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Everything posted by Aros

  1. Most fighting games are limiting because of the constant slow stance of the fighters and it is so annoying.... at least they have the advanced placing or holding weapon thingy. So some games have plusses and minuses
  2. :toothy: why cant you kilik is pretty easy just go in practice mode and put it at the highest difficulty your sure to get better then
  3. The PSP should be close to the same price as the PS2 which will be about $150**good price** the bad thing is youll need headphones and it will easily be stealable if you do take it to any event such as school and so on. The DVD and graphics are going to be the same or better than the PS2 and the designs are iffy yet so the battery might be a little bigger than the GameBoy Adv. and SP but the life of the battery should be at least doubled or more. And the sketchs could be quite wrong for all I know. So i have shared my knowledge and I Say Adue'
  4. Ikki you arent right A true Gamer feels incomplete when a game isnt totally beaten
  5. I agree with Sephiroth Most People that play as maxi like his fluent combos but why have a combo character that does the same thing over and over( mashi button man)
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