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Everything posted by Inuyashafan418

  1. Well, people can ask me OCCASIONALLY but I get asked that frequently! @_@ I guess it's just a pet-peeve. Don't worry Sara! That was alright....Just don't ask me all the time? alright? *laughs to herself*
  2. Hello! This is just a thread in hopes someone feels the same way. I'm from a scandinavian country (pm me and I'll tell you) and I speak the language fluently. I speak it at home, so whenever I'm on my phone people think it's awesome that i'm bilingual. THEN people say, "Say something in (my language)." That annoys me. In short, are there any other people that are bilingual and sick of people asking them to "Say this" or "Say that"? If you'd like to share a funny occasion that has happened, go right ahead! :D
  3. Thanks for everyone's input! I appreciate it! Thank you! *bows* I'll find the answers eventually but for now, I'll be ok. :D
  4. Rei was walking down the streets late at night, as was her habit when she was bored. [I]What to do....What to do...Should I go look for a fight? That always makes me feel better![/I] *she laughs for a second* [I]Maybe I'll just go home...It's 11:30 anyways...All my favorite bars are closed.[/I] Then Rei turned the street corner, and then she felt as if someone was following her. She whirled around to find that noone was there. She shook it off and went into the 3rd apartment building on the left side of this dark and damp street. "Ah! It's good to be home! Although I've done nothing but drink today...I seriously need to get a job....I'm going to have to stop drinking to get the bills paid soon!" *shudder* So she went to the fridge to get something to eat, finding that nothing was there. "O well." Then she went to sit on her run-down couch to catch something on tv but she fell asleep. Rei awoke to a tall, muscular woman, wearing greek-style clothing, calling her name. "Rei....Rei Kotosuwa...I need to speak with you." said the woman "Who the H**L are you??" Rei spat at her. "I am Phoebe. I was one of the original Titans and I am a Moon Goddess." "I must be dreaming!" "This is no dream Rei. I have chosen you to carry my place here in this world. I will help and guide you along the way. You are the only one who can hear or see me. There are others who also have been chosen by other gods or goddesses. I suggest that you find them and speak with them, They'll also help you on your own personal quest." "What do you mean? I'm not on any [I]PERSONAL[/I] quests!" "Oh yes you are. I know that you long for your family....or should I say seek vengeance?" "How do you know that??" "I just do. Let me help you and I will bless you with veangence. Will you let me?" "I guess so. Come to think of it, I never went to college...but I have no money!" "I'll let you get into college. I'll make sure you won't pay for a dime, ONLY IF you accept that you are chosen by me." "Ok ok I accept it. So do I get any cool powers?" "You'll see." Then the woman disappeared. "Wait! I still have more questions!!" It didn't help. "Wow! 'Chosen to take Phoebe's place' hmm? This might be interesting..."
  5. Well, I haven't been kissed either. I dream about it. sure! There is this one guy I'm not sure if he likes me or not...but it would be nice if it was with him! ;)
  6. Whoah Solar II...that was pretty deep...And yes, wristcutter and wiccansamurai, I did mean the Religion part...My parents always drilled it into my mind that people could be offended by religion, so that's why I added that...maybe it's my subconscience working...
  7. Have you ever had a time in your life in which you question everything? I am now in that time. Some of my questions include, why was I put on this earth? What am I going to do with my life? Does he like me? lol Questions like these... I know those questions are trivial and can be answered my noone other than my Lord...(sorry if I offended anybody with that..:sweat: ) Well, anywho, have you ever had a questioning time in your life? If so, how'd you deal with it? Thanx! (OCC: I hope I'm not being to vague with this...I don't want to be yelled at! :sweat: )
  8. This poem is VERY lovely! It sort of embodies what Inuyasha must be feeling for Kogome! I too got a tear in my eye! You're a great poet! :D
  9. I sure hope I get to be accepted to do this! Name: Rei Kotosuwa Mentor: Phoebe, She was one of the original Titans, she is another Moon goddess, Her name means "Bright Moon" she has the power of Enchantment Appearance: Rei is tall and very attractive with long black hair tied loosely at the nape of her neck with a black ribbon. She wears a long leather jacket with a white tank tops and dark jeans. She also has large combat boots. She has purple eyes, that turn silver when she's mad. She also carries a large knife with her, just in case ;) Personality: Rei is very dark and angsty. She has witty remarks now and then, but it very fiesty on the battle field. She's a skilled fighter, hence the knife. Rei doesn't take anything from anybody. Background: Rei's had a rough life. Abandoned at six, living in a run-down orphanage where she had to scrounge for food everyday. She also has gotten beat up a lot, so she's become a skilled fighter. She longs to find her family someday and live happily ever after, but she doesn't ever tell anyone that.
  10. (OCC: I hope you let me in this!) Name: Minako, people normally call her Mina Gender: Female Age: she looks 16 but they really don't know Element: Water Race: Elf Normal Description: Mina has long blond, a little wavy, hair that she ties in two braids down the sides and has two streaks of black surrounding her face. (see pic) That's how she normally looks. She has Green eyes with blue specs in them. Guardian Description: She get's this long, silvery-white dress that seems to flow...like water! Her eyes go to sliver and her hair loses the black and goes a brilliant blonde, as it get's to almost as long as her dress. Bio: Mina is a pretty cheerful person who makes friends easily. She's pretty bouncy and can be quite ditzy sometimes, but when her friends are in danger, watch out! Her past is hazy...She was orphaned, quite young but won't tell anyone who her parents are or how they died. Rumor has it is that her parents are ROYALTY and they were brutally murdered...but that's just a rumor. ;) Mina will also never age, since she's an elf. Gaurdian Spirit: Natsumi...see Guardian Description for how she looks. Weapon: Mina can call Tsunamis or anything that has water to do whatever she wishes. She also has this brilliant white beam she can call on in battle, but it drains all her energy and she faints after she uses it. ***This RPG sounds cool, so pm me when you start it, ok?***
  11. (OCC: This DOES sound interesting!) Megaconglomerate CEO Name: Erin Red Company: Virgin Records Company Type: Music Label Style: Hates to lose, and will not take no for an answer. Appearance: Erin wears Armani Suits and Prada Heels, and has long Black hair and red eyes.She also has very chic glasses...As you can probably tell, Erin's VERY beautiful. She's known for her fiery temper, note her last name, "Red". P.S: I may add things later, as I get more into character...
  12. Mine's a white on white gold finish and the december stone with a sunburst...if you know what that means...I have the drama masks on one side and Strings on the other. Around the stone it says "Lutheran High." I also have my initials engraved on the inside. I payed extra for the sucker and i'm really glad I did! I wear it almost every day!
  13. Sun-Ae wondered who this "Basa" was...Who is he? Why haven't I ever seen him before?? She went back to healing the others' minor cuts and bruises. "What happened?" asked Faye. "I don't know...Ask Abby" replied Sun-Ae. Abby finally was starting to settle down. "Are you alright?" aksed Sun-Ae. "Yes..yes, i'm fine." replied Abby
  14. Ayumi found herself in a jail cell type thing, sore in her stomach from the blow, when she heard Ayuta's voice. "I'm glad you woke up, Ayumi." Ayuta taunted. "Shut up." Ayumi replied. "We jusssst need your help, little one. We know that you know how to harness the 'power'...'The Magic of the Heart'...Tell usss how." "I would never tell you, bitch." Then Ayumi got punched, giving her a shiner. "Do you want to have the sssame fate asss your mother??" Ayumi was speechless...There were so many things going on in her head, and then Ayuta brings THAT up... "Good." Ayuta said, smugly. "If you help usss...We will clear your name and you can return to your friendsss...BUT only if you give usss tell usss how you harnessss the 'Magic of the Heart', ssssound alright to you, dear?" Ayumi just started at her. "I'll give you ssssome time to think." And She was gone. [I]What should I do?? I can't go back to my friends...they probably hate me. I COULD have my name cleared...I'm sick of theiving anyways. O gods, what should I do??? [/i]
  15. (OCC: I like these turn of events!!!) They arrived in a dungeon like room...Ayumi assumed she was in some kind of a castle...It was damp and dark, except for a few torches scattered about the walls... Ayumi was shocked that this b***h knew her! [I]O crap, what am I going to do now??? I'm still weak from the last battle and my arm isn't fully healed!...Even if I could go back, they'd never trust me again...[/i] "Ssso? What'sss the matter? Do you misss your friendsss?" Ayuta taunted. "What's it to you??" Ayumi spat at her. "Fiesssty now are we? I wouldn't do that...You KNOW what happened to your mother when ssshe wasss Fiesssty.." "What??" Ayumi was atonished! Her mother had been brutally murdered when she was 11. "How did you know about that??" Ayumi screamed. "Becausssse I wasss the one that killed her." Ayuta taunted. "You sceaming little whench! I'll kill you!!!" Ayumi lunged, but was stopped short by a strong kick to the stomach, initiated by Ayuta. "If you liked that...Jussst wait what and sssee what I can do with a knife." Ayumi had to give in...At least until her strength returned.
  16. I agree with Rhys, Ooooh bare chested! lol, I think it's very nice!
  17. (OCC: sorry it took me so long..) Sun-Ae awoke to Abby laughing.. "What happened? "Sun-Ae said groggily, "Why was I knocked out?" Abby just kept laughing her little head off. "Who are you?" she asked the boy with a staff. "They call me 'basa', your friend here can probably tell you the story about what happenend later...Are you alright?" Tsubasa answered. "I'm fine...Are my friends ok?? I couldn't BEAR to think of living without them!" "I'm sure they're fine...You might want to help them wake up..." "Yes, yes, of course, i'm sorry.." Then Tsubasa and Sun-ae splashed water on everyone's faces until everyone was awake...During this, Abby was still laughing her head off.
  18. Name: Erin Goddess of : Water Side: Evil ( I can also be good if you want me to be...I'll just change the bio a bit then. ^^) Gender: Female Call name: Tsunami (how original! n_n;) Nationality: Italian Personality: She can be normally calm and witty...she loves sarcasm, but when she get's really ticked off, she can be deadly. Erin also really doesn't care about too much in her life...as long as she's alive, she's ok. Description: She has long, black hair, past her butt that she normally ties in a loose ponytail at the nape of her neck with black ribbon...She has dark brown eyes...Her face has a few scars that shows she's been fighting all her life, she's still very beautiful. She wears usually all black and a little blue. She has a black tank top with dark blue pants, also with combat boots. She has a denim jacket, but she's been seen in a leather one...She also wears leather gloves which are cut off at the finger tips. Brief Bio.: She's been fighting all her life (obviously), because her parents were crackheads so she had to fend for herself. Her parents were eventually slaughtered brutally in front of her, proving to her that love doesn't exsist. From then on she'd always been quiet, swearing revenge for her parents. Erin has since learned to be a quiet killer, most of the time her victim didn't even know she was there. God Rank: Element Goddess Abilities: (correct me if it's wrong) Erin can create enormous Tsunamis to crush her enemy.(hence the name) She can also make any water source strangle it's victim (like a rope so to speak). She can also make bubbles which can act as a barrier so her victim doesn't know what hit them. She also carries around a few daggers in her pants. She also is very fast and agile, being able to jump 20 feet from a stand still.
  19. Sun-Ae was waiting for the others to get ready...of course she was done early, as was her nature. On the inside, she was a nervous reck! [I] What will I say if a guy talks to me?? I wonder if I look alright...O! I almost forgot my locket! [/I] So she ran back to get it. [I] I really don't know why I want to wear this...I doesn't go with my outfit...I think...but I guess I just like it [/I]
  20. Thanks! I'm afraid to because I've toiled so long on it! :sweat: I'll try! Thanks again! :D
  21. OCC:I like the turn of events too! ^^ Ayumi dug inside the bag to find the herb. [I]Where is it!?!?!?[/I] Ayumi thought in frustration. "AHA! I found it!" Then she sprinkled the herb on Shi-su's wounds and stood back mentally reminding herself to thank Shi-su later for everything... It took a while before the herb worked but soon, Shi-su was a little bit better. "Oh Thank the gods!" Ayumi cried, "How are you feeling?" "Bad...How's Kyu?" Shi-su asked "He's talking to what looks to be *gasp*his twin???" Ayumi said softly so she could hear what they were saying. "Wow, they do look alike." Shi-su said "Looks can be deceiving.."Ayumi replied.
  22. Hello! This is one of my best pics I have drawn of Inuyasha characters...Enjoy! [URL=http://fanart.theotaku.com/view.php?action=get_pic&pic_id=5870]Sango[/URL] You can use constructive critism if you have anything to say, Thanks! ~Inufan 418
  23. "SHI-SU!! Wake up!!" Ayumi screamed. [I]Crap, what do I do now?!?!?[/I] Just then a tree limb came flying at her! She almost attacked it but Shi-su said not to...They DID know more about the forest than she did, so she leapt onto Shi-su to protect her, being whipped in the back hard. Ayumi winced but didn't move.[I]Maybe If I can get to Shi-su's medicine bag, I can find something to help...I guess the blades had poison on them...[/I] Just then she saw Kyu's hair get a streak of red.... "Wow, he must really be mad!" The Trees stopped swinging, Ayumi noticed, when she was by Shi-su. "Hmm? Maybe she has some kind of connection with the forest?" Ayumi pondered. Then her energy drained and her sword stopped glowing. [I]I...must...stay...awake....for Shi-su...[/I] Then she leapt for Shi-su's medcine bag just in time before she got whipped again by the tree.
  24. "I don't know about this party...I've never been around guys before..." Asked Sun-Ae timidly. "Don't worry! It'll be fun!" said Faye. [I]Are you sure about that?[/I] Sun-Ae thought. Sun-Ae finally had saved up enough money for a new skirt she'd been dying to have. It was red, Abby convinced her that red was her color. Of course it was a long skirt because she didn't like to show off her legs, being the modest dresser she was, and she also got a nice black top to go with it. Sun-Ae had always felt silly doing magic because she'd always get it backwards. [I]I'm used to getting things right! Like in my math homework! Why can't I get a simple thing like a plushie to come to life??[/I] Sun-Ae shook it out of her mind and sped off with the others to get ready for the party. "Is my hair nice?" Sun-Ae asked Faye. "You worry too much, its fine!" She answered. Then they were off.
  25. Ayumi heard Shi-su's cry [I]Oh no![/I] Ayumi SURGED with fury...then her sword REALLY glowed...It was almost blinding! She was chopping and slicing these umber hulks and a few demons too. "Kyu, Shi-su's in trouble!" Ayumi Screamed. Kyu didn't hear her. [I]Dammit![/I] (OCC: I hope I didn't offend anyone with that!) Ayumi (tried) to run through the branches, dodging bodies and demons, until she got to Shi-su. "Are you alright?...Wait a minute, stupid question. What can I do?" Ayumi said to the crumpled Shi-su. "Just...finish fighting these guys off...I'll be fine." "NO YOU ARE NOT FINE! YOU HAVE BEEN TOO NICE TO ME TO DIE NOW!!!" So Ayumi protected Shi-su from the bloodthirsty demons until she started to feel drained of energy. [I]O crap. I guess this Magic of the Heart thing doesn't last forever...[/I]
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