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Everything posted by BlazinReddrgn

  1. Well I was on my computer looking around and I found this file full of anime pictures...:D But not those kinds for all of you "people" out there It had the following that I didn't know about: Sentimental Graffitti Saber Princess Monoke and Gateway keepers. So if anyone knows this could you tell me what's its about?:drunk:
  2. Hey thanks... I kinda found the mistakes out but its such a hassle to fix them so I'll just leave them there so if a real true poet like you or me =P can catch it... anyway thanks for your opinion oh yeah and the shade of green thing is the setting so yeah...
  3. Hey Xyander is the Xero songs any good? Because i would like to here those songs :D
  4. Well here's my first threa- I mean poem for this forum (hey that rhymed :D ) anyway here it is... and feel free to write your opinions!:) I look up to the sky And it looks down at me And the fact of the matter Is what it may not seem to be That you were gone And I'm just a pon(not sure if that's spelled right) In what you call a game I new it was my fault and I shouldn't be the one to blame In this relationship you call a game I don't need one more day Of you wastin me away I can't believe what you were changing me into Take all your faithlessness with you How do you expect me to know what to do When all I know is what you tell me to Sometimes I'm in disbelief I didn't know Somehow I need you to go. Well there you go... try not to be too harsh on it... it is my first poem...:toothy:
  5. Yea this is so cool my first thread:babble: haha... ummm.... what to talk about... Anyone here a fan of Linkin Park? Because I am... huge fan I basicly (never knew how to spell that wor:p ) know ever single song AND lyrics for it... but I'm not like a crzed stalker or something like that... Anyway please tell me your opinion on this (cool) group!
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