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Everything posted by Aros

  1. Just some testing here...nothing special.
  2. Actually DnD is not a nerdish game like most stereotypes display. It actually is very challenging if you do get into it. Also Baldurs Gate and C.O.N. dont portray good rules for jumping right into DnD, 3.5e did screw up some things, but some were for the better. Most of the games that do use ADnD rules dont calculate the stats right and attacks and other things, so Sciros I think you would have to get a DnD party going and get some experience first before going to JenCon and so forth.
  3. I was just wondering if anyone plays one of the most chalenging RPGs. If anything I would gladly carry a conversation for people that doesnt know what DnD is... I like to enlighten people. :D
  4. Aros

    Dragon Rider

    [B]Name:[/B] Gaiden Nomura [B]Age:[/B] 32 [B]Gender:[/B] Male [B]Islanders or Chaos:[/B] Chaos [B]Weapon:[/B] Greatsword and a longsword [B]Personality:[/B] Belives to be fighting for a greater cause to eradicate the vermin from the island, valiant and chivalrous to his superiors. Never backs down from a fight. Hates dragons and believes that they are plague the world with death and destruction. [B]Biography:[/B] Born in the realm of chaos and trained in the art of combat by his father Farnim Nomura. Around the end of his training he was sent to the island to defeat a dragon to finalize his training. Before he got on the boat to the island his village was attacked by a rogue group and a giant creature with a large saddle swooped over. After they left he ran to his house burnt down to the ground. Before his father had died in his arms one last word was muttered in his fathers final breath..."Dragon..." After that fateful day he vowed to avenge his father. He became a general in the chaos army. [B]Appearance:[/B] 5' 11" with a stocky figure, wears dark battle armor with spikes on the right shoulder plate. Doesnt wear a helm. Wears greaves with wings also darker colored with matching vambraces. Has his sheath for his greatsword on his back and his long sword on his side. Has short white hair.
  5. What you have to do is wail on him until he powers up, then run and refill. after that he does that dash move, during that glide around the ring and wait for him to go back to normal. Keep repeating this until he is down a little, then he should hurl those power disks at you, during that tumble until he is done. beat on him a little more, heal, and make a full frontal attack the last time. All this should get you to the end... its makes you wish for Donald's healing at that point.
  6. I would have to say that Carnage and Venom are tied for first in my book. Well they have cool names, but also they can morph their bodies to all sorts of things...I think it would be cool to be able to morph your arm into a sword or whip.
  7. Apparently i havent seen anyone say Wacky Races on this thread yet, but i watched all those good shows like Spiderman, Power Rangers, Looney Tunes, Full House, the occasional Sabrina the Teenage Witch, and a motley of other shows. Not to mention the Baseball games back in the day.
  8. I would like a Fooly Cooly Banner and Avatar, I really would like any person to try so thanks if you do post one... :)
  9. DW I hope you get 4 up soon I am sweating with intent. *sniff* It made me so happy today! THX B0)
  10. My real name is Cody Bokota I only have a few nicknames, such as follows: Pudgie- for my large postierior(friends started calling me this for no apparent reason one day) Odie-because i like dogs and i sorta look like odie from garfield..lol(my brother gave me that one) Furby-because i never seem to acknowledge someone's presence unless they are in front of me(given to me by a close friend)
  11. Actually if we didn't have school some of us might not even be on computers or on this site even. All our past experiences are what have made us today and maybe have decided if we are still alive. For all we know if there wasn't school the world would have ended years ago as we know it.
  12. "Which is worse, a dog eating mouse? Or a mouse eating dog?......I think its the dog eating mouse."
  13. Kinekumi walked in and paused waiting for Ayuta. Everyone passed and then he followed."I don't like to be first for obvious reasons" Ayuta nodded and led on.Kinekumi started singing a old song"The SeeD has come, no time to run,adorn you spears and forget the years of pardons past of time. Light the torches through and through, and fight til the end is done. Bring the calm to Brigandam and parties will appear. The time has come, so beat the drums and charge in with full force and no fear!"Ayuta put up a hand and halted the group." Whats wrong?"Maki asked.Kinekumi whispered" I think something's in the path!?!?!" OOC:Its suspense time!I made that song off the top of my head aint it cool!!!!!
  14. OOC:Im back and ready for more action after a long vacation! IC:The room was cloven with steel statues and stone halls and windows. The group walked down the hallway with Ayuta leading. Kinekumi grabbed a torch on the wall and followed. OOC:Your gonna have to update me if IM kicked out or not so PM me Inti..................I HOPE NOT FOR NOT POSTING SO LONG AGO
  15. Kinekumi thought to him self as he sat by a tree in the pathway. "why must this war go on.......well at least i get to kill things:D" Then he heard some talking up the path so he got up drew his sword tightened his grip and lo and behold!humans! "Lo over there are you rebels because if you are I will kill you!! but if your not......um.....um......you are welcome!!!" he yelled delirously and then collapsed. Then got up and saw an apple!" Its mine!!!!!!!"He dived on the apple and ate ferociosly. He got up burped and snapped to his senses. He ran over to the company cauctiously, sheathed his sword, and grabbed a stick." I am very skilled may I join you!?!?!" The group looked at him as if he just was released from an insane assylum. He paused" Allow me to introduce myself I am Kinekumi Daikomi........I have traveled here from far away, and Im hungry.:D, so can I join you?!?!?!""Im also skilled in battle..... I forgot to mention* he straightened his back* I am Leader of the Kornim Gaurd what is your arond" The group started to mumble." Thats good enough for me lets go!!!"
  16. Aros

    New Banners

    The second is kind of meant to i was trying out some new watercolor features it is alot distorted if you notice like you two did so I thank you and wish to be better THX...
  17. Breathing.... The haunting thoughts come to my head, I breathe and think of past things said, In my life I think of none, Since the more I breathe, My life is done, Past words live in balls of dread, The lifes of people and relationships shread. My time has come, To let friends die, My past has come, and I rely, on most the relations, that have died.
  18. Aros

    New Banners

    Ive done some extra stuff on this one I think it is pretty cool
  19. This is another noobie banner I made and everyone is welcome to post thiers in this forum.......hope you like it!!!!!!!!!!!!
  20. Aros

    New Banners

    This one should be a little bit more (i just added a little quote of my own)
  21. I made this new banner and i need some ideas on my first piece of work this is just a sample of my first so basically im asking for people to ctirique it
  22. Aros

    Banner Size

    hey i have had past accounts on Otaku so I dont need greeting and thank you for all the answers and !!!!!!!!!!HEY KIEKO!!!!!!!:D
  23. what are the standard sizes for banners and stuff......since that is the only thing I need to make them:D and whoever posts I thank thee:mrt:
  24. Name: Kinekumi Daikomi Age: 28 Job: Soldier Weapon: Greatsword Appearance: He has a strong muscular body with a scar down the left side of his face. He wears heavily plated torso armor with the right shoulder gaurd removed for mobility. Short-cut brown hair with unshaven stubble. His pants are a little baggy with iron knee gaurds. The bottom of the pants are tightened to look like old style arabian pants. He wears boots with steel plates on each side. His arms are fairly muscular with a steel glove and wrist gaurd on his left arm. He has no sleeves. Bio: Direct decendant of a crusader captain. He desperately wants to follow in his father's footsteps. Born close to the begining of the SeeD. He was hidden in an ancient town ruin and emerged with his uncle in later times. He carries the old sword his father passed down to him. He had learned to defend himself from a soldier. He joined the elite rank of soldiers later on in his life. The small army disbanded and vowed to protect the planet at all costs. Not quite the people person since most he met he killed. Magic: N/A I hope you liked my detail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. If I could control my life...... I would be like superman and his huge ego..*i am faster than a speeding bullet*.. you know that ego and i could make anything out of thin air such as asword and so on..... you get the picture
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