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Everything posted by OmegaWeapon

  1. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=3][FONT=Tahoma]Hey, i just got this game not too long ago and I am very impressed. It has good graphics, once you get enough skills-great (although easy to execute) combos. I think this is the best game Square-Enix has made (together). Has anyone else played this game?[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]The Nintendo DS sucks, sure it has good graphics, but almost every game it has on it uses one of those palm pilot pens for each game. You have to draw your way to beating the game. The pen thing isnt center of most video games but you do have to use it to like move around your characters and shoot and stuff. Most games were meant for like 4 year olds where you had to draw mario or draw pac man and eat the ghosts before they get you. All in all, the PSP looked way more impressive at the 2004 E3.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I didn't expect anyone else to reply to my post... but here you are! I don't understadnd why, but i feel as though I NEED to buy this game as soon as possible. (By the way, earlier i had rented it). This game won't leave my mind. Also... i would just lke to also state how well the voiceovers were. They were excellent, the voice of the bad guy made out of ...GAS... (or the bad concsience) his voice is so cool, he has cool and mysterious phrases that often compare him to Torque as though they think the same about murder.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]Has anyone played this game yet? I have and I thought it was excellent. It has awesome graphics, and eerie environments and sounds. The plot is a little confusing though. I personally havent beaten it, but I have seen my dad beat it. Anyway, I havent seen any posts or threads that talked about this game and I dont see why not since it is a great and long game. It is about a prisoner on death row named Torque whom witnesses all his other cell mates be murdered my strange creatures. His cell door breaks off and you are free to [attempt] an escape out of the prison. You encounter, I think, 11 types of monsters. Each one representing a type of execution. Along the way you encounter the ability to transform into a hellish monster yourself and inflict massive damage.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=Green][SIZE=2][FONT=Comic Sans MS]I need help obtaining the items necessary for the Ultima Weapon[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. I have all five of the Rave Master comic books. I have decided to collect them all when they come out one by one.
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