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Everything posted by Inuyashafan418

  1. Acutally, I don't know her at all! :sweat: Thanks for letting me correct my post! *hugs*
  2. (OCC: I love the birdboy comment!) Ayumi felt guilty as usual about not fighting... [I]But my arm is almost healed...Geez, why'd I have to get so attached to these people???[/I] So she leapt (as best she could) out of the branch, onto the lower ones where the fighting was going on and withdrew her sword. [I]I hope this 'Magic of the Heart' thing works again...I don't think I have much of a chance with these demons...[/I] She was slashing as best she could without rebreaking her arm when Shi-su noticed. "What on Earth are you doing Ayumi??" Shi-su Yelled over the fighting. "Helping, that's what." Then her sword started to glow again and she had this immense power come over her and her arm felt that it was healed. "BANZAIIIII!!!!!" Ayumi screamed as she took off a demon's head. "Whoah." Kyu whispered under his breath. So the fighting continued...
  3. Very good! That sounds great! Once I have enough people, I'll start the RPG... If anyone has any questions about the characters, just pm me, ok? Thanks! ~Inuyashafan418 P.S: Doesn't anyone like my story?? I'm just kidding...There's still plenty of time! :D P.P.S:If noone signs up by the end of the month (i.e. Dec. 31st) I will give up on this and start over...(I'm sorry if this is against the rules)
  4. I'm very sorry! I guess I didn't read the rules well enough... [B]Name:[/B] Sun-Ae [B]Age:[/B] 14 [B]Bio: (CHIBINESS)[/B] Same as my last post...(sorry for the confusion! *bows repeatedly*) [B]Appearance:[/B] Same...Like Amy with Reddish Hair and Dark Red eyes..(I'm working on a pic of her to put up here) [B]Favorite Anime/Manga:[/B] Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, and I guess you could say .hack//sign, and Hamtaro is soo immensely cute! :D [B]School:[/B] Tokyo School for Gifted Girls I feel really bad about screwing up! :sweat: Please don't gouge my eyes out with a fork! *begs for mercy* ~Inuyashafan418
  5. This is the story of a girl named Natsumi, and her quest to find her destiny. This is an orginal story of mine, not any anime that's out there, allright? Thanx! One night, she had just come home from school when she found a small group of people dressed in black with masks covering their faces, waiting for Natsumi, holding her sister, Minako (or Mina), hostage-like. "What are you doing to my sister??" Natsumi screamed. "Nothing if you cooperate with us. We need you in our world. We don't have the liberty to say at the moment, but we have our orders to come and get you and your sister and take you with us," said one woman with a staff, who appeared to be their leader, " There's a war (of sorts) about to happen and we need your help." "I'll only come with you if you don't harm my sister, ok? If you do, you don't know what's coming for ya!" "Oh yes we do. And we won't harm you or your sister, alright?" "Alright." Then they set off into the group's van and they were off. "Are you alright Mina?" asked Natsumi. "Yes I'm fine. Just a little shaken, that's all." Mina replied. After what seemed to be 2-3 hours, they were dropped off in a strange world that they had never seen before! "You on your own then. We'll come back for you when the time comes, alright?" Said the woman with the staff. "No that's not alright!! I want to know this second why we're here!!" Natsumi screamed. "Like I said, we are not at liberty to say right now. Just be patient and don't get killed." Then the van drove off and then vanished! " ' Don't get killed??' What's that supposed to mean??" Said Minako. "I don't know and I don't think I want to find out." ~~~ So, Now that you have an idea about the beginning of the story, here's what I need: Natsumi~ 17 yrs. old. She's a straight A student who also plays Piano, does ballet, and is an accomplished painter. The artsy type. She's very Mature and she feels she needs to look after her sister, Minako. Minako~ 15-16 years old. She's a goof off ( So that means whoever plays Minako has to have a few funny lines here and there), and she doesn't do well in school. Basically, she's the opposite of her sister. Sango~ (I know I stole the name but if anyone has a better one, go ahead and use it!) 19? years old. She's the angsty quick tempered one. She's a master swordswoman who has an unknown past. (I want her to be related to Arianna some how...you can have fun with it.) Arianna~ 18 years old. She's the reigning Queen of the land. She's very sad looking and mature. She's been reigning for about 3 years. Woman with staff~ You can pick her name and age. She's the leader of the small group that kidnaps Minako and Natsumi. Takes orders from Vincent. Vincent~ 18 years old. Arianna's twin who was disowned after he impragnated a girl (she had a miscarriage anyways) because he ws "inappropriate." (so he can have a slightly sick mind...Not too sick if you know what I mean...Like Miroku in Inuyasha) He's also the Bad guy... Ryou~ 16 years old. He's kind of a rag-tag kind of guy. Sloppy, lazy, and likes to eat. He's a really sweet guy who will become the most loyal of friends. He can have a bit of a temper at times... (Basically, Minako's true love for you mushy guys out there! ;) ) Kenta~ 21 years old. He's a famous warrior who's a knight in the Queen's court. He's the top seargant (sp?) so he's usually calm and mature. (Natsumi's true love ;) ) You can make up characters as we go along too. We need about 3-4 more people dressed in black. They can be male or female. ( We could use a few more guys! Sorry! ) We can have a second in command type minion to Vincent if you wish. I want this to be somewhat funny, ok? So please try! It's very much appreciated! What I need is something like this: Name: Natsumi (no last names please) Age: 17 Weapon: ?? To be found out! ;) She has a necklace which has a gem that can be of use *wink wink* (Minako doesn't have one of yet...but you can make up an appropriate one if you wish.) bio: same as above ( you can add stuff to everyone except Natsumi and Minako...Maybe I can let a little slide with Minako but she has to somewhat fit my bio for her, ok?) (in case you haven't noticed, I'm Natsumi!) You can do appearance if you want...go see my site to see what Natsumi looks like...(Click on one of my Natsumi pics) That's it! sorry it's so long! I hope you sign up! *hugs* Natsumi~me Minako~ Sango(?)~ Arianna~ Vincent~ Woman with staff (Wensi?)~ SoulsAngelWings Ryou~ Kenta~ (I'll add more charas if anyone comes up with them.)
  6. Name: Sun-Ae Age: 14 bio: She had always been neat and tidy. She never knew why. She DID know that it gave her comfort to know that everything had a place and was in that place. Sun-Ae came off as sort of ...well...weird...but as soon as you got to know her she was a loyal friend that will be there for you till the end. Appearance: Like Amy but with Reddish hair and dark red eyes Fave Manga/Anime: Inyasha and Sailor moon School: Tokyo School for Gifted Girls I'll try to get more on her bio as soon as I really get into the character, ok? Thanx! (OCC: I'm a lil late, huh?)
  7. (OCC: where'd everybody go??) The rag-tag group had been traveling for about 3 days now in some-odd direction, not knowing what exactly to do now. "Maybe we could go to where the action is." Kyu said FINALLY. "Where's that exactly?" Shi-su asked. "To the North. I know of a queen who is in possible danger, and a war is going to start soon...I can sense it." He replied. "Are we going to get Ryu soon?" Ayumi asked innocently. "Soon. I'm sure he's in good hands." Shi-su replied. So then they started north to the Queen's castle.
  8. (OCC: Is it just me and Maikiratori and Inti doing this story?? PM me please) Ayumi couldn't believe that Shi-su would have given her such a lovely gift. "Thank-you." Ayumi said. [I]What did she mean I was 'delicate yet strong?'[/I] she thought. [I]Does she know that I'm a thief?? Nah! She couldn't know that...Besides..I kind of like this no-stealing life...It's peaceful...Maybe I'll give up being a thief for a while...Let's just see where this goes..[/I]
  9. (OCC:I hate writing dialogue for other people's characters!) "I think he's going to be alright..." Kyu said to Shi-su. "good...Ayumi, are you alright?" Shi-su said to Ayumi. "huh? Oh, yes it's fine. Thanks for asking." Ayumi replied, "So what are we going to do now? We never DID decide on a place we're going to...I do know that there's a war going to happen. Maybe when can help there?...but then again, you both know the forest better than I do..." "That's right," Shi-su answered solemnly, "What ARE we going to do now?" "I don't know but we should get going soon before those demons reach us...I have been wondering why those demons domesticated those Umber Hulks...and WHY did they attack us? hmm.." Kyu replied. So the now smaller group continued their way along the the tree branches.
  10. Ayumi felt really clumsy running through the branches...Shi-su was so graceful and light footed up here and Ayumi was well...klutzy(sp?). Her arm felt better than it has been, so she assumed that it was healing well. "I'm sorry if I'm slowing us down...I'm not used to living in the forest." "Not to worry, I'll help you through it." "Thank-you." So then they continued for what seemed to be hours when the sun finally rose. "It's really beautiful up here..." Ayumi said. "It is. I love to be up here in the trees." "I wonder how Kyu and Ryu are doing?" "I bet they're fine. Kyu might be a little tired after a while from carrying Ryu...Hopefully he'll meet us half-way..." [I]I hope so too...If only I wasn't hurt....I also wonder if this 'Magic of the Heart' thing really does exist in me...it could be of use to us...and I hope Shi-su is alright...I feel like I've been a burden...[/I] she thought when she almost fell out of the trees. [I]Maybe I should concentrate on these branches....[/I]
  11. I have 8 giant schnauzers, a miniature, and 2 fat cats, both orange and dark oranges stripes with girly names. (they're both males) Fulffy and Ally...In case your wondering, my family breeds dogs! :D but I want a horse though! *laughs softly to herself*
  12. People just don't understand the sacrifice the verterans had to live with....like what Chibihorsewoman said, we also need to remember the KIAs MIAS and those who saw too much. My great grandpa died in WWII, so it comes to heart...Even though I never met him.
  13. The three friends that were left on the ground wondered about Shi-su? Why did she just crawl up the tree and just sit there? Eh, then they got over it. Ayumi help Kyu build a make-shift shelter for the night. It had started to get dark very quickly... "Are you ok, Ryu?" Ayumi asked. "I guess so...I'm just a little tired, that's all." Ryu replied "So you killed an Umber Hulk all by yourself, huh?" Kyu said, out of the blue. "Yeah, I guess so...My arm stopped hurting when my sword glowed...then I got this awesome power that helped me kill it...I still don't understand why...Could it be that 'Magic of the Heart' thing you were talking about before?" Kyu was in shock! [I]How could a simple girl talk about the "Magic of the Heart" so openly? She really must be clueless.[/I] He thought.
  14. Ayumi FINALLY got Ryu to be less groggy and then they started to fun farther and farther away from the battlescene. [I]I hope they can find us...[/I] Then, her arm started hurting again. The pain was considerably less than before her sword had glowed, but it was still noticeable. Suddenly she saw something from the sky out of the corner of her eye. It looked like Kyu and Shi-su! She pulled out her sword just in case. "What is that?" asked Ryu. "I think it's Kyu and Shi-su, but I'm not sure..." replied Ayumi, solemnly. She noticed Ryu was bleeding again. Apparantly the fall made his wounds reopen. As the figures came closer she was certain that it was Kyu and Shi-su! "Thank the gods that you're here! Are you alright?" said Ryu. Kyu replied, "Yes we are, but I think the question is, are you alright?" "My arm hurts less...You won't believe this, but my sword actually glowed! And I killed an Umber Hulk by myself!...Although, Ryu reopened his wounds. I'm sorry if you feel like we're taking advantage of you, Shi-su. Oh! I found your mother's pendant!...At least i think this is it..." Ayumi replied as she pulled out the pendant she found out of her knapsack. When she did, Ayumi couldn't read her face like she normally could...
  15. I've broken my foot too! It stinks...I had to have it during the whole summer! *grumbles* but when you get it all better, you'll be as good as new! I wish you the best of luck! *hugs*
  16. (Ryu tripped and fell while he was running away...) Ayumi shook Ryu in an attempt to wake him up...[I]Wake up! We can't wait like this...There could be Umber Hulks around![/I] she thought. Then she turned around and saw one. [I]Uh-oh[/I] Ryu had just started to stir when Ayumi screamed, "RUN!!" "What?" Ryu replied. "There's an Umber Hulk behind us!! NOW RUN!" Ryu was too groggy to run so Ayumi pulled out her sword to try to scare away the Umber Hulk...It didn't work. Suddenly, her sword started to glow! [I]What's going on with my sword?? It's never 'glowed' before...[/I] Then her arm stopped hurting! [I]Wow! This is my chance to get this thing away from us!![/I] She circled it and thrust her glowing sword in the back like she did with the last one...Apparantly that was their weak spot. It fell with a thud. Thankfully, it was smaller and it fell away from Ryu. Ryu finally woke up fully! "Whoah! How'd you do that??" he said. "I dunno, but i think we should run before more come! They could smell the blood on me, so let's go!" As they were running, Ayumi thought, [I]Why was my sword glowing?? Was this the 'Magic of the Heart'? Is Kyu right?? I'll ask him ....if I ever see him again...But now, I have to RUN![/I]
  17. Ayumi was running with Ryu away from the battle. Shi-su gave us distinct instructions to run away...But...She kicked herself mentally again for letting herself be slashed...But there was nothing she could do when she saw something shiny out of the corner of her eye...It was the pendant Shi-su was talking about! "Shi-su!" Ayumi screamed, "I found the pendant!" Shi-su was too busy with Ryu that she didn't hear Ayumi's cries. Then Ayumi thrust the pendant into her pack and ran because one of the Umber Hulks (Minus a Demon, thankfully) started to charge them! Ayumi was in GREAT pain...she felt like she was going to collapse! Then she saw Ryu trip and fall! He had been knocked uncouscious! "Oh No!" she thought.
  18. wow! Lots of people from all over the world! Thanx to everyone who responded! *hugs everyone*
  19. "What's happening here?" Ayumi asked. "Oh no...Kyu..." Ryu replied. "We HAVE to help him!" Ayumi screamed, "but Ryu and I are both injured! If only I wasn't stupid enough to let my guard down for that second I got slashed!" She mentally kicked herself. "I'm the only one that can help!" said Shi-su. Then she pulled out her weapon and yelled to Ryu and Ayumi, "Stay there and don't move! You'll get hurt even more!" Then she charged to the battle-scene. Ryu huffed, "We can't just let them get hurt....But how can we help them?" "I've got the Magic of the Heart...so Kyu says...but I don't know how to use it...I guess there's nothing we can do now," said Ayumi. "NOTHING WE CAN DO??? There HAS to be SOMETHING!!" Ryu yelled. "Whoah. You really want to help them, don't you?" "Well, yeah! Shi-su treated our wounds and Kyu scouted for us! Now they're both going to get hurt! We can't just sit here and do nothing!!!" "Well, if you're so bright, what do you think we can do?? I have a broken arm and you have some pretty nasty wounds yourself! WE CAN'T FIGHT! Face it, we're too injured to fight. Kyu and Shi-su will be fine. I know it." Then Ryu's mind was racing...[I]What can we do?? It seems like there's no hope...Hey! If we escaped the slavers, what's a few demons and Umber Hulks gonna do?[/I]
  20. I personally LOVE Pink! i've memorized her whole Mizudastood CD and i think she's really inspirational. I would have to say i like Misunderstood and 18 Wheeler as my top 2 favs...but coming in on the close 3rd is her rap song...i forget the name...but i thought that was very spiffy! :D
  21. Ayumi saw how much Shi-su fretted over her wounds and Ryu's as well. "Thank you so very much! I will be forever indebted to you. I probably would have died if you weren't there!" "Really! It wasn't a big problem. Don't worry about it." Shi-su replied. "I'm sorry about your mother's pendant. If I see anything that looks like it i'll tell you, alright?" "Sounds good to me." Then they started on their way [I]Why am I acting like a sweet little girl!?!? I'm definately not one![/I] Ayumi thought. [I]Well, I'm stuck now. I think i'm going to like these people. I'm surprised they don't know who I am! Almost every creature I run into knows what a big theif I am. Strangely, I don't want to steal from these people. I don't know why I feel so connected, but I will still keep my guard up.[/I] Her arm hurt very badly but she didn't want to show her pain. She didn't want to seem weak. She also felt she could actually trust these people! Considering she had just met them today, she wouldn't completely trust them. Not yet.
  22. I've read the mangas more than watched the animes and there are MANY instances in the mangas where Inuyasha wants to declare his love for Kogome! (THEY ARE SOOO MEANT TO BE!!! heh heh) I haven't watched many of the animes...but i think it's obvious that Kogome and Inuyasha are meant to be...(I haven't seen the epi. where Kikiyou comes back...i just read it in the manga) Kogome IS Kikiyou's reincarnation...So Kogome IS Kikiyou. (and off the topic, there are a LOT of Inuyasha and Kogome pairing fanfics...even some not PG 13 ones...if u catch my drift. ~-^)
  23. It's kind of sad how they just have kiddie shows...I used to always want to watch it because of Saior Moon! (I hate to say it but i don't like DBZ) They cut SM! I almost died! heh heh. I WOULD stay up late and get my Inuyasha fix, but I too have school in the morning. However, My friend has the mangas, so i've been stealing them from her! (Mua-ha-ha-haa) I would tape them but we only have 1 tv with the VCR and mine doesn't have it. (I still wish they would change Toonami though)
  24. wow! i didn't think that so many people would respond! YAY! thank you all for responding!...I feel special! :) ....ok i know i'm weird
  25. Hello! I was just wondering...Where's everybody from? Personally, I was born in Finland but i live in the U.S. (Wisconsin to be exact) What about you? I hope lots of people respond! Thank-you! ~Inuyashafan418 :whoops:
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