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Angel Rinoa

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About Angel Rinoa

  • Birthday 11/02/1986

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Profile Information

  • Biography
    I can be shy, but I'm a nice person. I have a split persoality. I kinda have a sick mind.
  • Occupation
    anything u want me 2 be!

Angel Rinoa's Achievements

New Member

New Member (1/6)



  1. U raise your rank by doing certain things and how u do them. 4 example, when u do the forest owl thing with the train, if u can do it in 1 try, your rank can go up. it all depends. It sorta rewards outstanding work.
  2. Wow! Very good. I really like the 2nd.
  3. I'd either be Aeris, Rinoa,Beatrix or Dagger. Why, because their nice, cool, pretty, are good fighters and are Kewl!!!! ps, I like Yuffie 2.
  4. u can do the same thing in ff8, when u get shiva, u can name her something that makes Ifrit say something like "They have KFC?" or "they have my dick?" ect, I did. I named some of my characters in 9. i kept Quina and freya the same. The rest r: Zidane-Geno(He's my friends boyfriend) Garnet/dagger-Monique(She's my friend and that's her nick name) vivi-mijo Eiko-idono Steiner-Michael Armarant-eh :confused: don't know what I was on. I also changed the name in ff7. u can do that with Cait Sith so it can be "My *** is the traitor?" ect oh god, me and my brother and friends were on something.
  5. No votes 4 Rinoa! she's great! oh well
  6. U can play beatrix, but u need a game shark and have 2 do a lot of stuff. But I'll go with Vivi or Garnet.
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