I love writing poems and I would really like some feedback. Please don't be to harsh, I know its not the best.
Dearest One
Dearest one, I give to thee
A rose as pure as love can be
Its smell so sweet,
Its petals red
Accept it, and to me be wed
Dearest one, I give to thee
A symbol of eternity
Forever yours
Forever mine
Our love will truly be divine
Dearest one, I give to thee
My heart, my soul, the whole of me
Take it, please
This simple token
For without you love, I will be broken
I actually don't really like this poem. Its cornie and it rhymes. I especially hate the last two lines. Here's the second.
I've become accustomed to having you near
The way you smile
The way you joke
You're essential to my life
When I'm not with you
I think about you
When I am with you
I can't think
It seems so strange
Not being with you
So please stay near
I like this one more, but its not the best.