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Kimahri woke with a start the next morning. The morning after Yuna had become a fully fledged summoner. Today she had to show the villagers that she could summon the Aeon, Valefor. Afterwards, they'd pack and head for Kilika as soon as possible. [i]Nothing can happen to Yuna, Kimahri will protect her until he dies doing so. Something felt wrong for Kimahri the day before today. We must leave the island soon. We head for Gagazet. Yuna can be safe there.[/i] he thought. 'Yuna,' he spoke soflty, shaking her from her sleep, 'Wake up. Yuna must show....people her...summonning power.' She woke dreamy eyed and happy, 'You mean the Aeon? Oh, of course.'
Kyru was knocked off Incu by a concentrated gust of wind. That stupid Air Clan Rider. Kyru fell through the air, but as he was falling, turned so his feet were facing the ground. He landed, lizard like, unscathed. [i]Turn around you FOOL!!![/i] his mind screamed at Incu, [i]Turn around and throw the barbs at them!! Show them who's boss! Teach the idiot why not to try and counter a Darkness Clan Rider's attack![/i] Incubuzzard flipped around and raced at the Air Clan Dragon. With supreme accuracy he threw the barbs at the Rider, hitting him one in the left cheek, one on his right arm, and one in his right foot. The third barb (the one that hit his foot) sank deep. The combined poisons should have been instantly fatal. Had the rider have been a normal rider. Being an Ancient Rider, the power of the Air Clan protected the rider from the poisons, but it still injured him badly. Incu blasted black flames at the Air Clan dragon, then turned around, picked up Kyru and they left for home. He'd have to attack them later. Soon. Otherwise there might be one from each Clan...
Kyu rushed through the fields, trying desperately to find Shi-su and the others. He resorted to calling out to them, but it didn't work. [i]They must be on the other side of the grounds by now[/i] thought Kyu. He was halfway across the field when there was a loud rustling in the bushes. 'Thank the Gods I've fou---' Kyu started as he turned to face the sound, but he was cut short as the fear shot through him. There were three fully grown Umber Hulks standing in front of him. Behind the Hulks were three demons with whips and energy balls conjured in their hands. [i]Wait a sec... I thought that kind of magic had long been extinguished... wait... the demon Leader!!! He claimes to have some way to use the old magic! Maybe...[/i] Kyu's worried thoughts raced through his mind. He looked closely at the floating balls of plasma. [i]Hold on...[/i] Kyu sighed in relief. They were just tricks. For a second there he had actually been worried. Still, the situation at hand [b]definitely[/b] wasn't pretty. He was the only one here, aside from the beasts ahead, and there were SIX of them!!! Kyu drew his sword and rose into the air. The demons also rose off the backs of the Hulks. All of a sudden it felt like someone had hit him square in the stomach. [i]The demons are taming the Hulks to use for war...[/i] The realisation was sickenning. He knew there was nothing to do but fight, but for some reason, his instincts told him to wait, to bide his time. He ignored those instincts, rushing into battle. The Hulks couldn't fly, so his plan was to attack the demons first, up in the air, then swoop on the Hulks until they'd had enough and left. The demons rushed at faster-than-anticipated speeds towards Kyu, their weapons drawn for the fight. He faked a dive to the ground and zoomed to the right, heading upwards. The demons flew after him, getting faster and faster. When he was around 60 feet up in the air, Kyu flipped into one of the demons, his sword in front. The demon met him with equal force and skill. It was a deadlock. The worst thing about it was that there were two more demons to go after this one. Kyu quickly kicked the demon he was fighting in the shin then drew his dagger and slashed it across the face. The demon's wounds instantly healed. 'What the f---' he was cut off by an uppercut to his chin. He was knocked unconsious, and fell through the air. Shi-su, Ryu and Ayumi were entering the Breeding Grounds below, after hearing all of the commotion. Their faces were horror stricken as they watched the one-sided fight going on above.
OCC: kekekekeke....first time I ever did a girl for an RPG. Also, most people who signed up for this RPG so far have gone as vampires, etc. I personally think that's because being "just human" is dull. Profile: Name: Auryyana Shiekue (pronounced [i]Or-ee-ana Sh-eye-kew[/i]) Race: Human/Vampire Appearance: Auryyana has jet black hair, tied back in a long, whip-like ponytail. Her eyes are a smart, shiny silver colour, but when she "turns" they become a deep, passionate red, almost crimson. She wears a black, shiny leather jacket (similar to the one Niyobi, from the Matrix, wears). Under her jacket she wears a lavender tank top. She also has black, tight leather pants. She wears shades that clip on at the nose. Height/weight: 5?7"/147 Weapons/powers/skills: Auryyana wields a metal Bo Staff, which she wields with fury and precision. When she "turns" (sorry for the continuous " "ing), she doesn't need weapons, her deadly extended fingernails (think of Lady Deathstrike from X-Men2) do all the work. She also has two shrike throwing knives in her black, shiny leather boots, and two 8mm pistols in her shoulder holsters. Bio: Auryyana was born and bred a martial artist. She didn't (and still doesn't) fit in well with Pureblood Vampires, but has always got along well with humans. She joined a ragtag band of human rebels (called the Night Slayers) who try to get rid of as many pureblood vamps as possible. They are one of the few (about 4) rebel groups, and are basically rejected from human society. Auryyana gets along well with all humans, until they find out she "believes in vampires". She is mainly trying to rid the world of pureblooded vamps because they are stuck-up pricks (in her eyes).
Omega sighed. Newbies always did this. If a gang found out about a newbie to the Night Slayers, they'd always go after the newcomer to try and get them before the Slayers did. Omega was supposed to drag the newbie into a fight to see their figthing styles, but this was getting out of hand. Already she'd been shot, and this wasn't the group he'd locked onto, there were only three here, there were another 12 somewhere else. Omega whipped out his Bo Staff and whirled it around expertly, hitting one man (the one who Pulse stabbed in the leg) with the staff twirling around so his neck snapped upwards. The remaining thug didn't want to stay around to find out what Omega did to him, so he turned and ran. Omega thought about pulling out his Sig Sauer, but his instincts told him to save the bullets for the rest of the gang, these were just the scouts. Instead he threw his Bo Staff, it almost looked like a spear or a harpoon, flying through the air like that. It sank deep into the thug's back. [i]Great,[/i] thought Omega, [i]now I'll have to clean it.[/i]
Shi-su ignored most of what Kyu had said. A lot of people did. Kyu knew it was the Aven pride in his blood, mixed with the Elven knowledge of forests, but even though he knew what the problem was, he still couldn't fix it. 'I'll go and scout the trees ahead, there is an Umber Hulk breeding ground nearby, that's probably why we were attacked by the one before. It was most likely protecting it's territory,' Kyu spoke softly to the small group. It looked like Shi-su already knew about it, by the look on her face, compared to the shocked expressions everyone else's faces held. How was it possible that Shi-su knew about the breeding grounds though? He'd have to talk with her later, maybe it was linked to her mother's pendant. He flew ahead, and sure enough, there was a small grassland area just ahead. The Umber Hulk breeding grounds. [i]Hold on a sec...[/i] Umber Hulks did like shiny objects, and didn't Shi-su say that the pendant was silver? If she did know about the breeding grounds, then surely she'd know that shiny items fascinated the Umber Hulks? Kyu hoped she wasn't planning to look for the pendant in the Hulk territory. It was breeding season, there'd be nests everywhere... Kyu quickly dived back into the forest, tracking the short, newly cut path in the undergrowth that the group had left behind them. They were nowhere to be found... The path ended at the breeding grounds... [i]Oh crap...[/i]
OCC: Okay, okay. You dont have to put a * in place of one of the letters if you're swearing, but if you're going to swear, try not to say f*** or (yes) s**t [i]Incu, Dark Boost our butts outta here! And while you're at it, spreading another Black Shroud behind us could help as well![/i] Kyru was screaming at Incubuzzard with his thoughts. The filthy, rotten Air Clan Rider had blow the shroud away. But now it really WAS night-time, naturally, it'd be hard enough for the other Clan Riders to see Kyru and Incu WITHOUT the shroud. Ha. Like they were going to reach him now. The night boosted Incu's speed twofold, and with the black shroud too? Make it threefold. A little too much for any other Clan dragons. Maybe another Darkness Dragon Rider could catch him. But no, not tonight. Kyru had equipped his barbs to his whip and whip-like hair for nothing so far. So far. If the Air Clan Rider DID catch up to him (which was most unlikely), he wouldn't stand a chance against the poisonous barbs. Just to be safe, Kyru threw a few down to Incu's tail. [i]Sorry for bothering you, but could you just hold onto those barbs, with your tail, and throw them at the Air Clan Rider if he reaches us?[/i] Incu was know throughout the Darkness Dragon Clan for his throwing skills. No matter what he held in his tail, or how fast the target was moving, he always hit his target. Kyru shouted back at the Rider chasing him, 'Don't bother trying to catch me Air Clan Rider! If you do catch me, which you most likely won't, my friend here will turn on you and your dragon and throw deadly barbs at you!' It seemed that the Rider hadn't heard the warning. Stupid fool.
Omega was sitting at the computers checking for thug hotspots. He looked around at the black spots, he was looking for the closest one. Some of his snow-white hair fell over his tanned face. He flicked it back. The flashing black spots were moving. [i]I hate it when they do that[/i] he thought. One of the spots was moving closer towards the Night Slayers' hideout. Time for some action to liven up this dull-a*s day. He grabbed his Bo Staff and ran out. He rushed into the new girl's room. It'd be a good chance for her to get some experience. He ran in and she screamed. 'We got a hotspot. C'mon kid.' and he rushed out again.
OCC: If you're going to swear, please replace a letter with a * for the sake of readers. (God I'm sounding like a parent!) The night surrounded them. But everything should have felt more...homely. Kyru turned and saw the Air Clan Rider swooping down on them at top speed. [i]Incu! NOW! BLACK SHROUD![/i] Kyru screamed his thoughts at the dead looking dragon. A wave of darkness flew from Incubuzzards wings, mouth and nostrils, surrounding them in the shroud. It continued to flow until it reached the Mountain and Plasma Riders. The Air Rider was also enveloped in the pitch black. 'Ha! Don't take on the Ancient Rider from the Darkness Dragon Clan! You should know better! It's common sense!' whispered Kyru. The shroud carried his voice, and it sounded like he was shouting inside the other Riders' heads. He leapt onto Incu's back and they lifted off. As they rose into the air, Kyru opened the pouch on his side, taking out two deadly barbs. One (for his whip) had sharp, poisonous (deadly poisonous) spikes. The other (for his whip like, tied back hair) had a paralyzing poison in its own needle-like, pinhead sized thorns. Kyru was, of course, immune to both poisonous concoctions. Incu saw through the shroud and targetted the Air Clan Rider and his dragon. [i]Blast it with your Black Fire[/i] thought Kyru. Incu unleashed a HUGE blast of deadly black fire. They swept out of the shroud and into the night. The others would have to wait.
Kimahri ran to Yuna as she stumbled. 'Yuna..is she..ok?' he thought. Kimahri was still getting used to speaking fluently. He didn't know too many words. 'Yes. I'm fine Kimahri. Thankyou.' she replied, trying to force a smile. It was plain to see that she had a lot of energy taken from her whilst praying. Kimahri didn't trust her. Yuna was strong, yes, but she was only about 16 Summers old. She was a fluent white-liar. He stayed by her as they slowly walked down the steps. He guarded her even as she slept. There were rumours of the Al Behd thieves running about. Not that they'd try to reach this island.
Kyru and Greg were fighting off one of the zombies while Kris ran off to help some other girl he saw down the street. It couldn't be Serenity, she was just on the ground nearby. Kyru turned around to check on her and got a smack in the jaw by the zombie. [i]Moral of the story is, don't look away or you get punched.[/i] he thought. Greg retalliated with 5 rounds from his pistol. How could the thing not be dead yet??? Then Kyru remembered a news program on the old Umbrella Corp. and how the zombies were unleashed last time. They could only be killed by... [i]THAT'S IT!!!![/i] he screamed in his head. Kyru leaped up and kicked the half-re-dead thing in the jaw. Then with his other foot, roundhouse kicked it the other way. He kept roundhousing on the jaw of the zombie until he heard a satisfying crunch. The zombie fell to the ground. It looked dead enough. Still, they couldn't be too sure, and Kyru didn't want to wait to find out if it was really dead or not. 'C'mon Greg! Let's go! Forget that one! Just get outta here!' Kyru shouted across the madness that was going on around them. 'Yep!' came the reply. Kyru turned to get Serenity, but she wasn't there. He looked around, and to his horror, saw that she was being attacked by yet ANOTHER zombie. She fainted. Some scared looking kid was standing there. It looked like he was going to pi*s himself. 'KID! HIT THE ZOMBIE!! DON'T LET IT HURT HER!!!' There was no reaction from the kid. 'DON'T JUST STAND THERE!! KICK IT!!!!!!!' The kid looked like he couldn't move. Kyru ran as fast as he could. OCC: God!! So action packed!!! In the movie, they didn't start fighting zombies until they got locked in. We haven't even REACHED Umbrella Corp. and we're already kicking some zombie-butt. TAG: Zhang_He or GuardianStorm
[i]Poor Shi-su[/i] thought Kyu as the small ragtag group was preparing to leave. Shi-su had lost her mother's pendant. It looked kind of like an Aven pendant, one only given to those who were highly ranked or royal. Shi-su may have been related to an Aven priestess, but you could never tell these days. What with all of the inter-racial se..... never mind. 'Listen, if you're all going to travel this forest, I'll have to go with you. I know the forest better than any of you. Well, I think so anyway. This being the Sacred Forest of my Ancestors and all. You must be careful not to harm the plants, they're filled with magic that targets all non-elven creatures. It hurts, believe me. So anyway, why were you lot here in the first place? A LOT has been happening in this forest lately and it's hard to keep up with it all.'
'Really? There's going to be a revolt against the Demons?' Kyru was questioning a middle-aged shopkeeper, who obviously cared less about his customers than a stone in his shoe. 'Yessir. Just, please, don't hurt me...' pleaded the shopkeeper. 'What makes you think I would waste my time on a maggot such as yourself? What about your poor customers? I hear they barely have the money to keep the clothes on their backs, let alone pay for this expensive junk you're selling.' 'Please, hush, sir. They don't know any better.' 'Really? Well then, I think I might rid them of the largest of their problems,' with that he snapped the shopkeeper's neck like a twig. Kyru dashed out of the store. If the rumours were true, each Clan would sent their Ancient Rider to meet with the other Clans' Riders. He wasn't going to let them get so far as to get into a group of three and two. He headed towards the Clans that would most likely join together quickly. He sped through the sky. It was getting dark. The night was his playground. On the horizon, he saw a few Dragon Riders. Most were novices, easy enough to get rid of. They'd probably fly off to protect themselves. But the two leading the group looked stronger. [i]Ahh, the Ancient Riders of Plasma and Mountain...[/i] he thought to Incubuzzard, [i]Let's see how they fare in the black of night, surrounded by your Black Shroud, my friend?[/i] He and Incu slowed down, diving low to the ground. They waited as the sun set. The other Riders wouldn't get away. It was playtime.
'Damn healers and their spells' Skyclad mumbled. Tora had his wings bound with magic. Stopping him from moving anywhere. That was a real embarrassment for an Aven. 'Look, I need to get to the Grand Lord and explain to him what we must do. If we are to go to war, he should send only his best fighters. The citizens should be kept in the city and all healers should conjure up a protective barrier to prevent harm. Let me go NOW healer,' snapped Skyclad 'Jeez! Just wondering! It's a safety hazard to be flying so fast anyway. You could have killed me. Or anyone else for that matter!' came here just as poisonous reply. 'Fine' 'Fine' She released him and he sped off at top speed again. He thought he heard her calling out for him to slow down, but he was already too far away to hear her. *********************** TAG: GuardianStorm or DragonBlood! ^^
Kyru saw Greg and Kris as they came running. His face lit up as they approached and was about to appoligise to Greg, but he saw the look of horror in their faces. That couldn't be good. He quickly, but gently, dropped Serenity to the ground. He turned, hit the thing behind him square in the chest, sending it backwards a few feet, picked Serenity up and slung her unconcious body over his shoulder and limped off as fast as he could. This day sucked. 'Thanks for coming back. Oh, and Greg, sorry about the yelling and stuff.' 'Just get the girl outta here kid. And don't let your thoughts interfere again,' replied Greg, 'Kris and I are gonna try to kill this thing, keep Serenity safe.' 'She'll be safe enough here on the ground as anywhere else in this freaky town. She's unconcious, so the things probably won't attack her.' Kyru said, preparing to help fight the weird [i]thing[/i]. 'No, just go Kyru.' 'Yeah kid, get outta here.' But he ignored them both.
Kyu whipped low over the tops of the clouds. This was his ground. Or, air, anyway. He slowly lowered himself through the clouds and took a peek at the forests whizzing past below. He saw smoke ahead, and knowing the Elves weren't stupid enough to light a fire in the middle of a forest and leave it smoking like that, he swooped down low, skimming the treetops. He was there in a matter of seconds. Kyu landed lightly in a small glade. The rich and wholesome smells of the forest seemed welcoming to him, but he knew better. As soon as he set one foot into the forest, it would be against him almost immediately. The Ancient Elves that ruled the Sacred Forest had cast a strong magic, targeting all non-elves. Kyu was still half elf, but the Forest saw the Aven in him, and the magic did it's work to stop him getting far. He drew his sword, glad he'd landed close enough to the smoke so that he wouldn't have to hack away too much foliage. His elven ears told him there were about three people in the forest just ahead of him. One sounded deeper than the others. It was a male. The others were undoubtably female. He quickly rushed forwards, keeping his sword drawn, reaching for his dagger at the same time as slashing the plants in front of him. The three turned almost instantly, but not towards him. Just then he realised that he should have focused on what was in the forest around the three hushed voices, this might be a trap, set by the demons. He risked sight and rushed forwards, ready to meet whatever was there. He turned and saw the hideous Umber Hulk, getting ready to attack. It's claws ready for it's prey's quick death. He'd have to run. And so would the others. But they weren't turning to run, they were drawing their weapons!! The dumb creatures were actually going to try and fight this thing!!! With a quick, but stupid, thought, he decided that if these people were going to beat the beast, they'd need to know where its vital organs were, for a fast, and hopefully painless (on their account) fight. He came up along side the man. Well, actually, boy. 'My name's Kyu. You've got guts going up against this beast, kid'
Name: Rah K. Shii Age: 27 Gender: Male Appearance: See attachment Weapons: Sig Sauer 8mm, two pistols, shrike throwing knives, katana (worn over shoulder) Race: Demon Extra Items: anklet with sign of death on it.
Can I just ask when we're going to start this? Don't want to sound impatient or anything, but I found that once I signed up for an RPG I had to WAIT AND WAIT AND WAIT, etc,etc. I just think maybe, start the RPG now and people will want to sign up because they don't have to wait to start! ^^
'Hmm...' Skyclad thought aloud 'What?' 'Well, the last time the lands went to war, so many Avens died. I don't want to risk it again. I think I should go and see the Grand Lord. I must tell him to send only the strongest to fight, and to get our mages and healers to stay and cast protective barriers around the city to keep our people safe.' Skyclad lept off the ground and flew at top speed towards the city center before Raven could say anything to take his mind off what he was about to ask.
Kyru was trying hard to keep up with all this. First the hit to the head, then the explosion, then the strange woman attacking the red-haired girl, and on top of that, now he was running after Kris, the gas station guy and trying to help the red-haired girl to keep up, all the while saying what seemed like a last good-bye to his girlfriend. 'Kris! Gas station dude!' he called out, 'A little help here! She's really badly hurt! She took a blow to the face! And one in the chest as well!' 'Call me Greg,' said the guy from the gas station. 'Ok!' 'Hey Kyru! I'm gonna run ahead!' called Kris 'Fine' came the quiet whisper from below Kyru's breath. No wonder the girls stopped flocking him after the treatment he had last year, he was alienating them. If he'd stayed back to help the barely concious girl, she'd be all over him when she regained her strength. Greg came over slowly, holstering both guns, 'What's the prob?' 'She CLEARLY can't keep up. Don't go running from one place to another. Everything's happening too fast. Even for ME' snapped Kyru. 'Alright! Jeez! Don't need to bite my head off you ungrateful little sh*t!' 'Shut up you low-life. No wonder you have a gun. You need it to guard yourself when you're sneaking around people's trash at night, looking for food scraps! USELESS HOBO!!!' Kyru had no control over what he was saying. The blow to the head must have been pretty big. Maybe he was just venting his anger. He never got angry at anyone. NOT AT ANYONE. Maybe his fury had built up over the past year or so. 'Sorry kid. Sorry I saved your life.' Greg stalked off. [i]What the HELL have I done!?[/i] Kyru screamed in his mind. He had started to alienate people. Pushing them away before getting to know them. Basing his opinions on rumours rather than facts. 'Sh*t!' Kyru swore at the ground. Oh well. Not much he could do now. Stuffed THAT up MAJORLY. [i]I wonder how the girl's doing? What's her name? Where's she from? How'd she get here? I've never seen her before...[/i] the thoughts were rushing through his head.
Kyu slowly landed in the centre of the Aven High Chamber. He bowed low and kept his eyes on the ground. 'So, Kyu, you return at last to your birthplace?' echoed the High Master's voice elegantly. 'Yes High Master,' Kyu spoke softly, still bowed low, eyes unmoving on the ground, 'Master, if I may give you some information about the demons?' 'Of course, of course. If it's information on the demon's then we need it or we'll never be rid of the pestilence they create.' 'Yes Master. I will start back when I was heading through the Sacred Elf Woods, to see the Elvin High Master to send your message to him. And I saw 5 demons just waltz into the forest in front of me. I followed them, being sure to keep to the ground quietly, and discovered a hideout they had managed to build under the Elves' very noses! Naturally I was curious to see what was inside, so I was sneaking up and the guards spotted me!!!' 'IMPOSSIBLE!!!' roared the High Master. 'I know, Master. The area was inescapeable, so I ended up fighting them. They went down easily enough, but they had alerted the others and I had to come tell someone. By now the hideout has either been moved, or is under heavy guard.' 'Hmph, fine. We'll just have to storm the place then.' 'Umm... Master? I'm sorry to interrupt so rudely, but on my way out, I saw two camps. One contained several peoples of different race, the other contained all humans. And there was a demon in the first camp, sharing in their food and supplies and everything! I personally think that we should send a few to investigate. I can tell you where the demons' hideout is easily enough, but the campers may have moved. I think I should go with one or two others to check out the camps.' 'Good idea my young friend,' replied the now flabbergasted High Master, 'You must go to the camping area immediately, or you'll not arrive until at least midday tomorrow. Tell the Airwing Army commander where the hideout is and leave. I trust you'll not need anyone with you. You can handle a few measley campers yourself.' 'Yes Master,' Kyu ended and left to tell the whereabouts of the hideout.
Kyru slid off Incubuzzard's back and onto the dead ground. Ah, he thought, Home at last Though most plants were dead and withered, and the ground was an unhealthy black, Kyru felt more at home here than anywhere else. There was, as usual, no one around. All having gone inside for the day to sleep. It was bright to their standards, even though the light would seem normal, to ordinary eyes. Kyru waltzed through the village, passing by the dark mounds which were considered houses in this place. He pushed through the main gate to the Demons' castle, careul to arm his mind against the nagging that would appear to eat at his sanity as soon as he touched Demon ground. The castle was more of a black mansion than anything else. It had many rooms though, enough rooms for 2000 Demons to live in. No wonder the Darkness Dragon Clan had trembled to their knees in front of the dispicable enemy and become allies. Kyru walked through to the main meeting chamber to meet with the Demon ambassador. 'And WHY exactly did I have to WASTE my time on that worthless piece of excretion?' Kyru boldly asked the ambassador, also known as Urym. 'He was taking a message to the other clans to attack you.... I mean us.' 'Really now?' 'Yes. Now here's your pay. Run along dragon rider. Your Clan will have buckets full of clean water and food by nightfall.' 'They'd better. I might go and kill something tasteful, if it's alright with you lot?' 'Fine fine fine. Just go,' Urym was barely lisening to Kyru now. As Kyru left, he was careful not to think badly of the Demons. It was rumoured that they could read minds. No one dared try to find out.
Name: Urim Kyaros Age: 21 Gender: Male Job: Jitsuka's personal body-guard and lead henchman. Appearance: Urim is a tall, well built Eurasian man, and he wears a black leather coat (similar to the one Morpheus from the Matrix wears), a black shirt and black pants that would have gone with his Visachi suit, had he not mixed and matched. He also wears a dark crimson tie and black shades. Urim has deathly white skin and equally white hair worn in a small pony tail. Weapons: Urim has many weapons consealed in various pockets and sleeves all over his body, but his main weapons are an Automatic Rifle that he slings over his back, and a Sig Sauer 9mm in his shoulder holster. Bio: Raised to be the one of the best bodyguards in both Europe and Asia, he trained in the Himalayas with his sensai. His parents died when he was young, about 11, and Jitsuka saw the deadly body guard in him. Jitsuka has raised him and had him trained so he can act to the best of his abilities when the time comes. Urim always carries an array of weapons with him, even when shopping.