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Everything posted by Otogi-san

  1. [QUOTE=soulrls]I hope this post does not count as spam. Ziggy, as far as I knew bullet for my valentine was considered a metal band, although I was listing the bands I was currently listening to and not labeling a type. There are other bands I am into that I know are metal. And as for them being emo and not rock, I was under the impression that emo had evolved from punk rock. And was therefore a form of rock. Although I could be wrong, since I found this out on the internet which is definitely not the most accurate way to find knowledge.[/QUOTE] I would say bullet for my valentine is metalcore. At least that's the impression that I get from listening to "Hand of Blood". Their sound is very similar to Killswitch Engage, who are also metalcore. And no, you're right, emo is derived from hardcore punk. It does make sense to group them under "rock", although technically it's just a generalization. I listen to black metal, death metal, power metal (only with harsh vocals), some (real) emo (see sig and avie), and occaisionaly some punk. Oh, and sometimes Jazz, if I feel like turning on the radio.
  2. I actually started playing this game yesterday. I'm already at Wonderland, so you can tell I have too much time on my hands. :animeswea So far it's been very fun. I love how all the original world music from the first game is there. Currently I've been going back and forth between rooms to stock up on moogle points. The packs at the shop are almost gone. [quote name='Sanoske_Interow']I need help in Olympus...I'm trying to beat Hades and lets just say I have a crappy deck....help...pleez??[/quote] Hades was the only boss I faced where I didn't win the first time. I'm not sure if tips constitute as spoilers, but I'll just be on the safe side for now. [spoiler]Usually at the beginning of the battle he starts stocking cards for his sleight. So I'd say put two to three lvl 0 attack cards in your deck, in a place that's quick to scroll to. Use one after he tries to use his sleight, and you'll break it. The rest of the time you just need to keep attacking him and dodging his attacks. I'd put a couple ethers in as well as potions, since it's frustrating to try and reload while he hits you.[/spoiler] Good luck! :)
  3. Otogi-san


    It's "Wii" as in "we". See [url=http://revolution.nintendo.com/][color=blue]here[/color][/url] I'm pretty disappointed in this name. I would've taken the "Nintendo GO" over it. Not to mention that preteen kids everywhere will be laughing at the fact that it sounds like "wee" (as in urinate.) -_-
  4. I've been playing DDR for about a year now, and on Heavy I can get A's on most 8 feet + songs. This is excepting Max 300 and Legend of Max (etc) . I'm not even able to finish those songs. My favorites (stepwise) have to be Tsugaru (Apple Mix), Maximizer, and Spin the Disc. I only have Max2 and Extreme, but I'm hoping to pick up Max sometime soon, since it has a ton of good songs on it. Also, I'm actually hosting a "DDR party" tomorrow night. We're hooking up the PS2 to a projector. :D It shall be grand.
  5. I too recently bought an N64. I never had one before, just played it at friend's houses, so it was nice to get used to the feel of the controller again. The only thing I don't like is that SSB cost me almost $20 to buy on Ebay. I'm currently playing the hell out of it. I also bought Pokemon Snap, but don't tell anyone.
  6. Damn Jakehammaren, you beat me to it. ;) Also, have you heard Norther's cover of The Final Countdown? It's hilariously good. I'll just list off a few, since I have schoolwork to do. Absu, Sleep Terror, Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Zombie Devourment (technically a local band, but not mainstream).
  7. [QUOTE=sakurasuka][SIZE=1]And, for the record, Green Day had never been [and never will be] pop. Green Day is Punk Rock. Just so you know. I'm only bringing this up because I know Jakehammaren would throw rocks at me if I incorrectly placed any Metal band, I've seen enough of his posts to know. Lol.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] *Throws rocks at you* Green Day is pop punk, currently. Their earlier stuff may have been punk, but I never liked them enough to bother to listen them much. If you want punk, listen to some Black Flag. I am. :) (Although their later stuff is catagorized very oddly.) I understand the point of mosh pits, but I can't say that I'd ever want to be in one myself. I try to avoid injury whenever possible. Plus, I'd rather go to a show to actually hear the band, rather than flail my arms about. ;)
  8. Otogi-san

    Heavy Metal

    I see Black Metal as a term to describe the sound of a band/genre, and nothing more. I could care less about origins, lyrical content, etc. My friend had me listen to a mix CD that had both "true" Black [i]and[/i] White/Unblack bands on it, and musically I couldn't tell the difference. I can understand where you're coming from though. I've heard that Crimson Moonlight's newest album is a mixture of Death/Black, but I don't know if it's any good. The album I have (The Covenant Progress) is Black, and it's alright. I usually have to set a certain amount of time to listen to it because the songs range from 4-6 minutes. I don't listen to a ton of different bands, but these are the black metal ones that I listen to the most: Slechtvalk, Crimson Moonlight, ...aaaarrghh...
  9. Otogi-san

    Heavy Metal

    [QUOTE] Is anyone familiar with Sletchvalk?[/QUOTE] Ooh! I bought At The Dawn Of War just a few months ago and it blew me away. The "choir" parts in the songs are so amazing. It just sounds like this one booming voice of awesomeness. My favorite songs off of it have to be Mortal Serenity and Black Raven Dead. I wish Nath had written more of the songs because I could listen to Mortal Serenity on repeat for a couple days. :animesmil Some of my favorite metal bands are: Nile, Children of Bodom (not including the last two albums), Slechtvalk, Crimson Moonlight, ...aaaarrghh... (heh), and Holy Blood. I've been trying to get into Black Metal (raw and the newish stuff) but my wallet doesn't seem to want me to. :(
  10. [QUOTE=The Newfie][COLOR=SeaGreen]Whenever I listen to Death Metal, I'm left with the impression that if they just stopped screaming into the mic they could pass it off as decent music. I really like a lot of the instrumentals and I wish they could just take out the screaming and leave it as an Instrumental-only genre... 'Da Newf Oowatanite[/COLOR][/QUOTE] You should check out [url=http://www.myspace.com/sleepterror][b]Sleep Terror[/b][/url], then. They're the only "instrumental Death Metal" band I've heard, and they sound incredible. Also, Vegan Uprise is another project by the same guys. When I first started to get into metal I was really into Cannibal Corpse. But now I just find them boring. Maybe it was that I heard at least three songs by them every time I listened to the local metal radio station. It was pretty cool that they were in Ace Ventura, though. I will continue to buy Nile's albums as long as they keep releasing them. And as long as I can scrounge up enough money to purchase them. ;) Sympathy's latest album was pretty good, even though it was only 6 tracks and 2-4 of them were already out. (PS - Slayer is not death metal.)
  11. I'm going to be listening to Nile in a few minutes on the radio. I have high expectations from hearing all your opinions on them. ;) I don't have much to add to the topic right now since I've been trying to finish most of my schoolwork up, so I haven't been able to listen to that much. Hopefully I'll find a good CD online to listen to. Just listened to some GWAR. Mmm, GWAR. :tasty:
  12. Otogi-san


    [u][URL=http://www.21deadmonkeys.com/]This[/URL][/u] comic has references to many ska bands. Y'know, being a ska comic and all.
  13. Yeah, it doesn't make much sense. Although, they [i]are[/i] conservative Christian... They have more sense than most who just go around bashing people without any idea of what they're talking about. But when it comes to this, they are very close-minded. Since [i]obviously[/i] D&D has to do with the occult.. and you can see what happens from there. Not only does most of it have nothing to do with the occult, but the DM I had didn't even take it seriously. We fought a giant pink bunny and had a boat that grew and shrank on the command, "cheese". Anyway, this is getting a bit off topic, so... Finntroll = :drool: Some of the most fun songs I've heard in a while. Words cannot describe my love for Finntroll. I've run out of adjectives. :D
  14. I'll have to show them the lyrics and see what they say. They banned me from playing D&D, which I hear the members play, so that could be a big factor in their decision. As for those bands, I've heard of most of them, and they're pretty good. I own both Norma Jean CDs, but I was dissapointed with their latest. It seems too generic. Bless the Martyr and Kiss the Child is amazing though, and I still listen to it a lot. I have Demon Hunter's new CD, but got bored with it after I found some harder stuff. I think I'll go listen to/burn Jaktens Tid now. :D Also, The Dillinger Escape Plan has some great stuff.
  15. I hadn't even heard of Parameaecium until I started taking Biology and the teacher commented that he used to listen to them. 'Twas pretty cool. For the albums you listed, I won't be able to get/listen to most of them because of my lack of money, plus my parents don't want me listening to music that isn't Christian. Which sucks, because it really trims down on what I listen to. Thanks god for [u][url=http://harderfaster666.com/]Mike Hsu[/url][/u] and the internet. I just found some of CoB's albums for download, including the Ubiquitos Absence Of Remission and Shining demos from when they were Inearthed. I'm loving it all, as you can see from my sig. I also have Opeth - Morningrise, and I'll be burning three Finntroll albums as soon as I can find another couple CD-Rs. Question: I heard that the current members of 3 Inches of Blood are Christians. Is this true? If it is (and there's some proof), it'd make it alot easier to convince my parents to let me buy their new album. Deadly Sinners is an awesome song.
  16. I just happened to be listening to Children of Bodom when I read your post, Jake. Thanks for that list, it helps alot. Although I have to point out that Parameaecium is Doom metal. Unblack, or sometimes 'White' metal, is used by some Christian Black metal bands who prefer not to use the term 'black' because -- to them -- it can imply that it has something to do with Satanism. I'm not sure I know of any bands that call themselves this, but I'd have to guess one of them is Antestor. (Actually, that was probably wrong. They had an album released by a 'Satanic' label. Oh well.)
  17. I haven't heard HIM -- except on Viva la Bam, and I forgot what they sound like-- but I heard someone say that it's, "love metal". Wait, I'll just wikipedia it. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIM_%28band%29][u]Yeah.[/u][/url] (That's a link, by the way.) That explains it. I'm sure you can find CKY on there too. 0ber0n the Neko: They all may be metal, but when people are looking for a certain sound of metal they need some term to compare a band to. Metal is just too wide a spectrum to list all the different sounding bands out there.
  18. I'm trying to get into metal more, but with the lack of people who can point me to some good bands makes it hard. I'd rather not be the person in a conversation who doesn't know anything about what others are talking about. I remember hearing a band that had the drummer from Evanescence in it, but I can't remember the style or name. I'll have to look it up on wikipedia. Also, I don't think Evanescence is really all that metal. It sounds more like plain Goth, not Gothic Metal. Of couse I could be wrong, and I probably am. Just recently I've downloaded Underoath's first two albums, and they are magnificent. The clean vocals get a little annoying because they remind me of The Changing of Times, which was horrible.
  19. Grindcore: Vomitorial Corpulence Death Metal: Sleep Terror, Morbid Angel Screamo: Sailboats, Circle Takes The Square Yep. :twitch: I'm also really digging Opeth right now.
  20. [quote name='Amorphous][color=crimson][size=1] I listen to Japanese music, but, most of it's incredibly rare and or amazingly hard to find considering that the Genre is Black Metal. I didn't even think any Black Metal Japanese bands existed for the longest time until I found the band Sigh and Sabbat. Currently my favorite Japanese song is Sigh - Infernal Cries and Sabbat - Demonic Serenade. Both bands though have.. some very well interesting themes.Sabbat more so though. [/color'][/size][/quote] I recently found out about Sabbat from a website that lists tons of Japanese metal bands. They have some incredible stuff. ([URL=http://www.geocities.co.jp/MusicStar/3240/linkjpn2.html]link[/URL]) Blood Stain Child - King of the Sacred Sword: I wish this were the full song. I'll be looking for Silence of Northern Hell while in Japan.
  21. I'm really looking toward this movie now! I only wish that they would release them in order, because The Magician's Nephew explains so much that you wouldn't understand otherwise.
  22. Heart and Soul - My sister practices this song on the piano every morning. It doesn't help that the piano is right below my room. [IMG]http://www.homestarrules.com/forum/images/smiles/scream.gif[/IMG]
  23. Look at the page before this one. We're all giving answers to the last question, it's there.
  24. I think it's Revival Slime (Jam). I think that was in the same episode (but at least in the same duel) as shadowfire's guess.
  25. Metatron, do they "issue" you your own shinai's? I have one that I got from my Japanese friend that takes kendo.
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