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Everything posted by Inuyashafan418
Ayumi woke up and said, "Where am i?" "Your in the Elven Forest, with us. I set your arm and you should be ok now. Just take it easy for a while." replied Shi-su. Ayumi didn't want to argue...this person helped her...without her she probably would have died..."Thank-you," Ayumi replied, "But how's the other guy that got hurt?...Was his name Ryu or something like that?" "He'll be fine too. Just rest for a little bit. We can't stay here long. Who knows what else could attack us." Shi-su replied. Ayumi nodded. She thought about what had just happened over the past day or two...1st she gets kicked out of the village...then she get's almost killed...[I]What an adventure this is going to be![/I] she thought. Then Shi-su left to see what herbs were in the area. Then she heard Ryu talk to her, "How are you feeling?" "Fine thank-you." "So what IS your name? i never learned it...or at least i forgot." "Ayumi Sato" "So where are you from?" "I'm not from anywhere you'd know" "OK then...So what brings you to the Forest?" "I got kicked out of the village" "For doing what" "No comment"
I LUV the Kai banner! Is he a chibi in that one? ...also i think they are all beautiful!
I liked Miss A's too! heh heh! I thought how she wrote it was very clever! =^-^=
Ayumi saw how the three others were fighting and at first she was terrified. Then her sense came back, she couldn't just stand there and watch them get hurt! So she charged with her sword drawn and jumped to dodge the beast that had just lurched at her...she knew a little but about Umber Hulks, but not much....she thought, [I]If only I could get behind it...Maybe I could injure it enough for all of us to take this thing down![/I] She knew that she couldn't handle this on her own...so she crept around to the back of the beast and JUMPED onto it's back thrusting her sword into it just between what she thought was the shoulder blades. [I]It can't reach me now! [/I] she thought...just then the beast reached back and flung her to the ground....she amazingly just got the wind knocked out of her with a few scratches...[I]How can this be? Ryu got hurt badly and i get by with only a scratch??[/I] Then Kyu said, "you've got the magic of the heart! i can sense it!" Ayumi was astonished when the Hulk-thing slashed her sword-arm! She went to her knees in agonizing pain, grabbing at her arm. [I]I can't let them down...i feel..."connected" to them....I HAVE TO FIGHT![/I]
umm...i go to a parochial school...so i can't really do anything...mind you, i'm not the type to get into anything illegal...so i have a dress code (they don't really enforce it that well) and we have to take religion classes...my school is chock full of preps and jocks....only a few of the people in my class are my friends...but when i'm with them, it makes the whole high school thing work! ^-^
( i don't know if i can do this or not but i'm going to anyways) Ayumi was standing before the village elders awaiting her sentence. She knew it was either death by burning at the stake or expulsion...she chose expulsion... "Ayumi Sato..." started the ugliest of the Elders, "for the crime of stealing 1,000 goats and selling them on the black market, you shall be sentenced to..." ,She feared the worst..., "..expulsion from the village. You will be sent to the Elven forest and you make continue your journey there...just don't do it again." "Thank-you" she replied...she at least had to be polite...they took her in for 3 years! Ayumi was given a raggedy knapsack with a small lunch and was given her sword back, and then she was on her way. She knew something about these forests...like not to get eaten by who-knows-what. She also knew that rogue bandits LOVED to hide in the Elven Forests..."great. just great" she thought. It was getting dark when she ran into a group of people she didnt' recognize...they were wearing raggedy clothing and were with an elf-sprite. One of the largest ones raised a rock and threatened to break her skull..."I mean no harm...really!" she replied to the man. Another one came to him and said, "That's enough. The more the merrier right? Besides, she doesn't mean harm...i can tell. By the way, my name's Ryu...and this [I]points to the elf-sprite[/I] , is Shi-su." "Pleased to meetcha!" Ayumi replied and thought to herself, "This is going to be interesting."
i LOVE languages...i'm personally bilingual in Finnish and English...i'm from Finland...so is my family...so i (at least try to) speak finnish at home! although i speak a LOT of english...:sweat: i'm in German II at my school and i love it...except for SOME people in my class...*twitch* *twitch*...but languages are cool! but if anyone's interested, go to [url]www.cord.edu/dept/clv[/url] that's a site for a summer camp for languages! i went to the finnish one for 2 years and i LOVED it! i'm gonna b a counselor someday there... but don't feel bad about German...mabe you should just try it first and THEN make judgements, ok?
hi! Name: Ayumi Sato Age: 18 Race: 1/2 human; 1/2 elf...if not 1/2 and 1/2, can i be at least human? Magic of the Heart:yes, but not sure completely if has it...she'll find out! ^ - ~ Weapon: A sword with strange markings...almost like letters...very much like a samurai sword Appearence: Blue hair with Blue Markings on face...see my site and look @ ayumi...anywho, she's caucasian and very muscular..from years of fighting... Bio.: Her past is very blurry...possibly from an acient tribe that was killed off except for her.(her markings are from them) She's had a rough life and has had to fight many years...She also has a tatoo on her arm...kinda like a cross thing...more like a plus sign with dots and squiggles around it...anywho, she's a master swordswoman...she can normally kill anything with a swipe..she also has a very short temper...usually angsty...yeah....more later...but lately a lot of weird things have been happening to her...could it be that she has the Magic of the Heart? can i still sign up??