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It seemed as though time had slowed down. The boulder was falling down, destined to hit Kyru. The arrow that Bremma had shot was coming at him. And that pesky runt from the Air Clan was trying to formulate a plan, [i]All brawn, no brains if anyone asked me...[/i] thought Kyru. Kyru thought up a plan of action quickly. Time seemed to slow down again as he sent his plan into action. He still had his whip, everyone seemed to think he'd forgotten it. With the platinum blades attached, it could break through stone. Another advantage he had was the Plasma Clan's marble, which he had attached to the handle of his whip before the fight, without letting anyone see. That enhanced the strength and speed of his whip. In one swift movement, at the last moment, he flicked the whip. The arrow was deflected to the side. He directed his whip to lash upwards at the falling boulder, which was now only feet from his head. The Bremma girl couldn't aim at him through the dust, and if an arrow hit the boulder it would come flying back at her. The whip cracked the boulder down the middle, just in time. The two halves of the boulder came rushing down past Kyru's front and back. His next move was to call Incubuzzard. His high pitched whistle got him out of there just in the nick of time. The dust had settled a little and Bremma had launched a few more bolts at him. Incu got a scratch or two, but managed to come out mostly unharmed. [i]Home it is then. At nighttime, they won't dare come to our Clan for a surprise attack on me. And I think our Clan's marble will be needed if I'm to dispose of that lot.[/i] he thought. [i]There are two other Ancient Clan Riders out there too, Kyru. The Flame and Freeze Clan Riders should be on their way to see what all the commotion's about. Once home, we should take our marble and head for the Fire or Ice Clan,[/i] this was the first time Incu had spoken to Kyru for years, and certainly the first time he had told Kyru what they should do. [i]Okay, old friend. I'll follow your lead this time Incu[/i]
Kyru sighed. He knew it wouldn't be long until one of those pesky runts from another Clan would interrupt the total and inevitable destruction of Bremma. It was that kid and his stunted dragon from the Air Clan. And he was holding the marble of his Clan in front like some sort of crucifix attack on a vampire. He was basically saying, "Look at me!!! Come and grab my Clan's most treasured item!!!" He was flying towards Incubuzzard, who was widenning the split in the earth at Bremma's feet. 'INCU!!! STOP! WATCH OUT FOR THE RUNT FROM THE AIR CLAN!!' Incubuzzard dodged out of the way just in time....
[i]This isn't right....she shouldn't be so fast.........even for a Mountain rider....the marble![/i] just then it hit him. Well, Bremma hit him, to be exact. His whip came back at him, after being caught around one of her arrows. 'Care for another shot?' she said mockingly. 'Fine, have it your way then Mud Maiden.' he took out three small blades and a black glove (all fingertips removed) with jade spikes on the knuckles. You could almost call the spikes knives.... He attatched the three blades to his whip at certain sections, so that no matter where it hit Bremma, she would be cut. He put the glove on his left hand. Kyru seemed amused, all of a sudden, 'Why do you even bother, girl?' and with that, he licked his whip. A sudden crack could be heard for miles around. 'Bother what?' Bremma was suspicious. 'Watch yourself girl....wouldn't want to fall, would we now?' The three blades were platinum, a new metal, discovered by the Mountain Clan. The platinum had the strength and force to split earth, given it was sharp enough. Kyru had managed to steal a few blades. A small crack began to split in the earth at Bremma's feet. Nothing, severe, nothing dangerous. But the Mountain Clanners weren't the only strategists. Silently, Kyru spoke to Incu through his mind. [i]Incu, kill the earth.....make it dead. Split it down the middle......make....her.......fall.........................[/i]
'Heh...you think a little, wooden, stick-launcher is going to harm me, Mud Girl??' taunted Kyru. He loved this bit, it always made him feel in more control. He leapt off Incu and onto the ground behind her. 'Surprise, girly.' he spun around, his hair wrapping around her neck tightly, 'I thought you could cut through dirt.....' 'It's Mountain, you dumass!' Bremma stomped on Kyru's foot, then kicked over her shoulder. Talk about flexible. She quickly grabbed a bolt and cut his hair from her neck, but in the process, nikked herself with the point. A trickle of blood ran down her neck. 'So...you are human after all. I was beginning to think you were some sort of hybrid' he mused, 'But you're going to pay dearly or the hair, or is your skull so rock thick that you don't understand?' [i]I love this....her clan is so easy to mould into insults.[/i] he thought.
Kyu landed safely at the doors to the Healer's Hut. [i]This Ryu character is so heavy...what the hell has he been eating?![/i] he thought Kyu left Ryu with the healer and told him what had happened. 'I will alert our fighters, if there're demons around, there's going to be hell to pay....for us....' sighed the healer. Kyu rushed out of the hut and leapt into the dawn air. He always loved flying around dawn or dusk. He quickly turned and headed for where he thought Shi-su and Ayumi might be.
[i]Heh.......foolish girl.....[/i] Kyru was sitting atop Incubuzzard taking abuse from the Mountain Clan's Ancient Rider. 'You wouldn't want to [b]insult[/b] me now would you?' he called down. 'Don't move you scum! I can see right through the shroud!' shouted Bremma. 'Heh...do you [b]really[/b] think I'd fall for an old trick like that?? My grandmother could do better! And anyway, I [i]know[/i] the demons haven't a care in the world about the Darkness Clan, that's why I make them [i]pay[/i] me for getting rid of someone who's in their way. I'm a bounty hunter, not a monk. Now hand over the marble and no-one gets hurt!' There was no reply. [i]This girl is getting in my way. Already she's trying to plan something.[/i] he thought 'Okay girl, if you won't hand over the marble, I'll fight you for it.' 'Men, you heard him, ready your dragons!!!' 'No, you stupid woman! I challenge [b]YOU[/b]' he sighed, 'Why do I always end up fighting someone like her?' 'What's that supposed to mean?' she snapped. 'It means, you filthy mountain rot, that I think you are no more than the bugs that crawl under the rocks of your homes! And you are to fight me! One on one. [b]You[/b] can choose whether or not our dragons fight alongside us. And no-one from any clan is to help you!' '[i]Incu, clear the shroud, go to the open plains at the foot of the mountain. She'll follow, don't worry.[/i]' They shot to the foot of the mountain. When they came to a halt, Kyru looked out onto the horizon. Night was almost upon them. If this fight lasted any longer than about 1o minutes, the battle was his. But, there was a speck on the horizon.... [i]Shit....the [b]last[/b] thing we need is for that blasted Air Clan Rider inturrupting. No doubt he went to grab something....oh...his Clan's marble...of course. And that Bremma girl probably has hers too. She'll be harder to beat than I thought......meh...no biggy...[/i] he thought to himself. This day might be better than expected. He might have two new marbles by midnight. 'Excellent'
Name: Kyru Shrikell Nick/Code name: Gender: Male Age: 21 Description: 5'9". Has long glossy jet-black hair. Reaches his waist. His skin is albino, goth-like. He has blood red iris', but he normally wears black shades. He has a black designer suit on, but instead of the designer jacket, he has a black leather coat insead (similar to that of Morpheus'). Kyru's is usually cynical, and he likes to lean against ceiling/roof supports in the shadows at night. It makes him feel more in control. He knows the dangers of the city at night. He is mainly the dangerous one, but he doesn't abuse that. He'd rather help someone than hinder them, he just doesn't show it. Creature: Vampire - he grows wings when he changes, then they drop off about two hours later. Trigger factor: Bein made fun of and getting pissed off....when he is losing in a fight it pisses him off LOADS.
[i]Hmph....they don't know I have the Plasma Clan's marble, adding to Incu's power. He can see through his own shroud too, otherwise it'd be useless. And he has just told me what they're doing, so it's time to show them who's boss.[/i] Kyru thought smugly to himself. 'Incu, just let them know that you aren't as useless as they are.' Incubuzzard divebomed through the shroud, blasting the net to pieces before it could be assembled properly. 'Try that you fools!!! Come up with a counter-attack why don't you?' he screamed down at them.
[i]Hmph. Unknown men not permitted near lady Yuna. Kimahri does not like this. Kimahri must protect Yuna.[/i] he thought as Wakka and the strange new face walked towards them. 'Yuna must be careful...many assasin traitor Al Behd around...' 'I know Kimahri. This man seems interesting though.' [i]He can hardly be called a man...[/i]
Great detail Aros! About the RPG: If you guys want to start the RPG now, PM me, if you want to wait, just don't do anything and wait for someone else to join.
Kyru and Incu shot towards the Mountain Clan, unaware that their enemies lay ahead. It was then that the dragon riders attacked. [i]They must be getting orders from someone. To be in a formation like that...one of the Ancient Riders....what was her name? Bronny? Brum? Bremma!! She must be here! They know that I've come for the marble!![/i] the thoughts rushed through his head. 'Incu, lets make a dint in their defense. They can't defend forever, now can they?' he spoke quietly in the Darkness Clan's secret language. Incubuzzard shot huge fireballs of black flame at the defending riders. Two went down, but there were still close to a dozen left. 'You must be kidding me! Incu, I think they haven't realised how [b]dark[/b] the situation is.' The black shroud shot out in all directions.
[i]Yes! The first Clan marble is mine! The foolish man from the Plasma Clan is going to feel MUCH weaker now. As is his dragon.[/i] thought Kyru as he and Incu whipped past the lands below, heading for the next Clan. He'd found a new hobby. And others thought that collecting CARDS was fun? Not compared to collecting the Clan marbles, each Clan's source of power. The magic would dwindle down to the last spark in the Plasma Clan in no time. Kyru laughed his vampiric, triumphant laugh. If he stole, or "borrowed" each Clan's marble, he could get rid of the Ancient Riders with no problem. But, for some reason, as he approached the Mountain Clan, something tugged at the back of his mind, telling him not to do this. 'Hmph... I must be develpoing a conscience.'
OCC: Well done so far! Name: Ayuta Age: 21 Job: Assasin Weapon: Knives Appearance: She has long, silky, flowing, jetblack hair. She has albino skin. She wears a long black coat (like morpheus', only for a woman) and she wears jet black shades. Basically a goth (no offense to anyone who is a goth, hope my description meets your standards!). Bio: Ayuta was born in the dead of night. Her parents were killed by a few young cocky SeeDs the week after her birth, and she was found by a Thief and Ninja couple. She was tought to fend for herself, and soon after mastering tai-chi and several martial arts that are generally unknown, she was hired for an assasination attempt. She got rid of the target without a glitch. She is only part of a resistance group (the Shrike Sprites) because of her personal hate and frustration towards the Seed. She is cynical and harsh, but knows when to speak. And when not to. Magic: None (why would she need it?)
Kyu didn't sleep at all that night. He sat and thought about Ryu. He was badly hurt, and he had to be taken to professional help immediately. Not that he didn't trust Shi-su's methods, it's just..... [i]Even SHE was worried...[/i] he thought. He snapped out of his trance and rushed outside in a flurry of black feathers. 'I'll take him to the Elves now' he burst out of the tent, speaking to Shi-su as though he'd just discovered fire. 'Always one step ahead aren't you? Or a flap anyway,' she replied calmly, 'Take him while he's asleep. We will wait here. You'd only be about two hours right?' 'Hmm....' he thought about it. 'I think so. If I fly hard it could be less, but with another body and his wounds I'd have to fly fairly slowly...' 'Take him now anyway. He might slow us down. In fact, we'll meet you there. If we wait we could get attacked. Only two of us wouldn't last long against more Hulks like those.' 'Ok then. See you there then. Oh. And Shi-su? Try not to go too hard on Yume. She doesn't know the forest too well and can't move through it like you and I.' 'Right then. Go get him. And Godspeed to you. Ryu won't last much longer. Especially in the cold of the wind.' 'I'll keep to the height of the trees then.' was the last he said. Shi-su just nodded. They had to go now, and had no time to spare. It was lucky they hadn't been attacked by a Hulk over the night as it was.
[COLOR=red]**Final Fantasy, Damned to Hell**[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Imagine being transported from your own world to another. We've all seen it happen to Tidus in FFX, and Marsh in FF TacticsAdvance. Now imagine people from another world transporting themselves to your planets. People from another galaxy have found a way to rip time and space apart, and they've started moving from one planet to the next. Expanding their race, enslaving the peoples of the different planets.[/COLOR] This story is based on earth in the year 5098. The Sun is expanding, it has already enveloped Mercury. The race of the Bangaa (lizard-like people from FFTA) were destroyed - Mercury being inhabited by them. The seasons of Earth no longer exist, instead we have extreme heat at all times. 45 degrees Celcius is the normal Average. The inhabitants of Earth are the remnants of the Bangaa and several other races Whose planets have been taken over by the SeeD (from the far reaches of the Universe). The SeeD have found a way to transport from one planet to another, from Galaxy to Galaxy. They know a way to stop the Sun from enveloping Earth and Venus. But they want the two planets under their rule too. Earth and Venus's Governments agreed to the deal. There has been nothing but great weather and prosperity since. But last year, on the eve of the anniversary that SeeD helped the planets, they attacked us. We could do nothing to stop them, according to the "treaty". Earth and Venus fell like a stone from a cliff. There are several groups planning a rebellion. In the groups, one or two people have high ranked positions in general society, or just in the rebellion, they have specialty jobs. You are someone with a specialized job, or on the other hand, you are not. It's your choice. You can choose from the following races: * Moogle * Bangaa * Human * Ronso You can choose from the following specialty jobs: * Templar/Paladin * Assasin * Monk/Sage * Red/Blue Mage Other jobs: * Black/White Mage * Soldier * Theif/Ninja **SIGN UP FORM** Name: Age: (beween 16-30) Job: (one of the above. if you have any other ideas please PM me) Weapon: Appearance: Bio: (your character's history) Magic: ([color=red]only mages, monks/sages can use magic!!! be aware of this!! you should know the rules with magic, but they're below anyway.[/color]) **[color=royalblue]RULES FOR MAGIC[/color]** 1. Start with basic magic 2. You cannot always hit the target 3. Your enemies do not always faint/die from one hit of magic. **PS: I will post my character after the first recruitment.
Kyu had just managed to stand up when he saw Shi-su slice the head off a demon. [i]Now why didn't I think of that?[/i], he was seething with worry and fury as the other two demons attacked Shi-su. One deflected off Shinjite and decided to aim instead for Kyu. As the demon came at Kyu, his eyes hardened, his hair became a silky black colour and he leapt into the air. [i]The Magic of the Heart will help guide me through this[/i] Kyu drew his sabre, all of his wounds healing quickly to enable faster, stronger fighting. The demon saw him leap, and with equal, if not (strangely) faster speed, jumped into the air after him. The two immediately began fighting. The clashes of their weapons were distracting Shi-su and the other demon. When the demon Shi-su was fighting looked up, she took the chance to remove its torso from its legs. The demon that was clashing weapons with Kyu took a chance to quickly flit of its eyes to the carnage Shi-su had caused. Kyu was enraged that the demons had somehow found a way into the ancient elvin forest. And this rage was channelled by the Magic of the Heart to enhanse his fighting skills greatly. He began to force the demon downwards, signalling to Shi-su to sneak up underneath it. The demon was getting lower and lower to the ground. The rest would have to be up to Shi-su.
Name: Zell Age: 19 Weapon: Godhand (hehhehe ^^" ..... think of Rikku's final weapon from FF10 on both of his hands)
Omega was whacking away at the gang members when Kitty arrived, 'Bout time girly. First day's always a bummer though, so don't worry bout it. They always try and hit the newbie. Especially if it's a girl such as yourself,' said Omega in mid jab. Sometimes his words stung, he wondered what effect they'd have on Kitty. As he thought about how she'd react, she drew her sword, hacked at two gang members and swung at the others to frighten them off. 'Not bad there Kitt.' 'Newbies aren't always suckers....sorry what was your name again?' [i]Hmph, giving me some cheek, eh?[/i] thought Omega grudgingly 'It's Omega, and you might wanna watch out.' 'For what?' 'That murderous maniac coming at you from behind, with some throwing knives.' Instead of waiting for Kitty to whirl around triumphantly and show him up, Omega shot the manic man in the face, blood spurting everywhere. Everywhere being all over Kitty's clothes and neck.
Kyru disposed of another four men quickly and efficiently. Just one left. 'See? I told you I'd get rid of you all. But you didn't believe me,' taunted Kyru. 'Fine, have it as you wish. I am stronger and faster than anyone else in this clan and---' 'Really? So much stronger so that you'd become the new Ancient Rider of Plama? Heh. I don't think so. You get chosen by your Clan's oldest and wisest dragon, you don't just simply overthrow the current Rider. And anyway, I've already seen the strongest member of your Clan, Rannos, I believe his name was?' 'Y-you didn't kill him, did you?' 'Hah! Why waste time on him? I could beat him. But not while that pesky runt from the Air Clan was there blowing away the Black Shroud of Incubuzzard. Filth.' 'I will fight you for the pride of my tribe.' 'Really? Your leader had better hand over your Clan's talisman [b]now[/b] then, to save your "tribe", as you so bluntly put it, from the horror of watching their [b]second[/b] best fighter die before their eyes.' 'Never!!!' The man rushed towards Kyru, but Kyru, being the fast, efficient Darkness Clan Rider he was, was too quick for him. Kyru's whip caught the man in the cheek, tearing his skin open so all could see inside his jaw. The next hit was from Kyru's barbed, whip-like hair, which wrapped around the poor man's neck. The momentum kept Kyru's hair going around until the barb caught the man in the chin. Kyru pulled hard, snapping the man's neck. The people of the Plasma Clan just stood there, shocked so to speak. The Elder shuffled forwards, holding out a tennisball sized blackish marble. If you looked into the surface of the marble, you could see the purple and sometimes blue lightning bolts, shooting around inside. Kyru snatched it from the old man. 'I bid you all farewell. You can try to get this back, if you like. I will not hand it over without a fight though. No? I will await your feeble attempts of retrieval elswhere.' Incu moved forwards, hissing at the people of the Clan. Kyru leapt onto Incu's back in one graceful sweep.
Kyu began to stir {finally, sorry for being so long guys}. He could smell something awful, and hoped it wasn't his own decaying body. He looked up and around slowly. What he saw wasn't his dead body (thankfully) but it was Shi-Su, she was slowly tending to his wounds, getting faster all the time, she seemed to be rushing. She was deadly quiet. 'Don't speak Kyu, the demons and those tame Hulks are surrounding us, so when they reach us we'll have to fight our way out of the breeding grounds. Don't worry about Ayumi and Ryu, I told them to run off quickly and quietly, they should be fine. So long as we don't lead the demons and Hulks anywhere.' Kyu was shocked at what Shi-Su had just told him. She had told Ayumi and Ryu to run off?? By themselves?! Shi-Su saw the terror spring into his questioning eyes. 'What...' 'Umber Hulks will be all around the breeding grounds for at least a mile radius until their breeding season is over. They will be patrolling the areas day and night. What if Ayumi and Ryu run into one? They are too weak to fight, and will be too slow to run...' the actual horror of the situation was only just dawning on Kyu as he said the words.
The 10 men from the Plasma Clan stood before Kyru with their various weapons. 'Disgraceful,' he muttered, clutching his whip. 'You cannot defeat all of us! Not to our deaths!' shouted one of the men, the villagers cheered. [i]Morale raising. Pfft! Who needs it?[/i] thought Kyru, aloud he said, 'Lets just get on with it then? You can see if you were right. I'll rid this Clan of you last. Filth!' The men raised their weapons in unison, all rushing towards Kyru. But in one clean move, he unarmed them all in one clean "whack!" of his whip. He ran at the nearest man, spinning at the last moment. The momentum he had gathered sent the two barbs (the one on his whip and at the end of his whip-like hair) sinking into the man's chest. [i]One down...[/i] Kyru renched the barbs out of the dead man and flipped over the newcomer, who had rushed over to help his friend. The barbs hit him in the eye and under the chin, snapping his neck. Kyru dashed towards the next three, jumping (feet first) off the closest man's head (snapping bones and popping veins) and fists first into anothers chest. From there Kyru plucked a long but incredibly strong strand of hair and used it as substitute for garrot wire, choking two men before the hair snapped. [i]Hehehe...already five down? I hope these last few give me a better fight...[/i]
Kyru wondered what had happened. It all happened to fast. He was screaming at the kid to help Serenity, then someone came and helped her away, then they left him behind (completely ignoring him!!!). What the fu** was the world coming to?! 'Stupid dumbasses. Leaving me here like that' he grumbled. He looked around for some means of following the car that was, for some reason, now starting to blend in with the horizon. {OOC: hehehe....funny how a road in a small town can be so long huh?} Kyru saw a discarded motorbike that was (miraculously) undamaged. He ran over to it, stood it up, hopped on and started the engine (the keys were [i]also[/i] miraculously still there). He was soon on the trail of the car. But almost as soon as he locked onto the car (got it in his field of vision) it turned a corner up ahead. He quickly counted the streets to the one the car turned off on, but when he reached it, the car was nowhere to be found. [i]SHIT!!! Great! Just great! Where to now smart ass?![/i] his mind was yelling in self-conflict. Kyru didn't know why, but he decided to head for Umbrella Corp. Aparently Kris' mum worked there. Maybe she knew where he could possibly have gone? {OCC: Just letting you all know that this is back when there was a car cause I haven't posted for a while and have been ignored, sorry if I sound whiny...but whatever.}
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Bremma [/i] [B]"Not yet, I do not think.." she said softly back, watching Yuna's beautiful dance. "But in time, she will learn, hopefully on her own." Lulu said, crossing her arms and watching the Sending. "Khimari, ealrier, back on Besaid, I felt something... did you happen to noitce?" [/B][/QUOTE] 'Mmm...Kimahri notice many things. This thing you mention...it felt strange you say?' 'Yes, a strange feeling swept over me I-' 'Mmm...yes, Kimahri remember feeling strange when Yuna come out of the Chamber of Fayth' While Lulu stared at Yuna's wonderful dance, Kimahri was thinking, gazing at the morning sky. All of a sudden he lurched, a wave of pain swept through him, starting at the tip of his broken horn. He saw Yuna falter in her dance steps, and Lulu stumbled as she rushed to try and lift Kimahri. What was happening?
Kyru was heading for home, but decided to spin around and head for the Plasma Clan, for a...surprise. Kyru and Incu arrived at the Plasma Clan sooner than expected. Incubuzzard had no idea of why they were there, but he knew that his lifelong friend had something up his sleeves. People gathered in fear and hatred as the two landed. Some calling out insults, others, the smarter ones, just stood there, silent. Kyru jumped off Incu's back in one graceful clean sweep. 'Who here is the leader? Bring me to him!' he called out to the people. One of them stepped forward, an old man, as most chieftans were. 'I am chieftan, I am the leader of this Clan. What brings you, one of the Demons' allies here? You are most unwelcome here.' 'Pfft, fine, be that way. I can just, you know, rid you of some useless soldiers.' 'What do you mean?' 'Bring me your 10 best fighters. I challenge them all to a fight to the death. All at once.' 'You are a foolish man, but, I will comply to your requests.' 10 men stepped forward. Kyru drew two barbs, one for his whip-like hair, one for his long, sharp metal whip.
Kimahri watched in wonder and awe as Yuna began to dance the summonning. He had only ever seen one other human summon like this. It had been Yuna's father, who had brought the world the Calm. But Sin was back, and someone had to stop it. 'Kimahri knows he... is not to speak of it, but Yuna...she does know what will happen???' Kimahri whispered low into Lulu's ear. OOC: TAG Bremma/Duorocks17