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Everything posted by Emcew

  1. Hehe, finally I found it... Go Dark Togetic!!! use metronome!! *after using Metronome ( I know I can't spell....) a mighty Fire Blast comes out*
  2. umm... isn't there supposed to be a new forum... cause if there is... I can't find it
  3. Hey to even out them teams, I think I'll join under the Rockets, k? Name: Emcew Side: Rockets Age: 14 Pokemon: "Dark" Togetic Is that ok? Plus my Togetic is a black instead of the Normal white colour. Is that ok???
  4. Umm... What happens if we don't get out of the city.... Or for some odd other reason one of them does also?
  5. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    Hmm... I thought everyone signed up...
  6. (( Sorry guys I've been away from my computer for a while, but I'm back now)) *As more zombies come crahsing throught different doors a guy in green t-shirt and jeans comes running through and starts blasting the zombies like crazy* Brand- TAKE THAT!!! HAHAHA DIE YOU BLOOD SUCKERS!! *While Brand shoots most of the zombies more start comming through other doors* Brand- I CAN'T TAKE THEM MYSELF!! I NEED HELP. DON'T JUST STAND THERE GAPING!!! START SHOOTING!! ((ok, no more caps guys don't worry))
  7. now we wait for everyone else to post
  8. Go to the origional one.... Then read my post
  9. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    Mostly.. But your a little late.... HURRY UP
  10. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=3908]Here is the Link to the new board[/URL]
  11. Ok, this is for all the people that posted in the Resident Evil RP thread... This is all the People that went: [u]Username...................................Charecter Name[/u] SS Trunks...................................Craig Single H...................................Murdoc safer cloud...................................Gene Amada Krillin6913...................................Chris Redfield Emcew...................................Brand Dark...................................Josh Zero...................................Kevin MischiefLink...................................Eco I think that's it....
  12. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    Ok, I think I'll start it
  13. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    Soon.. I want to wait a little longer....
  14. I don't know what it auctually means in english bu tlike every one says... Jin... I dunno, I'll ask a Jappanese( teacher what it means in english...
  15. Didn't you read mine?? i got this info off the auctual site and if they did something htat was a lie than they can get sued for fraud.... I think....
  16. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    OK, I'll kind of let other ppl protect me hehe:)
  17. What's Funny is that they made the Origional series more of a comedy that what DBZ is like
  18. Ok, I'm not sure if someone's already posted this but....
  19. Well, I collect teh Dragonball Z cards and on a card it says *gettign card out* "The Earth's Dragon was once killed by Piccolo" Now I'm not sure it that's the Good Piccolco or the Evil Piccolo. If People go to [url]www.dbzcardgame.com[/url] and look up Earth Dragonball 1 and look at the bottom you will see that.
  20. I'm thinking you mean King Piccolo... Not the Piccolo of DBZ
  21. Ok, I like Nappa cuz he has that "Bald look" I think that it takes alot of guts to have a "Bald" look, hehe
  22. ok, I think your wrong because the colour of the Oozaro is always black.. I think....
  23. Ok, just a thought... But has anyone even seen a Tomahawk or Todd Dunbine n e way??
  24. Emcew

    Resident Evil RP

    So, is everyone ready?
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