like to know what kinds of people I'll be working with. I think that's just about the required message length....oops...did I type that out loud?[/color]
I officially agree with Black Kat about the whole "Giovanni being Ash's father" situation. Maybe Delia and Giovanni had aone night stand or something? Although [b]that[/b] would be highly unlikely. You know with the whole, "little kids watching" thing Crimson Spider brought up. It's good to wonder about the relationships behind anime, but for kids shows like Pokemon?? I think it'd be best to just keep wondering about it. It might put bad ideas in little kids' heads if they revealed the father of Ash. Or Gary for that matter.
[COLOR=red]I'll take a shot at this. Most of the RPGs I'm currently in have gone silent. Also, don't be fooled into thinking I'm no good at RPGs just because of the title, "Newbie" One last thing...is there some sort of backround story to this RPG that I should learn/know before joining? Please PM me about it.[/COLOR] [color=crimson][b]Name:[/b] Kyru Vichama [b]Age:[/b] 109 [b]Race:[/b] One of the Avarii. A cross between Icarii - Aven (birdperson) - and Avar - a forest-dwelling race, uses the magic of Gaia, forest animals and the trees. The Avarii are a very magical race, and usually live to around 500-600 years old. So Kyru only looks about 20. [b]Height:[/b] 6'1" [b]Weight:[/b] 134lbs. [b]Hair:[/b] Jet black hair, tied in several long braids. [b]Eyes:[/b] Kyru's eyes are yellow/gold, with a hint of blood red around the outside of the iris'. [b]Weapons:[/b] Kilgorin, Sword of Darkness (I was searching for legendary weapons, and came across this. If it isn't okay, then I also have another in mind). Kilorin belonged to Kyru's older sister, Ayuta, and their grandfather before her. Ayuta died protecting the forests from some of the most twisted humans when they wielded Axes and many weapons and magics to destroy the forests for their own gain. Just before Ayuta died, she shifted the remnants of her soul and magic into the sword. Their grandfather had also done this, so now the sword was large, effective and yet still swift as a dagger. Kyru also carrys five throwing knives and an elven dagger with him. The dagger was given to him as a gift for helping fight off the latest evil to attack elven sacred grounds. (I have attached a picture of Kilgorin.) [b]Magic:[/b] Dark-earth (dark/earth magic), High-earth (light/earth magic) and Gale-earth (wind/earth magic). Knows how to manipulate magics relating to Gaia (Earth) and the trees. Although this ability can be truly strong, it rarely works to Kyru's advantage. Most Gaia-related spells Kyru manipulates to his advantage are small and weak. Only a true Avar can master this kind of manipulative magic. Kyru has learnt many Goriolo spells and magics over the years, but hardly uses them. When he does, he focuses on Goriolo wind spells. Kyru was taught only one skill by his sister and grandfather. When he uses it, which is only in extreme situations, long sharp metal claws (about 6") grow from the tips of his fingers. This magic is only taught to the Icarii, and they must heal their hands after using it (ie: his grandfather was Icarii). {Is that okay? Tell me if you want me to fix anything.} [b]Education:[/b] Taught by his sister and grandfather when they were alive. When both had died, around 30 years previous to the current time, Kyru decided to go and train at the Goriolo Academy. He sped through each level, but has been stuck (for some time) when it comes to the more advanced skills he must learn to graduate. He is hoping to graduate this year. [b]Masters:[/b] (Previous) - Ayuta and their grandfather. (Current) - Master of Earth magic (Eden Allpa), Mistress of Dark magic (Pandora Supay), and Serenol Ashenmyst Muirin. [b]Biography:[/b] Kyru was born two weeks later than expected. And was born with wings and hair of the darkest black. A sign of danger to come. But nothing happened, so everyone expected the mage doctors to have been wrong in their predictions of the time of Kyru's birth. Three years later, his mother and father died during a slughter brought on by demons. Living under the watchful eyes of his grandfather, Tahl, and sister, Ayuta, Kyru learned quickly to obey commands as they were given. Tahl went to war and died, leaving his possessions to Ayuta. Including the Sword of Darkness, Kilgorin. Ayuta and Kyru mourned for 5 years. Once Ayuta was at peace with Tahl's death, she also went off to war. All that came back of her was Kilgorin. Kyru grieved over the last remaining family member he knew of. He was quickly at peace with the death of his sister, knowing there was no point crying. Crying and grieving never brought anyone back. He joined the Goriolo Aademy and trained there for 30 years. Kyru had failed the gradutation exam twice already, and hoped to pass this year.[/color] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [color=red]Hope that's all ok. Please PM me about anything I need to fix or redo completely. Can't wait to start.[/color] [COLOR=sienna][b]EDIT:[/b][/COLOR] I have found a better picture of Kilgorin (Sword of Darkness), and have replaced the original with it. Don't worry, I haven't doule-posted. I just like people to know my edits. [img]http://www.fantasy-swords.com/swords/images/UC1239.JPG[/img]
OOC: Just letting you all know, Likalron is my brother, and I feel I have a responsibility to keep him under control....no, bad use of words...keep him in close understanding of the rules. I really do hope I'm not breaking any right now... I know I should leave this to Terra, Arcadia or The Harlequin, but it's easier to do myself. So forgive me. Likalron, you're supposed to start a new thread in the actual Adventure Arena. This place is just where people sign up for the RPG. Please start the RPG in the Adenture Arena, ASAP. Inuyashagurl_15.....shouldn't you have picked up on this already? Also, Likalron, no double posting. If you have to change anything, or add anything in, please Edit the posts. Don't just keep posting by yourself. Sorry again to the Moderators if you feel I have taken away your jobs.
[i]He's too weak...[/i] thought Ayuta, [i]the rest of the Shrike Sprites will see it. He's far too....no...he has too many family problems.....we will have to wait and see....[/i] Ayuta was concerned with the way Loki's family was basically the entire make-up of his fears. 'Maki, come here a minute will you?' Ayuta called. Maki walked over, 'Is this about Loki?' 'Well...yes, I'm afraid. Look, I'll get straight to the point. The Shrike Sprites don't generally take people with a whole heap of family problems...so...could I ask you to talk to him about them? You know, lift a load off his shoulders. Just tell him to forget about his brother. We'll get rid of him soon enough. And his father? Only he can rid himself of the fear of fighting his own father. Talk to him...will you?' 'Ok, alright. I'll do it. For his sake. 'Cause if he doesn't get into the Sprites, he'll get killed, won't he? For knowing too much?' Maki asked, a little fear in her voice. 'No, I wasn't serious about that.' Maki's face lit up a little. 'But his memory will have to be wiped clean of all events from when he ran into me.' Maki's face drooped and she began to cry. Ayuta spoke softly, 'Maki...Maki, listen to me. That's only if you don't speak with him...' OOC: Sorry for the sappy post. I couldn't think of much else to write...
*wow*............ The first two are perfect in every way. Hmm....the only bad thing I can say about them is the facial expression....what is with [b]that[/b]?! I'm generally not so picky about poses/facial expressions. It's just....there's nothing else "wrong" with it... As for the second one....fantabulous!! (a hybrid word of mine...don't ask) My picky, and possibly insulting, comment, depending on how mentally fragile you are, is that the hand is all weird-like. It doesn't matter though...I myself have always hated drawing hands. Hell...I've only just got the hang of drawing feet.... Anyway... Pictures 1&2 (from first post): 9/10 Picture 3: 9.5/10 PS: That's just my opinion. I tend to be...no...I [b]am[/b] really tight when it comes to rating things. Hey...that's perfectionism... If it ain't perfect, can it. By the way, I [b]do[/b] know my banner and avi aren't exactly perfectionist work. I'm working on it....
OOC: Ooohhhh.....what's Kyu done now?! The trees and stuff were only supposed to hit the enemy.....oh well, I'll play along. IC: [i]Holy shit!![/i] Kyu swore in his thoughts. He relayed a lot of other curse words, but to keep readers' eyes clean, these thoughts aren't to be shown. [i]Ayumi is getting hurt?! And Shi-su is dying from poison?!?! ..........[/i] His thoughts went blank. 'Show me your thoughtsss, bird. Show me your fearsss and weaknessssessss.' It was a voice. Unfamiliar, yet Kyu thought he'd heard it before. 'You've heard me before. And you know it too. But who? Who am I?' the voice taunted. Kyu thought for a moment, his mind rebooting quickly. 'You.....you're a demon.....' he said aloud. 'Yesss.....right you are.....continue...' 'But you're no ordinary demon, are you? Something's different...right?' 'True.....you are a sssmart one, are you not??' 'Cut the crap Ayuta! Cut it out!!' Kyu spun around to see a female demon, floating in midair. 'Oh, sso you did remember my name.....? Well done.....clap...clap...clap.....' 'I said cut it out!!! Leave me alone you bitch!!!' he yelled at her, venting his anger. 'Sso you have managed to make a messs of thingss again, brother??' she retorted. Kyu stopped and stared at the demon. 'What did you say?' The Magic of the Heart weakened in him, and his hair went back to normal. If you took the leathery wings off Ayuta's back and replaced them with feathery ones similar to Kyu's, you'd swear you had run into twins... OOC: Oooohh.....what an interesting developement.....and Ayumi and Shi-su are still stuck fighting off their own troubles.....what'll happen next?
OOC: Sorry for being away so long. IC: Kyu slashed and sliced at the umber hulk he was fighting, his hair had gone completely black now. The Magic of the Heart kicked in as Shi-su had called for help. Ayumi had screamed to him to get to Shi-su. {OOC: Hah! Like he was going to turn his back on an enraged umber hulk, [b]and[/b] several various sized demons? I don't think so!} Kyu quickly desposed of the umber hulk, moving on to help Ayumi fight off the demons. 'Get down there and help Shi-su!!' he yelled at her, rage had blinded him that the demons could have caught [i]him[/i] off guard. 'I'll handle these freaks!' 'Mwahahahaha!' the thinnest of the demons leapt forward. 'You call us [i]freaks[/i]? You are the freaks! You are users of the "strange magic"!' Kyu lashed out at the demon, who quickly stepped aside, and his shot missed. 'Ooooh. You've done it now! No one dodges [b]my[/b] katana!' Kyu growled, his eyes went black and he lashed out again. The demon dodged again. A strip of Kyu's hair went blood red. [i]Dodge this...[/i] he thought. He held out a hand and crushed thin air with his fist. The plants around whipped up and grabbed hold of the demons. OOC: Sorry again! This time for the screwy "Dodge this" line!!
OOC: So far so good! IC: Ayuta stood by as the others fought the various "fears". Loki was the first to beat his opponent, which had switched between Fyre, a man (supposedly related to Loki in some way) and its true form. Maki had also defeated her own enemy, lodging a dagger in its chest. When Loki's "fear" revealed itself, he had spoken, possibly for comfort. Maki hadn't said anything when the shadow morphed, she'd just gone pale white and screamed. [i]What...no, [b]who[/b] was that man??[/i] Ayuta thought to herself. The others were still a little shocked that they were about to face their fears, and as the shapeshifters moved forward, most stepped back a little. 'The more you back away, the stronger the shadows shall be! Fight now! Or your deaths are imminent!!' she called to the group that was still to fight. OOC: Sorry for the short post!!
'Believe me here Raven,' Skyclad began, 'This plan WILL work, no matter how reckless it may be. It will not cost us as many lives as anyone would expect. Already the Skywing Strike Force is being readied.' 'Hmm...' the High Lord thought for a moment. 'Well, the Skywings aren't all that shall be going to war then I hope?' 'Certainly not, your highness! Every bounty hunter has been called to meet at the infirmary in about three hours. Your Royal Army shall be there too. I have sent messengers to the temple to notify them about a "call to arms". They will send all the templars and paladins available. I have also been informed that it should take around 72 hours for the enemy army to reach the first outskirts of our land.' The High Lord thought about it for a moment. Skyclad looked around the room, awaiting his desicion. They had precious little time before the humans struck the first blow, and his people needed to be moved into the city immetiately.
OOC: Well done in your last post Loki, and keep your posts at least (well, almost) that long. Guys, take attention of what the Harlequin has said. POST PROPERLY. I know it sounds a little harsh, but it is nevertheless true. If you are going to post at all, make it good. If you are only posting what your character is saying, you won't get too far, so expand on it a little. Well, back to the RP. IC: Ayuta rolled her eyes. It was time to see how the small group dealt against a few immortal creations of the Shrike Sprites. It was only a test, how hard could it be? 'Guys, I can't help you here. These...things...are the protectors of HQ. You have to beat them fair and square before they'll let you pass,' she told them. 'What are they then? Beasts? Mages?' asked Kinekumi. 'Your worst nightmares...' 'What?!' the group seemed to all shout it simultaneously. Six shadowy figures walked slowly out of the darkness. Some were already taking shape, others staying as the shadows they were. 'This is the test that will let you in to the Shrike Sprites, or see to it that you never see the light of day again,' she explained, a hard look on her face. 'Each of you will fight one and one only. They will take shape of your worst fear, nightmare or enemy. Depends which is the most deadly. Most likely a mix of them all. Once you have fought, if you are still alive, you will come over to me. Leave the others to face their fears. The only way to join the Srites is to overcome the fears that block your path. That is our way.' As Ayuta looked around at the group, she saw looks of fierce concentration or anger on their faces. Some looked as though they were going to turn and run though... OOC: One last thing. I have come to realise that the shortness of some of your posts might have been (partially) my fault. If you were unsure of what was going to happen, describe the surroundings so everyone can almost experience what the characters are experiencing. That's what good posts can do to you. Now, as for fighting the "fears", you can be really creative at this point. Just [b]don't make your fight one sided[/b]. Doing so makes the posts shorter, and less lively. It gets dull when your character becomes a god. I'll keep this in mind myself, if you will too.
Smyth stared at Raist quizzically. Raist had gone into some sort of a trance. 'He crashed into me too,' said the girl innocently, 'Maybe he bumped his head [b]really[/b] hard or something?' Smyth shot the girl a withering look, 'Don't mess around. It's a trance. They only happen when black magic is going on. And when I say black magic, I mean evil magic...' 'Jeez, sorry!' she retorted, 'Knowitall...' 'Are you new to the school or something?! Or is it that you're just an ignorant fool!' Smyth was getting angry, he wasn't having the best of days. Even when he [b]was[/b] having a good day, he was still normally short tempered and cynicle. (sp?) The girl had clearly been hurt by Smyth's rudeness, tears began to fill her eyes. Maybe it was a trick though....he was no good at reading faces. Books had words. Faces had expressions. Big difference. [i]I don't have time for this. She's an emotional little twit anyway, by the looks of it.[/i] he thought. He walked through the library to the cloaking section, grabbed a book labelled: [Cloaking for Beginners] Sure, it was for beginners, but all basic spells were normally the strongest of cloaking spells when you mixed them. He was rushing out of the library when Raist caught his eye. He'd seen Raist around the schoolyard before, and had picked his name up from somewhere. The boy was still in the trance, but his skin was waxy and he was sweating badly. Something big was up. Smyth decided to investigate, so he whipped around and snatched another book from the shelves, this time labelled: [Trances and Traces,] [All you need to know to trace a trance.] [i]It's time for a bit of "study"...[/i] he thought as he checked the books out and left the library. OOC: Okokok...so the book titles were crap. It's kinda hard to think of a title to a made up book that doesn't exist...
OCC: Meh, whatever. IC: Ayuta shook her head as the group decended the steps before her. There were whispers of excitement and anticipation as they walked lower and lower under the ground. 'We're now two storeys under the hotel. The only way out is backwards, and you'll have to pass me to get up there. And then through the locked door.' Ayuta told them in the pitch black. 'Apart from that, there's the escape route. But it's only told to the high ranked of us here at the Shrike Sprites, so don't bother asking about it.' She pulled out another mangled hairpin key and pushed it into the door at the side of the stairs. The others didn't notice and kept going for a while, until Ayuta had run down to them and told them of the door. 'We don't ever go outside HQ unless someone with a key goes with us. I have a key, so I'm free to do as I wish. You lot will be assigned to a group leader who will take you out on missions. I'll try to pull a few strings and get you guys with me, because I already know a little about your fighting styles.' 'What would have happened if we'd gone on further?' asked Bremma quizzically. 'There's a dropoff down there somewhere. A huge gap in the floor for about 10 feet. No one's ever gone down there and made it back. Apparently, according to "legend", after the gap is a tunnel that leads right into an underground lake. Above the lake is the SeeD's main base. If anyone at all could cross the gap, it'd take around two months to reach the lake, and another month to trek around it to the entrance to the SeeD base mines. Don't get any ideas, you lot.' Ayuta had told the new group all she dared. Which was quite a lot in this case, but she was telling the truth. Well, most of it anyway. 'Inside you lot. I can't leave the door open all day!' she called back as she began to walk back up to the door. OCC: Listen to me everyone. I am planning on having the group leap across the gap, walk the tunnel, trek the lake, and find their way through the SeeD base mines later on. DO NOT POST SAYING THAT YOUR CHARACTER HAS GONE TO LEAP THE GAP. If you want your character to attempt to jump across the dropoff, PM me. Don't expect anything though. I'm writing the beginning of the journey to the SeeD base in my spare time, and will post a date for when we will start it. Don't worry, it's not long off.
OCC: I don't kick people out of my RPG's...I lock them in. Unless they haven't even made one post. Then I remove them. But you're safe. I knew you'd be back. IC: 'Heh...' Ayuta smirked as the others stared around in wonder. 'So this HQ, Ayuta?' Maki asked quietly. 'HQ? Hell no! This is just the entrance hall! Follow me,' she snatched the torch from Kinekumi and briskly walked down to the end of the hall. Behind one of the tapestries was a door. Ayuta produced a small key from her hair. It looked like a badly shaped hairpin. 'That just looks like a badly shaped hairpin...' Kinekumi said, his voice low in case Ayuta heard and whipped around to throw the key at him. He didn't want to die today. 'That's because it is, Eienstein,' she quipped. 'All keys in this place are. That's so no one can have a key cut to fit the door. And there's a bit of magic involved too.' The grin Ayuta gave sent shivers down everyone's spines. She pulled the door open to reveal a steep dark staircase. 'Down you go,' she said. Everyone shivered again. OCC: Eienstein was the only thing I could think of to fit in to what Ayuta said to Kinekumi. Don't go asking how people from another dimension could know about Eienstein.
You people all sound so good at drawing. I still cant seem to get the proportions for a body right. It seems as though I'm always drawing a half chibi half manga mutation. The folds are great Dagger, love them. Don't worry about the faces and other missing body parts. You seem to have the hang of them. I couldn't draw that well if my life depended on it. Well, maybe I could, but it hasn't got to the stage that it matters [b]that[/b] much as to how well I draw. I think I'll stick to writing... But just one question... For teenage characters...how would you do the proportions? Meh...I gotta go wash the dishes now...stupid family....
OCC: Nevermind. I just pity you for having to be told what "tag" is... IC: 'Always a drama queen, aren't you Loki?' Ayuta taunted him to rid herself of the feeling - that seeing one of your best friends on the verge of death - gives you. 'What's that supposed to mean?' he asked, wincing and stumbling as he tried to get up. 'Never mind,' she said, moving to help him with his things. [i]Twit...what do you think it's supposed to mean?![/i] she added in her thoughts. Once Loki was up and being helped along by Maki and Bremma, Ayuta led them toward the hotel. 'When we reach the hotel, I want you all to just follow my lead. Don't speak, don't move, and don't touch anything unless I say it's ok. Got it?' After various nods and thereon blank expressions, Ayuta got the message that they had it alright. 'Bob, nice to see you!' she said, shaking the hand of a burly man standing behind the counter in the hotel reception. 'Same back atcha there Tu,' he replied, handing her a small key. 'You know where to go, down the hall and on the right there.' Ayuta gave the huge giant a pat on the back and they shook hands. It was surprising that he didn't crush her hands in his huges fists' grip. The group walked down the hall to a door. It was on the left of the hallway. 'Didn't he say the right?' questioned Maki. 'Did I say you could speak, Maki? I don't think so. Who in this group had been a part of the Shrike Sprites for over 10 years? Me. So who knows where to go? Me.' Ayuta turned the door handle and they entered the room. 'Ok,' she said, 'Now you can talk.' OCC: The next person to post can be the one to make up a description for the room!! I couldn't be stuffed, so lets just say that the room has been changed since Ayuta was last there.
As Bremma was helping Ayuta slowly limp toward the hotel, Ayuta spotted Loki and Maki in the distance. Not too far off of course. They began to make their way over slowly, but Loki looked as though he was in a lot of pain, so Ayuta made an effort to stand and hobble over without Bremma's help. 'Thank's Brem,' she said as she let go her tight grip of Bremma's shoulder. 'Anytime Ayuta,' was the reply. They reached Loki as Maki leaned over him and began to cry. He looked as though he were dying. [i]No...he isn't dying...pull yourself together girl![/i] Ayuta thought to herself as tears began to fill her eyes. Maki's own tears dropped to Loki's forehead and rolled into his eyes, making him blink. He began to glow with an aura much like Ayuta's own, when she performed magic. [i]He must be healing...nothing seems to heal like this so-called "love"...[/i] she thought as she stood and watched what was unfolding before her eyes. Tag: Loki
OCC: My turn!!! IC: Skyclad swept dramatically through the doors to the High Lord's chamber. 'High Lord, as you have no doubt been notified, the humans are planning an attack on our great Empire,' Skyclad was not afraid to say "our empire" instead of "your empire". He and his ancestors were one of the reasons that the Avens had such a large territory in the first place. 'Yes, yes. Go on...' the High Lord drearily allowed Skyclad to continue. He'd been hearing people's opinions all morning, and had had enough of it. 'As you know from the Great Wars of the past, although we may have won our wars, our people have had great losses when it comes down to it. To prevent any further great losses, I suggest we send only our most elite forces and solitary fighters to war. The rest of our soldiers should be able to keep the city itself safe, with the addition of all our best healers and mages creating a protective dome around the city. All who live on the outskirts must be moved into the capital immediately, and their homes made into small forts that could be use strategically in the main force's plans,' he finished triumphantly. The High Lord, and all in the room, just stared blankly at Skyclad. 'In Lamen's (sp?) terms, shove all unneccessary people in the city, and send our best to fight. Our healers make a big protective bubble around the city,' Skyclad sighed once he had finished. [i]Why am I surrounded by idiots?![/i] he thought as he looked around the room. The only one who seemed to understand one bit of it was Raven. Yet that was expected. He was, afterall, one of the fastest, highest ranked of the Aven race. Not many had bested him in a one on one fight. Skyclad had only managed to make it a draw in their match. [i]Never again...[/i] he thought.
The minute Ayuta and Bremma entered the hotel, Ayuta felt it. That weird "brother" of Loki's was at it again. And this time he meant business. Then she felt a large and destructive force coming from Loki and wiping out a whole heap of the summoned beasts. The remaining ones retreated. Towards the hotel. 'Bremma, you ready for another fight?' she asked. Bremma was shocked, but replied, 'Yeah....I guess...........why?' 'Because I said so,' as she said this, Ayuta dashed out of the building, Bremma having (what looked like) a hard time keeping up. 'Keep up theif!' Ayuta called back. Then she saw them, the 5 or 6 remaining summoned beasts with Loki's brother leading them. 'Fine then,' Ayuta muttered, 'Have it your way' [i]Elementals......[/i] she thought in her booming, soundless voice, [i]Help us now.....help us to rid this town of these evil beasts, summoned by the undead one.[/i] Her eyes were glowing strangely again. This time the light and aura was white. There was also a high pitched noise coming from Ayuta's mind. White noise. {OCC: extremely high pitched, can do serious damage to your ears...} The beasts all fell to the ground, clutching their ears. Or what seemed to be ears anyway. Bremma was unnaffected by the sound, but she watched in wonder. Ayuta ran at Loki's brother with her katana blade (only used on special occasions) out in front of her. With a few quick, blindingly light slashes of her blade, Loki's brother was gone. Not dead. Couldn't be. But vanished. Ayuta called to Bremma to come and help her slay the beasts. Once the dirty work had been dealt with, Ayuta stopped glowing. Just as Loki had done, she collapsed. Bremma rushed over. 'Hey! Are you alright?' she asked. 'Heh...fine. Just a few bruised muscles,' replied Ayuta, trying to get up, but falling again. Bremma helped her up, and they slowly made their way back to the hotel. OCC: Hehehe...a helluva lotta drama happenning right now.
OCC: Sorry for being away for so long. This RPG has been relatively inactive lately, and I was kinda busy, having a hard time keeping up with other RPGs I was in. IC: Kyu leapt to the side, sweeping Ayumi with him. He put her at the top of a very tall tree so that she'd be safe. 'HEY!! Whats the big idea, birdboy?!' she yelled in anger. 'Just keeping you safe. Shi-Su and I know this forest a lot better than you do, and I can send the forests magic at the demons if things get too rough. We are quite close to the elven village. We'll rush past and pick up Ryu on our way north.' came his longer than expected reply. 'Fine...' Ayumi mumbled poutingly. Kyu flew up quickly, then dived down into the madness, drawing his blade and dagger. From the treetops, Ayumi could see that Kyu's hair was starting to go black again... OCC: When his hair goes black, the magic of the heart is kicking in. And you know, I just noticed this, but if you swap the Shi with the Su in Shi-Su, it becomes SuShi. lolz. I can't believe I just noticed...
Smyth waited until Kitty had left, then rushed into the library. He had to find a book on how to combine elemental powers. That way he'd be able to create a cloaking spell strong enough to withstand even an Elder's tracking spells. Or so he hoped. He didn't want anyone tracking him again. It brought back bad memories. [i]Smyth ran from hiding place to hiding place. He was only 9 years old. There were people everywhere, looking for him. Their tracking spells easily caught onto him. At this time, he didn't know many cloaking spells, but he'd managed to write one himself, combining the ones he knew, combining his elements. He muttered the words, creating small rip, or "seam" in the air in front of him. He stepped inside, and all was dark. He turned and held the rip closed, so that no-one would notice him, but so that he could still get out. The Elders were running their tracking incantations off the tips of their tongues quickly and efficiently. One of them pointed over to the seam that Smyth had created. They all ran over examining, what looked like, thin air. They could tell that a great cloaking spell had been cast, and Smyth could see in their eyes that they knew he was here. He could also see that it would only be a matter of time until they tore the seam open and ripped him out. They did it with such magical force that it knocked all memory of any cloaking spells out of his mind. They wiped his memory clean, replacing it with nicer memories. They made sure he wouldn't remember the cloaking spell he'd just done (a historical first) so that he wouldn't be able to run away if they ever needed him for some reason. The day was traumatic. They couldn't just magic away the memories, they'd had to beat them out of him...[/i] Smyth shuddered. Well, he was here now. And all he remembered of that day was that it had caused him to lose an important part of his memory. As he walked towards the library, he was so deep in his own thoughts that he didn't notice that a girl was running blindly towards him. The crash was imminent. OCC: The girl is Rune, if the crash hasn't already happened with Raist. If it has, then Smyth will crash into Rune as she's getting up, or something of the likes.
OCC: Roxanne, I guess your character could be one of the three who'd tracked down Smyth previously. Cool stuff Kitty. Anyway, back to the RPG... Smyth looked up at the girl. She was only about 16... [i]How the hell could SHE have done that?![/i] he cried out, shocked and angered, in his thoughts. 'So, it was [b]you[/b] causing the storm to go all haywire,' she said, staring blankly at him. Maybe there was a hint of accusation in her voice, but he couldn't tell. He still wasn't over the fact that she had beat him at his own game. Then it all clicked. 'You...' he started, 'You're that girl...the one that always skips school...they say you're two years ahead of your class. Or year level, anyway. I've also heard that you beat the fieldwork teacher in a challenge. And [b]she[/b] challenged [b]you[/b]. You must be good.' Smyth was astonished that this girl, the one person he hoped to one day duel in a field fight (not knowing who she was, he'd just heard rumours and wanted a challenge), had just beat him. He stood up and bowed. Kitty looked at him strangely, 'What the hell are you doing?' 'Well, not many people have beaten me at my own game, and I always [b]did[/b] hope to challenge you. Good match,' he stood up and held out his hand, Kitty just looked at it. 'Don't tell me you don't know how to shake hands?' said Smyth.