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Everything posted by Tsukina

  1. I have an idea. How about a Christmas banner with lots of snow. The text could be "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas." Just and idea.
  2. I love writing poems and I would really like some feedback. Please don't be to harsh, I know its not the best. Dearest One Dearest one, I give to thee A rose as pure as love can be Its smell so sweet, Its petals red Accept it, and to me be wed Dearest one, I give to thee A symbol of eternity Forever yours Forever mine Our love will truly be divine Dearest one, I give to thee My heart, my soul, the whole of me Take it, please This simple token For without you love, I will be broken I actually don't really like this poem. Its cornie and it rhymes. I especially hate the last two lines. Here's the second. Near I've become accustomed to having you near The way you smile The way you joke You're essential to my life When I'm not with you I think about you When I am with you I can't think It seems so strange Not being with you So please stay near I like this one more, but its not the best.
  3. Hmmm. Out of the two, I like the first better, but i'm not a big fan of either.
  4. I like the new banners. I think the second one is better. (especially with the little arrow) I'm not sure what, but there's something about the first that I don't like. It may be that I'm a very mathematical/logical person and the eye at the bottom just doesn't seem to fit.
  5. Awsome! That is the best! How did you get so good at making banners? I'll never understand it. Keep up the good job!
  6. Awsome picture! Its a little freaky...ok, very freaky, but its drawn very well. The scythe rocks, but i agree he could use a new name. My fav part are the skulls on his knees. His hair is wicked, too. I give it a 10/10.
  7. You're the best! Thank you so much. The new Tsukasa banner is cool. That expresion fits him really well and I like the effect given by the numbers.
  8. Hey Dan, I LOVE my banner. Now just one more thing. Could you change the name to Tsukina since I can't use my Tsuki account anymore. I'm sorry. I don't mean to be such a pain. I absolutely love the banner though.
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