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Everything posted by inti
OCC: Hehehe...I'm on the fourth floor, not long to go. IC: Smyth, being in his last year at the academy, was top of the line in detection and cloaking {OCC: that's why he noticed Raist}. He'd only been discovered by a few people while cloaking himself. And he thought highly of each one of them. Only three had done it so far. And he wasn't expecting it to happen today. But a part of him wanted the trackers to find him (well...almost find him anyway). He wanted to have some fun, to push himself to the limit. As he finished cloaking the boarding wing, he felt the closest tracker conjure something. Something that would find him if he wasn't careful. He decided to play the poltergeist, and trick the summoned [i]thing[/i]. He thought the words of a spell, and they appeared in the air in front of him. With a flick of his hand, they dissappeared into the room below him. The conjured [i]thing[/i] would think he was on the third floor, leading the tracker the wrong way while he prepared a few more tricks. Smyth pulled out his Book of Shadows (personal spellbook/journal), and selected some of the spells he'd come up with himself. They were perfectly undetectable. Or so he thought. OCC: There you go Kitty! Something to work with!
Smyth snapped out of his trance-like state, dropping to the bed. Someone....no...more than one person had noticed he was doing a large and fairly dangerous spell. He sensed one aura 'pop', as the first person entered the schoolgrounds. A couple of minutes later, another aura was invoked. This time further away. Smyth thought about how they could have been tracking his spell, then thought of the storm. [i]Ahh....elements...lightning is a part of this storm, so I was, of course, adding to it...elementary...[/i] he chuckled at the thought. He could sense the trackers losing the 'scent' of his spell. 'Hmm...they'll still try to find me, or in their case, the source of the magic,' he said aloud to himself, 'Well, let's give them a challenge then...' He cast the cloaking spell of earth on the boarding wing of the school. If he did it to just his room, there would be an inequality, too noticable, therefore defeating the purpose of the cloaking spell in the first place. Also, to make these young mages who were tracking him lose his scent, an earth spell was only fitting. A lightning spell would just lead them to him, and he would still be adding to the spell. Being the best in the academy at field work (including cloaking and couter-spells) had its advantages.
Skyclad flew faster and faster until he reached the Grand Lord's tower. By then, there were aven messengers everywhere, calling out the news of the army with dragons. [i]Shit...dragons.....fuc--[/i] but his thoughts were cut off by someone leaning out of a window of the tower. 'The only ones allowed to see his graciousness are his advisors or army generals! The rest of you can piss off and give us some peace!!' Skyclad pushed through to the door at the foot of the tower, all others pushing past him the opposite way. When he arrived in the massive hallway, the guards asked his business. 'I am Skyclad. I am his highness' personal bounty hunter, and I was once one of his highest ranked Skywing Generals. I have come to advise his majesty of some tactics that I think he may agree with,' announced Skyclad. The guards hung their mouths open in shock. Skyclad was fairly well know for his extreme, yet effective tactics. 'Y-y-yes-s-sir..' one of the guards managed to stammer [b]and[/b] slur his words. [i]Wow...you are so utterly talented when it comes to speech[/i] thought Skyclad as he brushed past the guards.
Smyth sat in his room at the Mage School's board wing. Not many people stayed at the school on board. Most had homes in the city. So anyway, Smyth was sitting in his room on his bed, crosslegged. Tonight, the storm was raging outside, so it was the perfect chance to enhance his skills in lightning magic. He sat there, facing the window, chanting the incantations needed to expand his ability. His eyes began to glow bright yellow, like the sun, and he rose from the bed a few inches. There was a glowing yellow aura shifting and shimmering around him, and his white hair lifted and swirled with the magic aura. It was truly a sight to see. Normally, he would be expelled for doing this on school grounds, but since there was basically no one around, and even those that were here would most likely stay unharmed, he was free to do as he wished. There was one side effect of the spell he was doing though. Since there was a raging storm going on outside, the magic lightning he was producing added to the storm. The city was in for a rough night... OCC: I thought this could maybe link to the way Kitty kept an eye on how close the lightning and thunder was. It's a short post, but I'm stuck for time.
Kyru looked back. That Orear kid and his pet lizard rose up through the shroud. They were no more than a speck on the horizon (there was a [b]lot[/b] of flat land between them). [i]Ok Incu, you take me where you think would be the next best place. They know I'll go for the Freeze Clan, and will no doubt get there first...so let's see what happens. The elders of the Freeze Clan....all seven of them, will not want to let the marble go. They'll take AT LEAST a week to decide what's to happen. And they'd most likely want their ancient rider to take it herself. Not some kid claiming to be chasing me...[/i] he thought to Incu. [i]Off we go then Kyru. To the underground. The deadland, if you think that name's better for it...only the elder from each Clan knows of that place...we shall stay in hiding until the last moment. With the Plasma and Flame Clans so weak, we strike their riders first. They'll be in hospitals by then, they're energy is draining from them....I can feel it...[/i]
OCC: ..........it's still daytime....right? I'll go along from my last post. IC: Ayuta ran off into the crowds in the hope of running into someone. She knew this was bound to happen at some stage. [i]Those little shits....when I get my hands on them......[/i] she thought. Ayuta ran around a corner and down a dark alley. There was a dead end...just what she needed. She turned around and summoned the little ball of energy like she did before the group had entered the town. It was green this time though. She searched with her mind, searched the market stalls and inns. No doubt SOMEONE had gone to grab some food and a room for the night. Then she saw them. Maki was pulling Loki through shops, and Loki bought a Mage scroll. Bremma was off buying knives and gloves. The others were also buying various things. Ayuta squashed the little orb of light and ran to where Loki, Maki and Bremma were about to meet. 'What have you got there?' Bremma asked. 'Oh, just a scroll,' Loki said, opening it a bit and examining the script within. Bremma peeked a little, squinting rather hard at it. 'Hey now, I never said you could read it, no peeking!' he said playfully. 'Heh, you don't have to worry about me reading it...' she said softly, looking about. Bremma spotted Ayuta and walked over. 'Been evesdropping then have we?' Bremma said sarcastically. 'No....just...you know.........well at least I didn't run off! I was going to tell you all where we were to meet!!' replied Ayuta, getting angry (again). 'I need some rest, there an inn anywhere...? Or something that I can sleep and maybe eat in?' Loki asked Ayuta curiously, coming over, 'I'm hungry......' he drooled humerously. Maki came over as well, but immediately pulled Loki away and into the crowd. 'There they go again...' said Bremma. 'They'll come looking for us. Don't worry. Let's go find the others. I'll show you where the HQ is. There's food, and extra rooms for you guys,' called Ayuta running into the crowd. Bremma soon followed. OCC: Loki and Maki, you guys are in the hotel which is a coverup for the entrance to the rebel group HQ. Next time you see Ayuta or Bremma is in that hotel. You can still run into the others though. And is it just me...or are we the only ones posting? Oh, sorry for being away for [b]A DAY[/b], but my little brother is taking up the computer more and more often...
Don't worry! Inti to the rescue!! (just ignore that, ok?) Name: Smyth Age: 19 Gender: Male Height: 5'10" Weight: 67kg (eeerrr.....isn't that like 120 something pounds? im australian, so we use kilos here!!) Hair Color: Perfectly white. Eye Color: Blood red. Mage or Normal: Mage (definitely) Elements: Earth & Lightning General appearance: Has an average tan (obviously the perfect tan everyone's always trying to get) and has a good build for someone his age (quite true...lol, just kidding). His hair is about shoulder length, so he wears it back in a ponytail. Of course, his hair is silky smooth and straight. He normally wears a white singlet with an open, blue shirt over the top. He wears some cool looking jeans as well. Bio: Smyth always got along with everyone, being a real people person. Got along well with everyone in the coastal town he lived in. Normal or mage. He went to a co-ed school (normal and mage people). This was all until his parents wanted to move into the city. When they went to check out a house they were going to buy, they were mugged by a group of "non-mages". Both parents were stabbed in several places and both died. From that day on, Smyth steered clear of all normal people, sticking to his mage friends. Then his godparents came and took him to the city, where he was ridiculed for having pure white hair and blood red eyes. He soon beat them up, but was expelled from the only co-ed school in the city. He then was sent to a Mage boarding school, where he kept to himself. Smyth was now a cynical mage who had almost mastered both the Earth and Lightning magic skills you could learn at the mage school. He has friends, but not many. Most are still out in the coastal town he left all those years ago. Hope that's ok. Tell me if I need to add anything or take anything away.
Kyru stared at his ID card. [i]Pfft! Whitepire?! What kind of a name is THAT?![/i] he thought. Then he thought better of thinking of what he could say aloud. That Ghost woman might overhear him. 'So, Manson. What shit ID name have you got then?' Kyru called from his hiding place in the shadows. 'Pack...it's alright I guess. But judging from the way you thought my ID name was going to be shit, I'm guessing yours isn't exactly to your liking,' was the reply. 'To my LIKING?! How can you LIKE my ID name?! Whitepire....well, I'm CERTAINLY not wearing this ID card. Especially if it means being called,' he shivered, an unusual thing for him to do, 'Whitepire' [i]You can just call me Kyru at this freak house woman. No-one in the world knows my name is Kyru. Apart from these mutants in this room. You hear me woman?! IT'S KYRU!![/i] he screamed through his thoughts, hoping that Ghost had heard him clearly enough. OCC: No offense or anything, the name Whitepire just doesn't appeal to me. No matter. Just call me Whitepire and enjoy making my character squirm. It'll be fun, I guess...
Kyru looked back towards the Flame Clan. [i]Shit...not this little bastard again...Incu, we can turn and fight. We have three Clan marbles, Darkness, Plasma and Flame, and we just need to get away. Maybe another Dark Shroud would do...[/i] he thought to Incubuzzard. [i]Sure thing. Should we add a bit of "hot spice" to the shroud??[/i] Incu asked. [i]Hmm....good idea...[/i] Kyru thought back, placing the Flame Clan marble in one of Incu's claws, and the Darkness Clan marble in the other. 'Piss off you little runt! Or do you want to blow this away too?' Kyru called back to Orear. Yet again, the shroud shot out around Kyru. There was something different this time though... If Orear tried to blow away the shroud, he and his dragon would get burnt badly. OCC: I know this seems a bit unfair Takuya, but would it be okay if Orear attemted to blow away the shroud? You know, all "not this weak cloud again, Powiertze, blow it away!" that kind of thing. Just a request. Don't worry, you'll all be able to fight Kyru soon...
[i]Hmm...so his brother is the general I decapitated? Interesting...[/i] Ayuta thought as she led the group into the town. 'Hey, Loki!' she called back, 'What's with your brother? Don't mean to bring back dark memories or anything...it's just....I thought that general was the one I decapitated with the clipboard?' 'Don't pry into other peoples' pasts Ayuta! It's not nice!' whined Maki, to Loki she said, 'Don't answer that Loki.' 'Hehehe....how can I answer a question I don't know the answer to?' he replied. 'Great...so you've got short-term memory loss then,' Ayuta said, the sarcasm flowing easily from her mouth. 'Something like that,' he called. Ayuta shook her head and walked on. As the group moved deeper into the town, the streets became more and more crowded. It was market day. 'Welcome to the greatest marketplace on Earth, my homies,' she called back. She then pulled out a small sack of gil. {OCC: Gil is the currency, or money if you don't know what currency means lol} There was enough gil in the pouch to buy a mansion. 'Here! Take some and go crazy! There's enough gil in this pouch to buy half the market! It's all taken from those SeeD bastards, so don't worry about me, I've got plenty back at HQ.' Ayuta took a portion of gil from the small bag and put it in her pocket. The bag seemed lighter for a second, then refilled itself because of the spell one of the Alchemists at HQ had put on it. All stolen gil was in a safe at HQ, and all high ranked people in the rebel group had one of these special pouches. 'I gotta get me one of these...' murmered (sp?) Bremma, examining the pouch after removing a small portion of the gil. 'No can do, Bremma. Only high ranked people in the Shrike Sprites get those. And don't think of stealing it. If it goes missing, I can get one of the Alchemists at HQ to warp it back.' Once everyone in the group had taken some gil, Ayuta took the pouch back and led them into the market. 'Keep close and don't get lost,' she said turning to face the group. They had all gone off their own way, eager to see what they could buy with their small fortunes. [i]Shit...[/i] Ayuta thought. OCC: When I wrote "small fortunes", I meant that you could buy one or two things. Please stay in the marketplace!! You can do what you want, of course...
As everyone gathered around Ghost, Kyru slipped into the shadows again, hoping not to be noticed. 'You. In the shadows,' snapped Ghost, pointing straight at Kyru, then looking at a profile in one of the manilla folders she carried, 'Kyru, is it? Don't bother trying to hide. I know your kind. Big and tough in the dark, but when confronted in full light, you cower and run..' [i]Bitch[/i] he thought. 'I heard that. Thanks to Squid's technology, of course.'
OCC: I will PM StickFairy about this, and if anyone else could, that'd be great. If she doesn't reply, I'll give away her place. Please tell me if she replies your PM if you send one. Kyru waltzed away from the Flame Dragon Clan with the glowing red Clan marble in his hand. [i]Heh....they don't even know who their Ancient Rider is yet! It's like living in the dark!! Well....for light-dwellers anyway...[/i] he thought. Kire was trying to keep up, desperate for Kyru's attention. 'Kyru! Slow down! How do you expect me to keep up? It's like you don't want my help!' [i]If you're that thick that you haven't put two and two together yet, you don't deserve to LIVE...let alone try ane "help" me...[/i] were Kyru's thoughts, aloud he said, 'You really ARE that thick that you haven't put two and two together yet, aren't you?' Kire just stood there, shocked. 'If you REALLY want to help me THAT badly, I'll be at the Freeze Clan next. I wonder if they'll have at least SOME defences, unlike these hotheads from the Flame Clan.'
Ayuta noticed Maki pause, and saw that Loki was concentrating on something. In fact, everyone in the entire group seemed to flinch at the same time...something big was about to happen.... Then she felt what the others had felt...a strange presence....it felt like it was taking over her being. Time to use one of the abilities she'd learnt from the old man who'd raised her. Ayuta's long, black, silky hair began to rise as she formed a triangle shape with her hands in front of her chest. Loki felt her energy, and immediately knew she had been taught by an Elementalist. {OCC: Kind of like a mage, but status effects are added to the magic, ie; water+slow} A small purple ball of energy formed in the centre of the triangle shape of Ayuta's hands. It grew bigger, until it filled the shape entirely. Ayuta began to glow with an aura the same purple as the energy ball. She opened her eyes, which were, again, the same glowing purple. [i][b]Where are you?! Show yourself fiend![/b][/i] she called through her mind. Only those she wanted to hear her could do so. The members of the group looked around, startled. How could they hear something, but not hear it with their ears? [i][b]YOU HEARD ME!! COME OUT AND FIGHT YOU COWARD!![/b][/i] Ayuta was now screeching with passionate anger, echoing and vibrating to the score of each syllable. Her companions looked like they had migraines{sp?}. [i][b]I'M GIVING YOU UNTIL THE COUNT OF THREE, SLIMEBALL!!! ONE.........TWO....................................THR---[/b][/i] but the last thoughts were cut off by Maki's screams, and the sound of breaking trees. The huge figure stomping toward them was some kind of summoned beast, with a SeeD general riding atop it.....but it wasn't just any general. This one was dead, carrying his head on a pike.....and he wanted revenge.....
Kyru sat in a darkenned corner. Watching the others and listening intently. [i]So....Shya, Manson, David, Sebastian and Zell...the others must be too tired to talk...heh....tired, I remember the days...[/i] Manson was waiting for Shya to answer him, but her attention had been diverted to Kyru's blood red eyes, glowing in the shadows. 'Shya? Hello? Anyone home?' inquired Manson, waving a hand in Shya's face. 'Heh...I have that affect on women,' Kyru said, snapping his fingers. Shya snapped out of it. 'Hey! That's not fair! You shouldn't be able to do that to me!' she whined. 'Shouldn't.....but that doesn't mean I can't,' he replied. He slank off through the shadows, appearing behind her. 'So?' Kyru asked, 'You [b]were[/b] going to tell Manson here why the hell you're in this...."facility"....'
OCC: Just letting you know what a Viera is incase you don't already know. I'm not sure how we're going to write it in, or even if we will at all...because I didn't put up the option at the Recruitment forum... A Viera is a woman with strange rabbit-like ears. They are very fast fighters. Only generally Vieras are the only creatures able to summon....nevermind, I'll come up with something. If you don't agree with it, PM me. IC: [i]Wow....[/i] Ayuta was extremely shocked at how quickly Loki had killed so many soldiers. She knew blue mages were powerful, but THAT powerful? [i]Maybe he has the skills of a blue mage passed down to him by his father....but what of his mother?? She must have been a Viera...how else could he summon? What is the secret behind his power??? I have to find out...before he does.......[/i] 'Ayuta, you coming? Or do you like to fight dozens of SeeD soldiers all at once?' called Loki. He was up the front....well, almost. He was chasing that Maki character. Ayuta sighed. She quickly caught up and ran ahead. The uncanny group had reached the small town of Ivalice {OCC: heh....original, huh...} the Shrike Sprites' town HQ. 'Welcome to your new home,' called Ayuta, [i]Welcome, friends...[/i] she added in her thoughts.
[i]Hmm...so she isn't a useless clown afterall[/i] thought Ayuta. She ran over to the SeeD armour, searching for hidden compartments that contained weapons. And lo and behold! A Revolver (loaded, mind you) with spare ammo in a small pouch next to it. [i]Hehehe...these SeeDs will fall faster than Autumn leaves...[/i] Ayuta grabbed a few of the extra shells and chucked them at the Soldier rushing at her, sword drawn. One struck the base of his blade, igniting the gunpowder that was on the surface of a bullet. One struck him where you shouldn't hit a guy, and the last ricoched of his armour and into the back of the head of the soldier fighting Loki. He looked over in wonder, and she winked at him. Looking back to what lay before her, she called, 'Bremma! Keep that armour coming!!'
OCC: Where's StickFairy? The one supposed to be the Flame Clan Rider... If she doesn't post in the next two days, I'll reopen the Recruitment form for someone, who actually POSTS, to join. IC: Kyru and Incu arrived at the Darkness Dragon Clan and rested. About an hour later they took the Clan marble and headed for the closest Clan....the Flame Dragon Clan... Aparently they hadn't been notified about Kyru yet, being so isolated from the rest of the nation. About halfway there, another rider came up alongside Incu. [i]What NOW?[/i] 'Many deathly greetings to you, Rider of the Dark I---' 'Look, kid,' Kyru interrupted, 'You saw what my dragon and I can do, if that runt Orear hadn't interfered then Bremma would be out for the count. What makes you think I wouldn't do the same thing to you?' 'What makes me think you wouldn't break open the earth at my feet is that one, we're flying, and two, I know how to get back at Bremma.' the kid didn't hide his feelings for sure. The whole time he spoke it was with hatred for Bremma... 'Well then, aren't you a smart boy? You could actually tell we're in the air and not on the ground! Wow!' the sarcasm was flowing like a flooded river, 'At least your head isn't full of rocks then.'
OCC: HOLY CRAP!!! I've only been inactive for one or two days and you people have got this RPG to three pages!!! I've had exams, so I've been busy. I'll be able to keep up after tomorrow though...(on with the story then) 'For the gods' SAKES!! WILL YOU LOT SHUT UP?!' screamed Ayuta, meaning to scream it in her head of course. The group was shocked. Everyone had stopped their various conversations and now stood stone-still around 5 paces back. 'What I [b]meant[/b] to say,' now calmly getting herself out of the crap she was in, 'was that we have to be quiet if we're going to have any hope of getting past the guards. We ARE in the SeeD district, after all.' Right at that moment Maki dissapeared into the trees, Loki readied his staff, Bremma pulled out various weapons, Kinekumi started whispering to himself and rocking to and fro, and Rannos pulled out his rapier. [i]Great. Spoke too soon I guess...[/i] were Ayuta's last thoughts before pulling out a few shrike throwing knives and some pencils. 'Pencils?!' exclaimed Rannos and Maki simultaneously (Kinekumi was too busy rocking back and forth to notice). The SeeD guards rushed at them from all sides. There were around two dozen, and one had something all mages should fear. The SeeD commander threw the card into the air (yes, the card). But this was no ordinary card. It pulled a special effect into a fight, nullifying all magic and magical abilities (including summons *OCC: sorry there Loki*). Ayuta hoped the mages didn't try anything stupid, that thing sent the magic back threefold. Fyre CERTAINLY wouldn't last long, she could already see his colour draining from his scales. 'Call back Fyre you idiot! He's dying! And he's not gonna come back if you don't hurry up!' [i]Why didn't I see this coming? Being around people has screwed up my asassin's sixth sense....[/i] Then the SeeDs attacked. Ayuta threw the knives at three separate soldiers' heads. Only 21 to go.... The pencils flew out of her hands. Another five down...
[i]I'm not going to get sucked into the conversation...I'm not going to get sucked into the conversation...I'm no-[/i] Ayuta was trying to act the strong, silent type, but was having a hard time keeping her mouth closed. 'Most warriors aren't so brave once they no longer have their weapon,' Bremma finished. 'Hmph. That's why I learned to use anything there is available as a weapon. Take the clipboard for example. Or.....the hairpins like I said.' Ayuta had been sucked into the conversation. 'You'll have to show us one time.' Loki suggested. 'Heh. As if. I hope there won't be a "one time". As soon as we get to Sprite HQ, I'm gonna get you two transferred.' 'AWWW!' the others weren't liking the sound of this. The only person either of them knew was Ayuta, and they still knew almost nothing about her. 'Don't try whinging and whining with me. I could kill the both of you right now. This is MY game. So just play along and see how things turn out.'
OCC: This is turning out to be more fun than I expected! A little slapstick humour, with a dash of adventure, deadly fighting and a bit of fantasy and you've got the "perect RPG"! I KNOW it sounds corny (=_=*....curse you), but its true! [i]Why do I always end up getting into situations like this?[/i] Ayuta thought as she sighed. Some girl had just fallen out of a tree. Did EVERYONE in this neighbourhood want to get killed?! And why the hell was that kid asking everyone about the rebellion?! That was supposed to be a SECRET!!! Now she'd have to fill BOTH of them in on it all, and probably even "invite" them into the Shrike Sprites, the most successful rebel group yet. If word got out, there'd be quadrupled security. Pfft. More like, make them choose between joining and death. Ayuta was in charge here, and she was gonna let them know it. 'Look, kid, Loki was it? Anyway, names don't matter. If you ask one more person about the rebellion, unless you are CERTAIN they are part of it, I will kill you. If they haven't done it first.' she could see her words were having more than some effect, 'The SeeD don't know about it yet. If they DO find out, they'll increase their hold on both Earth AND Venus. Do you think this town is a rebel BASE or something?! No? Then stop asking around!' Ayuta was now panting with rage and frustration. Being in charge of things sometimes didn't work as you expected. You said too much, etc, etc, yada, yada. Blah, blah, blah. 'And you! Falling out of a tree after you so obviously saw me decapitate someone with a CLIPBOARD?!' shreiking was her specialty, 'I could have turned on you with a hairpin and stabbed you in several major arteries before you had time to try and get up!' She stormed off in the direction of the Sprites' HQ. 'Well? Are you coming or not?! I have some shrike throwing knives on me and at this point, I'm certainly not afraid to use them!'
[i]Oh, puh-leez![/i] Ayuta spun around. 'Kid, if I was a SeeD soldier or general, you'd be dead for just [b]thinking[/b] about looking for a rebellion group. You're lucky. This time. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment that I'm late for.' She rushed around the corner towards the footsteps that were growing louder by the second. Just as she thought, there was the SeeD soldier. And he was only a cadet? He had NO chance! 'So, it's [b]you[/b] I have to dispose of... not even worth my time... but you're on my list, nonetheless.' Ayuta pulled out the clipboard and threw it at the cadet, "frisbee-style", decapitating the poor idiot. Loki sat back in the shadows amazed. This girl wasn't even a mage, and she could still take off a man's head with a blunt, plastic clipboard?!
o.O.........................wow those are all so good....in my opinion anyway. and that's probably because i can do jack all on photoshop and making my own banners and/or avatars still, they are REALLY good quality pictures, and the way you've cut them up and moved them around is fantastic. 1o/1o
Ayuta slipped the scythe silently around the SeeD general's neck. He dropped dead in a second. [i]There's another one down. This is turning out to be a good night,[/i] she thought as she took out her clipboard and checked off the name of the general: [b]General Srana [ ][/b] it read. She ticked it off again, just to make sure. [i]Only one to go[/i] thinking to herself again. Ayuta silently ran down an alley. [i]These SeeD are so EASY to find. They always live in big groups near each other.[/i]
-_-" soz Loki, it's supposed to be in the ACTUAL ADVENTURE ARENA.....hell....you are new..... Adventure Arena is where you post the RPG story. Adventure Arena: Recruitment (where we are now) is where you sign up for an RPG. Anyway, just copy the text from your latest post and put it in the Adventure Arena in the "Final Fantasy, Damned to Hell" thread. ***ALSO REMEMBER NOT TO DOUBLE POST. IT CREATES SPAM, AND THE MODERATORS HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT (quite frankly, so do I)***
OOC: THIS RPG IS STILL OPEN IN THE RECRUITMENT SECTION. JUST SIGN UP AND JOIN IN!!! _______________________________________ [color=red]**Final Fantasy, Damned to Hell**[/color] [color=royalblue]Imagine being transported from your own world to another. We've all seen it happen to Tidus in FFX, and Marsh in FF TacticsAdvance. Now imagine people from another world transporting themselves to your planets. People from another galaxy have found a way to rip time and space apart, and they've started moving from one planet to the next. Expanding their race, enslaving the peoples of the different planets.[/color] This story is based on earth in the year 5098. The Sun is expanding, it has already enveloped Mercury. The race of the Bangaa (lizard-like people from FFTA) were destroyed - Mercury being inhabited by them. The seasons of Earth no longer exist, instead we have extreme heat at all times. 45 degrees Celcius is the normal Average. The inhabitants of Earth are the remnants of the Bangaa and several other races Whose planets have been taken over by the SeeD (from the far reaches of the Universe). The SeeD have found a way to transport from one planet to another, from Galaxy to Galaxy. They know a way to stop the Sun from enveloping Earth and Venus. But they want the two planets under their rule too. Earth and Venus's Governments agreed to the deal. There has been nothing but great weather and prosperity since. But last year, on the eve of the anniversary that SeeD helped the planets, they attacked us. We could do nothing to stop them, according to the "treaty". Earth and Venus fell like a stone from a cliff. There are several groups planning a rebellion. *********** WE HAVE NOW STARTED. SIGN UP IN THE RECRUITMENT SECTION, OR IF YOU ALREADY HAVE, POST AWAY! :freak: ***SORRY...I HAVE TAKEN AWAY THE POLL. I FEEL IT WAS DIVERTING ATTENTION FROM THE ACTUAL RPG***